178755 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCI NO. 78755 LICENSE COMMITTEE • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION-G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��� �/ COMMISSIONEy t <<_ ��L'4� DATF July 12, 1956 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Koffee Eaters - Sally's Box Lunch Co. (a Corp.) 617 Marshall N.E. Mpls. Restaurant App. 9434 Renewal n n cigarette " it " George Nelson 1185 E. Minnehaha Gas Sta. 2 P. " 10366 " Al Jasper 1387 Prosperity Gen. Rep. Gar. " 10794 " Roy Peck 1800 St. Anthony Gen. Rep. Gar. " 10817 " Frank D. Loughlin 6?5 Randolph Gas Sta. 3 P. " 10818 " Lavearn Hottendorf & John Schulte 1050 Payne Gen. Rep. Gar. " 10823 " Raymer Hardware Co. 2051-53 Ford Rd. Hardware " 10824 " Kenneth Doody 293 Dayton Apt. 7 Mtr. Veh. Driver " 10840 " James R. Pardello 886 Laurel Apt. 6 Mtr. Veh. Driver " 10843 " Walter A. Neitz 640 N. Prior Cigarette " 10858 " Donald Charles Robertson 708 Holly Mtr. Veh. Driver " 10855 " Resolved, *omen %vend for i� the named on.,the live attached to thi resolution be and the same ,,ierree hereby �ranted, and the City Clerk is instructed to 18ane such licenses upon the payment into the City tree o the uired eet gptey d the f Council req i :Tiny 12.1951. Approved July 1144.1956. 12.4.1956.1956) JUL 1 2 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy JUL 1 2 l95F Holland a 'proved 195_ Marzitelli / 4 1 r Mortinson Tn Favor _ Peterson �� Mayor Rosen _ ___Against Mr.President, Dillon ```✓✓✓ 5M 6-56 oliM02