10-399� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � )epartmenNOffice/Councii: Date Initiated: �� ✓� � � MO 16MAR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3102717 Contact Person 8 Phone: Bob Hume 266-851$ Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION � I i Assign Number S For I Routing , Order 0 QYIaYOr's0%ce ��---�� ] �lavor's Office i I Deoartm ent Director i 2 !Ll'N AfkomeV � Citv Attornev � 3 i ayor's Office I Mavor/Assisfant j 4 onncH 1� CtityCouncil � 5 Ctity Clerk I I City Clerk E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Conpct Phone: ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Hwon rcequestea: d� That the Saint Pau( City council cj6 hereby approve of the appoinhnent, made by ffie Mayor, of Keith Hovis as Assistant to the Mayor I, effective Mazch 22, 2010. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department� Yes No 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this person/frm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: �:��, � ��l� � DisadvaMages If Not Approved: s�At� � � . �; Total Amount of Transaction: Funding SourCe: Financia l Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: March 16, 2010 2:12 PM Page 1 Council File # �� -3°l9 Green Sheet # 3106736 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 Presented by I BE IT I2ESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative 2 hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on Apri17, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision to 3 certify and approve the Februazy 23, 2010 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following 4 address: C'��I 1 '�� 8 223 Bates Avenue 9 10 Decision: Appeal denied. APELLANT Peggy Dunnette Requested by DepaRment of: Adoptio� Certified by Cou cil Secretary BY ��/ � Approve �y . Date `'� LZ 7id/O Sy: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � td�3�q Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepaRmentl�celCnuncil: Date Initiated: co- 14APR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3106736 Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent 7o Person InitiallDate Marcia Moermond y o o�o�u 0 6-8570 1 ouncil De arhnentDirecror Assign y � Clerk Ci Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 0 For Routing 4 0 Doc.Type:RESOLUTION Order 5 O E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Mai Vang ConWCt Phone: 6-8563 Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Reso]ution memorializing City Council action [aken Apri17, 2010 denying the appeal for property at 223 Bates Avenue. Recommentlations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/Flrm ever worked under a conlract for this departmenl? CIB Commiriee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: Funding Source: ACtivity Number: Financial Infortnation: (E�cplain) April 14, 2010 8:40 AM Page 1 `< .r. o . :° i«< CITY OF SAINT PAUL �m ���� A � � ^° CITY CLERK'S OFFICE February 18, 2010 Peggy Dunnette 1200 W. 32 St Minneapolis, MN 55408 RE: 223 Bates Ave Dear Ms. Dunnette: Your application for an appeai has been received and processed. 10-399 Please attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing O�cer on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 330 City Hali and Courthouse to consider your appeai concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear ail parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. Sincerely, `/� /� �� . d y �'-I-F Shari Moore City Clerk cc: Mike Urmann, DSI (Fire) Leanna Shafif, DSi (Fire) Phil Owens, DSI (Fire) Marcia Moermond, Legis{ative Hearing O�cer Jerry Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney 15 4VEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUTTE 310 SAINT PAUL, MINIVESOTA55102 Tel: 651-266-8685 Fax: 651-266-8574 wwwstpauLgov An Affirmatrve Action Equal Opportuniry Employer 10-399 AP�PLICATION FOR APPE� , Saint Paul Ciry Clerk E; �� Q ls w. xeuoa sl�a., 3io cs� xau �EB 1� 2010 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Tei�hone: �bsl> z66-s6ss CITY CLERK 1. Address of Property being Appe.alad: 2. Namber of Dwelfing I3mtc: 3. Date of Letter Appealed: zz3 ��zt� a,�e. �unrts �-F�r �'e�. rF�, zat� 4. NameofOwner: .1��2�� ��lYn(�� (�1� CilUNTs}� Address: ��2.OD ( 31nc4 Sh City: � 15 • State: �� Zip: s�S Phone Numbers: Business Residence 82� �5�6 C bl2 203 3 oS S Signat�ue: �i/il�Yl1 5. Appellant / Appiicant (if other than owner): Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Numbers: Business R�idence Cellulaz Signature: 6 State specifically what is being appealed and why (Use an ariachment if necessary): �¢.e. axCu c�aC. ' NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable tn the CSty of Saint Fanl must accompany this appHcaaon as a necessazy condition for filing. You must attach a copy o# the originai ordets and any other correspondence relative to ttris appeal. Any person unsatisfied by the Emai decision of the City CouncIl may obtain judicial review by timely filing of an action as pcovided by law in District Conri. For Qffice Use OnI Date Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number. Date of Hearing: y-�1��r�J �a,`'5��� ��, �-3 (:3�,^� Revised 4/SY1fX17 10-399 Peggy Dunnette 1200 W. 32 St. Mpls., MN 55408 February 18, 2010 Re: 223 Bates Avenue St Paul, MN 55106 Dear City Clerk, I am appealing the decision which says I must construct a full-blown fire exit and staiitivell for my historic building at 223 Bates Avenue. This lovely red brick and carved stone structure was built in 1884 and has been