10-374Counci! File # 10-374 GreenSheet# 3/b�,b��p Presented RESOLUTION OF S�fjI�PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul ("City") and the Capitol Region Watershed District ("District") desire 2 to enter into a License Agreement to desi�, conshuct and maintain green infrastructure surface practices 3 in the following locations: Aldine Avenue Stormwater Planter, Albert Avenue North Stormwater Planters 4(2), and Syndicate Street Rain garden; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the four above mentioned practices will be owned, constructed, operated and maintained by 7 District; and _, 8 9 WHEREAS, this agreement is necessary to allow for effective long-term maintenance and 10 landscapelaesthetic amenities with sustainable stormwater management; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City desires to have a strong and lasting relationship with the District to achieve our 13 muhxal goals of improving water quality and our natural and built environments; now, therefore be it, 14 15 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute and approve on behaif of the 16 City the License Agreement between the City and District in a form and content substantially as set forth in 17 tl�e attached Exhibit A. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom y Carter ,l Harris ,/ Helgen ,/ Lantry ,/ Stark ,/ Thune �- � Adopted by Council: Date � /���j�j� Adoption Certified try C cil SecreYary BY� //lr� �t!r]/J Approved r: Date � 7 0 �� By: ��,fae:�� '' �� Requested by eparhnent : Public Wo By: Approved � y the Office of PinaXtcialrServices g �� � � Appro ed b City Atto ey � '� BY� ��/��NiC � ��i{ -� Approved by yor Submission to Council BY: A� ySJ�-�' it.� 10-374 Green S6eet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUOffice/Co�ncil: Date Initiated: pW_PublicWorks 16MAR2014 Green Sheet NO: 310 Confact Person 8 Pfione; � OeDarlmenf Sent To Person Initia4fflate Phil Belfiori y i o. bLcworks _ cstvl En2weer { DA5 3 '�g't� 266-9112 I PublicWorks LD�arhnentACCOOniant ��J' /'� As6ign Z IpnbHc Worls D'uector I ����r Y 1 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number i �, ' For 3 Citr AtEomey Citv Adurney Roufing � 4 �nancialServices Director � Doc. Type- OTHER Order ; 5 p�iavor•s Office Mavor i � AGREEMENT/CONTRACT i 6 iConucil Citv Couvcil l E-Document Required; Y I 7,GSri Cierk I Ltiri Clerk � Document Contact: Phil Belfiori 8�Dlic Works � Pablic Works I Contact Phone: 266-91 � 2 ToWI # of Signature Pages _ jClip All Locations tor Signature) �' Action Requestetl; Approval of license ageement between the City of Saint Paul and the Capitol Region Watershed D'astrict to design, construct, maintain and ownership of o een infrastructure surface practices in the following locations: Aldine Avenue Stozmwater Planter, Aibert Avenue North Stormwater Planters (2), and Syndicate StreeC Rain Gazden, Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerffie Foitowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No CivilService Commisslon 2. Has this personlFttn ever been a city empfoyee? Yes No 3.'Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? Yes No Explafn aIi yes answers on separata sheet and attach to green sheet. lnitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Conshucfion of four geen infrashucture surface pracrices located adjacent to the Cenhal Comdor Light Kail Transit (CCLR1) project. Four practices wili be bid and constructed as part of the lazger CCLRT pro}ect. Advantages it Approved: '� - _..., .: � . Disadvantages if Approved: ��� � � ��� � 4 � �'P �r : �,:5 wJ� .. .: Disadvantages !f Not Rpproved: Total Amaunt of - Transaction: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity N�mber: Financial Informafion: (Explain) March 17, 2010 3:22 PM Page 1 10-374 _ ���,tla�� � LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND TI� CAPTTOL REGIOI3 WATERSHED DISTRICT WFIEREAS, The City of Saint Paul ("City") and the Capitol Region Watezshed District ("DistricY'j desire to enter into a License Agr�ment to desigu, construct and uiaintain green infra5truchue surface praetices in the following locations: Aldine Ave. Stormwater Planter, Albert Ave. North Stormwater Plantezs (2), and Syndicate Street Rain gazden; and WHEREAS the four above mentioned practices will be owned, constructed, operated and maintained by District; and WFIEREAS this agreement is necessary to allow for effective long-term maintenance and landscape/aesthetic amenities with sustainaUle storm water management; and VJF�REAS, ttris license agreement between the City and the District shall also include E�ibits A and B aitached related to the four above mentioned surface practices. NOW, T'f1EItEFORE, in considerarion of the mutual promises and agreements herein, Gity and District hereby agree as follows: 1. Physical improvements as per the followin$ plans covered by this License: (a) Proposed Plans for Stormwater Planter far Aldine Ave. attd 2 planters at Albert Ave. (3 Plau view pgs. and 3 consh•ucrion detail page) dated January 29, 20�9 and hydrologc calculation dated Dec. 18, 2009 (4 pgs,) from Barr Engineering; (b) Proposed Pians for Rain garden for Syndicate Street (1 Plan view pg. and 2 construction detail pages) with fiIe date January 29, 2Q09 and hydrologic caiculation dated Dec. i8, 2009 {4 pgs.) from EOR; (c) Special provisions - Volume I4 CRWD Crreen infrasl�ucture practices for the CCLRT dated January 29, 2009; (d) CRWD Response to City comments letter dated December 21, 2009. See E�zibit A for the plans and specifications as stated above wtuch are incorporated into and made a part of the License as if fully set forth herein. 2. Ownership of the Physical Improvements as described in Section 1 of T1v s License The District shall own the four above mentioned surface practices. This ownership includes, by way of example but not by way of liau#ation, the azea within the surface depressional area of the feature and related inlet struchues, walls, imported materiats, plauts, xaitings, and drain tiles, eonshucted as part of the practice. , 10-374 3. Design and Engineering of the Phqsical Impxovements as deseribed in Section 1 ofthis License The Disirict shall design and engineer the struchu•as and shall requu•e approval by the City ofthe pians and specifications, including design caiculations aad additional pL�n detaiLs. The District shall confymi that these systems do nat: a) intercept water off ofUniversity Avenue, orb) reduce water volume to the previousiY agread upon tree trettch system. The District shall c+zsponsible far payment of costs related to the constcuction of these practices. It is undetstood that these practices wiA be incorpoiated into the final CCLRT projecY plans. 4. Qperations and Maintenance of the Physical Improvements as described in Section 1 of this License Inspection of the shuehtres and their contents will be performed by District staff ar the Dishict may contcact that servica out to a private vendor. See 'bit for the specific Checklist of tasks. Physical Maintenance including repair and xeglacement will be the responsibility ofthe Dishic� however, the District may contract out for such work with a private vendor or with the City o£ Saiut Paul Department of Pubfic Works. Compliance with City I,egislative Code, CY�apter 105 - Care and Maintenance of Boulevazds - will be requited for a11 four surface features. The Distriot shall be respoasible for impleinentatiott of proper response, cleanup and disposai of contaminated materials within and under the prnctices if a hazardous substaace is spilled into the practice. F4cept ia the �ase of emecgency maintenance or the required maintenance activilies listad in Bxlu'bit B, tke Diskrict shall notify the Ciiy at least three (3) weeks in advance of any pIanned maintenance activity. The City shall have the right to require tbe District to schechile the maintenance so that it does not interfere with othet aperaiions of the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Pro3ect or othet necessary City piojects. See E�cfiibit B for tiie specific Nlaintenance fasks. 