179751 _ iriginal to City Clerk ' 119751. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN R •O I•N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�Y' M c • u D" s e t# // , �� DATF September 25, 1956 WHEREAS the term of Lyle W. Hines as a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Saint Paul expired on September 15, 1956, now therefore be it RESOLVED that Lyle W. Hines be and he is hereby reappointed a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Saint Paul for the five-year term expiring September 15, 1961. Council File No. 179731—By joieph Dillon, mayor— Whereas a'np terax of '� 8#1tiM1a as a memle ett tt;e aMd i development Authoilty " 1 expired on 8eptm`nber ,, now therefore be it I Resolved,That Lyle.W Aimee be we he is hereby reappoint 1 a member t1.1 thorityo erm ay imt tAdx by a b nu b* 25, September 23, 118: (September 29, 1950 SEP 2 61956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 7ojlaurcy S Er' 2 5 1956 nd f Approved 195- / arzitelli J cm %AA / I _ ortinson Tn Favor . /Peterson Mayor 1gainst President, Dillon S■ G-.ri^u 2 ..... . .. , . . . .• i ...' ,,,, , . . , -..... .. „.. COPY FOR HOUSING e9' REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CERTIFICALT OF APr'OINTMENT TO THE HOUSING AND REMVELOPNENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, i'lINNESOTA . • . . •..• •• • • ---- WNEAS the term of Lyle W. Hines as a member of the llousin17 and edevelopment Authority of the City. of Saint l'aui. , e.l.pires on September 15, 19,Y), 17:0W, THEaZFORE, pursuant to the provisions of the Lunicipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Chapter 487, Laws of lannesota of 1947, Article 2, Subdivision 6, and by virtue of my office as Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, I hereby reappoint Lyle .'i.c.. Hines o Saint Paul, Minnesota, to serve as Commissioner of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sint -2(.11.11, Minnesota, for the period from September 17, 19560 to September 15, 1961. 17: ,OLTN7ESS• '?..1.1ETIEOP 1 have hereunto signed my name as Mayor of. the City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota, and caused the official Corporate Seal of the said City to be ipressed hercon this 25th day of September in the yer of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and fifty Si-.7.,:. . _ • f , • JOSEPH E. DILLON Mayor . . (:13'EAL) ••••,-----.. - . •• . . . ,;,,•.... .. , •,••- • .... . . .... _ . _ . .. , .. • . • • . -.,,,.'