178861 Original to City Clerk tit. E y- `n • RDIN O ,ty 178861 • - � 3itlty. PRESENTED BY 1 Nt y� §lrrt%ORDI N NO. /O (/ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8832, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the installation and regulation of parking meters; establishing a metered area within which parking meters may be installed; establishing zones within which parking of motor vehicles shall be permitted for specified periods of time; creating a Parking Meter Fund; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing a penalty for the violation hereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace-, health and safety" approved October 29, 1946, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8832, approved October 29, 1946, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: By striking Section 2 in its entirety and by substituting in lieu thereof • the following: "The metered areal , as the term is o used hereinafter in this ordinance is hereby defined and shall consist of the following � P described areas, sedific streets or paw$ � of streets and specific locations on described streets : f 3 1956 Yeas Councilme Nays Passed by the Counci DeCourcy Holland I Favor, ibPar2ii Mortinson • Peterson gainst Rosen Mr.President (D lion) A ov : •• IN 3956 956 Attest: il �� � City Olerk Ma or l� 6-56 Apo 8 PT TRT JSHED g—•// S, , i J Afr j LOCATION SIDE OF,STREET FROM • TO (a) One-Hour -- One Nickel Area Kell.Bg Boulevard Both Market Street Jackson Street Kellogg Boulevard North Jackson Streit Sibley Street Fourth Street Both Market Street St. Peter Street Fourth Street Both Robert Street Broadway Fifth Street North Washington Street St. Peter Street Fifth Street Both Robert Street Broadway Sixth Street South Seventh Street Washington Street Sixth Street Both Washington Street Market Street Sixth Street Both Robert Street Rosabel Street Sixth Street South Rosabel Street Broadway Seventh Street Both Sibley Street Broadway Eighth Street Both Wabasha Street Minnesota Street Eighth Street South Minnesota Street Robert Street Eighth Street Both Robert Street Jackson Street Eighth Street South Jackson Street Sibley Street Ninth Street South St. Paster Street Wabasha Street Ninth Street Both Wabasha Street Jackson Street Washington Street West Fifth Street Sixth Street Washington Street Both Sixth Street Seventh Street Market Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fifth Street Market Street East Fifth Street Sixth Street Market Street West Sixth Street St. Peter Street St. Peter Street West Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street St. Peter Street Both Fourth Street Sixth Street St..,Peter Street East Sixth Street Seventh Street St. Peter Street Beth Seventh Street Exchange Street Wabasha Street Beth Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street . Wabasha Street Both Exchange Street College Avenue Cedar Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Cedar Street Both Eighth Street Ninth Street Minnesota Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Minnesota Street Both Eighth Street Ninth Street Robert Street West Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Robert Street East Eighth Street Ninth Street Rbert Street Both Ninth Street Tenth Street Jackson Street West Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Jackson Street Both Fourth Street Tenth Street Sibley Street West Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Sibley Street Both Fourth Street Eighth Street Wacouta Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Seventh Street Rosabel Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Rosabel Street Both Sixth Street Seventh Street Broadway West Kellogg Boulevard Seventh Street Broadway East Kellogg Boulevard Prince Street Broadway East Fourth Street Fifth Street University Avenue North Simpson Street Asbury Street University Avenue Both Asbury Street Roy Street Snelling Avenue Both Shields Avenue Charles Avenue • i 41( . ., , LOCATION, SIDE OF STREET FROM IQ— (b) One-Hour -- Two Nickels Area Fourth Street Both St. Peter Street Cedar Street Fourth Street North Cedar Street Minnesota Street Fourth Street Both Minnesota Street Robert Street Fifth Street Both St;.Peter Street Robert Street Sixth Street Both St. Peter Street Robert Street Wabasha Street Both Fifth Street Exchange Street Cedar Street Both Fourth Street Eighth Street Minnesota Street Both Fourth Street Eighth Street Robert Street West Fourth Street Eighth Street (c) Two-Hour -- One Nickel Area Kellogg Boulevard Both Exchange Street Market Street Fourth Street Both Exchange Street Washington Street Fourth Street North Washington Street Market Street Fifth Street Both Main Street Washington Street Fifth Street South Washington Street Market Street Sixth Street Both Main Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Both Seven Corners Sixth Street Ninth Street Both Main Street St. Peter