5. Finaucing of the Inspections attd Maintenance as described in Section 4 and E�chibit B. The labor and maferial cosfs and "so$" costs, if any, requiued fo comglete tfie necessary Physica11V1aintenance, including repair and replacement, will be the responsibility of the District Should the District cantract to have the City of 10-374 Saint Paul Public Woxks perform the maintenance tasks as describe in E�ibit B, the City will provide the I}istr'sct witU a cost estimate of wozk to be perfomied prior to doing tiie work. Upon completion of the work, the City will bill the I}istrict and the District will promptly pay. If it is determined by the City in its sole discretion that the pracfice has not been adequateiy maintained according to tasks identified in E�ibit B, the City shall notify the District in writing of the deficiencies. The I?istdct shall have 3Q days tp repair any deficiencies and notify the City of the repaus. If the defieiencies ace not adequately addressed in 30 days, the Ci1y may order the District remove the practices and restore the project azea to pre-project condirions (at Disirict cost) within 90 days of nofice from the City. Upon successf�i removal of Lhe pracrice and restoration of the area to pre- pm,ject conditions, tlus a�eement shall be teiminated for that specific practice. If it is determined by the City in its sole discretion that the practice has a deficiency that is a publ�c safety issue, ihe City may order the Distsact to respond immediately to address that deficiency. If the deficiency is not immediately addressed, the City may order the District remove the practice and restore the project azea to pre-project condition (at District cost) within 90 days of notice from the City. As part of this agreement, the Dishict shall provide the City with emergency contact information for 24 hour District response. 6. Insurance. A. The District shall pmvide Commercial General Liability Insurance, including blanket conh liabiliiy coverage, personal injury Iiability coverage and broad form property damage liability endorsement with a combined single limit of not less than $1,500,00� per occurrence. Such insuxance shall: (1) name the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured; (2) ba primary with respect to the City's insurance or self-insurance; (3) not exclude e�pulsion, collapse and underground property dunage; and (4) not contain an "aggregate" policy limit unless specifically approved in writing by City. B. The District shall provide Worker's Compensation Ins�ance with not less than statutory. m;n;m� �ts, and Employer's Liabiliry Insurance with minimum limits of at least $100,000 per accident and wiih an all states endorsement. C. The Distriet shall assure #hat 1he City, its offieials, esnployees and volunteers are named as additional insureds on all certificates of insurance required by the District of its contractors far consiiuction of the Improvements. Indemnification. The District agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officeTS, agents and employees harmless from any claims, suits or causes of acfion caused 10-374 8. � ro. 11. 12. by or arising out of design, construction and maintenance actions ot inactions of the District, its agents, contractois or emp2oyees that pertaiu to the Physical Improvements as described in Section 1 of this License. Nottung in this agreemant or clause 7 shall operaYe as or be c3eemed a waiver by the District of anp of its statutory or common law immcurilfes or 1'vnitations of liabiliry. .. . ,. �.,.� The'District shall iusure tUat all contractois who perform work on the project will not diseriminatP agalnst any employee or app&cant for employment for work �mcier this Ageement because of race, �reed, religion, color, sex, sexual or affectia�al orientation, nationat origin, anceshy, fauulial status, age, disability, marital status, or status with regard Yo pubHc assistance, and will take affirmative steps ta ensure that applicants are emptoyed an3 employees are ireated during employmeut without regazd to the same. The provisions of Chapter 183 of tfie Saint Paul City dtdinanaes and all state and federal lawz applicable thereto shatl be incorporated into this Agreement as if fiilly set forth herein. Compliance with Applicabte Laws The 1}istrict agrees to comply with all federal, sfate, and local laws or ordinances, insofar as they relate to the DistricPs performance of the provisions of this Agreement It shall be the obligarion of the District to apply for, pay for, and obfain ail permits and/or Iicenses required. Notice Any notice or communicaiion to be given uader this Agreement shall be delivered in person or deposited in United Statas Certifed Maii, Rehun Receipt Requested, and shall be addressed as follows: To City: Cify Engineez Depaztmeut of Fublic �odcs 150Q City FiaiI Annes 2� East Fowtli SUeet " Saint Paut, MN SSIO2 To District: Adwinsshatot Capitol Aegion Wateished District lAIO Fuergy Park D2ive, Suife 4, Saint Paul, M�i 1 SSI08 Assignment Each pazty binds itself and its successors, legai representatives and assigns of such other party, with respect to atl covenants of this Agteement, and neither party will assign or Yransfar its interest or obligations under ttus Agreement witbout the written consent of the other. Entire Agreement � 10=374 W K N Z M1- V 0 Q Z a 0 6 0 w � J Q w U z .� �`_� _ °�� aw��� mm�< x � �' � J � � V � Z G � 6 w p a 0 N W U F ¢ K ¢ 6 w 7 O¢ I 6 O � 0 3 � ? y o ¢ r O p � W � F y � S O K O 5 N p� y� � � Z F N f0 G CJ 2= 2 ¢ � � z �F o w � Z O 0 a V N � � V Z F Q � � k" �"o 0 o a 6 U � W N j � O W � a � � a ¢ � Z p � � y V1 F � � d � O w ¢ o � a < ° ° a . a 1 � � h � ? c v�i ° w W � ' K Y ¢ F m Q Q � W ¢ � 0 F J � � D y V J 4 � O Z d O Z O < �i g � K Y � F U � < 7 � Z U O Z U N W R r � 0 � J F O W 3 � 3 0 0 O 0 6 N ° U 6 K T F J '¢ r w�� � < < N a - a LL 0 � � � F � V � aV � O U o i � w U O y p F J d ¢ Q 6 W W � 0 m F 1 3 � � � � S � W O O � _�_ W W � U � w c a o W � U � Z 2 V � � W � ° � w 2 � o z y � � w w � � � � a 01 a`� a` w O � F 2 Y 3 (N a w (J w z m,o o m� O N w� V?� Z z��3 Q �K Nd U QO m y�2 O ONE ZJ �6 V1 www �ZQ LL2j 0 ��a o�� � CJ F U Oy W W�V 0 d Oj ¢ F a w � w� i�o z ri¢S 6 C Z a 0 � F- w. 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W� o� 9. s Y V� r� � � N V V � Q � d s C � e 3 f a i.3mmvc.a.am.���-n•ussAro�aNV�w��.r'i.m��n�r.muvaom 0 � z a e I 1 / Z � z \\�, 3s�m 1 � /! i oi • '< �3 � �• � `�'� I e i�3 \` N I �� r 1 � 1 3 �� I � I � £� 1 ° i a n[ � � �� � "B � _ � F 3 �F _ _ ;W _ _ � _ _ � - w� I � �K� a s I � T �j• I _ . I,o � I 9 � I-n � }� } � 9y OG 0 10-374 p Qo w � J � O � �L Q 7 N H W �. 3 :: � 10-374 Exhibit B CRWD Green Infrasfructure Practiees in CCLRT BMP il4aintenance Tasks and Schednle Raineazden V isual iuspections — monthly and post-rain event of one-inch or greater Plant maintenauce including removal, replacement, and tUirniing — every spring or as needed Debris, trash and leaf removal from inlets — spring and fall Debris, trash and leaf removal from raingazden — spring and £all Cnass buffer maintenance including mowing and replacemeni as necessary Mulching — every spring or as needed Stormwater Plantei Visual inspections — monthly and post-rain event of one-inch or greater Plant inaiutenattce including removal, replacement, and tlum�ing -- every spring or as needed Catch basin inspection and maintenance (vacuuming) — spring and fall Debris, trash and leaf removal from planter — spring and fall 10-374 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - VOLUME 9 CAPITOL REGION WATERSHED DISTRICT GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PRACTICES CENTRAL CaRRIDOR LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT VOLUME B ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA JANUARY 29, 2010 10-374' CERTIFICATION PAGE - VOLUME 9 CAi�ITOL RBi:ION WATERSHE� DISTRIGT GREEN fMPRASTRUCTURE PRACPfCES CEI�FTRAL CORRIDOIt LIGI�T Rt1IL TRA.NSFT �OLIJME B Far plan sheets 0.1, 6.2,1.0, 1.1,1.2,13, 2.4, I.5 and related specifications: I hereby certify thaY this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supenrision and at I m a duty Li nse fe ronal €ngineer under fbe iaws of the State of Minnesota. - ' l���vu���'J���.