179548 . .. 179548 548 • COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Frontenac Place from Curfew St. to Eustis St., !Council File No 179548- In the matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Frontenac Place f!r�ypaann Curfew St. to ty, tinder PIe- liminary Order 17889, approved July 17, 1988. A public bearing having been had upon the\above r•Mr -proven [R upor . ahoy', under Preliminary Order 178799 approved July 17, 1956 ' Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Frontenac Place from Curfew St. to Eustis St., • and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SCE'' / , 4958__ (1.?:::-.)...ot . SEP 11 1956 City Clerk. Approved PUBLISHED,--Zcz_.S-- , F '....../C: 1-‘1-- 1 -9 2,...,--(--- -a-v-I.-- ; , ) ile 55756 7,- Acting Mayor. 1 Councilman OURCY r, ,Councilman i LAND �' Councilman /�„�q ZITELU r� Councilman �„�tSaTiNSON �� Councilman OSEN c r r 111111111311MIM c (Peterson) f#4 ?�� , Itt.Vice It N.n ( 1 f rn ` , 9- /y� 2-55 2M 2 (rn,Gy`;� d u — , CITY OF ST. PAUL • , , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 179196 . . • . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (E) , 17 548 In the matter of , the construction of a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Frontenac Place from Curfew Street to Eustis Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 17, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is (extra -work- at-extra cost) - $ 0.b.6 per sq. ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1-•--' •---+ II Land B.1111 din gs , fl , 1 Desnoyer Park 18 ; 16, do , i! " 700. Lot 19 and except NW'ly i r 20 16. do II 700. Lot 21 & NW'ly * of 20 16 do 1, 425. 300. i 1 Lot 22 & East i of 23 16; do 11 525. 1! , 1 Lot 214 & West i of 23 16 do ii 525. 1 . , Lot 25 & Easterly 10 ft. of 26 16; do II 45o. 14750. Ex. SEily 10 ft.; part of Lot 26 SEIlly Of a .1 1: : line from a point on N'ly line of & 10 ft. SElly- !! from NW cor thereof to a point on Si'ly line Of & t I i ! 13.7 ft, SElly from SW cor of : 26 16 do 1! 175. ! 1 II II ; — -IL I 1 CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D . , CITY OF ST. PAUL , . •. , - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanCrL 1l.nge j Desnoyer Park 1 11 Part of Lot 26 NW'ly of a line frc, a ii point on N ly line of & 10 ft. SE y i; ;) from NW cor thereof to a point on 'ly Ii line of and 13.7 ft. SE'ly from S ! cor II I of said Lot 26 and all of 27 16 do + 425. 4750. 28 16 do 11 350. i1 ■ Ii Lot 29 & SE'ly 10 ft. of 30 16 do 111 425. 5000. l i SE'ly 10 ft. of Lot 31 and ex. II SE'ly 10 ft.; 30 = 16 do 'I 475. 4500. if SE'ly 21.8 ft. of Lot 32 & ex. ! Ii I SE'ly 10 ft.; 31 16 do i! 475. 4500. ii ; Ex. SE'ly 21.8 ft.; 32 , 16 do }, 175. • i 1 If i; ; ► 11 • I l I } 1 I� I, i i 1 . ;I . I it ! ; tl ii 1 II . i is4425. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 14, 19 56 /i 1.r4. /..1 4 Form B B �� Commissioner of Fin, . • , , * . . , .• • . 1 r . 3 2- :y ' ,,. , ,•. e, �oti f� f St. Paul, Minn. t-•"/ i C�r-"te-41 61 19(�✓ • To The Honorable,The Council, City of.St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: a: D ,72e, , 7-1-7, .7 / tiv. Ave. from eu" . ' `i St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION / PART OF /O;■JC, ' - - ''r/.SOFTAND ;Z: 7 /6' DEs,vaYr R PARE! d / 6O FEET W r. : R.(' LoT-Z 3 n.� sS 1i ANDAcC1y /� e 'er_/�,_ ^ ', f i • J i li C _t r�(� ' /�.; ' Z.-�IOFEET 6 EAST �e FT / c0 " ANP i / R•Cr.�.. ? :'a-f' ,S20,--P-7-1--q...14-e—v.-/So FT. pct if SQ fr. /Ofr&or3D W.ioFT of 4'/ ' / i!' LOT ad" AOIP /- / soAT. Z. ( . i _____A_-e-"-tee,,t_e, ., Lip Gt/ - ,y�.e�._.�., �.��. 1 A - .�- -_�� a-tra ,,,,.,---7, ,,,,, ......„.. 4. ..,„,, ~ ►ECEtVE0 _ 7 .r�_ rt--c-I- A-?7 ,,, .fer;f:?Z,-,k_ mi A FIi 9 'I bbo ‘,:c G�� " ,‘ i.ii',ANCIC' 4iii-,:f--3 21/Le, .,--0.-4t--/--. _ at Zl A 611 11-62 ' 2 REC1J APR 6 1956 (2e.,04,r-let) 1149",/ Date____Wf 6. 1956 ---*- - • *-- 4' ' • - . . . .. ADDITION 0}-12- 17 ADDITION , .... - • DELINQUENT TAXES DEJANQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • 2111119611d ../..'" Desnoser Park 18-32 16 • . . , .. .., ___ s No delinceent tames — 0111 1141Pter 06 -- 41onet purchaser fro. State GC Minnesota Lar—ig ___ — — Total frontage 627.9 feet 514pie4 mord thew ' 300.00 foot WO ... • III . .. . - . ..... t ' — r--...‘ — --------- .-- __J__ • , — ---1.-- • o , 4f.r4g PETITION y Frontenac - Curfew to Eustis eJ t+u Ti4 5►p E OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 19th. , 19 56. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 178729 approved July 17th. 19_ 6 , relative to the construction of It monolithic_ gongrete gide.y lk qn the south, side of Fro. - . - .. - • - - t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is X necessary and (or) desirable. sq. ft. for mono. conc. walk I " thick. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ oJ16 ppr / , and the total cost thereof Extra work (Excay., fill, conc. rem'd, root cutting= drive crossings, etc.) at extra cost. is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is X asked for upon petition of three or more (14, owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.A ,, / > 4/ , ..• 0 01114% ilif.c.•.d.. 'I Oa''.- ECEN E.0 Commissioner of •E•lic Works. 7 JUL 201956 ow LEVI". Of c, r 01 ,,,,.... '4 - ib`j Ci\> 0 '' . 4 February 26, 1957 St. Paul City Council City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the approved proposal to construct a public sidewalk on the inhabited part of the west side of Frontenac Place north of Eustis Street be reconsidered and rejected. Since the date of the sidewalk hearing, a proposal to construct concrete curbing on the same street was disapproved by the council because of undesirable subsoil conditions. We believe that the same subsoil conditions are influential to the deterioration of sidewalks. In the light of this situation it should be consistent to similarly reject the proposal to construct concrete sidewalk on this property. Respectfully, 60:Z/Lte _l oir / -S'/Q �t5-rt-g �c VC 411 FRON reolc P(, f Pew ' d &tick) "tl 1,2e 539 . 440��afcp 4°. Q a � /_ t-2 /1/c2:62/-:)__-z-e 06/NER Col-per S t, 5 9L/-7/-vy, 71zgc,L � 1. 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