10-367Council File # Q' ��j � Green Sheet # 3104716 RESOLUTION CITY FjSAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3j Presented by 1 WHEREAS, on Fe�-3,'2010, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #10-124, 2 said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessment far collection of delinquent vacant building 3 monitoring fees re-invoiced in September 2009 (File No. VB0907, Assessment No. 108747); and 4 5 WHEREAS, the property at 726 Desoto Street, being described as: 6 Stinsons Addition N 38 Ft of Lot 27 Blk 13 9 with the property identification number 29-29-22-34-0044 was assessed an amount of $1,070.00 for 10 collection of delinquent vacant building monitoring fees; and I1 12 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment as it was made in enor 13 by department staff. 14 15 THBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the reduction of $1,070.00, plus any accrued interests, be funded 16 by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Council Pile #10-129 is heseby amended to reflect this change. 17 Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney Sy: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councit By: Adoption Certified by Counci ecretary By: r � Approvq y� y� Date `{ /�{ ?ir7 r � By: 1Y' � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmentlOffice/Councii: Date Initiated: � D �� �� c o-������� 3oMAR2o,o Green Sheet NO: 3104716 � CoMact Person & Phone: � , Department Sent To Person Initial/Date , � Marcia Moermond �, y o co�❑ca _ � 1 Council DepartmentDirector , AsSign ' Z CiN Clerk Citv Clerk ' ' Must Be on Council Agentla 6y (Date): Number 3 , . For ' Routing - 4 � �Doa �� Order ' 9 ,� E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: ContactPhone: Total # of Si9nature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Resolution amending CF. #10-129 to delete the assessment for collection of delinquent vacant building monitoring fees re-invoiced fn September 2009 for property at 726 Desoto Street. Recommendations� Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Qvil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a corAract for this department� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Ooes th�s personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current c+ty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Pro6lem, Issues, OpRa�unity (Who, WhaQ Whe�, Whefe, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Souroe: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: March 30, 2010 139 PM Page 1 Presented by Council File # 10-367 Green Sheet # 3098916 RESOLUTION �� F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two-story wood frame commercial building located on property hereinafrer referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 781- 783 UNIVERSITY AVE W. This property is legally described as follows, to wit: 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 20 BLK 3 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and infonnation obtained by Department of Safety and Inspections on or before October 5, 2009, the following are the now known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Pro�erty: Yong Sun Park, 323 Superior St E, Duluth MN 55802-2125; Robert Schilling, 1085 Reaney Ave, St Paul VIN 55106; Nga T. Nguyen, 3322 Rolling Hills Ct, Eagan MN 55121; Quyen T. Do, 677 Sims Ave, St Paul MN 55106; Thomas-Dale District & Planning Council. WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an oxder identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated January 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this arder informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the shucture located on the SubjecC Property by February 10, 2010; and WHEREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condirion; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Department of Safety and Inspections requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Hearing Officer oFthe City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice m accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code, of Yhe time, date, place asid purpose of the public hearings; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to arder the interested � �l� ��3 i ��` � � 10-367 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday April 7, 2010, and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Properiy at 781-783 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST. That the Subject Proper[y comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 3. That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Property. 4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). 5. That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. 6. That Department of Safety and Inspections has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolirion. 7. That this building has been routinely monitored by Depariment of Safety and Inspections, VacantJNuisance Buildings. 8. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. 10-367 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (IS) days after the date of the Counci] Hearing. 2. If the above conective action is not completed within this period of time Department of Safety and Inspections is hereby authoiized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saitit Paul Legislatave Code. 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property ar fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the C1ty of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by 1aw. 4_ It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and intexested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 af the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretary By: � d Appro ed M yti �: Date �(� 2d e� $y. �� Safery and Inspections By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Councii: Date ��(J���lj/f/ 10-3b7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � : DepartmenUOfficelCOUncil: Datelnitiated: GCP.P+II S�P�Pr{� NO 3Q98916 ' S4 - Dept. of Safety & Inspections '�. } � FEB 2010 � ConWCt Person 8 Phone: � Bob Kessler 266-9013 , Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 07-APR-10 �, Doa Type: RESOLUTION � E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: '�� ConWCt Phone: � Assign Number For - Routing Order 0 Dept of Safetv & insn�tions � 1 DepLOfSafety&IusPeclions ' DeparhneutDirector 2 CiNAttomey CiNAttomeV � 3 .Y�avor's OtLce Mayor/ASSistant 4 Counc3l City Council 5 City Clerk City Cterk ToW{ # of Signature Pages _(Clip AIt Locations for Signature) Action Requested: City Council to pass this resolurion which will order the owner(s) to remove the referenced building(s). If ihe owner fails to comply with the resolurion, the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections is ordered to zemove the building. The subject pioperty is Ixated at 781 - 783 iJNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pianniog Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person)firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Whe�e, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance building(s) as defined in Chapter a5 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of Yhe Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 781 - 783 I3NIVERSITY AVE W by February 19, 2010, and have fa�led m comply w�th those orders. Advantages If Approved: The City wi11 eliminate a nuisance. DisadvanWges if Approved: . The City wi11 spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the propercy, collected as a special assessment against the property taYes. A nuisance condipon will remain unabated in the City. Th9s building(s) wil] continue to blight the community. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: A nuisance cond�tion will remain unabated in the Ciry. This building(s) will confinue to blight the communiry. ToWI Amount of Trensaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Fundin9 source: Nuisance Housing Abatement qctiviry Number: 001-00257 Financial lnformation: (Explain) March 31, 2010 4:14 PM Page 1 10-367 DEPARTMEISTOf SAGETY AND INSPECTIONS Richnrd Lippers, (Jepury Direcror C . i . I , Y O�. S, � n,T.y. PA� 3I5 Jarkson Street. Suite Z20 C�LLV L SniMPoal, MN55101-l306 CLrrnophe� B. Coleman, Mayor � Februaiy 12, 201 Q NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of [he City Council 7ete�nhmre 651-?GG-S9S9 �ncsinvle_ GSf-266-i419 Web urv,wetunid.euv/dci Department of Safety and Inspections, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has reyuested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removai of the nuisance building(s) located at: 781- 783 UNIVERSITY AVE W The City Cauncil has scheduted the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, March 9, 20S 0 City Council Hearing — Wednesday, April 7, 2010 The owners and responsible parties of record aze: Nan�e and Last Known Address Yon� Sun Park 323 Superior St E Buluth MN 55802-2125 Interest Fee Owner RobeR Schilling 1085 Reaney Ave St Paul MN 55106-3918 Nga T. Nguyen 3322 Rolling Hi11s Ct Bagan MN 55121 Quye�� T. Do 677 Sims Ave St Paul MI�! 55106 Tho�vas-Dale District & Planning Council D i stri c[7nc@vahoo. com C of O Responsible Party and Tax Owner Tnterested Party Interested Party District Council Contact M Affirmative Ao[ion Bqual OpporNniry Employer 10-367 781 - 783 i.1NIVERSITY AVE W February 12, 2010 page 2 The lega] description of this property is: SYNDSCATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 24 BLK 3 With the foilowing Historic Preservation information: District: Thomas-Dale Buiiding Name: plumber's store Inventory #�: RA-SPC-3891 The Department of Safety and Inspections has declazed this building(s} to constifute a"nuisance" as defii7ed by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. The Departmen[ of Safety and Inspections has issued an o�der to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). The property was re-inspected on February 10, 20I0. There was no compliance and the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence o f this property. It is the recommendation of the Department of Safety and Inspections lhat the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Department of Safety and Inspections to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as ta7ces. Sincerely, Steve 1i�agneY Steve Ma�n�er Vacant Buildings Manager Department of Safety and Inspections SM:cs cc: David Palm, City Attorneys Office Mary Erickson, Assistant Seeretary to the Council Cindy Carlson, PED-Housing Division Nancy Homans, Invest St. Paul District Council — Community Organi2er puhhmg6DlaT f2/09 10-367 SUMMARY FOR PUBLIC HEARING 781-7&3 University Avenue West Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Ciry Council — Wednesday, Apri17, 2010 The building is a two story, wood frame, commercial building on a lot of 4,792 square feet. According to our files, it has been a vacant building since August 14, 2002. The current properiy owner is Robert Schilling, per AMANDA and Ramsey County Property records. There have been two (2) SUMMARY ABATEMENT NOTICES since 2002. There has been no WORK ORDER(S) issued. On December 1, 2009, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An ORDER TO ABATE A NUISANCE BUILDING was posted on January 12, 2010 with a compliance date of February 10, 2010. As of this date this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Vacant Building registration fees are paid. (Paid by assessment 11-2-09) Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $146,40� on the land and $89,500 on the building. As of March 4, 2010, a Team Inspecfion has not been completed. (Nofe: A team inspeetion was done on 3-26-04. Report enclosed) As of March 4, 2010, the $5,000.00 performance bond has not been posted. Real Estate taxes for 2009 are delinyuent in the amount of $6,221.40, plus penalty and interest. Code Enforcement Officers esfimate the cost to repair this structure which exceeds $150,000. The estimated cost to Demolish is $40,000. DSI, Division of Code Enforcement Resolurion submitted for cansideration orders the properiy owner to repair or remove this structure within fifteen (15) days, if not the resolution authorizes the Division of Code Enforcement to demolish and assess the costs to the property. Tax and P���;�,:,�:��r �,o�k ;. % � , ti ,.. !iuick Info 10-367 Page 1 of 2 f.