— Kuri R_ Leuthaid, P.E. Date_ 1 /f�___ Licensed No. Z2225 For plan sheets 2.0, 2.1, 2 2 and related speciflcations� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my tlireet supervision aad tha 1 m, �y Licensed Psofessional Engineer under ihe laws of the State of Minnesota. P�C f �'r ciiio0tivrer,P.E. Da#e:__1^2 ___ licensedNo.23807 10-374 Certification Table of Contents SECTION 20 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK SEGTION202900 MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT SECTION 20 43 00 QUALITY ASSURANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL STANDARD SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION SECTION 32 30 00 SITE IMPROVEMENTS— RAINGARDENS AND STORMWATER PLANTERS SECTION 32 93 Od PLANT ESTABLISHMENT SECTION 32 93 43 PLANT INSTALLATION 10-s�4 SECTION 201100 SUNIMARY OF WORK PART 1: GENERAZ 1.01 GENFRAL A 17us Secuon of the Specificarions describes the woik as shown on the contract documents. All items shown on the contract dociiments a�e part of ttus work; including items not listed witLin this specification section. PART 2: SUMMARY OF WORK 2.Oi STORMWATERPLAN'1'ERS A. Aldine Street — The work at Aldine Street includes installing one stormwater plantex near the southeast comer of University Avenue and Aldine Sueet The woxk includes installing a tluckened conccete curb, a stormwater iniet, steel railing system, erosion control, concrete spiash pad, concrete rib walls, draintile, connecting to an e�cisting storm structure, sand trencb, planting soil, plancs, and sLredded hardwood mulch. B. Albert Street — The work at Albert Street includes iastalling two stormwater planters, one neaz the northeast corner of University Avenue and Albert Street, and one near the northwest comer of University Avenue and Albert Sheet The work includes installing a thickened concrete cucb, a stormwater inlet, possible eacisting utility relocation, steel railing system, erosion control, concsete splash pad, concrete rib walls, draintile, connecting to an existing storm structure, sand trench, planting soil, pIants, and shredded hazdwood mulch. 2.02 RAINGARDEN A. Syndicate S�eet —'fhe work at SyndicaYe Street includes installing one raingarden neaz the southwest comer of University Avenue and Syndicate Street The work includes installing a thickened conctete curb, possible e�sting utiliry relocation, stormwater wrb cuts, erosion control, splash pad, retaining walls, draiurile, coanecting to aa eusting storm structuze, sand trench, planting soil, plants, and shredded hazdwood mulch. END OF SECTION 201100 10-374 SECTION 202900 MEASL3REMENT AND PAYMENT PART1: GENERAL I.Ol GEN�RAL A This SecGon of the Specifications describes the measurement and payment for the Work to be done under the items listed on the Bid Fonn. . B. Each unit or lump sum price stated on the Bid Form shall constitute full compensation as herein specified for each item of work completed in accordznce with the requirements of the Cont�act Documents including Drawings and Specifications, including all clean up and restorauon. C. All costs in connection with the Woik, including furnishing all materials, machinery, supplies, and appurtenances; providing all wnstruction equipment and tools; and peiforming all necessazy labor, coordination, supeivision, and management to fnlly complete the Work shall be included in the unit or lump sum prices stated on the Bid Form. All Work herein shall be considered an incidental cost oT a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connectian thezewith shall be included in the amounts and piices submitted on the Bid Form. The price on the Bid Form shall include aIl tasks and operations necessary to complete the Woik. 1.02 ESTIMATED QUANTTI'IES A. The "Extension" piice shall wnstitute full payment (]ump sum) to the Contractox fot each Bid Item listed on the Bid Forsn. The Extension piice shall be sufficient to cover all tUe work outlined fbr that Bid Item in the Conttact Documents and shall include all labor, materials, stoxing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc. necessazy to complete the work as specified. 1.03 INTENT OF BID FORM ORGANIZATION A. The following pazagraphs piovide additional descrigfions of the Work included in each of the Bid items subject to the pxovisions of pazagraphs 1.01, 1.02, and 1.03 of [his Section 1. The Bid items aze based on lump sum prices. Partial progress payment for those lump sum items shall be made in accordance with percent completed for each item based on the breakdown of the lump sum price in Contractor s apptoved Schedule of Values. If Contractor does not provide a breakdown of a lump sum price on the appcoved Schedule of V alues, the lump sum price will not be paid, in whole oc in part, unul all work included in the lump sum item has been completed C. Additional procedures for submitting and processing progress payments aze set forth elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.04 BID TTEMS A. Project bid items consist of one overall lump sum bid pzice. This lump sum pTice shall include costs of alI supervision, mateiials, equipment, labor, supplies, pmfit and overhead, and perfomung all operarions as are necessary to complete the project per the connact documents. 10-374 SECTION �04300 QUALITY ASSURANCE PART L• GENERAL I.Ol GENERAI_ A. The CO:VTRACTOR is responsible for providing all project qualiry conuol, and will be responsible foc pezforming and documenring all material tesflng using an independent testing laboratory. B. The CQNTRACI'OR is responsible to coordinate the scheduling of the laboratory oi tesung company. C. The CONTRACTOR shall airange and pay for all tests and anspections required for peiformance of the Wotk, including the following: 1. Tests, inspections, or laboratory seivices necessazy with tespect to substitutions. 2. Additional tests and inspecuons when initial tests or insputions indicate Woik does not comply with Contract Documents will be completed at Con�actor's expense. 3. Tests and inspections required or conducted by public authorities as pazt of pemrit or inspection fees. 4. Other tests and inspecdons indicated to be "by CONTRAC'TOR". PART 2: PRODUCTS [NOT USED7 PART 3: EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION 204300 10-374' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPEClAL PROVISIONS DIViSIO1V i GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GR-1.00 (1205) EXAMINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND WORK SITE The provisions of 1205 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplemental Specificaiions for Construction shall govem as amended below. Prints of the Plans and Special Provisions may be viewed or purchased by prospective bidders and other interested parties s specified in Bidding Requirements far the Civil East CCLRT, GR-4.00 (1505) COOPERATION BY CONTRACTORS The provisions of MnDOT Specification 1505 shali govern as amended below. tt is anticipated that there will be private utility corrtractors working in this project area at the same time as the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate with these workers and other contractors, and shall coordinate work to minimize disruption. No compensation will be made to the Contractor for "down time" due to the work of these others. The Contractor shall allow other contractors free access to the job site at all times, and a reasonable amount of time to complete their work. The contractor shall cooperafe with John McNamara, 651-487-7209, or his representative in the Pubiic Works Traffic Operations Division, for any signal disruptions, including removal and reinstalfation of the signals and arry associated facilities. A minimum o� 48 hours advanced notice shall be required 1or any work the Traffic Division is to do. All Contractor activity associated with this signal work is classed as incidental work and no direct compensation will be paid to the Contractor. 