Street Tenth Street Both St. Peter Street Cedar Street Main Street Both Seven Corners Ninth Street Exchange Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Cedar Street Auditorium Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fourth Street Auditorium Street Both Fifth Street Ninth Street Washington Street Both Kellogg Boulevard Fifth Street St. Peter Street Both Exchange Street Tenth Street Cedar Street Both Ninth Street Exchange Street Minnesota Street Both Ninth Street Tenth Street Robert Street Both Tenth Street Thirteenth Street (d) Thirty-Minute -- One Nickel Area Fourth Street South Washington Street Market Street p LOCATION SIDE OF STREET b (e) Fifteen-Minute -- One Nickel Area Fourth Street approximately 165' West of Wabasha Street South Fourth Street " 185' West of Wabasha Street South Fifth Street • 45' East of Robert Street South Fifth Street • 45' East of Minnesota Street South Fifth Street • 60' East of Wabasha Street South Fifth Street • 25' West of Cedar Street North Fifth Street " 50' West of Minnesota Street North Sixth Street • 60' West of Robert Street South Sixth Street • 25' East of Minnesota South - Sixth Street " 25' East of Cedar South Sixth Street is 40* East of Wabasha North Sixth Street " 45' West of Cedar Street North Sixth Street • 45' West of Minnesota Street North Seventh Street " 50' East of Sibley Street South Jackson Street " 65' North of Sixth Street East Jackson Street " 30' South of Eighth Street East Jackson Street " 85' South of Tenth Street East Robert Street " 45* North of Tenth Street East Robert Street " 65' North of Tenth Street East Robert Street Is 50' South of Fifth Street West Minnesota Street " 45' North of Sixth Street East Minnesota Street " 45' North of Seventh Street West Minnesota Street " 30' South of Sixth Street West Minnesota Street " 25* South of Fifth Street West Cedar Street • 20* North of Fifth Street East Cedar Street " 20' North of Sixth Street East Cedar Street " 45' South of Seventh Street West Cedar Street " 40' South of Fifth Street West -Wabasha Street " 90' South of Eighth Street East Wabasha Street ` 110* South of Tenth Street West Wabasha Street if 50' North if Ninth Street rest Wabasha Street " 65' North of Seventh Street West Wabasha Street " 45' South of Sixth Street West Snelling Avenue " 75' North of University Ave. East Snelling Avenue " 55* North of Sherburne Avenue East Snelling Avenue " 100' South of Charles Avenue West Snelling Avenue • 55' North of Sherburne Avenue West' Snelling Avenue " 451 South of Sherburne Avenue West " Snelling Avenue N 95' South of University Ave. West ' Snelling Avenue • 120' South of University Ave. West. University Avenue • 65* East of Snelling Avenue South University Avenue " 80* West of Snelling Avenue South University Avenue " 200' West of Snelling Avenue South University Avenue " 325' West of Snelling Avenue North , University Avenue " 125* West of Snelling Avenue North University Avenue " 100' West of Snelling Avenue North University Avenue " 75* West of Snelling Avenue North' University Avenue " 50* West of Snelling Avenue North University Avenue " 751 East of Snelling Avenue North University Avenue " 115' West of Asbury Street North University Avenue " 110' East of Asbury Street North - Uo*fersity Avenue " 75* West of Simpson Street North • 178861 Section 2. That Ordina ce No. 8832 is h eby furthe amended by striking there rom Section 3 in its entiret and by substituting in li-u thereof the fo low- . ing: "Section 3. Whwn parki g meters have , been 'nstalled indicating the metered area, no vehicle other than a comme ial vehicle shall -main parked at any time between the hours o eight o'clock A. M. an. six o'clock P. M. on .ny day except &undays a d holidays. in the me -red area at any one pa ing meter space for .nger than the period o . time specificall set out in Section 4 fir the lawful use of said -tered area • for the charg- imposed." Section 3. That Ordinance No. 8832, as amended is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 4 in its entirety and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 4. Parking meters as mentioned in this ordinance shall be mechanical devices approved by the City Council and installed on the sidewalk near the curb in the locations authorized by the City Council. Each parking meter shall measure the permissible predetermined period of time and shall operate in a manner as indicated in the following : Each said parking meter shall be so set as to show or display a signal indicating whether the parking space alongside of it is or is not in use. Each said parking meter shall be so constructed as to display a signal showing legal parking upon the deposit of coins of the United States in such amounts as hereafter designated for said metered area and for a period of time conforming to the parking limit set out in Sections 2 and 3 for said area, or as hereafter prescribed by ordinane of the City of