�;n.�: H%{2l:ag _., �-�, _� ��'�,;,_ ��: :. _ . : ����� ��-_�:���� �Jp Information - Quick Info �- ,�.� �' ��- Up I I Record Look U� I I Cor�tact Us Qt�tc< irfo > �r � . { ��. . . . . p r ���,� ��: �. �. ,-.. .. , . Ur7e;� : . �;�=.�". . �'r. ._ � v, � "sYY` .. {' � ,;. � � , , ', v. 2' . _ �_ �� _ ��.�, ,i : �[�^. • . � _v .. r. > r� �-n^c�rmatien Go to_E_ Pay_ (US Ba_nk S_ow_s°r Re_guirements) rr.=.a; r�yr 3cferitification Number (PIIV) Prmperty Address 783 University Ave W Municipafity St. Paul Watershed Capital Region WIS �cf?ool DistricY Numbar 625 Assessment Date 01-02-2008 01-02-2009 'i'ax Payable Year 2009 2030 �'cs�a& E��tievs�tec3 Market Value $235,900 $235,900 Yntal Taxable Market Value $227,700 $235,900 ���al �s#imated Land Vafue $58,600 $146,4�� ����f EsYarna'ked Building Value $177,300 $89,500 Property Tax $4,846.2Q S�ec:al Assessments $455.80 i�ss`:�a9 ��r�sper�y Tax + Special $5,302 AssessmenFs �r¢�perty Ctass Description Comm/Ind Comm/Ind Res Non-Hstd Res Non-Hstd C Year Built 1911 # of Stories 2.00 .�L�@�sPr�ua�E �ie�A�hed SQ Feet/Comm, 6885 Ynd, Apt Sldg Area Fnu�dation Size � �,s �p,„� �s ��-�@�sr; ' Tssurnship i [2ange and tagal 4�scripYion !l qs;;:P= �a��s�� �� y Ia� �tt a&�tsrevia�ed €egai descrtption - Do not use tn �repare 1e3a9 dflcasmer�ts Se�t��n / �ownship J Range 35-29-23 Plat 5yndicate No. 1 Addition Legal Description Lot 20 Blk 3 � o �'etermine vvhether your property is �t; ` ?�: o caif (651)266-2000 S'_wt . . �,. a., r: - , . 3i�o:Ilrrinio.cox �s�!??�alic/ch?r�cteristie�t�avicei_aspx?scrn=Quick&pin=3 52923 1 3 0221&ent=3 314/2010 DLAARTMEA'TOF SAF6TY ANCYi�'AS?+��I'10�5 2�chnrd Ltpper[, Mm+rtger of Corfe 6nforcemem CITY OF SAINT PAUL C'6rzsmp(ter B Colentan, MtgO�' 375 Jnckson Street , Suue 220 Smnt Paut, MN i5101-180b J21lU2Iy 17, 2�1� Yon� $un Park 323 Superior St E Duluth MN 55802-2125 Robert Schilling 1085 Reaney Ave StPaul MN 55106 Naa T. Nguyen 3322 Rolling Hills Ct Eagan MiV 55121 Quyen T. Do 677 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55106 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear : Yong Sun Park ,Telephone b.iJ-2GG-89,S9 Facsuarie G�-2G6-i9/y 3"JeG �v:i:�. stanu: b•'/dsi The VacantiNuisauce Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and I�nspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby declares the premises Located at: 78] UNNERSITY AVE W With the following Historic Preservation information: District Thomas-Date Building Name: plumber's store Invezitary #: _ RA-SPC-3891 and legally described as follows, to wit: SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 20 BLK 3 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45,02, and subjecC to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On December 01, 2009, a Buiiding Deficiency Tnspection Report was compiled and the foilowing conditions were observed. This ►ist of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. As flirst remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection must be obtained from the Department of Safety and Inspecfions, 375 Jackson St., Suite 220. That inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may also be required to post a�ve thousand dollar ($5,Q00.00) performance bond with the Department of Safety and Inspections befare any permits are issued, except for a AA-ADA-EEO 8mployer Jafivai y 1 I. 2� 10 751 CtiIVERSITY AVE W pa��e 2 10-36� demolifion permit. Call The Department of Safety and Inspections for more information at 651-266-8989. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Oidinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy untit such time as a Certificate of Comp�iance ar a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. Tl�is is a two-story wood frame commercial building. DEPICIEl�'CY LIST I ST FLOOR - MliFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached �ounding connechon for the electrical service.-783 LST FLOOR-GROUND METERS 2. 1ST FLOOR - MIJFC 8504 - Provide a11 electrical splices wiYhin jun�tion boxes.-KO SEALS MISSING FROM BQXES-1ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FTRST FLOOR RUN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING NAILS. NO CONNECTORS 781 - SPLC 3410 (2), 34.33 - Repair and maintain the damaged structura] member. This repair may require a building permit, ca11 LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-REAR OF 781 BLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY ISSUES-STEEL BEAM IS TWiSTED FRON A PREVIOUS FIRE. STRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST SE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER Al�'D ALL REPAIItS MADE UNDER PBRMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE IN THAT AREA OF THE BLDG. UNTIL REPAIRS A1tE MADE. 781 I ST FLOOR - MUPC 1107.3 - Immediately discontinue and reniove tne unvented WATER HEATER 5. 781 LOWER - SPLC 34.10 (7), 34.33 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner.-FLOOR TILES, FLOOR IN 781 UPPER 6. 781 UPPER - MDFC 11111 - Repair and maintain the required fire resistive conctruction with approved materials and methods. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-PLASTER MISSLNG OFF LATH-MANY ARBAS HOLES IN WALL, CEILINGS NOT PROTECTED. 781 Ul'PER - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 8. 781 UPSTAIRS - ML7FC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This worlc may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-FTXTUREfOPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 7& 1 UPSTAIRS - MLTFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at January 11, 2010 781 [;SIVERSSTY AVfi W paee 3 10-367 (651) 266-9090.-SURFACE ROMEX, BOX vOT MOUIVTED Ov WALL, v0 PLATE COVERS, OFEI�r BOX WITH EXPOSED WIRES 10. 781 liPSTAIRS - SPLC 34.14 (2) c- Procide oz replace the duplex con�'enier�ce outlet w rth ground fault protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent �uall in all batl�rooms. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-GFCI IIG $ATHROOM INOPERABLE-NO GFCE Il�' DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM 11. 78l -lst floor - SPLC 34.14 (3} - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms.-1 st floor bathroom 12. ALL STAIRS - SBC 1004.2.51 - Provide an approved additi�nal means of egress to reduce the travel distance to the exit. 13. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3) 34.33(2) - Provide an approved guardraiL Intermediate ballistrade must not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided if the hei�ht of the platform is more than 30 inches. ] 4. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 3410 (3), 3433(2) - Provide an approved handrail. The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the entire length of the stair. 7 5. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 3433(2) - Repair or replace the unsafe stairway in an approved manner.-PLATFORM ON STAIRS 16. ELECTRICAL J ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 410.47 Screw - Shell Type (Proclein Fixtures). Lampholders of the screw - shal] type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only.-Remove all adapters in poclein fixutes in basements. ] 7. ELECTRICAL / ADARESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN 01-11 BULLETIN 80-1 (Property Maintenance Code). Ail residenYial �ortions of this property wi➢ be brought up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. I 8. ELECTRICAL / A]�DRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.6 - Provide all openmgs in junction boxes to be sealed. 19. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with tha electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-909Q.-Remove or wire per cunent electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling throughout basements and upper levels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on the ceiling by the north stairway. 20. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.53 - Immediately, c�iscontinue use of &ayed, deteriorated, damaged ar spliced electrical cords.-Remove all spliced electrical cords feeding light fixture in basement. Ianua�} l I. 2010 10-367 781 L,ANERSITYAVBW paee 4 2] . ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GEI�ERAL) - NEC 336-� - Remove the non- metallic cable (Romex).-Remove all ille�ally run non - metallic cable throu�h out building. 22. ELfiC7RTCAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 300-11 Provide for a11 raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place.-Provide strapping on conduits, secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Provide approved strapping on the romex run located by the south east corner of basement ceiling. 23. ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENER.SL) - SPLC 3412 (2), 34.35 (1) - Repair and maintain all required and supplied equipment in an operative and safe condition.-Provide electrical power to al1 equipment, receptacles, light fixtures through out building. Replace all broken receptacies, switches and non working GFCI receptacles throughout building. 24. ELECTRICAL { ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1- All ]ight fixtures shall be maintained with protecrive globes if originally equipped. 25. ELECTRICAL I ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAI,) - NEC 110.21 Vlarl<ing. Provide for ali electrical equipment to have markings of voltage, current, wattage or other ratmgs, and manufacture's name. Markings have been painted over. 26. ELECTRICAL ( ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding.-Provide approved grounding and bonding of the electrical system. 27. ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updated directory for all electYical panels. 28. ELECTRICAL ) ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 1061 Permits. Provide bui]ding pernuts for all construction wark completed or in process.-All electrical work wili require a licensed electrician andpermits. Call Liep (651) 266-9090. 29 ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC ll0.15 High Leg Marleing. All High leg marking shall be pernzuiently marked by an outer finish tl�at is orange in color or Uy other effective means.-Provide approved methods per the current electrical code on marking of the l�igh leg electrical system in the building. Have a licensed elect� vezify the existing markings. 30, ELECTRICAL J ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GBNERAL) - SPLC 34.14 (2), 3434 (5) - Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet the buildings needs. This worl< may require a permit(s), call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. 31. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide for the electrical service to be adequately sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type, January 11. 2Q10 781 C\IVERSITYAVEW paee S 10-367 33 E�TTIRE BLTILDI\'G - MUFC 8506 - Discontinue use of extension cords used in lieu of pennanent wiring. 33. EtiTIRE BUILDI�G - � �� Stat 299F.18 - Immediately remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combusrible materials.-PROVIDE 44 L'�'CH 9ISLES FOR FIRE DPARTMENT ACCESS. 3�. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.08 (6), 34.31 (4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior storage that creates a nuisance or harbors rodents.-ALL OLD OIL TANKS, BUCKETS OF OLD LUBRICANT, TRASH AND <JTHER JUNK MUST BE REMOVED 35. EXTERIOR-REAR - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-4090. 36. FIRE PREVENTION - MSFC 901.6 - Provide required annual maintenance of the fire extiuguishers by a quali°ed person and tag the fire extinguishers with the date of se�vice.-Fire extinguishers shall be provided during construction and once the building �s occupied. 37. PIRE PREVENTION - 2ND FLOOR - SPLC 33.05 - Uncertified portiotis of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this �ffice. 38. MECHANICALI ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. 39 MECHANICALI GAS SYSTEM - MLTMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gaslines. 40. MECHANICALBOILBR - SPLC 34.11 (6), 3a34 (3) - Provide service of lieating facility t�y a licensed con�ractor which must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a complefed copy of the Saint Paul Fire Marshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Raport to this office. 41 PLUiYIBING/731 BASEMBNT - MSPC 4715.0580 and 4715.0860-The sanitary waste couplings, and methods. 4?. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Properly vent the standpipe under the front stairs ar remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening. 43. PLUMBING/731 BASEMBNT - SPC 4715.2110 - Replace the inadequate bacicflaw preventer. fihis work may require a permit Call Regional WaYer Servzces at (651) 266- 6350.-Boiler water feed. 44. PLIIMBING/781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitazy waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. �a�lua� ii, zoio 7S1 CAIVERSITY AVE W paee G 10-367 45. PLUVIBINGJ781 FII2ST FLOOR -1VISPC 4715.0300 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the buildm� or remo�e the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 46. PLGMBINGf783 BASE'_V[ENT - MSPC 4715.2860-Properly cap all unused water, �vaste, and vent piping. 47 PLUMBINGl783 BASEIv1ENT - iVISPC 4715380Q-Properly size a11 hot and cotd water supply pipin�. 48. PLUMBINGl783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved samtary waste and vent system on a11 plumbing fixtures in the basement. 49. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain leader from the sanitary sewer and dispose of roof drainage water in an approved location. 50. PLUMBINGf783 BASEMENT - MUMC 2213 - Provide or replace fuel equ�pment piping in compiiance witl� the mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-Provide a code a�proved shutoff valve on the gas line to tl�e water heater within 3 feet of the water heater. 51. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the first floor bathroom fixtures. 52. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (�)-InstaJl a code approved vent for the standpipe on the first floor or remove the sfandpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. 53. PLUMBINGI783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the first floor uleluding fell tai] floor drains or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 54. PLUMBINGIGBNERAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2800-Additions, altrations, or coiTections to the plumbing systems are required to be done under permit fmm the office of L�cense, Inspections, and Environxnental Protection at 651-266-9090. SS. PLUMBINGIRESIDENTIAL UlVIT - MSPC 4715.1730-Hot and cold water piping must be run full size to within 30 inches of the kitchen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kitchen sink. 56. PLUMBLIVG/RESIDENTIAL UNTT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a eode approved sanitary waste and vent system for the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. 57. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering shall not be done in a combustibie storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met Sanuary I 1, 2010 1�-36'1 781 UMVERSITY AVE W page 7 58. 33.0� THE COMBUSTISLES UIC;ST BE CLEARED FROYI THIS AREA-AISLES MliST BE CREATED THROUGHOLT THE BLDG. THE C OF O CA?�?�`OT BE RE��E�t�ED LNTIL OCCUPANT SAFETY CAN BE ESTABLISHED �9 VIUFC 1203, MUFC 110333.3 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruct�on. Maintain a clear and unobstructed exitway.-ALL EXITS MIJST BE CLfiARLY vIARKED, BE L;�OBSTRUCTED AND OPENABLE FROM THE Il�'SIDE . 60. SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c -Provide and maintain all exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. All exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected fi�om the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint. 61. SPLC 34.09 (I) e, 3432 (1) d- Provide and rrtaintained the roof weatl�er t�ght and free from defects. �2 MUFC 11033.22 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet clearance below the lawest structural member or the ceiling. 63. SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as imsafe or duigerous. Tl�is occupancy must not be used until re-inspecYed and approvzd by this office.-THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS CAN NO LONGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE MliST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CBRTIFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REFLECT WHAT BUSIlVESS IS THERE. As owner, agent ox responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not eorreeted by Rebruary 10 , 2010 the Departmeiit of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcemeut, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the Uuiiding(s). The costs ofthas aetion, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment m accordance with law. As fiist remedial action, a Code Compfiance Inspeetion Report must be obtained fronl the Building Inspecti�n and Design Secrion, 375 7ackson Street, Suite 220, (651}266-8989. This inspection wiil idenrify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct fllis nuisance condition. If this building is Ioeated in a historic district or site (noted above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) sfaff to discuss your proposal for the repa�rs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms are available from the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspecrions web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits wi11 be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-2b6-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Order to AbaYe" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters a�1d any subsequent ownera The property shall not be sold, transfened or conveyed in any manuer �a�,«a�v i i, zoia 78] liN1VERSITY AVE W pa,e 3 10-367 until the \`uisance CQnditions have been abated and the Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Enforcement O�cer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a"nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. This placard shall not be removed without the written authority of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enfarcement. The department is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the City Clerk's Office. If correct�ve action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer �vi 11 n�tify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then schedule dates forPublic Hearings before the City Council at which time testimoi�y will be heard from interested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resohition stating u�hat action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Counci] may either order Yhe City to tal<e the abateme�lt acrion or fix a time within which this nuisance must be a6ated in accordance with the provis�ons of Chapter 33 of the Samt Paul Legislative Code and provide that if corrective actaon is not taken within the specified time, the City shall abate tlus nuisance. The costs of tl�is action, mcluding administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance w�th law. If you have any quesYions or request additional information please contact Matt Dornfeld between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at 651-266-1902, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Program Manager Division of Code Enforcement cc: Maiy Erickson - Coiu�eil Research Cindy Carlson - PED Housing Amy Spong—Heritage Preservation ota6013� 5169 10-367 FROM DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICFS povglas A Holton, Frre Ch�ef DI V[StON OE F1RH PREV E�i'C10h Sterep Znccm Fire ,Narsfial CI'I`Y OF SALt�T PAUL Randy C Kel7y, Nayor March 26, 2004 ROBERT SCHILLING 1Q85 REARrEY AVE ST PAUL MN 55706 RE: TEAM INSPECTIOY 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W APPLIANCE CITY Ref. # 16444 Dear Property Representative: f00EastEleroe»mSireer Telephone 651-228-6230 SamtPaul, MNSS7D) Facsrnr+le 657-228-6?41 Your building was inspected on March 25, 2004 for the renewal of your Certificate of Occupancy. Approval for occupancy will be g upon compliance with the fQllowing deficiency list. The items on the list must be corrected immediately. A reinspection will be made on or after March 25, 2004. Failure to comply may result in a criminal citation or the revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy. The Saint Paul Legislative Code requires that no building shall be occupied without a Certificate of Occupancy. The code also provides for the assessment Qf additional reinspection fees. