178709 i • !7H7O9 Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEr °e'en Fite No. 17*1w- maic the w e oiei m and �p;mt alts ofie i4s." ,# o,.. ,aFa ...., r. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Partially opening widening and extending the -proposed Northern_Route bysondoning..__ and__te�king__the_.fs�lla ng_.descrihad.lota_.and-.paP_ce1.s--c�f--land. The south 90 t't! of Lot 6, Peace-_.Bros.__ReArrang t--of..-Block••1.-- fer-se P®elerey-- frtie •to•--tlu••G-ity--o€-St:Paw1;---also T'S the west 21 ft. of lit and the east 18.6 ft,--Q -.LQt__15s._BhQk-2;--Ist...--R.--baidat ReArranngeme t of Block 3and fNorth ones.half of Block 2. Winterlsl4idition to St.Paul,Minnesota. 1Othi J 0 =56• 1 A A / / le "IL " 1 ' . I 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1°artially.._ap p,,-.. .dsninig--and.-artandi ng_the--proposed--Rmrthera-Rsute• by•oondleas#ng-•- and taking the follynrin desf ri d_iota and-_parcels.-of•-land;---Tha-.son-t I--90.•it...af-Lot-•6,, Pease Bros. ReArrangeme$.t of 11:Q.ck.-1,-_Hersey Doke,--Addition-ao-_tha- ity-af-St..P•aa,7.;•also the west 21 ft, of Lot 4 an4 the _east__18.f ft.-_of I,cat--l5.._.,B1ock-2:--.tos.---fit..•eidea... ReArrangement of Block and North one-half of Mock 2, Winter's Addition to St.Paul.ltinnesota, having been presented to he Council of the City of Saint caul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t e Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: . 1. To investigate th necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate th nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether Or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 1 6 1956 Adopted by the Council f YEAS Nuts Councilman : DeCourcy JUL 1 o i c -...., , ,:.0 Approved HOL D MARS ELIA MOR SON PETER ON D,, MR. PRESIDENT DILLO ' •' Mayor. 3000 7-54 PUtiiLiSITED 1"//6-3r4, 1 1