178822 Council File No-4-78822
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The undersigned hereby proposesthemaking of thefollowinFpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
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lapopit *lift and extend Clear into** to I, a *UM 4 i 0 I ft. freitiOd.ikiiit&ar
i t. ths vast line of Lot 10, Meek ik, iiiiitilliiiirtaiiii; lokfAiiii aid- ---. —
the imarth 20 ft, of Lot 10,. ileek-14iiiiiiipt.,AO04, listis•-• A* epona,-WidiseiAlbei extend
said *ear Avows to a width of 40 • Sid* the *OA 11110 of Lit 10, *sok hp
Allifriere Totem to the west Ube of tat ti-810ek- 14-1001.--Aerw Lotto ' lliking sad
spideporig theiblairt Of tot fi..11104dcAltiMie Aero 10t41...., ,,,I, , , AWnped. tract of
land) lyieg Met* of a line ,l&ii---Iiii *lg. lout* off*. l''' , -i 1 lin. itt:sAt 4049i
%Leek 4, Lass Aare late, west of the east iine,at sofa' . (11101alrji, UMW Mt
tots and east of the west line of seitAt tot 9, nook 4, Awe Oro Liti:11/111- Weitth of a
line drawn frost a point that lies 1$ ft, south of the northeaat corner of said
Tot 9, gook 4, Mae lAire Lots, to * point that lies 30-ft. asiildi of the northwest
oornor of Aid Lot 9, nook 4, Aiii Aare Lots, Also epos, widen and extend said
Clear Avenue from a width.eir/01/04 444 14..1,44)111thit lies he ft* east of the west lies
of Let 10, Block its Ames Urfa Lot*, to a *width of 60 ft. at Val west line of Lot 10,
gailt.16.Amid'Attrik LOPIEW*cialkiwir-lad doa41twg ?that par10.44-said Lot io, 'look 4,
Ames Am Lots(a triangelar shaped 'West of land) that lies seat of the Vent has of
Apt 10k *.Ilk, 1,1, P.P„:„Ars, ,. .,. south of 11 lies thatli 10 iht. south or the
Mang"' , oleciAtliihri10/01,0.0a a
* 1Xit '''10 - *Si ita"not'si, ,,:* A . .*.psgotrio,
4' 'f 0 atAi- isia*-.. alto*. at il.is, 3, 1,. ,k4 igoit,h of,Ithiv . wiote4tiorigir
litimwetg )144*14 4s.1A04004:
Lets. an4 east of the iffe0 line,e; ox4d-ricot.99 Jacek 14, Aeee-Arpro. Lots. aid south of a
line drawn troll' a point that lies 18 ft, month of the northeast corner of said
Lot 9, tileck14, Allegl lore LOt8, tO A 'point tat'itiott 36A: ifiliti a the northwest
corner of Wilid. Lot 9, SI.**.4, 'Ana Astro Lots, ', Also *polo-widen'and-extediVeald
Clear ,A,venne from ii width of 50 ft, at a point that lies 40 ft, east of the west line
of Lot 10o, Block 14, Aiwa Acre Lots, to a width of 60 ft, at the west line of Lot 10
Block Is, Ames'Acre Lots, by takiiii*and condemn:14 that pirt'Or iiiit'Lot 10; Block 4,*
Ames-Acre Loto(e triangular ahapedt treat of lend): that ilea east of the west line of
Lot 1Q, Block hp Ames Acre Lots, south of a line that lies 20 ft, south of the
- ,north line of.said Lot 10, Blockito Axes Acre ',Ostend north of a line drawn front a
point that lies 140 ft. east and 20 ft, south of the northwest corner of Lot 10,
Block 4, Antes Acre Lots, to a point that lies 30 ft, south of the northwest corner
of said Lot 10, Blook 4, Axes Acre Lots,
CA2/44.‘r■e- a7.0)0Ar'"-- ---
. MA..BalimoBteg,ZILLIQP2111 .N no sea idilig Mayor.
' 3000 7-54 4010,,® PUBLISHED 7,c9/-1/45---
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