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING TENANTS IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LIST OF DEFICTENCIES ARE THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. DEFICIENCY LIST 1 FLOOR - ML7FC 8504 - Provide all electrical splices within junction boxes. - KO SEALS MISSING FROM BOXES-1ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FIRST FLOOR RUN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING NAILS. NO CONNECTORS 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached grounding eonnection far the electrical service. - 783 LST FLOOR-GROUND METERS 781 - SPLC 34.10 (2), 3433 - Repair and maintain the damaged structural member. This repair may require a building permit, call LIEP at (6S1) 266-9090. - REAR OF 781 SLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY ISSUES- STEEL BEAM IS TWISTED FROM A PREVIOUS FIRE. STRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AND ALL REPAIRS MADE UNDER PERMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE IN THAT AREA OF THE BLDG. UNTIL REPAIRS ARE MADE. 781 1 FLOOR - MUFC 11073 - Immediately discontinue and remove the unvented WATER HEATER AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 781 LOWER - SPLC 34.10 (7), 34.33 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner. - FLOOR TILES, FLOOR IN 781 UPPER 781 UPPER - vILFC 1311.1 - Repair and maintain the required fire resistive construction with approved materialsandmethods. Thisworkmayrequireapermit(s). Ca11LIEPat(6�1)?66-9090.-PLASTERM]SSING OFF LATH-MA�iY AREAS HOLES IN WALL, CEILINGS tiOT PROTECTED. 781 UPPER - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines, 781 UPSTAIRS - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - FIXTURE/OPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 781 UPSTAIRS - SPLC 34.14 (2) c- Provide or replace the duplex convenience outlet with ground fault protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wa(( in al! bathrooms. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - GFCI IN BATHROOM INOPERABLE-NO GFCE IN DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM 781 UPSTAIRS - MUFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - SURFACE ROMEX, BOX NOT MOUNTED ON WALL, NO PLATE COVERS, OPEN BOX WITH EXPOSED WIRES 781-1 stfloor- SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and mainCain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. - 1 floor bathroom ALL STAIRS - SPLC 3�.10 (3) 3433(2) - Provide an approved guardrail. Intermediate baltistrade must not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided ifthe height of the platform is more than 30 inches. ALL STAIRS - SBC 1Q04.2.5_ 1- Provide an approved additional means of egress to reduce the travel distance to the exit. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 3410 (3), 34.33(2) - Provide an approved handraiL The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the entire length ofthe stair. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 34.33(2) - Kepair or replace the unsafe stairway in an approved manner. - PLATFORM ON STAIRS ELECTRICAL f ADDRESS 78T - 783 (GENERAL) - SPLC 3412 (2), 3435 (1) - Repair and maintain aI1 required and supplied equipment in an operative and safe condition. - Provide electrical power to aIl equipment, receptacles, light fixtures through ouf building. Replace a11 broken receptacles, switches and non working GFCI receptacles throughout building. ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 6051- All iight fi�iures shall be maintained with protective globes if originally equipped. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.6 - Provide all openings in junction boxes to be sealed. AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 7$ I- 783 (GEI��ERAL) - MSFC 605.�.3 - lmmediately, discontinue use of frayed, deteriorated, damaged ar spliced electrical cords. - Remove a1V spliced electrical cords feeding iight fixture in basement. ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 300-11 Provide for all raceways, boxes, ca6inets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place. - Provide strapping on conduits, secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Pravide approved strapping on the romex run located by the south east corner of basement ceiling. ELECTRICAL / ADARBSS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 336-5 - Remove the non-metallic cable (Romex). - Remove all illegally run non - metallic cable through out building. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NBC 41Q47 Screw - She�t Type (Proclein FixCUres). Lampholders of the screw - shall type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only. - Remove all adapters in poclein fixutes in basements. ELECTRICAL l ADDRPSS 78] - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN Oi-I l BULLETIN 80-] (Property Maintenance Code). All residential portions ofthis property will be bmught up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. ELECTRICAL ( ADDR6SS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - Remove or wire per current electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling throughout basements and upper levels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on The ceiling by the north stairway. ELECTRICAL ( ADDRESS 781- 785 (GENERAL) - SPLC 34.14 (2), 3434 (5) - Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet Yhe buildings needa This work may require a permit(s), call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. ELECTRICAL J ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENEI2AL) - NEC 110.21 Marking. Provide for all electrical equipment to have markings of vottage, current, wattage or other ratings, and manufacture's name. Markings have been painted over. ELECTRICAL IADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) -NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updated directory for all electrical panels. -ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781- 7$5 (GENERAL) -NEC 110.15 High Leg Marking. All High teg marking shall be permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color or by other effective means. - Provide approved meChods per the current electrical code on marking of the high leg electrical syctem in the building. Have a licensed electrician verify the existing markings. ELECTRICAL 1 ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 106.1 Permits. Provide building pertt�its far all construction work completed or in process. - All electrical work wi11 require a licensed e(ectrician and permits. Call Liep (651) 266-9090. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Sonding. - Provide approved grounding and bonding of the electrieal system. ELECTRICAL I ADDILESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide far the electrical service to be adequately sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type. AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 ENTIRE BL'ILDING - MN Stat 299F.18 - Immediateiy remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combustible materials. - PROVIDE 44INCH AISLES FOR FIRE DPARTME��T ACCESS. ENTIRE BUILDING - l�1UFC 8506 - Discontinue use of extension cards used in lieu of permanent wirin�. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.08 (6), 3431 (4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior storage that creates a nuisance or harbors rodents. -ALL OLI7 OILTAI�'KS, BUCKETS OP OLD LliBRICANT, TRASH AND OTHER 3UI�K MUST BE REMOVED EXTERIOR-REAR - MliFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. FIRE PREVENTION - MSFC 901,6 - Provide required annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers by a qualified person and tag the fire extinguishers with the date of service. - Fire extinguishers shall be provided during construction and once the building is occupied. FIRE PREVENTION - 2"� FLOOR - 5PLC 33.05 - Uncertified portions of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this o�ce. MECHANICAL/ ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. MECHANICALJ GAS SYSTEM - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. MECHANTCALBOILER - SPLC 34.11 (6), 34.34 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed contractorwhichmustincludeacarbonmonoxidetest. SubmitacompletedcopyoftheSaintPaulFireMarshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this o�ce. PLUMBINGI731 BASEMENT - SPC 47 ] 5.21 ] 0- Replace the inadequate backflow preventer. This work may require a permit. Call Regional Water Services at (651) 266-6350. - Boiler water feed. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Properly vent the standpipe under the front stairs or remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0580 and 4715.0860-The sanitary waste and vent piping under the front sCairs must be done with code approved materials, transition couplings, and meChods. PLUMBING1781 FIRST FLOOR- MSPC 4715.0200 (B)-Instal l a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. PLUMSINGl781 FIRSTFLOOR-MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the building or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings, PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MUMC 2213 - Provide or replace fuel equipment piping in compliance with the mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - Provide a code approved shutoff valve on the gas line to the water heater within 3 feet of the water heater. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.2860-Properly cap ail unused water, waste, and vent piping. PA-ADA-EEO-Employex 10-367 PLliMBING/783 BASEMENT - tiISPC 4715.3800-Properly size all hot and cold water supply piping. PLUMBINGl783 BASEVIENT - SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain ]eader from the sanitary sewer and dispose of roof drainage water in an approved location. PLUMBII�'G/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on ali plumbing fixtures in the basement. PLUMBINGl783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.020� (E)-Install a code approved sanitary wasee and vent system for the first floor bathroom fixtures. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the first floor including tell tail floor drains or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLC70R - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved vent for Yhe standpipe on the first floor or remove the standpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. PLUMBINGlGENERAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2800-Additions, altrations, or corrections to the plumbing systems are required to be done under permit from the office of License, Inspections, a�d Etrvironmental Protection at 651-266-9Q9Q. