10-379Council File # 10-379 Green Sheet # 3104576 I � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l� ]1 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION Presented by CITYQ�If�T AUL, MINNESOTA � �7 WHEREAS, the Gry of Samt Paul throueh us Department of Parks and Recreation provides a vanety of special events for youth, mcludme a tenms program tluouah lirban Tenms; and WHEREAS, Samt Paul Parks and Recceation is m need of tenms courts for its Urban Tennis program to be held June 14, 2010 to Aueust 6, 2010; and WHEREAS, Macalester College owns land at 1600 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, which includes tennis courts; and WHEREAS, '.�facalester College is willing to give permission to Parks and Recreation to use its tennis courts for the tenms piogram but wishes to be mdemnified far any in�unes which may occur during their use for that purpose, and WHEREAS, the Sami Paul Crry Council finds that encouragmg yauth participarion m athlehc events �s a legitimate public purpose wb�ch serves the youth populadon and fostexs stronger commumties withm the City; and W HHREAS, the expendrtuce of pubhe funds, which includes the pxonuse of indemsufieation and defense, foc such a puipose will facilitate and enable rt to take piace; now, fherefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Pau] shall defend, indemnify and hold hazmless Macatestei College from claims and surts ansmg or resultmg from the C�ty's use of the tenms courts at 1600 Grand Avenue for the summer Urban Tennis program to be held June 14, 2010 through August Ci, 2010. This mdemmficarion does not mclude 1) m�uries or damages arising from hidden traps or d3ngerous conditions of the courts or surroundmg properry; 2) any occurrences of event which are not part of the tenms progzam and which do not occur oz take place at the tenms couits located at duiing the progiam; 3) inji¢ies which arise ouf of crimmal actions, assaiilts, batreries or other acts of violence comrcutted by any person or person; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, fhat nothing in the foregoing piovisions shali be conshued as a waivei of the municipal tort liabihty lirmts set fortb in Mmn. Stat §466.01 et seq. noz of the immuni2ies and defenses provided fherein. Hanis ✓ ✓ Requested by Department of Parks and Michael Hkhm.Direc� /i n �/ Adopted by Council� Date ✓ � Adoption Certified by Coun ] Secretary �Y� /�' /LlDiy��iy�OvJ Approve�p Date T��7.c�cu i By: Approve �by the Office of F n ancial Services /f�� B. jf Appxoved by Ci Attomey � �Y� � c � i �... Approv d by a3, i or Subnuss n Council By: 10-379 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet i DepartmenUOffice/CounciL ` Datelnitiated: GCePrn SIIEe� NO 3104576 , PR — Parks and Recreation � Zg MAR 2010 i Contact Person & Phone: Linda Flynn 266-6443 � Assign Number Por �, Routing ' Order 0 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 Citv Clerk ' ' Linda Flvnn i ,_�� I � , i � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/S TR4NSACTION E-DOCUmentRequired: Y Document Contact: �inda Flynn Contact Phone: 266-6443 i Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AIV Locations for Signature) ; Action Requested: � Approve resolution indemnifying Macalester College for space the Deparhnent of Pazks and Recreation will use for its Urban Tennis i Program. i I RewmmendaLons: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): i Plannmg Commission CB Commrttee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes Na 2. Has this person7Firtn ever been a city employee� Yes No 3 Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ', initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): , The Samt Paul Parks and Recreation's Urban Tenms Program, which �s hetd June 14 - August 6, needs add�tional space and I Macalester College has offered use of some of their tenms courts for this program. � Advantages If Approved: I Saint Paul Parks and Recreation's Urban Tennis Program will be able to provide tennis lessons to inner city youth, ages 5-18. � ', Disadvantages If Approved: � None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation will not be able to provide enough space for tennis lessons for inner city youth this summer. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Fi nancia l Information: {EZplain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Actrvity Number: ��� � � ���0 March 29, 2010 12:59 PM Page 1 ROIJTIIIG ORDER: Below are cocrect routings for ihe si�c most frequent types of docmnents: CONTT2ACTS (assumes �thonud budget e�sts) 1. Outside Agency 2. I?epazhneat Directar 3. CityAttomey 4. Iviayar/Assistant (for con�ects over $25,000) 5. H�an Rights (for contrects over $50,000) 6. Oflice ofFivanciai Services - Accoimting ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityMaoagerorDepar�entAccount�t 2. DepartmentDirector 3. Office ofFin�ciai Seivices D'uector 4. City Cleck 5. O�ce ofFinsncial Services -Acco�tin8 AD2vIIIJISTRATTVE ORDERS (sll others) 1. Depm�ntDirector 2. City Attomey 3_ O�ice ofFinenciai Services I3irectar 4. CiryClerk COiJNCIF. RESOLUTION (amend budgets/accept grants) L. Depar�entDirector 2. O�ce ofPinanciat Services Dsectnr 3. CityAtYomey 4. Mayor/Assistant S. City Council 6. Offcce ofFin�ciai Services - Accounting COUNCII. RESOLT}TION (all others and Ordinances) 1. DepaiimentDirector 2. City Attomey 3. Mayor/AssisfanY 4. City Council EXECUTIVE ORDIIt 1. DepaitmentDirect� 2. CityAttomeg , 3. MayodAssistant 4. Citp Cle� ' TOTAL N[JMBII2 0F SIGNA'NRE PAGES TndicaYe tfie #�pages on wfiich signatures are reqtrired a� paperctip or tiag escfi of ttrese pages. AC'tTONREQUESTID Descnbe what the project/tequest seeks to accomplish in eiiher cLmaologicat ordec or ocder of importance, wlucfiev� is most appropriate for tfie issue. Do not write compiete senfences. 'Begin each ifem iayo� Iisc witfi a verb. RECO�ATIONS Compl�e iftLe issue in question has been presented before anY�Y> P�� � Pnoate- PERSONAL SERVIC$ CONTRACTS: This infocmati� w�71 be nsed to detemzine the ciry's liabnlity for workers compeusation daims, taxes and proper civil service hirmg mles. IIdtT1ATINGPROBLEIv� ISSUE, OPPORT[TNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or requesc ADVANTAC�S IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply � anuaal budget procedise reqvired by taw/charter orwhether there aie specific ways in which the Ciry of SaintPaul end its eitizens w�l benefit from thisprojed/acti�. , DISADVANfA(�S IF APP$QVID V�hak negative effects � major chan6� ���S � P� P� �� � ProJ�'e4� P�' if it is passed (e.g; traffc delsys, noise, t�c increases � es�ts)9 To whom7 When? F�how IongT DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' � What w�It be ffie' negative conseqaences ifthe pxomised action is not approved? Inabititp to,deliver savice? Continue higfi iraffic, noise, axidenYrate? Loss ofrevenue? FINANCIAL IIvIl'ACT Attfioughyw must faifor the i�'ormation you provide fiere to the issue yo¢,are addressing, m generat you must answer two qaestions: How mvch is iY going to cost7 Who is goiug to pay2