10-378Council File # 10-378 Green Sheet # 3104276 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented by 1 ? 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, the City has an opportunity through a grant to partner with Tree Trust to plant approximately 60 trees at a comraunity planting event at Cherokee Park, on Saturday, June 5, 2010; and WHEREAS, this area is one that wiIl be hard hit by the progress of the Emerald Ash Borer; and WHEREAS, the cost to the City wiIl be $180 for the 60 trees, as well as assistance from Tree Trust in recruiring volunteers, supervising the planting event and completing any unfinished planting, and clean up following the event, as set forth in the attached Partnership Agreement; and WHEREAS, this event will be a benefit to the City park system as well as an opportunity to provide community building through the volunteer event; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the appropriate city personnel are authonzed to enter into the attached Partnership Agreement with Tree Trust. Bostrom Yeas I Navs I Absent � tiet�en � Approve y the Offic f Fi cial Services , Lanay � �� �'�-/ I' �� �t� Stark ✓ B y —�— �� � Thune ✓ Approved by Crty tomey � e f B� �� -��.� �� �� Adopted by Council� Date �//y��//) Approve b r o ub s to C ncil Adophon Cemfied by Coytncil SecTetary By. /f� L $Y� //' ///!� � Approved b � or� Date J�i 2 t� �c7 By: 10-378 ��� 1 � %^'/ d � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheei Green Sheet G en Sheet � ; DepartmenUOffice/Councii: �� Datelnitiated: Green Sheet NO: 3104276 Parks and Recreation i i ' PR — 25 MAR 2010 , Contact Person & Phone: Cy Kosel 632-2412 � Assign Number For Routing Order � 0 t 2 3 1 5 6 7 �5��5� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/S TRANSACTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Cy Kosel Contact Phone: 632-2412 I i � i I Total # of Signature Pages! (Clip All Locations for Signature) I Action Requested: j S�gnatures on attached resolution authorizing Parks and Recreation to enter into an agreement with Tree Tmst to plant trees in - Cherokee Park. I � Recommendations. Approve (A) or Re}ect {R). Planning Commission I CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract 4or this department? Yes No 2 Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiaiing Problem, Issues, Opportunity {Whq What, When, Where, WBy): , Parks and RecreaYion, tbrough a grant has the opporNnity to partner with Tree Trust to plant 60 trees at a low cost of �180., at a i communt�y planCing event on June 5, 2010 in Cherokee Park. Advantages N Approved: Cherokee Park will get 60 new trees, and this volunteer evenC will provide communtiy building. Disadvantages If Approved: None Oisadvantages If Not Approved: Loss of new trees to Cherokee Park. (the Park has been hard hit by the progress of Emerald Ash Borer). Totaf Amount of $180.00 Transaction: Funding source: City Parks Tree Maintenance Fi nancial I nform ation: (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: nctivity Number: 001-03196 t p � V N �LiV z - t�. March 25, 2010 1:59 PM Page 1 ROUTING ORDER: Betow are coaect routings for the six most freqvent types of doc�euts: CONTRACTS (esswnes mithorized budget epsts) 1. Outside Agency 2. DepertmentDirector 3. CityAttomep 4. Mayor/Assistant (for contrscts over $25,000) , 5. H�m Rights (for contracfs over $50,000) 6. Office ofFinancial Seivices - Accoimting ADIvIINISIRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 2. Ac�vityMaaagerorI?epartmeuYAccotmtant 2.' Departw�t D"uector 3. Office �Finencisi Services D'uector 4: Ciiy Clerk 5. O�ce,ofFine¢ciat Services -Accountm8 COUNCIL RESOLUITOIJ (amend budgets/accept graats) 1. Uepartme�tD'uector , - 2: QfficeofFinanciatServicesD'uector 3, Citp Attoiney 4. May�/:Sssistant 5, Ci4yCo�cil 6, dfficeofFin�cialServices,-Accoimting COLTNCIL. RESOLUTION (atl o$�ers �d Ordinances) 2. DeparlmeutDirecfor ' 2. CilyAtfomey 3 I+dayor/A�nY 4. CiEy Caincil ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othecs) - �RECUTiVE ORDER', i. Depai4nentDaector 1. DepaztrnerrtDirector 2 City Attomey 2. Cily A#tomey 3. O�ce ofFinanciai Seevices IIirector 3. bfayor/Ass�dant 4. CitgCledc 4. CifpClerk TOTAL NC7MBER OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES Indicate the #�pages on which signatiires arereqnired eud paperclip or flag cach of these pages. .4CTIONREQUESTED Descn'be what tLe PmlecUrequest seeks fo accompiish in either cluonolagical orda or ocdes.of import�ce, wlnchevec is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write compiete sentences. `Begin each item inyonr list with a verb:' RECOMtv�HI)ATTONS Camplete ifthe issue in question has been ptesented before ea9 �Y, Pnblic or private. PERSONAL SII2VICE CON£RACTS: This info�atioa will be nsed Yo dete�ine the qty lisbiiity for workecs comFensation cl�eims, �ta�ces and proper civil � �servicehirmgrales. � � II1ITIATINGPROBI�'Iv� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain ffie sid�tion or conditions that created a need foryour project os request ADVAtFTA(�S IF AYPROVED Tndicatewfiether this is simply an anwia( budget procedise reqaired,by law/cLa�tcr or wliether tfiae are specific ways in wluch fhe City of Saint Paui �d its eiti�ns wi11 benefit finm tLis project/action. " DiSADVANTAGES' IF APPROVID � � � � � � � � � � � � Whatnegativeeffedsorgasj�changestoexistinB�P�Pr�S�F�t�Prol�re4uestPxuduceifitisp ,assed ,' C�B-,h When?Forhowiong7 DISADVANTAG�SIFNOTAPPROVED� � � � " � Wh� wHI be the negative conseqoences if the, promised action is not apgmved? Inabilityto detiver seivice? Cantmue hi� ha�c, noise, accidentrate7 Loss of revenue7 , FIAIANCIAL I1vIPACT , Aitfioughyoumusttailorifie infoimatiaa you provide here to the issae you aze addres�in� m genecal pou must �swer , hvo questions: Howmucfi is it going W cost? Who is So�B � P ' � � � � , , � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � ��� 10-378 4,`, � �� � � � Partnership Agreement Between - ���sro-T� - ���,e� a�� _�, s�o�e> Tree Trust and City of St. Paul Tree Trust and the City St. Paul agree to enter into partnership. The purpose of this partnership is to pla approximately 60 trees at a community planting event at Cherokee Park in St. Paui, M, on Saturday, June 5, 2010. Tree TrusY will: • Provide its Community Forestry Manager to work with the City of St. Paul to develop an appropriate landscape plan and coordinate logistics related to the planting day. • Provide its Community Relations Manager to recruit and organize volu�teers for the planting day and work with the City of St. Paul to coordinate the communication of the partnership and details of the planting event to the local community. • Provide Tree TrusYs logo and approved Tree Trust textJdescriptions to be used in the City of St. Paui's website and other publications. • Inform the public about the partnership and planting day event. • Use the City of St. Paul's logo and descriptions in printed and web-based materials as approved by the City. � Prepare the site prior to the planting day. • Provide trees, mulch, other related materials and any equipment needed for site preparation and the planting event. • Provide staff on the day of the event to facilitate the planting. • Supervise volunteers to plant trees on the day of the event. • Provide staff to compiete planting in the event it could not be compteted. • Restore the site to original condition the Monday following event. C� of St. Paul will: • Work with Tree Trust`s Community Forestry Manager to compiete and/or approve a landscape plan and coordi�ate logistics related to the pianting day. • Provide contact information for the City of St. Paul's public relations department by April 5 and work with Tree TrusYs Community Relations Manager to coordinate communication of the partnership and