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL IJNIT - MSPC 4715.1730-Hot and cold water piping must be run full size to within 30 inches of the kiTChen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kitchen sink. PLLTMBING/RESIDENTIAL UNIT - MSPC 4715.Q200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain all exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. All exterior unprotected surfaces must be painYed or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeting paint. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering shall not be done in a combustible storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met 33.05 THE COMBUSTIBLES THROUGHOUTTHESLDG. BE ESTABLISHED MUST BE CLEARED FROM TI-IIS AREA-AISLES MUST BE CREATED THE C OF O CANNOT BE RENEWED UNTIL OCCUPANT SAFETY CA1V MUFC 1203, MUFC 1 103.3.23 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruction. Maintain a clear and unobstructed exitway. - ALL EXITS MliST BE CLEARLY MARkEI�, BE LINQBSTRUCTED AND OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE . SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. This occupancy must not be used until re-inspected and approved by this office. - THE RESIDENTIAL LJNITS CAN NO LONGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CERTTFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REFLECT WHAT BUSINESS IS THERE. MUFC 1 103,3.2.2 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet ciearance below the lowest structural member or tkle AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 ceiling. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather tight and free from defects. You have the right to appeal these orders to the Legislative Hearing Officer. Applications for appeals may be obtained at the City Cterks Office, 170 City Ha(l (651-266-898R) and must be filed within 10 days of the date of the origina] orders. If you have any questions, call me at 6� 1-228-6208 between 7:30 a.m - 9:00 a.m. Please he(p to make Saint Paul a safer place in which to live and work. Sincerely, Matt Opsahl Fire Inspector Ref. # 16444 AA-ADA-EEO-Employer � w � i O .-r O � ti N O � � V v, C� � � '� > y �e = a .a h � � 3 7 f ^ Jq � � � �' e� � -r .. > � .� r O � � � � � U �:: y �� + � �G� ..i . .�. r C � � r _,. , V] � �r� V Q �-"y � � d �:-�a � ¢ � p OQ F`+ � 'i A z U � O�W � � a `"x �w U O�W � W V7 Rr � F � ^ � W�C4 z�z � � � � N h �z a �� 0 �. C1 � 0 � � 0 N .-�-i 0 .. N � C N N 0 0� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �. .., .� .., .� r, r. ., .� ., � � � � � � � � 00 oY N 00 C� N 00 c� N 00 Cy N 00 c� N .`+ N .-i N +--i N .�-+ N .-+ N N N N N N N N N N N 0 �s � � � a' �y 0 '. � N N O ;-� =; � N '° ' � l.. '+.J � O N N •--.. ' � �`�.` C ' � �' ` � � �- f O O .�-t 'r N N .�-+ .� N N Q W F CG � N °` � o w r , U U � N � O �� O N � � `� .-. O � V � W O CQ > O ._. N � �n .--.. � � �+ . _e, � ,°�° �-' d �n � � � � �,-, Q � �a �j F� � . , � T `n �, tin o > °' � � �, a'.�Z o �� �'�z ��� Q� � w� � a] �' V] � �-. O� E--� � � bA h O. « ,.'��.' .-. �y � r� �CO Vl � N� c�tl �� t�C N V1 c�C ,�-� J O ;� M ,-'�. � co W � N � r h Gy O��n ✓ M Q (�i � V] � M W O� \O V] E"� LL C� 1 Serial # DEPSAI 64544 9036 10-367 Re: 781-783 Univer Ave W SSATE OF MINNESOTA COISNTY OF ST. LOUZS AFFIDAVIT OF ATSED�TED SERVICE (r �_���y1�,j�"�Sc.(.'\ , 6eing duiy sNOin, on oath says that on (Name o£ Servez) � I � I2010 at _�_: (;CJ � M sthe) atte;np[ed to serve tre a�tachen: (Dace ef Service) (Time of Service) Notice of Public Hearinq upon: Yong Sun Paxk therein named, personally at: 323 Superior Stseet East Duluth, MN 55802 but was unable to effect service because: [] this address is a mail drop and nobody is actually at the address. (] the address does not exist. [ j the occupant(s) of the above addsess refuse to come to the door oi respond in any way. {] the occupant o£ the addsess does not know oz has ne*rex heard o£ the sub}ect. [) the subject moved and left no foxwarding addxess. [�] the premises of this address are currently vacant. [] this is a secured building and the subject's name is nat on the directory. [] unsuccessful after numerous attempts, the subject (IS / YS NOT) avoiding service. f] the subject is employed here but the employer will not allow for personal service. [] the subject is no longer employed at the above address. [] pez family or fsiend at the above address the subject has never lived there. [ 1 the subject has moved and currently resides at the addzess listed below. [] other I comments / new addiess: � , '�tl Su6scri6ed and Sworn to beiore me �� / (Si nat re of Server) _�1 f /2610. s ( ignature of Notary) � � ' � MATTHEW M. KELLY � ' N07ARYPUBLIC�MINNESOTA ; .n MyComniSSnnExpi�eSJan 37,2pit � r 'vk+id � * Service was wmpieted by an mdependent cont�ac[or retamed by Metro Legal Services, Inc. Metro Legal Services, Inc. 330 2nd Avenue South, Suite 156, Minneapotis, MN 55401 T(612) 332-0202 or(800) 485-8994 F(612) 332-5215 Serial # D6PSAI 64544 9036 Re: 781-783 Univex Ave W STATE OF MINNESOTA COVNTY OF ST. LOUIS 10-367 AFFZDAVIT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE ..�. � � ��, s��,.� -n `"' , being duly sworn, on oath says tnat o^. (Name of 5°rverJ 7 n � I� /2010 at S : J J �_M s(he) a�tempted to serve the atcachea: (�ase of Sezvicel (Tzme of Service) Notice of Public Hearing upon: Yong Sun Pazk therein named, personally at: 801 East lst Street Duluth, MN but was unable to e£fect service because: (] this address is a mail drop and nobody is actually at the address. () the address does not exist. [] the occupantis) of the above address refuse to come to the door or resnond in any way. [] the occupant of the address does not know or has never heard of the subject. [} the subject moved and left no for�aarding add=ess. [ X7 the premises of this address are currently vacant. [] this is a secured building and the subject's name is not on the directory. [] unsuccessful after numerous attempts, the subject (IS / IS NOT� avoidinq service. [) the subject is employed here but the employex will not allow fos pexsonal sesvice. [) the subject is no longer employed at the above address. (] pe= family or friend at the above address the subject has never lived there. [} the subject has moved and currently resides at the addsess listed below. [ j other / comments / new address: Subscribed and Sworn to be£ore me �(�/2010. (Signature oP Notaxy) a a MATTHEW M. KELLY � � �' �� NO7ARYPUBLIGMINNESOTA `' �,.n�' My Commiss�on fxgrtes Jaa 31, 2011 mxnM p ' Service was completetl by an mdeAentlent contractor retained by Metro L ega i S ervices, inc. Metro Legaf Services, Inc. 330 2nd Avenue South, Suite 150, MinneapoVis, MN 55401 T(612) 332-0202 or (800) 488-8994 f(612) 332-5215 10-367 Date: January 12, 201U ffi District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSI7'P AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 � �e� _��� � � , .. :< _.-^�x� �<: 10-367 Date; Sanuary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352423130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 201Q SP District: File #: 02 - 2056b3 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IINNERSTI'Y AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: Jannary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Properly Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: I2A-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 �` •' 4 aH`.. 4Y.' �� � Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IJNIVER5IT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: Ftile #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber`s store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTI'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 BP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVLRSTI'P AVE W Snrvey Infoc RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352423130221 10-367 ;tk� �� Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber`s store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: January 12, 2010 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W HP District: Proper[y Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: piumber's store Folder Name: 781 ITNIVERSIT'I' AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923136221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2�10 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 ProQerty Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 i7NIVEItSTlY AVE W Survey Infa RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: 3anuary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 2U5663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 I7NIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: 3anuary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber's store Folder Name: 781 TTNIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: k�le #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Fdder Name: 781 UNNERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIYERSTI'i' AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IINIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PII3: 35292313022� 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP Distrirt: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber's store Folder Name: 781 L3NIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: January 12, 2010 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Name: 781 iT1�IVERSTTY HP District: Property Name: AVE W Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: Jannary 12, 2010 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Name: 781 IJNIVERSITI' AVE W 10367 HP District: Property Name: plumber's store Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: Bile #: Folder Name: January 12, 2010 02 - 205663 781 UNIVERSIT'Y AVE W HP District: Property Name: Snrvey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PII3: 352923130221 10-367 Date: Janaary 12, 201� HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Foider Name: 781 iTNNERSITY AYE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Properly Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IIlVIVERSTTY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: 3anuary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 T3DTIVERSTi'Y AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN; 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2016 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNNERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 35292313022] 10-367 Date: Tanuary 12, 2Q10 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 i7NIVERSTTY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Nasne: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 2056b3 Property Name: plumber`s store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSIT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 35292313U221 10-36� Date: January 12, 2010 HP Aistrict: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber`s store Folder Name: 781 IJNIVERSTPY AVE W 5urvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 35Z923130221 m=".