10-380Council Rile # 10-380 Green Sheet # 3104577 1 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 1� 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 �Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 �� RESOLUTION Presented by CITY OF S�,I ��AU_I�AAINNESOTA �� �..1� IX �� VJHEREAS, the Qty of Saint Yau] tluough �ts Department of Parks and Recreation provides a vanety of special events for youth, mcludmg a tennis pro�ram throu�h Urban Tennis; and WAEREAS, Samt Paul Parks and Recreation is in need of tenms coutts foz its Urban Tenms progzam to be held June 14, 2010 to August 6, 2010, and WHEREAS, Hamline Univecsity owns land aC 1536 Hevntt Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, which includes teruus courts; and WHEREAS, Hamlme limversity is willing to give permiss�on to Parks and Recreation to use �ts tenms courts for the teums program but wishes to be mdemmfied for any mjuries which may occur duimg their use foi that purpose; and WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Qty Council finds that encouragmg youth pardciparion in athletic events �s a legitiniate public purpose which serves the youth population and fosters stronger communities within the City; and WHEREAS, the expendimre ofpublic funds, which includes the promise of mdemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place, now, theiefoxe, be rt RESOLVED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul shall defend, mdemmfy and hold harmless Hamline Univezsity from claims and suits axismg or cesLdtmg from the City's use of the Cennis coucts at 1536 Hewitt Avenue for the summec Ucl�an Tenrus progxam to be held June 14, 2010 tluough August 6, 2010. Th�s mdemnificahon does not mclude 1) m�uries or damages arismg from hidden traps or dangerous condirions of the courts or surroundmg property; 2) any occurrences of event which are not part of tbe tenms program and wtuch do not occur or take place at the tennis courts located at durmg the program; 3) mjunes which arise out of cnmmal acaons, assaults, battenes oc other acts of violence committed by any person or peison; and be rt FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothmg in the foregomg provisions shall be consriued as a waiver of the municipal Yort liability hmita set forth in Mmn. Star. §466 O1 et seq. nor of the immumties and defenses provided therem. Bostrom Cartei Stark Thune ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council. Date ?�/y�a///l� Adoption Certified by Coun�l Secretary g � . i � Appxoved b' q� Date �� V B RequesCed by Department of Packs and Reciearion Approv by the Office � f Financial Services � /�, By � � �� Appioved by Cit Attomey By: p �wc,c',� � ��f� Approved b a or ub si o C ncil By: 10-380 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PR — Parks and Recreation Contact Person & Phone: Linda Flynn 266-6443 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/S TRANSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Linda Flynn Contact Phone: 266-6443 ve�e �niva�eu: '� 29 MAR 2010 !N + Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3104577 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r�r Approve resoluUOn indemnifying Hamline College for space the Department of Parks and Recreation will use for its Urban Tennis Program. Recommendations Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ' Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The Saint Paul Parks and Recreation's Urban Tennis Program, which is held June 14 - August 6, needs addit�onal space and Hamline � College has offered use of some of their tennis courts for this program. � Advantages If Approved: � Saint Paul Parks and Recreation's Urban Tennis Program will be able to provide tennis lessons to inner city youth, ages 5-18. I Disadvantages If Approved: i None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will not be able to provide enough space for tennis lessons for inner city you[h this sununer. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: F inanci al Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: €�?t� � � 20�0 � March 29, 2010 1:03 PM Page 1 ROUTING' ORDER: Below ere coirect routings for the six most frequent types of documentr CONTRACTS (essumes aufhorized budget exists) 1. �Outside�Agedcy . � 2_ Depa�tDirector � , 3. CityAttomep 4: May�/Assistant (for contracts over $25,000) S. �Ii�au Rights (for contracts ovec $SQ000) 6. Office ofFinanciat Services -Accounting ADMINISTRAITVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityManagerorDepartmentticcount�t 2 , Department,Director 3. Office ofFm�cial Servirxs Director 4. City Clerk 5. O�ce ofFinanciat Services -Accoimtin8 COUNCIf. RESOLUTION,Qamend bndgets/accep,t gants}, �.' ,DaPar�eaf�Director ' � ' ' � . ' 2. .O�ceaofFinsucisl Services D'uector , 3. City Attomey r . 4. 1vSayodAssistant � � � 5. City�Cbmcit ' 6. O�c'e ofFinencial Services = Acco�ting COUNCIL�LUTfOI3 (all otfiers and Otdin�ces) , 1. Dep�tmentDirector ' 2. ,�ity,Attomey, 3. MayorlAssi.dant 4. City Comcil ADMItIISTRATNE ORDERS (all others) EXECUTIVE ORDER ' T�. DepaztmentD'sector ' � 1. Depaztment�Diiectoi,� � 2. City�Atto�ey� � � � �2 Cily�ikomey, � � 3. O�ce ofR"�n�ciat Services�Ditectnr � 3 , �Ivfagci�jl+.��:rrA..r , ' � � 4.' City Cle�c 4. City CIeek TOTAI. NUMBER OF SIGNA�lJRE;PAGES 7ndicete'tfie ��pages on wLich sigiahses are xequired and papercTp or fiag each of tLese pagea.., ACITONREQUESTED �� � �, � � � � � ��., ' ` � � Descnlie whet the Pmjectheqnest seeks to accamplisL in either chaxiological arder,� ondu of impprEance, whicheca is ' most appropn'ste for t5e issve.'�,Do not�vvrite complete sentences:`Begin each item ro yo��list with"a vecb�. � �' RECO�IDATIONS Complete ifthe issue m questi� has been presented befae snS' �Y> Public or private. PERSONAL SII2VICE CONTRACTS: This informati� will be nsed to determiae the eity's lialiility for workecs compensation cIaims. ta�ces and,Propec civil , s�vice'hiringmles. ' � � � � � � � � � � II+IITFATTNGFROBLEIv� ISSUE, OPPORTUNTl'Y ' �xplain the siNation or conditions that created a need foryois grojecE ��requesC: � � � � ADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED � � ' � � � � . �� � � � � Indicete whether this is simply � anm�al budget procediue reqnued by }aw7cfiarter or wheEher there ase speci&c ways in, which�tHeCityofSai¢tP�i1's�ilseatrzenswillbenefitfcomtirispcoJect/ac4on_, � � � DISADVANTA(�SIF,APPKOVED;, � � ° �� � � � � � � � � � gati effects_ocmajorchsngestoe�pslingorpastpiacessesmight'9iis - prodi�ce�itispassed , W6at,ne ve proaecUreq°est' (e.g: To'whom7 WheuZFoiLowI�g2� � � � � DISADVANTAGrESdFNOTAEPROVID � Whaf idill be the negative coasequences �tlie promised acli� is notappxoved? Inability to defiver seivice? Couti�e higfi hs�c, �ise, accident iate7 Loss ofrevenueY' ' � � � � � � FlNANCIAL IMPACT „ Altfiou8h yoti must tarlor t� mfo�ation you proyide heLe to theissne yon sre s�ldressiug,' m generat yon must snswec twoqiicstions:FIowmuchisit�goingtncostR.Who�isgoingtopay? � � � � � � �� � , „ ,� „,, ,.�., . � ol��