178823 Original to City Clerk , CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. g� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O�� L 71i1ES0L,T10N— EtR0RM �+ '/ , DATF r Or RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that Carl Soderberg, an employe of the Department of Public Works, be granted a leave of absence for disability, with full pay, from July 16th to August 15th, 1956, both dates inclusive, cM No 178825—BY Prank D. Resolved, Upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of rublic Works that Carl Soderberg, an emhpl©ye oI the Department of Public Works, be granted a leave of absence for dis- ability wjth full my 16th to Auguat--l5th, 956, both. dates in- clpsive. tt Adopted by the Council July 1a, 1956. Approved Jul 18. '1956. (July 21, 1956) JUL 181956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays JUL 1 $ 1956 DeCourcy Holland • 'proved 195_ Marzitelli �/�� ; Mortinson �In Favor _pet, 1 llrG't� yor Rosen Against 5M 6-86 9 - 74q82 3 THE FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES No. 8 CARL D.GASTINEAU, President RALPH A. MORRISON, Rec.Secretary ALFRED A. LISCHKE, Fin.See'y-Treas. 1634 Snelling Drive, 13 194 N.Lexington Pkvry.,4 234 City Hall and Court House,2 Affiliate of American Federation of Labor—Arerican Federation of State.County and Municipal Employees—Minnesota State federation of Labor—Minnesota Council of City and County Employear=t.Paul Trades and Labor Assembly—Central Council of Public Service Employees) SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA z July 11,1956. Mr.Frank D.Marzetelli 234 City Hall, City 2. Dear Commissioner:— This is a request that you sponsor a council resolution to grant an extension of sick leave for Carl Soderberg,employed as a District Foremen in your depart- ment. Carl was first employed on 41711 4,1933; he worked for some time thereafter partly by the month and partly by the hour;he has been regularly employed and paid on the monthly basis since February 1 1935. His record shows that on 12/31/1950 he had 148 accumulated days to his credit;1951 he used 8 and accumulated 7 for 155 days;in 52 he used 24 so had 9 deducted for a total of 1 46;in 1953 he used 33 so de- ducted 18 for a totak of 128;1954 used 4 added 11 for total of 139;in 1955 he used 85,deducted 70 for a total of 69; in 1956 he has used 75 days so with his credits for this year is just about out. I have checked with Mr.Tester and he assures me that Carl was ill in 52 and 53 so that there was no abuse or wasting of his sick leave. We will appreciate anything you can do under the rules established by the Council in these matters. Thanking you in advance,thanking you too for e� z ' 1 all past cooperation,I am, y `° 'Lo- Respectfully yours, L:` Wm.E .Brennan,Bus.Repe REC'd JUL i b