home to hundreds since its construction. My ex-husband unwisely removed the pre-existing fire escape ladder not long ago, causing the upper unit serviced by tYus ladder to lose its Certificate of Occupancy. This ladder persnitted access to a fire escape staircuay which is still in fine working order today. The building now being transfened in my name, I have sought to redress the Complaint regarding the e�t and egress. This building, however, has its place on the Register of Historic Places and is rightfully protected from such modifications. I have heen unable to proceed with any covshziction due to the objections made by the Historical Society. I am therefore respectfiiliy requesting a variance to a11ow the building to fuuction once again, as it had for the previous 116 yeazs. Siacerely, - � � Encl.: Conection Notice and Complaint; Photp showing part of the upper unit and the e�sting fire escape way. ��_� r� cct t�uv.vw� , Sr F c�ct,Y �ry 5 5«�o �a.ck v,�w of +Ine 'ow�la�nc} � 7t� u,pp�rwUSrai,��rvi,�,� Cs ��rrnr�F u,✓urrn quzsfi�✓r _ 7�� ��,�,� Sfticws - Flnz 2K�si�nc� �L,��e �SCC,�e ww;cti r�,✓�s �i.c �tin -; �;�w,.a ledet -;� t,,ti te�`, [NGTE_ � C�d�n.,M�nur�i lu.dc�Pn�� yr�Y�y >o rG/�a�rs on tG�e roo� In.�cS �r i��ciCe sale(,ti o✓� t/tie dCwr uL tG�.e iJhotO• � 10-399 DEPART'MEN1' SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Fire Inspectioa Aivision Robert Kersler. Director CTIY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coteman, Mayor 375,Iackson Sbeet, Suite220 Telephone: 651-2665989 SaintPaul,MN55101-78D6 Fae.� 657-2668957 February 17, ZO10 PEGGY GTUNTA 1204 32 ST 4J MIlVNEAPOLIS MN 55408-3558 CORRECTION NOTICE - COMPLAINT INSPECTION RE: 223 BATES AVE Ref. # 1b184 Deaz Property Repxesentative: An inspectioa was made of your building on February 17, 2Q10 in response to a referral. You aze hereby notified that the following deficiency list must be conected immediately. A re-inspection will be made on or after March 19, 2010. Failure to comply may result in a criminai citation or revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy. The Saint Paut Legislative Code requires that no huilding shall be occupied without a Cert'sficate of Occugancy. The code also pmvides for the assessment of additionaf re-inspection fees. DEFICIENCY LIST 1. T F�tD FLOOR - MSFC 1019.2 - Provide an approved additiona( means of egress due to an inadequate number of eacits: Ps'ovide another means of egress. For an e�lanation or inforsnation on some of the violations contained in this report, please visit our web page at: http:llwww.ci.stpaul.mn.usfindex.aspx?NID=211 You have the right to appeal these orders to the Legislative Hearing Officer. App2ications for appeals may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk, 310 Ciry Hall, City/County Courthouse, 15 VJ Kellogg Bivd, Saint Paul MN 55102. Phone: (651-266-8688) and must be filed within 10 days of the date of the original orders. If you have any guestions, emaii me at: Kris.Skow-Fiske@ti.stQaul.mn.ns or call me at 651-266-8949 between 73d a.m. - 9:Ofl a.m. Please help to make Saint Paui a safer place in which to live and work. Sincerely, Kris Skow-Fiske Fire 7nspector 10-399 February 23, 2010 Property Code Minutes Page 3 Appeal of Peggy Dunnette to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 223 $ates Avenue. Appellant Peggy Dunnette (1200 W. 32 Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408) and Marc Bowen appeared. Ms. Moermond stated that she had gotten some background from HPC staff earlier in the day. Mr. Urmann stated that the occupied third floor was short a required exit and it appeared that an exit ladder had been removed. He said a permanently affixed ladder would have met code had it remained intact. He stated that the HPC application was denied as incomplete. Ms. Dunnettte stated that her ex-husband had removed the ladder. She provided photographs of the house and pointed out where the ladder had been. She said her ex-husband had left the country and abandoned house, she had assumed ownership, and was working to make improvements. Mr. Urmann said that a ladder mechanism was no longer code-compliant and what would be required was a full walkout stairs with the correct run and rise. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Dunnette whether she still had the ladder. Ms. Dunnette said she did not. Ms. Moermond asked Ms. Dunnette whether she had spoken to an architect about the possibility of adding stairs. Ms. Dunnette said she had and that adding stairs would cost over $10,000. Ms. Moermond asked how much it would cost to re-install a ladder. Ms, Dunnette said she wasn't sure. She said the third level had been occupied and the egress situation had been that way for many years. Adding a stairway would be not only expensive, but "hideous." Ms. Moennond asked what the third floor was being used for. Ms. Dunnette said it was currently empty but was a beautiful unit. Mr. Bowen said it was a rental unit far decades. He said Ms. Dunnette had invested thousands of dollars in the property and had developed a good relationship with the tenants and the city, but the property had a negative cash flow when the third floor was not rented. Ms. Moermond said she would review the code before making her decision. On March 3, 2010, Ms. Moermond reviewed the appeal and recommended denying the appeal and granting an extension for 90 days to come into compliance. Ms. Dunnette requested a City Council Public Hearing which was scheduled for March 17, 2010 at 530 p.m.