10-377Council File # 10-377 Green Sheet# 3104416 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is providmg gxants to local units of 2 govemment to support parks and trails of regional or statewide significance. 3 4 WHERE9S, funding for this erant program is from the Parks and Trails Fund created by the Minnesota � Legislature from tl�e Clean Water, Land and Le�acy �nendment passed by the voters in 2008. This 6 pro�ram is establ�shed in Minnesota Statutes 85.535. 8 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking approval to submrt a 9 grant application requesting �500,000 through this program to provide for trailhead acquisition for Trout 10 Brook Regional Trail. I1 12 WHEREAS, acquisition of the trailhead for the Trout Brook Regional Trail will provide an area for 13 parking, a restroom facility, and access to the trail from Yhe highly visible intersection of Maryland Ave. 14 and Jackson St, and respective bus lines, and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation has secLired the twenty-five 17 (25) percent match requirements for the Parks and Trails Legacy Grant Program, and has idenrified the 18 matching funds to be provided through the proposed 2010! 2011 Capital Improvement Budget program. ]9 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, if the Ciry of Saint Paul is awarded the grant by the 21 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the City of Saint Paul agrees to accept the grant award, and 22 may enter mto an agreement with the State of Minnesota far the above referenced project The City of 23 Samt Paul will compiy with all appl�cable laws, environmental requirements and regulations as stated in 24 the grant agreement, and 25 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul hereby assures the Trout Brook Regional Trail 27 trailhead facility will be maintained for a peziod of no less than 20 years. 10-377 28 ?vOVJ, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Parks and Recreat�on is hereby 29 authorized to execute such a;reements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Deparhnent of: Parks and Recreation ✓ � Mike Hahm Director ✓ $ ✓ ��, Stark � Approved by the Office of Financia] Services Thune ✓ By: Adopted by Council: Date ���Y /�/!1 Appcoved�y City Attome � � i Adophon Certified by Co cil SecreYary B �� �(�'��,,,,� B � Approved i Date �`���3 /(� Approv d i. ayo f r Submission to Counci] s `-� � By gY� J �- �0-3» P� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepaRmentlOfficelCOUncil: , Date Initiated: � PR_ParksandRecreation 26MAR2010 � Green Sheet NO: 3104416 Contact Person 8 Phone: Kathleen Anplo 266-6368 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc.Type:RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Kris W Contac[ Phone: 266-6438 y Assign Number For Routing Order � a i 2 3 4 5 6 i Citv Attomev 400 CH � ! MavoYS O�ce 390 CH � � Ciri' Council 310 CH � Ci� K. We➢s G00 CHA �— , Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval to apply for a Trail Legacy Grant for Trout Brook Regionai Trail Acquis�tion Recommendations. Approve (A) or Reject (R). Planning Commission CB Commrttee Civil Service Commission � A Staff � Personal Service Gontracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 'I. Has this petsonffrm ever worked under a conlrad for ihis depanmeM� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not �ormally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, WhyJ: I Opportumty to receive funds to acquire property for a tra�ihead for Trout Brook Regional Tra�l. I � � r= ,. ~:. �.. I Advantages If Approved: I AdditionaL funding to offset the cost Qf acquisihon. I " �isadvantages If App�oved: I None ��� 3 G Fk1�►� � Disadvantages If Not Approved: � The opportumry to receive additional funding for acquisition to Trout Brook Regional Trail is lost. Total Amount of $0.00 Transaction: Funding Source: F ina ncia l Information: (Explain) Cost/Revenue 6udgeted: Activity Number. March 26, 2010 9:32 AM Page 1 IC • l�4 • : � :I: Below are cosect mutings for the siac most frequent types of documents: CONTT2ACTS (assumes avthorized budget e�cists) 1. Outside AB��Y 2. DepartmentDirector 3. CityAttomey 4. May�lAcciaA (for conh'scts over $25,OQ0) 5. H�en Rigfifs (for contrectc ovec $50,000) 6. Office ofFinancial Services - Accounting COUNCII. RESOLUTION (amend budgetslaccept grants) 1. DepartmentD"uector 2_ OfficeofFinancialServicesDirector 3. Cily Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistsnt 5. City CofficiI 6. O�ce ofFinancisl Services - Accoimting ADIvIINISTRATIVE ORDERS CB�SetRehszoa) 1. P.ctiviryManagerorDepartmentAccoimtant Z. DepartmentDirector 3. O&ce ofFinanciat Seivices D'uector, 4. City Claic 5. O�ce ofFin�cial Services -Accoumtin8 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ali othecs} 1. Depaztm�tDirector 2. City Attomey 3. QSceofFin�cielServicesDirectaa 4. City Clerk COUNClt. RESOLUITON (all others and Ordinances) 1. DepaztmeatDirector Z. City Attomey 3. Ivfayor/Assistmmt 4. City Coimcil EXECUTiVE ORDER 1. DepmimeutDirector 2. Ciry Attomey ' 3. IvfayodAssistaut 4. Citp Cleaic TOTAL NUMSER OF SIGNATC7RE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on wtuch sigpahaes are xequired and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTIONREQUESTED Descnbe what Hie Project/ce9aest seeks tro aocomplish ia eid�er chronologicat or3er or o� of importanoe, whicheveris most appropriate for the issae. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item myom Iist with a verb. RECObA�fEDIDATIONS Compl�e i£the issue in question has been presented before anY �Y P�lic or pcivate. PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS: This mfamation will be nsed to deteffiine the cfty's liability for workecs compensalion claims, taxes a�d proper civil savice hicing mles. II1ITIATINGPROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUI�RTY Explain the sitaation or conditions that created a need for yoiu pmject or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID Indicatewhether this is simply � anuual bodSet Proced�se re4used b3' lawlcLarfer or whethet there are specific ways in whicfi tfie City of Saint P�at and ifs citize�us wi11 benefit from this project/acti�. DISADVANTA(�S IF APPRO��ED What negative effects ar major chsa8� m�S �P�P=�S �6� � ProlecUreiiuest produce if it'is passed (e.g„ traffc delsys, noise, tax maeases or asse�nents)? To whom? When7 For how long? D7SADVANfAGES IF NOT APPROVID � What will be the negative consequences ifthe promised aclion is nof appmved? Inab�lity to detiver s�vice? Cantmue Iugh'traffic, noise, accident rafe7 Loss of revenueT FB•IANC7AL II�4PACT Althoughyou nmst ffiilor the i�ocmation you provide here to tfie issue you aze addressing, in general yon must answer , two questi�s: Fiow much is it goingto cost7 VJho is going to pay7