�,�=:: � �� � . ». � y a/�� M ia 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTi'Y AVE W Snrvey Infn: RA-SPC-3841 PIN: 352923130221 :;>_; �,. -� � , ; a� �,� � �,�� - ,�, ��� ,,� �� � ��� �� j � � . ...� �'.';,�- � a� . . ,"�:. : � ,,. + � .� L�d"'�,vw� r q�` �� �' d � � . . . . . . .. � �� . �; �� � �„ ,� � ��" �� �� _ x � � �- t � £��£a��,� ; �. � m � T h ±� " `c. ik b �, � � 1�-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: Q2 - Z05663 Property Name: plumber's store Tolder Name: 781 iJNIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Progerty Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITI' AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 2Q5663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UDTIVERSTI'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Da�: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 I7NNERSTPy AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: Jannary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 981 UNTVERSTfY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UiVIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store FolderName: '781 TTNNERSTTYAVE W SurveyInfo: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Aate: January 12, 2010 HP Districf: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber's store Folder Name: 781 IJNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352423130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 EIP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber's store Folder Name: 7$1 UNIVER51Ty AVE W Survey Znfo: RA-SPC-3891 PINc 352923130221 10-367 Saint Paul Degartment of Ptanniizg and Ecohomic Developrnent Hista�ic Review Forrrt �. Please t}pe or print legibl}�. (Illegible forms will be returned.) Project Address: 781-783 LTiVIVERSITI' AVE W Building ?Vame: Brief Project Description: Removai of Nuisance ] Original Construction Year Planning District �umber: Ftmdin�: CDBG x 1VSP Other Funding (list) For� Completed by: Matt Dorxifeld Date; 12-1-2009 Title/Organization: DSI — Vacant Buildinas Phone no: 651-266-I 1911 7 Reviews will not be pzocessed without the following mformatio�: • Photo of bvildi�ag attnched beloN- • Nlap cleGrly shrzweng Zocataon ofsate (attach) �omp[eted revieov wsll be retaarned to tiais �ddrese; Farm subnlitted t�y: City af Saint Paul, Pta�uling and Economic Development (PED) Contact Person: Street Address: Pairicia lames, City Plamier (551-266-6639) 1400 C.ity Hall Annex, 25 W. Foiirth St.. Sauit Paul, MN 55102 Please complete Histearic Review form for eac3� address and send to Ke]!y Bauer, Clerical suppr�rt at 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fomth Street, SaintPaaS, MN �S t 42 by authorved PED Name: Date: Located within a Saint Paul Historic District? Yes No Located within a t\arional Register Distriet? I'es i�To Listed iti fbe 1983 survey? Yes iVa Eligible for designation _ Additional site of major signi£tcance � Survep form attached � I2ecommendation: Eligible for Vational Register? Yes Vo PLUther information required? Yes No �ddirional Commems� An Equal Oppoa'tmilry Emp}oyei 10-367 �D � �lvvaqS%� � l9�/ ����t -�.,-Y,� s��.�n-�-- -- .��v����d s�. l�3�� _ N��� %� �16��. �w� S-��. � ���� � �.�- — -�.���,�� - ���- -�, �d�� � �� .��.� %.� a�,� � ��� S�; rt;,� _ _� ���-- ° P�o� ,�r..oraLe � �� ����� ��� ��k .--- �i �- rt� °�i Q�(t t � � �l z. � � �� cr«� � � �.�'✓�" � �� � � 10-367 ������e �it�s �€����' ItamseyCountS�Historicat5�c±ety SaintPaclEer_f.:gePre�e:car.onCos ,.. S�r_et h�=e.ss! �:,ca�� �,:�_ 78i-7'a3 4a ._ �,�,.; � * r�-�•°��°— '1 ' . 7P� �.c55v^•1 $�J':n p �it=±ct/=:_'_w'. . __��..,� .�. . ¢I "___ _l -(Lt��.._—S � _ .'3'+['I ^nT d. � isto-dc �a�:: _ _ �_ � _ 6_ :_�sea_ .,a t'tii`t sAT_e! •'l1c-•�r4 - ac^=_, _ �s __ �:--.-c._ ?_ _____� _� onscr_�t?c-: iSTi, . 5 t3- v - - -_ _�- ' c°_ �UZ'�: 3 13. = of slrxics: i°. Boo` ��,__ ' - '__ 13. Eo. �c`:er'-r.c; n:.'a visib l�.__— '. _��.:�_ stv1� ., _ ±�.c _^ _5. ..r.3ss,cr scg7e, �:�Lzzlai, loc�^;cr 5= ?''ilYav.^ D°1ek e�ctSioT cQid;m-=l1 _ �. :�c�= .;: iec:c>c 1 1 r��aF�ilar � —� fJJ.E� __�._^_..____ _.�-_.—�__ L . ', pB Oi , a.,�._�_�. _ IY�G C_ ':>>E _ � ___'—� -- ,..',. ..-._ _.._,.r�l ?stctJr.ain az-cs>cr�wal'_ !oc�r no' — "' ""'_ — _ - '� , arc _ ''_ ,_ i ui�.--DiY , .:ai� 2:h2=ca5 X Er; cA= J -'.�"z�c•c= A:a.� __::cet-cu!= So�d _'�.zr pn-d 3coze: ra^lo� i.�bb;.e _co<rsa5 x.�'a10 r�s.3��n ascla[ _ c�Urc.n_ a_`izr T;pe cf =tone/bT:ck or nchar 'x.ou��„c ra.-�.*-�: t.��rt�-�1�t�yip "ed F:tt��---..— ;�t,.;.��.; ,,:.,_ _ � <osrreca. y; 5cncec _"__ _rza Co—a � =ta'_n a�" ^ �.�.ass/rs�t�3 __^ctiP:�: _ "'���-__". __�_'�_._'..-- 19' _" ' `=yny{:u'r.t 6cteals, „°: 3rac;cEt�i cosnic:e. c;ertral csiei wuzad7;a K�irh h:P� rror. 2G_ Ictr�-�ry U� Gost.4n: _:as:sailg ^^tz�CC ;: 1;ta7te_c? _ a1.`ared siayrcl9 X aZ2eYa�1o»s 5 ad<`3.G:CC& aCrC aHpez'eoY Y'^.J' q°Lginal oY�qlrai 3egtig:: �Ct aypa=an� ..;.- T�`.i�azc..! cnndic'-c:i oY z;a�>c'a.n: Exc,i-e:� __�;oacl �_:a'.Y __?oJr �1ctlr..rs>ate.d 22. nodi-ien�: a+:d �t4zBta.xs: hk�z al�mc.aiun c�bti.ati:n= u%i!�doWS. Stacco. StoreF�nt;. al'.e.rc'i. NeW sigs. i'S- - f d �U2"IeY .���w. !".C'3C^"_r.f: '*. _tit) _5: , �V G:.IYLR[' Of _.__ ______._.___ ` � C`Gb5 S'.1£F�:, Q�.. .,ibn OY S.�.LOC�-: ROl�l , _ ... 2'a_ ..>_P.:r.cy: _ oxtcl7:^1sa7 ,X rn_eicerir.i=,1 _� _ ..zctrizl = aY�:ri��2 1w. 3iy: ii:ca:�:. aitrl arsd i�::ds;;apc. [r_aGaxe�s. PcL'� Q= 2 GCeR�"'C131 51;r2�_TY'Cnt dT'F.+�.- .. _ '74t=eA25 `_D ?._. 1]. _. . �aa:�.-o o_._�u �.... _,_ �eteis� of s>ce v.._._._, 7r'27152 '__ c � � r � s?. Neaat�re {ie xws�e: {5Le_62t � 3� "" 31. ='_ '-�caCioe code::�: aaP-9crbTei' "_" _.�. _n:�c o` i;a3c�..o�:cex, A. I:^,$t K C. ^ M i � C. �J C 1` �m ;� � u i� �V I� ^G I� � i c� G G �.. �.: z= ;y :� r � � � rc } 10-367 ,o. � � �st� 3=. Azch£tect%ea�zaeer: _ 3!. nci-:Z_r/ccnt-a�tor: ��r�2 ust� _' ��. ?T¢sE.^.: �'w:RL: 3C. D'oiG' Dclit: =°I� _ kccrees' _ 37. ➢a�-e secrce• 3��:ii�ir_ 2E.*-r..t 3£. �e32i 3esc*:c[_on: '.e�: 2� 5_C�r 3 $`.tidi.^ate ='i iia1�10*i _�.,� __` 39. BciiBinc ?er�c 3: 57932 _ _ _ �0. Location ci z.-ci�._tec_'s 2rz-,riecs: _�__ tl. Oa hacYOnu3 &eecccer": °_es T S� �2. Sationsl Aegister poCaniiel° _Sec = bo E3. iPCjlona: ci.s�oric s-ite? Yes Y. �o ;�-. Local 2es3�naLion cotential'. _°es _X ?:n �5. =n histoxic district� Tes X�0 4h. Hisic:iC disisic: potencia:,? _Yes Y Ro b�iic=�Y Sf ees esylaSo tet_onat�: a7, fli;corieei backgTOUna: TS oeia'ina� crw:i.�r o; tt.is buiZding, sanica .;�sc $200U to 5ui13. �.as �ohn Y. S�ttasan. �i�q�son w�rked as a pl�mi�r ana gasr;tter 'rwn h,is sw� oa the first �l�x o_' tt>xs tni3ds?, an.d �iv� in an v;-'-*-e�t on the se.-ro�d stc.c'_:. {$_ Leve2 ot �igni°icence: � loaal �SCace -'�'atioral �.Q. SCZieme-nt of e3q i£ica¢ce: Z�is baiLding is sligt,t;y o,der L�ar- ncaah�+t'_rg s�-uc�.res, anc �nside.:ably al.cered. $0. $ources 6t" $r.4dY�[ia6: _97z R,_T._ Poix's s`t. 1�u1 city virecrrn Paetnor�.pcs 10-367 period, e;peciaily on sueets such as Grand; by the 193�s, e;ght of the nine miersechons behveen Dale and LexingEOn on Grand had corner pharsnacies. PF,�rmacy at fAe corner of ear( and Nfarylar.d (058 E, A�izrylanE). Aug:cst T. NNlnreli , v.+a� the7rn.rr,tac�i e�iner beiween ca. 2923 zrat?9/5, and WalEer E Ot.o awned rhe building. Phafo ca, ?9�Os. The basic s:ore at the furn of the century: a west s.dz examp(e. Photo ca. 1925. Masonry detaffs on the bsick front weze usually ]imited to panels or belEcourses of patterned brick at the cornice line, eniry and windows. Projecting bays or oriels at the upper story wexe common unril about 1910. L� addirion to brick, stucco, and rusticated conerete block were employed for thc exterior finish. The design of the `ATtisfic Front Store° popuiar in the 1926s and thsough the 1940s was usually based on mttage, 5panish, Tudor, Art Dem, or Modeme motifs. Rusricated stucco and bxick sutfaces, �ables trimmed with hali-timbering all gave a domestic look to the exterior, more closely related to surrounding houses. Ylany gas stafions were design.eci as small English cottages oz Sparush adobes in this period. The pictusesque one-stary, btick and st�ne shop at 1795 St. Clair is among the best examples of the Arrisfic Front, wtule a number of period xevival gas stations including that at 300 Snelling Avenue (ca. 1432) also remain. The °Modem Braad fronY' was well suited to new xetailing principles wMch called for open dispiay of ineschandise. A dauble-uidth storefront, the Bioadfront inwrparated steel beams and mlumns to proride a very open fa�ade. The fa�ade was primarity fffled with a large display window. Patented storefront materials were often applied to the #a�ade. " Finally, the one-s:ory, gab!e-coofed buildinglsomefimes of carrugated metal ronstrucfionJ with a ciapboard-dad false front persisted into the twentieth cent�.uy and was espedatty popular for businesse= such as barber shops 1'am Moore Bm�ber S)aop,1715 E. Sevcnth 5t. Plwto T958. Streetcars anct New Suburbs: 7904-7930 Histozic Resources DaEaBase The Historic Resources Database includes several hundred exnmples from tMs period. Although associations with streetcar nodes and variuus residential addihons are signiiicant, remaining histaztic architeciural feat�u�es are of most importance�Addirional fieldwork to t9etennine the bes� remaicrinz examoles and their sienificance will be nee. _. Thexe ace many excetlerit examp eC ; Abenue loakmg acra�.s Ma�niolia. Photo 1957. Thz addattort of smalt Maderne busldmgs tike that ct r�gh3. Yhe Histodc Context: Neighborhood Coinmerciaf Centers 73 Gandscape Resenrch / lIRS)BRW I2001 10-367 \ 4� '� . � Y �, $ V .� `\a e � 4 \ �� l v �, � 1 d �,^ v i \�, � V � z 0 C c, Z x° s- > �=_-°- � � o a o Q s b a w _ �. � � :: � :J T N �: J i.� w x n, F U i: :J U � Q C: t i� u,. - v. . v; -r, n '✓; •r, v. ✓: v; , '✓: . �: ;r: < f < � < < ¢ F < 2 < < s c S 4 4 G � .._ � _ _ _ _ ` _ _ _ c _ _ a - x _ � y V� C N T �O �. � °` .. ,_ ... � � ° .1 _ .. � � .. o ... ... � ... _, _ � _ � ¢ c. � � L � 3 _ � 3 ¢ E w r � � � 3 3 3 c � ¢' ¢ .* >. ¢ � C G ' 4 r ; - - r • _ _ _ - j _ _ G = y ^ ' � � � l- .� x m w a � z Y L F 3 3 � e' 3� 3 3 3�'t 3.�- 3 z a T � � � � C G 4 �'C C <` d < � C > � s a � _ _ ' _ G � _ � j o i _ " a > ; y c % ° � ' a ` :J � � a M ;.. o .: �n c. ° ° ° ... _. .-. � ° � .- - v'+ E o - 0 H T r v � ° n ^ '`a. c � ' ` s w o � G � z a U _ n » � V V 4 _ °p ._. 2 3 � � �7 = " g a : � T = � . 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A a ).J .ar xv � a p. �_. .``�-�-="_ta;"_, �' � sai. o- r insurance Maps of St. Paui, Minnesota - Vo7ume 3 Putrlisber. Sanborn Map Co. 7903 rev"rsedYhrough Octetrer 7925 Hatttlwritten notations by SG Paul Planning Commissfon A4±ftGRA At�. ____ i �1� � � �= �"F " x � � � j �r`� ��� `" { �,—' � d �I 1� rcJ� � f� 2��;_,�,.:': �. i, � . j"�� � 8 R 9S D /'J $ �� � t �� ��� � 4 � �, ;� ��� � ': �� '�� � �,', � � _�_� i � - v.+3 A. , aa...:. �,- .,......_......_.........._ _�-X!�C.<. .._�._...<._�...:.-� C�' g- �� v ._ _' ..