10-391Council File # �� � 3�,
Green Sheet#3105556
Presented by
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classificarion of Community Youth Worker be
established at the rate set forth in Grade 022, of Employee Group 02, the AFSCME Technical
Salary Schedule, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that this xesolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Requested by Office of Human Resources
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Form Approv� , y' anc� BYvic
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Adoption Certified by
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Approved by
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Adopted by Date
Council: ������G�/d
� Green Sheet Green Sheei
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Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmentlOfficefCouncil: Date Initiated:
HU—HumanResources QSAPR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3105556
Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person Initial/Date
CouR�eyMderso�-Ew81d y 0 umanResources 0
286-6511 1 uman R urces De armient Director Q/h"�
Assign 2 inavcial Services ffice Financial Services
Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Date): Number �
For 3 ' Attome C' Attorn
Routing 4 a or's Office Ma or/Assistanf o
Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W!$ Order 5 ouncil Ci Council -�`
TRANSACTION 6 i Clerk Ci C1exk _
E-DOCUment Required: Y
Document Contact: Trisha Freiberger
Contact Phone: 266-6481
Total # of Signature Pages _(Cfip AI! Locat[ons for SignaWre)
Actio� Requested:
Approve the attached resolurion establishing the rate of pay foz the classification fitled Community Youth Worker in Pazks &
Recrea6on at Grade 022 of Employee Gzoup 02, AFSCME Teohnical.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service ConVacts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfittn ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person�rtn possess a skili not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain af I yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YJho, What, When, Where, Why):
Human Resources was asked by ffie Pazks & Recreation department to create a class specification and study ffie assigned duties of a
new position ritled Community Youth Worker, to determine the appropriate classification and compensafion. The deternunation was
made by Human Resowces that the appropriate grade and classification is grade 022 in the AFSCME Technical (02) employee group.
This position's primazy role is to plan, organize and lead activities and trainings for and with young people that buitd capacity for
engagement, life planning skills and leadership. This aligns with and supports the City's strategic plans to engage youth and create
strong community paztnerships.
AdvanWges If Approved:
Appropriate compensation wi11 be assigned to the Communiry Youth Worker ctassiftcation in the Parks & Recreafion deparhnent in
accoxdance with tbe City's job evaluation system,
Disadvantages if Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to this classification. This may limit the Ciry's ability to successfuliy recmii, hire and
retain qualified candidates who possess the high-level of youth leadership skills required by the Parks & Recreation department for
this posirion.
ToWI Amount oI
Trensaction: �33,479A� CostiRevenue8udgeted: Y
Funding Source: AcEvity Number,
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Pinanciai Information: pazks & Recreation plan to hire up to three &Il time equivalencies in this new class. "°' °'= "°
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April 6, 2010 9:09 AM Page 1
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