179780 orisinal to City Clerk 17 780 . .. CITY OF ST. me l File No. Y'W9'8P--By J'rank I) OFFICE OF THE CITY f `'em-r CO. NCIL RESOLUTION—GEI e ma lo,z " authorized to PRESENTED BY �/ and Associates,Incorp Cts COMMISSIONE % / P/Ageri��� .t� and Engineers•as Cane _ for the purpose o!making t preiimin a;y sttr,teya a alt other iit! k for the Hattie Creek 1 2^4 71..g' s, known as RESOLVED, tia the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to employ Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Incorporated, Architects and Engineers, as Consulting Engineers, for the purpose of making the pre- liminary engineering surveys and all other engineering work for the Battle Creek Trunk Sewer and Branches, known as Project Number S E 5, aiding the City Engineer in all things pertaining to such engineering surveys and plans, such employment being requested by the Commissioner of Public Works, compensation for the Preliminary Survey to be $20,000, and for the working plans and specifications, compensation shall be 4 - 1/4 % for the first million dollars and 3 - 3/4 % for any additional cost in excess of one million dollars, both of the aforementioned fees to be paid out of Bond Fund Number 210, Preliminary Engineering, All Projects. p 2 61959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays 2 619 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli • Mbrtinson Tn Favor / vor Peterson (� Mayor u ,. J Against Mr.President, Dillon _ :LISHED .:29-4—‘, SM 6-86 2 _7! 8 Duplicate to Printer )7 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Na FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF REDDLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to employ Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Incorporated, Architects and 17:ivineere, as Consultink. Engineers, for the purpose of making the pre- liminary engineering surveys and all other engineering work for the Battle Creek Trunk Sewer and Branches, known as Project Number 5 E 5, aiding the City Engineer in all things pertaining to such engineering surveys and ',plans, such employment being requested by the Commissioner of Public Works compensation for the Preliminary Survey to be 020,000, and for the working plans and specifications, compensation shall be 4 - 1/4 % for the first million dollars and .3 - 3/4 for any additional cost in excess of one million dollars, both of the aforementioned fees to be paid out of Bond Fund Number 210, Preliminary Engineering, All Projects. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays - DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen -- Against Mr. President, Dillon 6-56 0 2