178782 178782 Original to air Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nn E�i.�*na" °Sri'!( i�.Reeox OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK °"° I'° O CIL RESOLUt s N -ENERAL FORM � a.woo-. PRESENTED BY Aer COMMISSIONE /: - 4 Argua/ - r DATF WI/ WHEREAS, Addit F. ich_might prove to be necessary in the improvement describ the Gradin of Prosperity from Ames to Magnolia, Etna St. om Ames to ec anic, Magnolia from Prosperity to Mechanic, Mechanic from Magnolia to E.L. Tilsen's Prosperity Park, Ames from Prosperity to E.L. Tilsen's Prosperity Park and Sewer in Prosperity from Ames to Magnolia, Ames from Prosperity to irf.East of the 111/L of Lot 4, Block 3, Ames Outlots, Comptroller's Contract L-5673, Wolff Construction Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated herein, and WHEREAS, It has been found necess ay to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS Repair M.H. at Magnolia &. Prosperity 15.35 Locate M.H. at Magnolia Ave. (185' W Etna) 84.10 Adjust M.H. at Magnolia & Etna 97.22 Adjust M.H. at Ames & Prosperity 63.99 8 L.F. Extension to Drop Manhole 0 8.00 64.00 Total Additions $324.66 WHEREAS, the total Additions are 8324.66, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $324.66, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comp- troller's Contract L-5673, for the making of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $324.66 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Wolff Construction Company 114144719f FAILIfle t COUNCILMEN Adop e y e'sr nc�� .� c -or. .•5— Yeas Nays XlitibtefiCs DeCourcy xf[wai x Rosen Approved 1 1 71958 195_ Holland Marzitelli Favor (itC-J2>3 Mortinson Mayor r oterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 1'U13L1SHED 5M 5.55 o'2 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATF WHEREAS, Additions which night prove to be necossary tn the improvement described as the (:llapla of Prosperity -from Ames to Magnolia, Etna St. from Amos oo ochanic, Magnolia from Prosperity to Mechanic, Mechanic from :-agnolia to U.L. Tilsen's Property Park, Ames from Prosperity to E.L. Tilsen's Prosperity Park and Sewer in Prosperity from Ames to Magnolia, Ames from Prosperity to B-1T.East of the WA of Lot 4, Block 3, Ames Outlots, Comptroller's Contract L.5673, Volff Construction Company, contractor, have been provided for in th opocifIcations at unit orice o stipulated herein, and WHERPAS, It has been found necessery to make the following Additions: ADDITICINS Repair L.H. at Nagnolia Prosperity 15.35 Locate C.L. at Cagnolia Ave. (1851 W Etna) 84. 10 Adjust i .H. at Magnolia & Etna 97.22 Adjust M.H. at Ames r. Prosperity 63.99 8 L.F. ,oftension t Drop Manhole (e 3.00 64.0 Total Additions $324.66 WHEREAS, the total Additions are S324.66, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St . Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition Lade in 3ccordanco vith the soocifications in the sun of ::)224.66„ said sum to be added to the lump suo consideration named in the contract, known as Comp. troller's Contract L-5673, for the making of the above improvoment. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of fo324 .66 Is tho oorooct aoount to be added to the above contract. hoiff Co otioo Company ;‘)•.nt.1" ./ Lt le..L—§L0:14.1y4,49‘,/,? ' 77,y? COUNCILMEN .arizas 0:4 / . C or ih A optea by tne uouncn Yeas Nays XfAlbStgs DoCourc x.fiAiymon Roeon Approved IA 1 ". 11b- 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson-- Mr. President, Dillon M 6-55 •