10-374 The General Contractor is instructed to notify the Lighting Contractor two working days prior to doing work which affects foundation and conduit placement. Such work may be pouring concrete curb and gutter, driveways, or paving road beds. GR-5.00 (1506) SUPERVISION BY CONTRACTOR The provisions of MnDOT Specification 1506 shall govern as amended below. The Contractor shall be reminded that they must have a competent individual on site at all times while work is actually being p2rformed to manage the project. The Contractor is not ailowed to switch individuals daily, weekly, or when the basiG operat+ons change. GR-6.00 (1507) UTIUTY PROPERTY AND SERVICE The provisions of 1507 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplemental Speciiications for Construction shail govern as amended below. As necessary Xcel Energy wil{ cu1 and reconnect services for the Corriractor. The Contractor will not be granted additionai compensation should Xcei Energy cause the Contractor any delays. 10-374' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLtC WORKS SPECIAL PROV�SIONS QlVISION II CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CD-1.00 (2013) SURVEY MONUMENT RESETfING This item shall be construed to mear� providing the necessary excavation and traffic control to help the city survey crew locate and reset an existing survey monument or place a new monument at finished grade if the old monument becomes disfurbed during consfruction. Chief Surveyor, 651-266-6075. CD-2.00 (21D4) REMOVING PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES The provisions of 2104 in fha Saint Paul Sfandard Suppfemenfal Specifications for Construction shall govem as amended below. At any location where new pavement abufs existing pavement (streets, alleys or drivewaysJ the e�stirtg paverr[ent shalf be saw cut and this work shall be considered incidental. All sawcutting shall be considered incidental. Remove Concrete Wafk shall be construed to inciude that wo[k required to remove existing steps. Remove Concrete Pavement shall be construed to mean the complete removaf of existing pavement, including cohcrefe pavement or concrete base (reinforced or 10-374 non-reinforced), bituminous surfacing or bifuminous overlay. All existing manhole structures to remain in place shall have the manhole frame, cover castings and concrete adjusting rings removed and disposed of off the job site. The Contrac�or is not alVowed to bury construction debris from the project in the right of way. CD-5_00 (27Q5) EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT The provisions of 2105 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplemental Specifications for Construction shafl govern as amended below. All suppliers are required to furnish documentation ofi passing gradation tests for common borrow and granular borrow. The Contractor should note that the streets being removed may have a high crown, and some streets with minimal grade may need to be cut down to provide drainage to catch basins. Excavation for the purpose of sewer construction shall be unciassified excavation as defined in "City of Saint Paul Standard Supplemental Specifications for Construction", which are bound with the Contract. Excavation below the bottom of the proposed aggregate base course and curb and gutter shail be ciassed as subgrade excavation Actual depth and location of subgrade excavation may vary due to soil conditions at the discretion of the engineer. Excavated materials shall not be piled around the trees. Heavy equipment shall be operated in a manner that will not injure the trees and shall not be parked near the trees. 10-374 Organic soils and any other excavation that the Engineer may designate, shall be removed aqd disposed of off the project site. Granular materials shal! be salvaged and utilized as subgrade material. kf granular maferials are not obtainable from the excavation, gra�utar borrow shall be furnished and piaced. Tfie Engineer shall have complete control over the dispasition of afl excavation material and the determination of adjustment. The Contractor may stockpile up to 200 cubic yards of materiai in any one btock, for a maximum of seven (7) calendar days. The stockpile may not prohibit drainage, access to driveways, alieys, or intersections. The stockpile wili only be allowed on streets after �he surfaCing has been removed and before the aggregate base is placed, or on streeis with asphalt base. One Iocal access traffic Iane must remain open at all times. If, in the Erigirteer's judgement, the stockpile is hazardous for any reasort, the Engineer may direct the Confractor to relocate the stockpile. Contractor is responsible for Utility locates prior to the start of work. A 16" high pressure gas transmission line is shown on the Plans at St. Albans Street. Caution must be taken when working near the 16" gas transmission line w�ich has a normal operating pressure of 175 psig. Notify Xcel Ertergy gas engineering a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the anticipated construction start date (Nick J. Boosalis, 651-229-231 �. The contractor shall contact Xcel Energy to defermine the exact depth of the gas pipeline prior Yo wnstruction. Arzy gas maintenance work that is required for the infiltration trench must be coordinated with any gas relocation work that may be necessary for light rail construction on Universiiy Avenue. Removal of earthen support from the 16" gas transmission line cannot occur until after Xcel Energy has inspected the condition of existing compression couplings and has compieted any necessary repairs. (Ailow 3 weeks for the inspection and repairs.) The maximum unsupported length of the 16" gas transmission pipeline is thirty (30) feet. Temporary support at less than Yhirty (30) fooi intervais may be required if gas engineer believes pipe is subjecY To movement from vibration or other construction activity. Any damage to the pipe or the pipe coating must be promptly reported to Xcel Energy, so that repairs can be made by Xcel Energy at the contractor's expense. No �qgregate backfill shall be dropped directiy on the 16" gas transmission pipeline. Notify Xcel Energy when aggregafe a�dior soil backfiil is about 1 foot below bottom of i 6" pipe to allow for final inspection of coating and application of protective wrap by Xcel Energy. See section 32300Q Site lmprovements — Raingardens for additionai excavation and material specifications. 