178802 1788 02 COUNCIL FILE NO. By Council Pik No. 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER 4° -'A , ` 3 K h aPt .CI YID` **441.100,' In the Matter of far condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and along Weide St. (vacated) and that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the NE 1/1. of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Ave., said point_being : 2'Ft: vested of_Arcade St.; thence northern along_Weide- St.. (vacated.) and that tact, of 4.rid ,lying north of,Cat14n's Additi,on,� 40i-easterly of 1� Fr.. Parkway Drive in the I 1/4 o ' Section 2Q, ' gwnsh 4 or , ge 22'Test` to a point on the `north line of Se`ction'20, Township 29 Nor.h, Range 22 West, said pCint being 392 ft. .westerly,tof Arcade;St. a r,; 4 Al.so, 00ndemni_4 and, taking a temporary; easement for construction purposes on a`�strip of tan ' 20 "ft in width hlon(We1de St`.``(va&ated.') and-that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive, said � . temporary easement being west of and adjacent to the permanent easement. Also ndem f "and taking,* „ ng. rrg.a �.empora.�r.ea,semeAt�fog- coxistriietAos" pv:trpOilesr,,bn- a :strip•:-of land 20 ft. in i Idth along.Weide.St. -(meted) 'and that"traoVOf lands lying, north of Catlin.s Addition, and:easterly of`-Parkway Driver.` said <, temp ary easement_being, east,af:and,-adjacent,-,to_ the permanent easement.i Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of • constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under.and"across,:„that tract Of-:land lying north of atlin's Addition;:and_ easterly,-of Parkway Drive'An the of Section 20,'.Township' 29'.North,:.Range 222.:.Watt,. said easement being the -.mortta: 20,ft. of that`.tract of land lying:north, of Catlin's°Addition,.and eapterly of:,Parkway,Drive in the:3RD 1/4 of.Section 20,--? shi 29=North; 1$e.._:- Range 22 West., and lying,between Par y'Drive and Arcade St. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction Viers on a strip of land 20 ft. in width a s'Hthat trac .of Sand lying.:aort.of Catlins Addition,:;ask easterly.or Parkway€ ve,; said'temporary:eases/eut lying between parkway.-Drive .and Arcade Si., and:'lying south=-of'sand ac aeem°t:to the permanent easement, i '.--. :.,a.... . . ..._ !.. ti�.,r. t1�',....... .. ��._ olle,clVa ♦.7. . ;:.. .+, ...I' � Tii'�,�- �. .: . _-... . <'-..§ -,'.4.hk �f:L�'Z it tI - � land lying ,north. of Catlin's Addition, and. easterly- ]spay D .tec#d. temporary easement being east of mod,adjacent to the permanent easement. "4.1`'C Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of ti to f luctin -and Maintaining a public sewer on, under and across that tract of ]+Am1e. ly, north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the M. 4f: of Section; 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, said easement being r,z rth pill. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition, and ..Appolitemtl,y of may Drive in the N 1/11- of Section 20, Township 29 North, 1222 We st, and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade St. Also condemning and taking a basement for construction purposes on a strip of land 20 ft. in width acrro ''1at tract of land lying north of - r ;rP 1L`�A ` `'' X 'St y,3 & - ¢1 .N a:.. j ,.