179593 • Original to City Clerk • CITY 0� � °` V =sy � 'uNCU E )593 Into t!d has • OF ICE OF T «'las n to > COON RESOLUTI ►* �' ° be Stbhty awl St. , CO PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER the I „ale 1,...44..tvsk,,T4Rimertorateragten,rr' WHEREAS, Downtown Incorporated has requested and recommended to the Traffic Committee that mid-block bus stops be installed on Seventh Street between Sibley and St. Peter Streets; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee in its meeting of August 13, considered the aforementioned request and concurred in the recommendation of Downtown Incorporated, and has recommended to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that such mid-block stops be installed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the recommendation of its Traffic Committee and pursuant to the provisions of its Traffic Ordinance No . 7881 of the City of Saint Paul, as amended, the proper City Officers are hereby instructed and directed to install mid-block bus stops on Seventh Street between Sibley and St. Peter Streets, as indicated on the attached plan which is hereafter to be filed as a permanent record in the office of City Clerk, said bus stops to be placed in effect and operation after September 20, 1956. SEP 12 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays sl'P 6 � � 195 DeCourcy Holland prove• 195— Marzitelli / d� Mortinson In Favor ,1a.. Peterson Mayor Rosen gainst Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED 7—/S--S 6, 5M 6.56 4002 Duplicate to Printer 79593 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHERAS, Downtown Incorporated has requested and recommenu.ed to the Traffic Committee that mid-block bus stops be installed on Seventh Street between Sibley and St . Peter Streets; and li ;REAS, the Tr:ffic Committee in its meetin of August 15, consioered the aforementioned re,luet and concurred in Mac; recommendation of Downtown Incorporated, and has recom'acncaed to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that such Aid-oluck stops be installed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the recommendation of its Traffic Committee and pursuent to the Jrovisions of its Traffic Ordinance No . 7881 of the City of Saint Paul, as ameneed, the proper City Officers are hereby instructed and directed to install mid-block bus [tops on Seventh Street between Sibley and. St. Peter Streets, as indicated on the attached plan which is hereafter to be filed as a permanent record in the office of City Cler4:, said bus stops to be placed in effect and operation after September 20, 19A. SEP 12 MC) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy P Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ) Against Mr. President, Dillon M 6-56 ,m4EEN2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN 386 City Hall and Court House j Hy�1C ouncil Recorder St. Paul 2, Minnesota • • September 6, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance or resolution as the case may be providing for mid-block bus stops on Seventh St. between Sibley and St. Peter Sts., commencing Sept. 20, 1956, as more fully set out in the attached letter of Edwin F. Jones. Very truly yRi s, (II City Clerk ~' RECEIVED SEP 7 CORPORATION COUNSEL CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA BUREAU OF WATER ,» ,,ii ,1 "' OF �4 ' �' l LEONARD N. THCSKFSON y ,, ,,. a c t t: yes c 4 i EN<RAL N OE 8 0t % Ei 4,,,,;,, a +EE" at 11 '� f... afl - •$•.1 '• A '" i t • ...... ' e a ' t . 6. °Atd u Y ".s d j �, OIRAL TESTING ~ LABOIi 1 i 41 2 RC*OR , a a A4 ' r.-^ s' T"r LuI3T I{ES S� L a t ei K a i T ` t 4,s ° ` r5 $f'$ ygjH"BUREAU . ' a •"'..." ; ` "'t 01.141 . 1 o i • i i f' - '4'1 .s.• .a . t,,, iIS tY to — Vitt -=-4,-, 41, ti _114, t, r,i f 3� w «R � rr .,, ._ . " . ,:aI DRIVER, issioner 6 F 1 o St INT k is' 'WHERE GOOD BUSINESS COM ,-. ;, 4 D LIVING September 4, 1956 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Utilities City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Traffic Committee on August 13, 1956, the request of Downtown Incorporated for mid-block stops on Seventh Street between Sibley and St. Peter was endorsed and referred back to the Department of Public Utilities. The plan for mid-block stops as originally proposed embodied skip stops as well but as approved by Downtown Incorporated, there was only one block in this area in which the stops were omitted. I have conferred with the Traffic Engineering Department and representatives of the company, and we have agreed that it would be desirable from the standpoint of uniformity to establish mid-block stops in the entire distance between Jackson and St. Peter Street as indicated on the attached plan. Downtown Incorporated is planning on having the opening date for this change made on September 20th, and arrangements have been made with the company and the Traffic Department for appropriate signs. I do not know just what steps have been taken with respect to publicity. Yo s very truly, di Edwin Fes:J s � Utilities Engine (:)) - EFJ:ew 00 it Rik-, , , / Dz,