10-374 CD-�2.00 (2451) STRUCTURE EXCAVATIONS AND BACKFILLS The provisions of MnDOT Specification 2451 shalV govern as amended below. Granuiar foundation and/or bedding material shalf ineet the requirements of MnDOT Specification 3149 Granular Bedding. Trench bedding shall be completed in accordance with City of Saint Paul Standard Detaii Plate No. 2317B, "Types of Trench Bedding". Granular foundation material shall be compacted to not tess than 100% of maximum density in accordance with the Specified Density Method, A.S.T.M. Designation D-698 and D-1556. Ail suppliers are required to furnish documentation of passing gradation tests for all granulaz foundation, granulaz bedding, and granular backfill material. Granular foundation material may be used as directed by the Engineer in areas where the existing foundation material exceeds the optimum moisture content or is in � relatively LOOSE or SOFT condition. Granular bedding material may be used as directed by the Engineer in areas where suitable bedding material is not available from excavations. Granular Backfili shall be construed to mean placement of granular backfill in areas where suitabie trench backfiill is not available firom trench excavation, or existing trench backfill is wet of optimum. Granular Bedding and/or Foundation shall be construed to mean the removal and disposal of the unsuitable foundation or�izedding material within the sewer trench, and replacement with the appropriate material. Controlled Fill shall be construed to mean placement of baekfill in areas where 10-374" shown on the Plans. Aggregate Backfill shall be construed to mean washed river rock for the infittration trenches conforming to Mn/DOT Specification 3149 modified to foilowing gradation: Table 2451.3D-1. Aggregate Backfill Gradation Requirements Aggregate backfiill should be placed in lifts and lightiy compacted with plate compactors. Caze shall be taken to prevent natural or fil! soils from mixing with the aggregate backfill. AII contaminated aggregate backfill shall be removed and replaced with uncorttaminated backfill. CD-13.00 (2503) PLPE SEWERS The provisions of 2503 in fhe Saint PauE Standard Suppiemental Specifications for Construction shait govem as amended 4elow. RC Pipe Sewer all RC Pipe Sewer shail be Class 5 and shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT Standard Plate 3006G and conform to ASTM C-76. Ail RC pipes shail be constructed with the bell end upstream and placed from downstream end to the 10-374 upstream end. Perforated Thermoplastic Pipe Sewer shall be construed to mean the procurement and installation of l2° or 18" perforated PVG pipe, class SDR 26 to be laid along the length of the infiitration trenches. There shall be 12 holes, 0.5 inch in diameter, per foot. Perforation pattern is 4 rows, two spaced 75 degrees from the bottom, ihe other two spaced 135 degrees from the bottom. Driiling of holes shall be incidental. End caps shall be placed on both ends of the pipe during construction. Caps shall be removed once the system is in place. Breaking into existing manholes or catch basins for the installation of catch basin leads or storm sewer services shail be considered incidental when the structures are constructed of brick, concrete block, or precast. Any exploration work necessary to determine elevations and locations of utilities for sewer or water work shall be considered incidental. CD-15.00 (2506) MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS The provisions of 2506 in the Saint Paui Standard Supplementai Specifications shall govern as amended below. Catch basin hoods shall be installed on new catcti basins as indicated on the plans. Construct Catch Basin, Design Type 7A shall be construed to mean construction of a type 7A catch basin in accordance with the Saint Paul Standard Detail Plate No. 2015F, using the casting noted on the pians, or approved equal, frame and grate as specified. The curb box, when required, shail be supplied by Neenah or other approved source. Construct Catch Basin, Design Type 3C shall be construed to mean construction of a Type 3C catch basin in accordance with the Saint Paul Standard Detail Piate No. 10-374 2007D, using Neenah or approved equal , frame and grate as specified. Construct Manhole, Design 7ype III shail be construed to mean construction of a Type IIi manhole in accordance v,rith the Saint Paul Standard Detail Piate No. 2103D, using Neenah or approved equal , frame and grate as specified. Gray Iron Castings shall be supp�'sed by foundries that have been approved by the State Materials Engineer. CD-19.00 (257.1) PLANT INSTALLATION The provisions of 2571 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplemental Specifications for Construction shall qovern as amended below. Section 329343 Plant instatlation and Section 329300 Plant Establishment of the Technical Specifications shall aovern. CD-21A0 (2573) STORM WATER MANQGEMENT The provisions of 2573 in fhe Saint Paul Standard Supplamental Specifications for ConstrucTion shall govem as amended below. Storm Drain Inlef Protection shall be required for all catch basins immediately adjacent to and downstream of the work, and shall be installed prior to construction. The Contractor shall inspect storm drain inlet protection every 7 days and within 24 hours after every rain event. Contractor shall replace ar clean if if becomes nonfunctional. Contractor shall clean sump if sediment is within 12 inches of outlet pipe. Storm drairt inlet protection shail be "Wimco CG-23 High Flow Inlet ProtecFron" or approved equal. Payment shall be compensation in full for ail labor, materials, and 10-374 equipment necessary to complete tfie work as specified. interim Sediment Control for Catch Basins shali be construed to mean providing sediment control in accordance with the plans and these specifications. In the event that sediment is introduced into the infiltration trenches during or immedia4ely foliowing excavation, the sediment will need to be removed from the infiltration trench prior to initiating the ne� step in the infiltration trench construction process. In the event that an infiltration trench will not be fuNy compfeted during the course of the day, it shall be fully covered by plastic tarp to prevent debris and sediment from entering the trench. Geotextile Filter, Type II shall be construed to mean the installation of geotextile filter fabric conforming to Mn/DOT Standard Specification 3733 Type II beiween soil layer and the aggregate backfill layer of the infiltration trenches. The geote�ile filter fabric shai{ be wrapped over the top and on each side of the trench. It shall be ensured that the fabric is in intimate contact with the soil and backfill by ensuring that the surface upon which the geotextile fabric is piaced is uniform and free of voids or other surface irregularities. Minimum overlapping of geotextife fabric between sections shall be stapled together. CD-22.00 (2575) CONTROLI.ING EROSION AND ESTABLISHING VEGETATION The provisions ot 2575 in the Saint Paul Standard Supplementai Specifications for Construction shali govern as amended below. The Public Works contractor will be responsible to replace any removed topsoil and sod behind the property line or sidewalk. Geotextite tabric shall be placed under the catch basin irame in the stormvaater planter inlets until plants are established. 10-374' SECTION 32300Q STTE IMPROVEMENTS — RAINGARDENS ANII STORMW�TER PLANTERS PART 1 REQITIRED SITE I,OI The Contractor s6aII be required to not[fy the Engineei of the foIIowing completed iaingazden and stormwater planter construcrion phases for on-site inspecfion. 1.02 If work is not done to required specif'ications the Contractor shall make necessary , changes at their expense. The Con�actor will not be allowed to continue conshucfion until satisfactory changes aze made. L03 The following site inspections shalI occur: A. Completed excavation of sand trench (as required by plan) B_ Completed excavation of sub-grade C. Completed construcuon of structures including retaining walls, and cuzb cuts/catch basias (as required by plan) D. Completed placement of planting soiIs 1.04 T6e En�neer ceserves the right to inspect all depths of soils and excavations including planting soils as well as estimating guantities to ensure accurate xeported volumes. PART 2 GENERAL EXECUTION 2.01 All excavation and hauting equipment shall only operate from the sireet. No equipment, including skid steec loaders, shall be allowed within the footprint of the excavation. 