�—_ Digixal Images Created 2007 by� Histor7ca) (nformatlo» Gaiherers, lnc. www_histaricalinPo.com Date: January 12,2020 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Yame: �81 L'NTVERSITY AVE �4 HP District: Praperty Name: Surves�Info: 10-367 ptumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIl�i: 352923130221 10-367 March 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 1. Orderin� the owner to remove or repair the building{s} at 781-783 Universitv Avenue West within fifteen (15) days from adoption ofresolution. Robert Schilling, properiy owner, appeared. No other parties of interest appeared. Ms. Moermond noted that accordin� to Ramsey County Tasation, Mr. Schilling was listed as the taxpayer and C of O responsible party. The owner was listed as Young Sun Park. Mr. Schilling responded that he had misplaced the deed transferring title from Mr. Park to himself which was why the deed was not recorded. Ms, Moermond asked for a report from Mr. Magner. Mr. Magner stated the building was a two- story, wood frame, commercial building on a lot of 4,792 square feet and had been vacant since August 14, 2002. A Team Inspection had been done on March 26, 2004 and had since expired, the vacant building registration fees in the amount of $1,000 went to assessment on November 2, 2009, and the $5,000 performance bond had not been posted. On December 1, 2009, an inspection of the building was done and a list of deficiencies which consritute a nuisance condition was developed. An order to abate a nuisance building was posted on January 12, 2010 with a compliance date of February 10, 2010. To date, the property remained in a condition which comprised a uuisance as defined by the Legislative Code. Ramsey County Taxation estlmated the market value of the land to be approximately $146,400 and the building to be $89,500. Real estate taxes for 2009 were delinquent in the amount of $6,221, plus penalty and interest. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair the building to $150,000. The cost for demolition was estimated to be approximately $40,000. There had also been two summary abatements issued to this property since 2002, none of which went to wark order. Code Enforcement recommends the building be repaired or removed within 15 days. Mr. Magner presented photographs of the property. A copy of the photographs was also provided to Mr. Schilling, Ms. Moermond asked for a report from Ms. Spong. Ms. Spong stated that this building was built in 1911 and was unique being a wood-frame starefrout with a full masonry structure at the rear of the building. The property was inventoried in 1983 and was included as part of the neighborhood context study in 2001, a copy of which is attached and made a part of this record. The building had 6een built by a plumber who had his store on the first floor and lived in the upstairs flat. She believed the plumbing business could account far the full masonry structure at the rear of the buiiding. Given the significant alterarions to the exterior of the building she did not believe it would meet local or national historic designation criteria. Ms. Spong noted that 785 University Avenue was scheduled for hearing on March 23 and was located next door to this building. Ms. Moermond reviewed the photographs and exclaimed that it appeared there had been a fire. Mr. Schilling responded that he had contacted the Fire Department who had no record of any fire at the property. He said what was shown in the photo was a twisted I-beam which was likely caused by previous tenants who used welding equipment He said there was a shed that was attached to a shed which was attached to the buiiding (or a garage that was attached to a garage attached to the building) and there was no structural daniage to the building. He said he was rehabbing a duplex at 392 Edmund and ran into problems with the contractors who he had hired to do the work as they did not do quality work and took off with his money without finishing the job. This put him substantially behind as he ran out of money, forfeited the perfarmance bond, and almost lost his home to foreclosure. He said he was considering filing bankruptcy and instead took out another mortgage to finance the remainder of the repairs. He said the building had a cuttent C of O, was occupied, and was pristine. He said he didn't do anything with his commercaal properties as he felt Pat Fish was on a"witch hunP' on violations at his property and had condemned the building due to 10-367 March 9, 2410 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 3 the fact that he had left a water heater out to be picked up for recycling . He felt that city officials had a political agenda against him, were in collusion, and that he was being harassed. He also said he sold used appliances to landlords, some of whom are actively suing the city for various reasons. He said he would like to "re-set the clock" so that he could fix up the property which he could do within six months, get the building certified and sell the property to Model Cities urho expressed interest in purchasing it. Ms. Moermond asked him where he operated his used appliance business. Mr. Schilling responded that he operated his business from 785 University. Ms. Moermond asked whether he owned this property as well. Mr. Schilling responded that he did own this property as well. Ms. Moermond stated that according to Ramsey County Taxation, he was not listed as an owner of the property. Mr. Schilling responded fhat his brother, Gerald Schilling, was tisted as the tax owner who had purchased the property from Roger Griffiths on a Contract for Deed. He was going to go into real estate business with his brother; however, there was bad blood between them and they had a falling out. The matter went to court and the court awarded the property to him He said he didn't know where the deed was for this property either which is why it had not been registered with the county. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling whether he used 785 for his business. Mr. Schilling responded that the water and heat were on in the building and he used it to clean appliances and had a second hand dealers' license to operate a business. Ms. Moermond responded that she didn't believe he could operate a licensed business in a registered vacant building and Mr. Schilling respottded that he knew he wasn't supposed to be using it as a business. He said he also had warehouse space at 1400 SelUy which was his primary place of business. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling why he had not taken any acrion on this building since it had become a vacant building in 2004. Mr. Schilling responded that he had done work on the building and the only thing left was to have a plumber finish the bathroom and to put down new flooring. He also acknowledged that there were some windows which needed to be replaced. Ms. Moermond asked why he had had not applied for a new team inspection as was indicated in the Order to Abate letter. Mr. Schilliiig responded that he didn't want to have to post the bond to pull the permits and didn't know he had to have another inspection. Ms. Moermond read the specific language contained in the OTA. She told Mr. Schilling that this seemed to be endemic with this property: the deed to the property was missing, he hadn't paid his property taxes, and she asked whether he had done a confession of judgment with the county to pay the outstanding property tases. Mr. Schilling responded that he didn't have the money to pay on the taYes as he almost had to file bankruptcy and had not worked out a repayment plan with the county. He was now w�orking on getting his finances in place_ Ms. Moermond stated that given this demonstration, there was no guarantee that he would be able to correcY the nuisance conditions at this property or any of his other properties. Ms. Moermond continued the hearing to March 23 with the following conditions to be met: 1) must apply for a Team Tnspection; 2) must register the Deed to the property with Ramsey County; 3) must pay the delinquent property taaces; 4) post the $5,000 performance bond; 5) submit a work plan; 6) provide financial documentation indicating financing in the amount of $150,000; 7) submit contractor bids or a swom construction statement; and 8) the property must be maintained. 10-367 March 23, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page Z 1. Ordering the oumer to remove or repair the building(s) at 781-783 University Avenue West within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Continued from March 9) Andrew Dawkins, attomey with Mansfield Tanick & Cohen, appeared representing Robert Schilling. Robert Schilling, property owner, also appeared. Mr. Magner and Ms. Spong read their reports into the record from the March 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing. Mr. Magner read the list of conditions outlined in the March 10 letter &om Mai Vang to Mr. Schilling which conditions were to be met by the date of this hearing. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling whether he had met any of the conditions highlighted in the letter from Ms. Vang. Mr. Dawkins stated that he had just been retained the previous day by Mr. Schilling. Mr. Schilling did own this property and 785 University Avenue; however, the deed for both propertles had never been recorded. He said when he talked to Mr. Schilling, he explained to him that the city had a legitimate claim that the properties be brought up to code or they would proceed with demolition. According to Mr. Schilling, he had not completed any of the items as outlined in the lettet; however, he had contacted a licensed contractor, Brian Wolff, who was scheduled to look at the property at the end of the week. Mr. Schilling also had subcontractars that he was planning to use for the electric, plumbing and mechanical. The city had estimated the cost of the repairs to be approximately $150,000 and it was Mr. Schilling's opinion that the cost of the repairs would be much less. Since Mr. Wolff had not looked at the property, he did not have a bid to submit concerning the cost of the repairs to the building. As far as the financial wherewithal to complete the repairs, Mr. Scbilling indicated that he owned both buildings outright and the only liens agaanst the property were the outstanding taYes and fees owed to the city. He believed there was enough equity in both buildings to be able to take out a loan; however, Mr. Schilling believed he would be able to contract with Mr. Wolffto pay as the work is being done. He said he personally could not make any guarantees at this juncture since he was only going on the representations by Mr_ Schilling. He did not believe there would be any prob]ems with recording the deeds, posting the performance bonds, paying the delinquent property taxes, applying for the Team Inspections, and maintaining the property once it ls up to code. He said he was "putting his reputation and commitment on the line" to work with Mr. Schilling and the licensed contractors to complete the projects that Mr. Schilling claims he is going to do. He requested a couple of additional weeks to put everything together before this was heard by the City Councii so that Mr. Schilling could obtain the bid on the cost of the repairs and determine whether he wanted to proceed with the rehabilitation of both properties. