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Council File No. 17 731 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN Fns N°•1797 whereas, A.,written f the making of the fonowint $4t, and viz.: Open atid tRe , ettid ea o�f PRELIMINARY ORDER. tiedof ��g, it in �,iatii-Ni7114 ^-01 the P•euth The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.; Open and extend the proposed_Seamer Street to a width of 80 ft. by taking and condemning the following described parcel of land : A parcel of land 80 ft in width in the South 112 of the PI 1/4 and.the North 1/2 of the SW , Sec. 27, T ><, 11 23W, the center line of which is described as follows: Coaiencing,for the purpose of establishing the yoint<'got.begi u4 g1 eh the East line of Snelling Avenue as described.in' the apenisrg° of Sehreeter . thence easterly on a straight line making an angle of with the east line of Snelling Avenues a distance of 94 ft. to a point; thence on a straight line that mites an angle to the right of 3°26* a distance of 400.72 ft. to a point; thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the lgt. qf rut a ditir e. of 884.20 ft. to a point; thence on a straight line that saheb :awe to-the` ht`"of 90 a distance of SO ft. to a poiz}t which is the point of beginansi thence southerly on the said previous line pradiced"a distance• of'08.0 ft. to the end of opening. Open and extend-the proposed seamier street to-a._ir`].atl3..c3f--8E3--Zt: .by-Wring and __ condemning the following described parcel of land : A;parcel of land 80 ft. in width in the South 1/2 of the NW 1/4 and the North 1/2 of the SW 1/I, Sec. 27, 1%'2911, 11 .23W, the center line of which is described as follows: Coamencing,for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, on the East line of-.Snelling ,Avenue as described in the opening of.$4bxo.d,r... Drive; thence easterly ©ri a straight line making an angle of with the east line of Snelling Avenue" a distance 'of 94.ft, to a'point; thence on a`straight lam'that askew an angle to tbe right et )°20 a dishes' of 4Q0.72-.ti, to a point;' thence on a 'W t line that makes an angle to, the left of 2°17' a distance of 884.20 ft. to a point; thence on a straight file that makes an angle to the right of 90°a distance of 50 ft. to a point which 'le the point of Writhing; thence southerly on the said `previo s line p odn ed,a,diatanee.of 9284•04t*,to the end of opeaning ✓y� YEAS NAYS sEp 2 51956 Councilman Moon= neCourcy RZNOVISPCXX Approved HOLLAND ` MARZITELLI MORTINSON NSON J) PETERSON MR. PRESIDENT DILLON PUS SHED �+ �� Mayor. 3000 7-54 ® �' y