2.02 Only rubber tiued or rubber tracked construction equipment sha11 be allowed on the street, 2.03 If xain is in the weather forecast, soil shall be mixed and placed back in the rainwater gazden the same day it is removed. PAItT 3 RAINWATER GARDEN EXCAVATION 3.01 The Contractor shalI construct raingarden and stormwatec pIantets to the dimensions shown on ihe plans. 3.02 The Contractor shall be required to use a laser level to determine and construct to elevations shown on the plans. 3.03 The curb cut locations shall be determined in the field by the Engineer. 10-374 3_04 3.05 3.06 PART4 4.01 4.02 4.Q3 PARTS 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 PART 6 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 The gutter low point at the curb cut location shall be the benchmark elevation for that raingarden. The depth of the raingazden shail be excavated relative to this elevavon. The elevaflons on the plans indicate finished grades of the planang soil. All raingarden subsoil shall be scarified using a toothed backhoe bucket to a minimum depth of 8 inches prioL to placement of planang soils. All excess soil shall be loaded and hauled away immediately. Stockpiling excess soil on site shall not be allowed. DRAIN TILE 6-inch Slit Perforated Drain vle is to be installed according to plan requirements and location. Planting soil shall be placed as normal above drain tile trench. Dxain tile shall be cannected to existing catch basin using PVC stub with end cap whexe shown on plans. LIMESTONE RETAINING WALLS. Limesrone retaining walls shal] be installed at the locafions and to the grades shown on the plans. Retaining walls shall be placed upon a 6 inches compacted Class 6 base, 6 inches below proposed finished RWG planting soil grade. Behind the wall shall be placed a 6 inch minimum wide Crushed Rock dtainage azea This azea shall be wrapped with Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric. Retaining Wall Stone — Fond du Lac, 3 to 4 inch thiclmess, 8 inches deep, variable width. Each course shall be level and the stone shall be unifotm thickness. The joints between stones shall be staggeced between wall courses. PRODUCE AND PLACE PLANTING SOIL. Planting soil shatl be produced by uniformly mixing loamy sand topsoil with compost provided by the contactor. The mixture shail consist of' 70 percent homogenous constcucdon sand and 30 peccent organic grade 2 compost, uniformly mixed piior to placement. Compost material shall meet the requirements of MN/DOT standard specification 3890 fo: gaade 2 compost and be supplied by a NIN/DOT approved vendor. Sand shall have less than 5% passing the #200 seive. 10-374 :� . 1. 6.07 . �: � 1• Prior to delivering the materiai to ffie site the contractor shatl provide a sample from the approved supplier to the engineer. The conhzctor shatl provide the sample a minimum of one week prior ro placement Salvaged topsoil and imported topsoil shall be placed to the minimum thiclmess shown on plans in all azeas designated not to receive planting soil: Small azeas of topsoil shall be spread by hand. Mixing shall be completed in the street or off site. Special caze shall be taken to prevent damaging the street pavement or curb. If planung soil is not uniformly mixed it shall be removed and re-mixod at the Conuactor's expense. Planting soil shall be placed to the depth shown on the plans. 6.10 It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent sediment transport off site. If rain is in the weather forecast, planting soil sLall be mixed and place.d back in tha raingarden or stormwatec planter the same day it is excavated. Othexwise, planting soil must be removed from the st�eet and placed in the gazden within 48 hours of when it was excavated. 6.1 L The streat shall be swept immediately after the planting soil is placed. To ensure timely sweeping, the Conhactor's sweeping equipment shall be on site for the dvration of all earthwork activities. If the Contractor fails to sweep in a timely manner, the City will sweep the street and chazge the Contractor foi the work. 6.12 Placement of planung soIl shall be accomplished by dumping from the street and spreading with a backhoe bucket, or some other acceptable means determined by the Conuactor. Small irregularities shall be worked out with hand tools. 6.13 Grading tolerances for finished grade of planting soil: Deptk +/- 0.2 feet Horizontal +/_ 0.5 feet PART7 7_OI 7.02 7.03 7.04 PLACF;MEIVT OF SHRF.DDED HARBWOQD MULCH Upon completioa of the planting, the contsactor shall fiunish and place sluedded hazdwood mulch inside the liarits of the gazden and planters. Three ( 3) inches of mulch shall be placed., Any material delivered that dces not match the approved sample shall be rejected and removed at the contractor's expense. Mukh shall be placed within one week of planting. END OF SECTlON 323000 10-374 SECTION 329300 PLANT ESTABLISIIlVIENT Fhe provisions of Mn/DOT Staadard Specification Z571 and 2575 are hereby suppfemented and/or amended by the following: PART I: GENERAL 1A1 Descripuon of WoLk A All Work specified herein shall be perfosmed as indicated on the Drawings. B. All work shall be perFoimed by Contractor meeting minimum qualificauons desciibed herein, demonstrating plant installation experience and extensive plant Imowledge. C. The Work specified heiein includes providing all mateiials, equipment, and labor necessary for planting establishment as shown on the Drawings, and as specified. 1.02 References A. ICBN - Intemational Code of Botanical Nomenclature. B. ICNCP - Intemational Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants. C ANSI - Amexican National Standazds Institute: American Standazd for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.1 D. Mn/DOT - Standacd Spacifications for ConsRUCtion, 2005 Edition 1.03 Qualifications A. Cont�actor shall pexform all work under the direct controi of' a superintendent conforming to the minimum qualifications, including plant installation experience, natwal resources educafion and extensive plant laiowledge. All proposers and subcontractors shall have successful experience with a minimum of five rainwater gazden plant installation projects of compuable size and scope. B. Supervision: The supervisoi shall directly supervise the woik force. Conuactoi shall not change supeiintendents without the wFitten approval of Engineer. C, If Con�actor, in opinion of Engineer oc Owner, fails to pxovide a supecintendent confoxxning to the minimum qualifications the Contractor shall be considered in breach of'the Agreement. D. Installauon Supervisor: 1. This person shall be present full-time dming all installation and maintenance piocedures 2. This peison must hold at least a Bachelors degree in Namral Resoucces Management or zelated discipline, 10-374 3. This person must have a minimum of five years experience in landscape installarion and maintenance supervision, with experience or training in rainwater garden pianting, soIls, and plant identification. 4. This person must hold a current coaunercial herbicide and pesticide applicators license. E. Labor Force: Shall be thomughly familiaz with and trained in the work to be accomplished and perfotm in a competent, efficient manner acceptable to the Engineer. 