Saint Paul, and each meter shall, by its device, clearly set out and continue operation from the time of depos- iting such coin or coins until the expir- ation of the time fixed by Section 2 for said meter for lawful parking. Each said meter shall also be arranged that upon the expiration of said parking limit, it will indicate the lawful parking period has expired." Original to City Clerk . ` • . ORDINANCE 178861 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /P /-z-� , "In all of the meters located as described in Section 2 a, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be one hour, and the deposit required tb: be made in the meter therefor shall be a five cent coin. In all of the meters located as described in Section 2 b, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be one hour, and the deposit fequired to be made in the meter therefor shall be ten cents or two five cent coins. In all of the meters located as described in Section 2 c, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be two hours, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefor shall be a five cent coin. Io all of the meters located as described in Section 2 d, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be 30 minutes, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefor shall be one five cent coin. In all of the meters located as described in Section 2 e, the lawful parking time at said meter shall be fifteen minutes, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefor shall be one five cent coin." Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force p upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Itt 3 i��6 DeCourcy c„.7 Holland Marzirtelli V n Favor Mortinson 4________I Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) g Approved: ' _ Attest: j 0, / i Alt,di i - City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 aoepg.8 Commissioner moves to amend Section 2 of Council File 178861 by striking the same therefrom in its entirety and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: Section 2. That Ordinance No. 8832 is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 3 in its entirety and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 3. When parking meters have been installed indicating the metered area, no vehicle other than a commercial vehicle shall remain parked at any time between the hours of eight o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. on any day except Sundays and holidays in the metered area at any one parking meter space for longer than the period of time specifically set out in Section 4 for the lawful use of said metered area for the charge imposed. Such parking between the hours of eight o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. as P/M77.1.0 GR /9r3 sec ure herein designated shall be specifically subject to'any awe -prohibition ^/iv /<e'c. 4 rio Al T' 7/a against parking in any of the areas hereinafter designated during such periods P.AFcTIAL af? ,y J3so L ✓• C of time as may have been established for such prohibition of parking at any of the areas pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of Ordinance No. 7881, as amended, or as may have been directed and designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety as prohibited areas under powers granted to him by Ordinance No. 7881. (0 -6 ` 1s 7/2"-A6 t 9 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. Adopted V\7 p Yeas Nays Y s Nays DeCourcy \1eCourcy Holland \ mHolland 6 Mat Litclli- �Vlarzitelli Mortinson ortinson 7 Peterson "Peterson Rosen \ osen Mr. President Dillon lYh. President Dillon 8 78861 . Section 2. That Ordinance No. 8832 is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 3 in its entirety and b: substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 3. When parking meters have been installed indicating the metered area, no vehicle other than a commercial vehicle shall remain parked • at any time between the hours of eight o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. on any day except Sundays and holidays in the metered area at any one parking meter space for longer than the perio-.d of time specifically set out in Section 4 for the lawful use of said metered area for the charge imposed. Such parking between the hours of eight o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. as • herein designated shall be specifically subject to any • partial or absolute prohibition a€-ainst parking in relation to time in any of the areas hereinafter designated during such periods of time as may have been established for such partial or absolute prohibition of parking at any of the areas pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance , the provisions of Ordinance No. 7881, as amended; or as may have been directed and designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety as Prohibited areas under powers granted to him by. Ordinance No. 7881.