179724 C T. H F11e Se 379724—.Br �� R.Robert P. e elri ,i� ATfni6ti 724 Rom�Peterson—; Original to City Clerk Resolved, 'Met lace s.. \CIL 4 CITY OF by the ppee ,, r Ati NO. tacked to resolutirst'bet and the OFFICE OF TH gg° LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTI `ryl�tenr,i the ' G.- COMM SSIONE '�/ —A.../ lf ATF September 25. 1956 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Wayne L. Wilhelm 2471 W. Seventh T.V, Master App.10289 New Old Loc. " " 2 Repairman n n n n n Sidney Lasky 2048 Marshall Grocery " 10744 " " I N n Butcher n n n n n " " Off Sale Malt n n It n " " Cigarette n n n " N Mrs. Almere Schneider 568 Holly Rest Home " 11716 " " " Lady H. Augustine 1044 iglehart Restaurant " 12133 if " W Sam & Carl Baglio 537 Jackson Foods M.D.P.W. " 12330 " New " " " 2 Veh. n n n II U Benjamin Westberg 254 N. Fairview Grocery " 12428 " Old " " 'I Off Sale Malt " " " " " " II Cigarette " II It II n Schaeller Carpenter Inc. 1985 Ford Pkwy. Gen.Auto Rep.Gar. " 12527 " New " Donald D. Hanson 97 E. Isabel Cig. V.M. Oper. " 12530 " Old " St. Paul Goodwill Industries 509 Sibley Cigarette " 12634 " New " A.B.O. Vending Corp. 21 W. Seventh Confectionery " 12637 " Old " " " Cigarette " H „ n I Wm. J. Dunnigan Jr. & Chas. M. Geary 717 S. Cleveland Gen.Auto Rep.Gar. " 12654 " New " Church of St. Francis DeSales 426 S. Osceola Cigarette " 12678 " Old n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 551 6-56 40402 Original to City Clerk 179724 CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 2 September COMMISSIONER DATE P 25, 1956 PAGE 2: Midwest Photo Service Inc. 169 E. Sixth Photographer App.12697 New Old Loc. Poole Transfer Inc. 2410 Wycliff Cigarette " 12705 " " " New St. Francis Hotel Corp. 7-9 W. Seventh Cigarette " 12711 " " II B. R. Boyd 2+10 Wycliff Fdstf. V.M. Loc. " 12719 " " " Marvin W. Fortney & Norman Brausen 2005 Ford Pkwy. Gen.Auto Rep.Gar. " 12723 " New " SEP 251 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays SEP 2 5 1q56 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson 111, Mayor °Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED SM 6-56 a,M3o2