1.04 Submittals A. At least 14 days prior to seeding, submit to Ena neer for review: I. Product Data and Specifications 2. Mulch Sample 3. Ptoposed Equipment Specifications and Literature: a. Mulch blowei 4.. Planting Schedule 1 05 Erosion Con�ol A. Contracror is required ro conlinue erosion control methods and maintain previously installed materials, and to install where necessary addiuonal protection to control erosion and sedimentaGon during theu work on the site. Contractox will verify that condipons on the site are suitable to receive woik prioz to commencing. Conuactor will be responsible ro repair aIl subsequent soil eiosion after site condiuon veiificafion extending fo1' a period of three months after receipt of preliminazy acceptance. Contractor will repau all erosion iills greater than one inch. Cvntractor will repair al1 eroded azeas within 48 hours of receipt of notificarion fiom Owner or Engineer. Addiuonal eiosion control repairs and/or measures shall be considered incidental to the plant installation. 1.06 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling A. DeHvery and Storage: 1. Ship and stote plants and mulch with protecrion from weather or other conditions that would damage the pioduct or impair its effectiveness. 2. All plants will be lnspected by the Engineer and items that have become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged in transit or in storage will be rejected. 3. Time delivery so that live plants will be planted within 24 hours of delivery. Protect Qlants against drying and damage prior to planting. 4. Each species shall be handled and packed in the mannei approved for that plant, having regard for the soil and climadc conditions at the time and place of digging and delivery, and to the lime that will be consumed while in transit or delivery. All precautions that azz 10-374' customary in good trade piactice shall be taken to insure the aaival of plants in good condition. 1.07 Wazzanry A. Contractor shall wurant that herbaceous plants be in a healthy and vigorous growing condition for 3 yeazs from final acceptance. B. Corrective Work Lluiing Wazranry Period: Replant, and otherwise correct woik which does not meet the Conffition and Coveiage standards at the end of the Wacr<mty period, without cost to the Owner. 2. Perform correciive work in conformance with Yhe requirements of ihis SpecificaYion. C. Delays: Delays in compleuon of plauUng operations, which extend the planting into more than one planting season, shall extend the Wazcanry period conespondingly. D. Exceprions: Conkactor st�all not be beld responsible for failures due to vandalism. PART 2: PROBUCTS 2.01 Live Plants A. Su�ply live plants as per Plant List on the plan sheet. B. Do not remove container-grown stock from containers until planang time. C. ' Label at least one plant of each variety in each planfing azea with a securely attached waterproof tag bearing lenible designation of botanicai and common name. D. All plants sball comply with the State and Federal laws with respect to inspection for plant diseases and insect infestations. 2.02 Plant Substitutions A. Species to be pIanted sha11 be those specified on the plans. Any substitution oi change sfialI be approved prior to use in writing by the Engineec. B. If proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, due to conditions beyond the control of the Contractor and for reasons otfiez than cost changes since submittak of Pioposal prices, a proposal will be considered for use of the aeazest'equivaient variety with carresponding adjustment of ConFnct price. C Substantiate such proof in writing no latei than 30 days after awazd af Conhact D. The above pmvisions shall not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for obtaiaing specified plants in advance if special �owing conditions or othez azrangements must be made in order to supply specific materiats. . E. Replacement Plants: 10-374 ?vIatch er.isung genus, species, size, and location of soucce. 2. Meet requuemenu of these specifications. 3. ibleet requirements of Ai�1SI Z60.1, ICBN and ICVCP 2_03 Materials A. General: `I'he Engineer reserves the right to inspect and plants materials at site before plantina, for compliance witfi requirements for nazne, variety, size, quantiry, and quality. B. Mulch: Shredded Hazdwood Mulch —:V1nJDOT 3882.2 Type 6 C. Water. Contractor to verify water source and availability prior to construclion. If permits or water metei s aze required the cost shall be bome by tUe Contractor. Contractor to supply all hoses and apptopriate eonnectors for building ouflets and/or hydrants. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 General Requirements A. Protecvon of Existing Conditions: Use every reasonable precauuon to prevent damage to existing conditions such as structures, utilities, plant materials and walks on or adjacent to the site of the woik Any damage caused by the Contractor shall be repaired at the Contractozs expense. B. Bazriers: Frovide banicades, fences ot other bazrieis as necessary to pzotect exis6ng condipons fiom damage during installation opeiaGons. G Hazacdous Operations: Do not store materials or equipment, do not operate oc pazk equipment under the branches of existing trees and sluubs. D. Notificafion: Submit to Owner wiitten no6ficauon of any damaged plants andloi stcuccures. 3.02 Exaurination and Preparation of Topsoil A. Verification of Condidons: Examine site and verify to the Engineer and Owner that conditions are suitable to receive work and that no defects oreirors aze present which would cause defective installation of products or cause latent defecu in wotkmanship and funcfion. B. Unsuitable Condiuons: Before proceeding with planflng work, notify the Owner and Engineer in writing of all unsuitable conditions. , C. WeedEradication 1. Between 14 to 21 days prior to planting date apply hexbicide containing glyphosate or manually remove if weeds exist. Apply 2-4D upon notificadon from the Owner or the En� neer. 2. Planring shall not continue until all weeds have been removed oi ldlled. 10-374 3.03 Potted Plant Tnstallation A_ Engineer sha11 supexvise planfing. Detailed planting layout will be directed by Engineer on-site. Conhactor shall schedule planting with the Engineer five days in advance_ B. Plants shatl be installed as shown in rhe planang detail of the attached pIan. C. Plants must be watered within eight houts of planting. D Conzractor will be responsible for watering plants (regazdiess of noti&cation) d�uing entire , wuranty period. Contractor will water plants wiUun 24 hours of receipt of notification from Owner or Engineer. Watering will be considered incidental to the Contract. 3.04 Clean Up A. Daily: Keep Work ueas clean, neat and orderIy. B. Final: C1ean up and remove deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Review. 3.05 Review and Acceptance of Wotk A Preliminary Review; 1. Upon complefion of the establishment work, request a review by the Engneer to detemune whetfier the woik confornu to the tequirements of the Specifications. 2. If it is found that the work does not wnform to the requirements of the Specifications, the Contractor will receive written notification from the Engineer of required cosections. 3. Perform conecave work cvithin ten calendar days afrer the Preliuvnary Review. 4. Upon complefion of tfie co:rective work, reques4 another Pieliminary Review to determine whether work conforms to the requirements of the Speci&cations. B. Preliaunary Acceptance: When the Engineer determines thaz tLe work confocros to the iequiremerns of the Specificadons the Contractor will receive a written notification of Preliminary Acceptance. 2. The warranry peiiod will commence upon the date specified by the notificafion of Preliminary Acceptance., C. Final Review: 1. At the end of the watranty period, Contractoz shall request a review by the Engincer to determine whether the work conforms to the reqairements of the Specificacions. 