178677 . ' . fIQ11 i1 if d.M'94hma...� ' s .Original to•City Clerk ail "° 1' �, )77 ORDIN4 ?��„� e ,. ,� f COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY au �'� ORDINANCE NO. /� 606 An ordinance granting permission to First State Bank of St. Paul to grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 14, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, from Payne Avenue to a point 270 feet east of the east line of Payne Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 2-Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to First State Bank of St. Paul to grade and suzface with bituminous material the alley in Block 14, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, from Payne Avenue to a point 270 feet east of the east line of Payne Avenue, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit therefor upon its compliance with the following conditions, viz: 1. Said permittee shall grade and surface with bituminous material said alley entirely at its own expense, and to the satisfaction and under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and specifications and con- structed to the grade approved by the Chief Engineer of the City of St. Paul. 2. Said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection, and also the cost of the publication of this ordinance. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work said permittee shall procure from the abutting owners such easements in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, and shall obtain a written release, releasing and discharging the City from any and all damages by reason of the grading and surfacing of said alley. 4. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously with diligence and complete said work on or before November 1, 1956. 5. Said permittee shall furnish a bond in the ' ti( sum of $5000.00 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned /(•o to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages or expense that may accrue to person or property occasioned by the grading of said street, and the surfacing thereof. oritg.al to Cit7 Mork . ��y , " ORDINANCE 17$77 COUNCIL FILE NO. //� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. v 6. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. ILK 2 i 1951 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland in Favor Mortinson Peterson —.O Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Ia. 3 ' Approv-. : Attest: lip .0 d 411111 i 44(1/4..- . .....Nrorl ■ •• ■ ...c ' NA, . f / City Clerk ' Mayor r 6-•, 8 FUBLISHED -O 8'-s 178677 ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W. TEWS JOS. PAVLICEK • Prin.Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital al of Minnesota • HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner JOHN M.COTTER,Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT • • CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OP MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER ARTHUR H. ROCH EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer • R • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P.MULLANEY,Supt. June 29, 1956 Mr. Marshall Hurley Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: Will you kindly prepare an ordinance granting permission to the First State Bank of St. Paul, located at Payne and Case, to grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 14, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, from Payne Avenue to a point 270 feet east of the east line of Payne Avenue. The work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications and constructed to the grade approved by the Chief Engineer of the City of St.Paul. Any cost for engineering and inspection incurred by the City in this connection is to be paid for by the First State Bank of St. Paul. A bond in the amount of $5000 will be required, and this ordinance shill be drawn as an emergency ordinance. Time of completion slllbe November 1st, 1956. Yours very truly, 44 .x' Herbert S. West, Office Engineer. hsw rh ;Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO o An ordinance granting permission to First State Bank of St. Paul to grade and surface with bituminous material the Saint Paul, Minnesota July 31st, 1956 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 178677, being Ordinance No. 10806, adopted by the Council on July 24, 1956. FIRST STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL By: �-��% Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8'a 6. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared _to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C ncil U L 2 4 1 DeCourcy Holland in Favor �Mortinso'n�'" Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) JUL 2 4 19 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 AM.8 ` . 1st, 7 • 4 d Laid over to 7//3rd and app. 7 Adopted— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland / Holland. Marzitelli / �::e olli Mortinson b Mortinson 0 �eterse�r— Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Dillon Mr. President Dillon alOWD s 11,44-677 ORIGINAL _ ' ' CITY OF SA4NT PAUL ;97R OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER # ° ( 7 0,k• RECEIPT N? _ 790 6, _ / ( 1" Pi RECEIVED OF ..C...4'..-, , e,e..,... $ ioo FOR2.4.Aez.,..k.:, a-eZz ,....cots/ S52 ! ././..,. / 2 ///,4 CITY COMPTROLLER /7 51 7 7 500 5.51 ORIGINAL - CITY OP SMNT PAUL _ - TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N? _ 760 19 re---t-t -t RECEIVED F 6 1/ / .1 , d),- • ee--e-h-----C.. 2.,:_ ZA-c_i/.?.,:i.,L__/,. , f----- $ too 4t.<FOR_ 3-o.----,---,--rt, --7-.!....4„4„..4/' 4-7hi. -t---L; A..1 _t--)--A-1 A-f--/ it,-,t--- -(7....., / Ili 00 I , t ' CITY COMPTROLL 6 6431 BY