event. • Provide City of St. Paul's logo and approved City of St. Paul text/descriptions to be used in Tree Trust's website and other publications. Paqe 1 of 2 10-378 � Use Tree Trust's Iogo and descriptions in printed and web-based materials as approved by Tree Trust. • Advertise the partnership and planting day event by: Including a live link to Tree Trust's home page on City's website Listing Tree Trust among funders/partners in City's annual report • Make the Cherokee Park site available (including free parking for Tree Trust staff and volunteers) for the planting event on )une 5, 2010. • Allow use of nearby covered shelters and restrooms described in the City of St. Paul's proposal free of charge during the event, if needed. • Provide arrangements for water supply during planting event. • Carry out maintenance plan as described in the City of St. Paul's proposal. • Remit payment to Tree Trust in the amount of $150 per SO trees (i.e., $3Jtree) planted in Cherokee Park. Exact amount will be determined after final IandscaQe plan has been approved. Payment will be made within 30 days of the planting day event. � Provide digital pictures of the planting site as wefl as a one-page project summary one year after the planting site ta Tree Trust. (Report should be sent electronically to Tracie Huhn, Director of Development and Marketing, at tracieh@treetrust.org. Report should describe the implementation of the maintenance plan and include a brief description of how the pro�ect made a difference to the City of St. Paul). City of St. Paul Printed Name of Authorized Rep, City of St. Paul Signature of Authorized Representative Date City of St. Paul 1100 Hamline Avenue North St. Paui, MN 55108 (651) 632-2429 Tracie R. Huhn Tree Trust Printed Name of Authorized Rep. Tree Trust Signature of Authorized Representative Date Tree Trust 2350 Wycliff Street, Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55114 {651) 644-5800 Page 2 of 2 �..,;P ,'�:S'i 10-375 n"ar C�'1 L4� zC! � �', ��i k ��''�U°�ie� City of Si. Paui 1120 Namiine �venue tVarth St. Peuf, MN 55i08 Dear Kar(, , i�> ; ��,�F� , ,�� ; .. _ y ,�, r .. - q d � r'.��� 'i ��4 " Y `�+ ,,� . � .. - . , 1 L k J V✓ ✓, I'cr'S'O!:ll!�g LiJQS d�° _dC'JSC�OcS Thank you fior submFtting your Green Fuiur°s Plariiny Stte app'�ication. I am pfeased to irfor,m you t"at ��a� ���� sa! ��� �aaa�°� �S��g����d ����, ��?�ro��� ��r9e, �sa� ���s� �,��sea� �� ���S�a�.� �r��a� �aa����� ,a�����n� s���. Bzs�d on the avaifability outiine� in your ap�iication, this comrnunity planting even't wili be he3d o� ���urti�� �SEC��, �y ��E� g��� �n���� �� ��4��9��n Next steps: P Our Co�nmun6ty Faresiry [`�lanager, kCaren Zu�?ach {karenz@treetrust.oro), wil! ca�tac't you v�riihin the next week to discf.tss a 4andsca�e plan, n�!mber of trees to be piae�te�, tree selection and other detaifs associated �rrith this pro3ect. a Our Cammunity �etatians Manager, 3�ssica Sch;��ia�r, will beg�i� secruiting vo{unteers for t:�is event. In aaditian, she vvou4d like ta cons�ect wi�h �four pubtic relations departrnEnt �o coordinate Yhe cornm�nica'tion 4f cu� parts�ersY�,i� and detaiis of the planting event to thE locai cornmunity. PiEase pravi,�e �zssica (jessicas@treetr�fst.org) w?th the name, email anr�ior phone number of the apor�priate parson by Aprit 5. Enclosed vvith t! letrer are t�s�o �apies o� a 9'IantEng Site Rc�reement. P!ease comp�ete th2 ac,r�er,�ent and °etur� two signecS crig'tnais to me at 235�i Vi�yd"sff Street, �uiC� 20G, St. P�u's, ,�S�t 5511�. � wi{1 return one of t#�e orsginals to yo�+ after I have stgned thesn. UVe are excite� Eo partner tw;th the Cify oi St. P�uf arrd to ccntribute t� ihe environmentaE imp�ovement oP Cherokee Park and yaur city as a whoie. Please feel free to c�ntact me at 651-&44-5800 or tracieh@treetrust.org at any time. Sii?C�!"°IV, ��-%' �--�f'°�-� . �-�°``— Y iY23CI° �. �G�'lil DireCOr of Developrnent and M�rketing