2. If Engineer determines that work does not confoxm to the requuements of the Specifications, the Contractor wiil ieceive written notification o£ required corrections. 3. Perform corrective work widun ten calendaz days of Final Review. 10-374 4. Upon compleuon of the conective work, Conuactor shall request another Final Review by Engineer, who will determine whether the work confoims to the requirements of the Spec�cations. D. Final Acceptance: Contcactor wiIl receive a written notification of Final Acceptance when the Engineei determines that the work conforms to the reqairements of the Specifications. END OF SECTION 329300 10-374 SECTION 329343 PI.ANT INSTALLATION PART 1: GENERAL i[tiii]�•Y�rTtYCs7� A. All Wock included in tttis SecRon shall be perFormed in accardance with the following pazagraphs, the General Requiremerns of these Specifications, and the provisions of the other Contract Documents. , . B. Work covered under tlris Secfion includes pmviding all mazerials, equipment, and labor necessary to install the plants as shown on the plan and deYails. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction, 2005 Edition, hereafter refeired to as Mn/DOT Standard Specifications. B, Amexican Sociery for Testing and Materials, Current Fdifion, hereaftu refened to as ASTM. C. American Standard for Nntsery Stocic, ANSIZ60.1-1986. 1.03 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Contractor to norify Engiueer of wUen planting operations will cecur, a minimum of ttuee (3) daysin advance. B. It is the Contracror's tesponsibility to contact the local utility companies for verification of the locarion of all underground utility lines in the azea of work. 1.04 BASIS FOR COMPENSATION A. Compensauon for all Work covered undei tlris Secdon of these Specifications shall be as set forth in Section 202900, Measurement and Payment. lA5 QUALITYASSLJRANCE A. Codes: Plants shall comply with local, state and federal laws relating to inspection for diseases and insect infestation. B. Gradiag Standards: Ptants s6all meet the cequirements set forth in these Contract Documents. In addition, they shall meet the requirements c�ommended by the ANSIZ60.2. C. Inspection: The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the planu at their place of growth and upon delivery for conformity to specification requirements. Approval of material at those times, does not preclude the right of inspection and iejecaon during progress of the planting work. 10-374 D. Handling Plants: 1, Protect plants from heat and drying out if not planted immediately upon delivery. Set plants on the ground, and keep continually moist and/or protect with a covering of soil, mulch, or other acceptable material. Material that is not protected in this manner is subject to xejection by the Engineec. 2. Lift potted and balled and bucped material from the bottom only, using straps oi webbing to avoid cutting into the root ball. 3. Tying of branches shall be done with rope or twine only, and in such a manner that no damage will occur to the bazk or branches. 4. Protect plants fcom wind and sun at all times by using tazpaulins oz covers to prevent foliage, btanches, and roots from drying out. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 Plants: Provide as specified on Plant Schedule located on the Drawings. 2.02 Mulch: Double Shredded Hazdwood — VIn/DOT 3882.2 Type 6. 2.03 Water: Contractor to verify water source and availability prior to consttucflon. If peimi[s ot watei meters are required the cost shall be bocne by the Contractor. Conuactor to supply all hoses and appsopriate connectors for building outlets andloi hydtants. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 TIME OF PLANTING A. Planting operations aze to be conducted under favorable weather conditions duzing the following planting seasons: 1, Spring: April 15 to June 30 2. Fall: September 1 to November 15 3.02 LAYOUT OF PLANTS A. Contractor shall notify Engineer 24 hows in advance of plant layout. B. Contractor to stake locauons for trees confosming to the Planung Plan and layout remazks in the Plant Schedule. Engineer will adjust as necessazy and verbally approve locations prio; to installation. 3.03 PLANTING A. Plant in acwrdance with the Planting Details shown on the Planring Plan. 3.04 CLEAN UP A. Clean-up the entue azea azound plan6ng operations and restore to its oziginal condition 10-374 ° 3.05 INSPECTION AND ACCEP'i'ANCE A. Conuactor to request an inspecrion by Engineer of completed work Engineer will produce a punch list foIIowing the inspection. The punch list cviIl note al1 repairs, replacements, or work completions which may appear at the time to be necessary in the judgement of the Engineer_ Engineei will deliver a cogy of the punch list to the Contractor. Upon completion of all work identified on the punch list, a second inspecflon will be made. Such piocedure will conrinue unril all items of the punch list are carrected. Upon crompletion of a satisfactorg inspection, the En�neer will recommend that the Ownei accept the work as compiete, provided all iequirements of the extended maintenance and guazantee are met. 3.06 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE A, Coatractor to guazantee all plants under this contract for a minimum of three full years from the time of Owner acceptance. 1. Replacements: At the end of rhe Guarantee Period, all plants shall fulfrll all the requirements of these specifications with regazd to qualiry and condition; fiuther, they shall be free of dead branches and twigs and shall beaz a minimum of 80% of the foliage present when planted having normal deusity, size, shape and color as determined by the Landscape Architect. Any plants failing to satisfy all these conditions shall be replaced as soon as possible. Plants may be replaced Qrior to the end of their guarantee Period if such aa agreemeat exists betwee¢ the Contrnctor and the Iandscape ArclutecG Rep2acemen[ stock shall be subject to all requirements as to selection, inspections, preparalion, planring and maintenance operations. Replacements shall match caliper and/or height attained by other stock of the original planting. 2. Replacement Guarantee: Replacement stock shall not be guaranteed. 3. Final Acceptance aud Payment: A final inspection will be held after the end of the Guazantee period and after all replacements are complete. Final acceptanoe will be subaritted in writing by the Engineer and payment wili be issued for the amount of the retainage. END OF SECTION 329343 10-374 It is undetstood and agreed that this constitutes the entire AgLeement between the parties, and that any amendment to the Agreement must be in writi ng and executed hy the parties in the same inanner as this Agreement 13. Use of Right of Way by Other Utilities. The Distr7ct agcees to allow 3ccess to any ulility service requesting use ancllor placement of infras�tructure lequipment in the Right of Way within the locarion of the practice. 14. Removal of one or inore Practice(s) if Parking Restrictions aze changed. ,, The District agrees to remove the practice and restoze the project azea to pre- project conditions {at District cost) witbin 90 days of notice from the City if future changes in pazking restricrion status are made in the area of the practice. Upon succassful xemoval of the practice and restoration of the azea to pre-pro}ect conditions, ttris agreement shail be termivated for that specific practice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands this day CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITOL REGION WATBRSHED DISTRICT City Engineer Its Mayor or Deputy Mayor Its Its City Clerk Its Director of Financiai Services Approved as to form: Its Assistant Cii3� Attorney