D001960CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk Finance ADMINfSTRATfVE C�RDER SUDGET REYISION $15,178.00 ADMINISTRA77VE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City ChaRer and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pfanning 8� Economic Development to amend the 2000 budget of the City Sates Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, Council Resolution 97-1276 designated $750,000 from the 1997 STAR program and $125,000 from Ehe Coeneral Fund balance for a Neighborhood Investment Initiative Program; and WHEREAS, the 2000 adopted budget added $700,000 to continue the program; and WHEREAS, Ward 3 Councilmem6er Patrick Harris has designated the Cirws of the Star as the recipient of a $15,000 grent; and NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED; that the 6udget be amended to allocate funds to the Circus of the Star (77148) and reduCe the Meighborhood lnvestment initiative Project 77126; Current Budget Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund P7•93D-90306-0547-7�126 Neighborhood Investment Initiative P7-930•90306-0547-77148 Circus of the Star � Net Change Prepared by: Activity Manager ( ate) � � Requestecj.l• :� e ent Director (Date) �-- s2oo,o00.00 Change ($15,000.00) $15,DOD.00 $0 No: �C�a Iqto Date: / a -�d �Q� G S ,��oaa Amended Budget $778.00 $215,000.00 � ������� �z�Q�� Approved y: D�re�E� S�Financial Services �atj , l���7 ��,�� 12/4/00 acoaon er -n,^:�:rn.-� ItOUfING ORDER TOTAL # OF S4GNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET ua�unewrowara�Rri an ��019�� - No 111022 NWYID#e anra�u ❑o,r�rromEr �2 urr� aro' �nuu+cw.�uv¢FSOSe.� ❑AU�xe�v.amviKero �,,,,,,,,,�,,,�„ ❑1 Hammer {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) Signatures on the attached Administrative Order to allocate £unds to Circus of the Star PLANNING COMMISSION ClB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Resolution �k97-127b, passed on 10/15j97 TRANSACTONS 15.000 - �- •�.. ..� INFORMhTON (EXPLAIN) RECEIVEt� IEC 1 � Zafl4 �ET`� CLE62�. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked uMer a contract torthis department? YES NO Has Nis persa�mf ever 6een a dty empbyee? YES NO Oces this persoNfirm pnssess a sldll rwt namallypossessed Dy any curteM cfty emDbyee'7 YES NO Is this perso�rm a tarqetetl ventlM VES NO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� �yES� NO �crnrtrNUraeEnFrom: 930-90306-0547-77126 (15_600) To: 930-90306-0547-77148 15,000 Net Change -0- f °Y �/ � � � _.� ,. "11In1 iji EI ll. �ATRICK W. HARRIS Councilmember August 29, 2000 Dan and Betry BuUer Circus of the Star 1792 Overlook Lane CITY OF' S�INT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55118 Dear Dan and Betty: ti i- ��� `? ? 14 � ��D 19�� I am pleased to announce that the Circus of the Star Program has been selected to receive a $15,000 grant through the City's Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Neighborhood Program. Approved as part of the 1999 City budget, the Neighborhood Investment Program provides funds to be used for capital or operating programs throughout Saint Paul. • Because the fmancing is provided through the STAR Program, you will need to enter into an agreement with the City and provide evidence of at least a one-for-one match of city dollazs from other sources. To begin the agreement process, piease contact Bob Hammer, the facilitator of the , STAR Program, at (651) 266-6693. He wili provide you with more details on how to receive these funds. The Circus of the Star has been an excellent asset for our community. I hope that these funds will allow your organization to continue its tradition of keeping smiles on our young people and fostering leadership for the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, �� �� Pat Harris City Council - Ward 3 cc: � CITY HALL Bob Hammer, PED �/ SUITE 310C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8630 .�. Printed on Rr,ycled Paper