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Dawkins whether his client had done anything as listed in the letter from Ms. Vang. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling to respond. Mr. Schilling stated that he had hired Mr. Dawkins to analyze what his options were with the properties as he didn't want to throw his money away if he was not going to be successful in repairing the buildings. Ms. Moermond countered that according to Mr. Dawkins, he had just been retained the previous day. Mr. Dawkins responded that Mr. Schilling had called him the previous week and he indicated to him that he needed to pay a retainer before he would agree to accept him as a client He was retained the day prior to this hearing. 10-367 March 23, 2�1Q Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 3 Ms. Moermond asked whether there was a problem recording the deeds to the property. Mr. Schilling responded that he believed it would take him approximately 8 hours of sorting through paperwork to find the deeds. Mr. Dawkins responded that Mr. Schilling had indicated to him that he was worried he would make the repairs to the buildings and then lose them to the central corridor light rail project. He didn't want to feel like he was fighting a losing battle which was why he retained kum. He told Mr. Schilling that he should not worry about losing the buildings to the central cozridor and that he should put the financing into repairing the buildin�. He again requested additiona] time to determine the cost of contracting to make the repairs to the buildings and to determine the financial ability to afford those repairs. Ms. Moermond stated that at the prevaous hearing, they discussed the expectations of what needed to be done in order to be �anted the time to rehabilitate the property. It did not appear to her that Mr. Sclulling did not understand what needed to be done. Mr. Schilling responded that he needed to see how he was going to be able to get this project done. He again said that he didn't want to spend all of his money and then end up with nothing. He really needed to obtain a bid from the contractor to see if the rehab was feasible. There were too many requirements involving money and as he had explained at the previous hearing, he was having financial difficulties and was close to filing bankruptcy. He had been trying to work his way out of debt and was now current on all of his mortgages and things were turning around. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling whether he had filed bankruptcy and was on a work out plan. Mr. Schilling responded that he did not file bankruptcy. Ms. Moermond countered thaC at the previous hearing, he said he "considered filing bailkruptcy" and instead took out another mortgage to finance the remainder of the repairs. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling if this was what he had said. Mr. Schilling responded that he had never said that. Ms. Moermond responded that she recalled he did say those words and since he hadn't met any of the conditions, she dadn't believe he was telling the truth right now. This bothered her as she did not feel confident that he would be able to execute a work plan and keep his word on doing the repairs to tlus building. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilfing whether he had hired a bankruptcy attorney. Mr. Schilling responded that he had not. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schllling what he recalled saying at the last hearing about bankruptcy. Mr. Schilling responded that he was delinquent on mortgages; they were al] now current with the exception of one mortgage that had "gone over the line" and went outside for collection. That mortgage had since gone through loan modification where a$148,000 balance on the mortgage went to $162,000. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling whether he was in any other financial distress with properties other than 781-783 and 785 University. Mr. Schilling responded that he had t�vo additional properties that the taxes were not current: 864 Marion and 677 Sims. Ms. Moersnond asked Mr. Schilling �vhat other properties he owned. Mr. Schilling responded that he also owned 392 Edtnund, 823 Laurel, and 1085 Reaney. Ms. Moermond asked whether the deeds to those properties had been recorded. Mr. Schilling responded ±hat as far as he knew, the deeds were recorded showing him as the owner of the properties. Ms. Moermond stated that the only things that had changed since the previous hearing was that Mr. Schilling had retained Mr. Dawkins and he planned to have a contractor by the name of Wolff look at the property who would do work "pay as you go" basis and there would be some contractuai 10-367 March 23, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes a�eement with Mr. Wolff. Mr. Schilling responded that this was conect. Page 4 Ms. Moermond stated that the followin� conditions must be met by the close of business on Mazch 30 in order to receive a�ant of time: 1) apply for a Team Inspection; 2) re� ster the Deed to the property with Ramsey County; 3) pay the delinquent property taxes; 4) post the $�,000 performance bond; and 5) the property must be maintained. If these items were not done, she said she will recommend to the Council that he did not have the capacity to make the repairs. Tf the above conditions are met, she will recommend granting until April 13 to meet the following conditions: 1) submit a work plan with an executed contract with a licensed contractor; 2) provide financial documentation indicating financing in the amount of $150,000; 3) submit contractor bids or a sworn construction statement; and 4) provide a copy of the contract between Mr. Schilling and any partner for c9ty approval. Mr. Schilting asked whether he could sign a confession of judgment to come up with a payment plan on the delinquent property taxes. Ms. Moermond responded that she would not accept a confession of judgment because if he could not come up with the money to pay the delinquent property taxes, she didn't have confidence he would have the financial ability to come up with the money to complete the rehabilitation of the properties. 10-367 � � t �-,,.—,—�,aequos��exa� , .---� � ' , . . ' .o - , : .• � 10-367 Dated: �- o ^/7 � ,� oL,�> CONTRACT BETWEEN �ti: �( � ��� G� w ti�'" j L�_ (CONTRACTOR} and ROBERT SCHILLNG (PROPERTY OWNER) WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has given the Pzoperty Owner a list of repairs that need to be made to the properiy located at � v' j University Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Contractor has made a visual inspection of the above-described properiy; WHEREAS, the Contractoj agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by `7 '� i'�r�(_/ (date); and WHEREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner aze contained in the attached Addenduxn to this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREEA that the undersigned Contractor will immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accardance with the attached list. The consideration for this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. � �.G j �' �� s Contractor �Property Owner � 10-367 Bid Memo Bob SchiHing 785 University Ave St. Paul, MN Code compfiance repairs per City of St. Pau! 781/83/85 University Ave. ELECTRICAL work to be performed for all noted items Install electrical spfices within juction boxes, ensure meters are grounded, install connectors to Romex as needed, repair open wires on fixture above stairs properly contain Romex wires install GFCI outlet in downstairs bath Wolff Projects and Maintenance, LLC P.O. Box 49546 Blaine, MN SSA49 PhJfax: 763-784-8352 C:612-867-0731 inspect and repair bath fan as needed replace light fixtures to accept bulb only replace other exposed wiring as needed replace all broken receptacles, switches and GFCI's as needed Install globes to light fixtures label all electrical equipment wiCh proper mgf, and electrical rating label circuit panel for circuit usage address high leg markings in orange remove extension cords in use PLUMBING work to 6e performed for all noted items remove water heater cap plumbing lines as needed CO test 6oiler remove rain leader from sanitary sewer and reroute general waste and venting to code 6ENERALCARPENTRY replace steel beam if deemed �ecessary in rear of building repair hand rails and landings to code stairway repair install guardrail with spindfes install floor Ciles to 781 upper unit plaster repair upper roof repairs Tota{ All work includes permits and disposal � � ���� 3750 ���� � 1850 .�--- �c��, �� — 10-367 r� �.-r t� Dated: CONTRACT BETVJEEN � i+ ^� and ROBERT SCHILLING (PROPE � fJ c �j t n.i� TY OWNER) Wf�REAS, the City of Saiut Paui has given the Pzoperiy Owner a list of repaus that need to be made to the property located at ��i �sl I3niversity Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Contractor has made a visual inspection of the above-described property; WHEREAS, the ontractor agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by `� � � � �'S (date); and WHEREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner aze contained irrtlre�aCtacire2�A � �-�,�,.. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the undersigned Contractor will immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accordance with the attached list. The consideration far this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. I�-� L'f � , �. � r �^� � `������ Contractor Property Owner �� �Sj ��t�iL�'J /� �/ <a�r✓� L� ; C �a � i c5 W ✓ r- (- c/ls�'� � f!✓ �'-- � � �� V �.✓ •—/ �! � 1- �- J- "`r -� �7 � / 10-367 0 Dated: � ��'`� CONTRACT BETWEEN 11�},���,�� �� and ROBERT SCHII,LING (PROPERTY OVNER) WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has ven the Property Owner a list of repairs that need to be made to the property located atT"y—��I3niversity Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Contr�actor has made a visual inspection of the above-described property; WI�EREAS, the Contractor agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by c / ' � c�� (date); and WHBREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner aze contained in the attached Addendum to this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the undersigned Contractor w1ll immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accordance with the attached list, The consideration for this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. � —��� c7 F � � �����A��� � , � Properiy Owner �� 10-367 ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT DATED: ! � J� �-'� �v «� � {� � �/✓n'` : , � �� i C : (Z �T'" ' ` �Q-, szy � �c�'�� � s'T.— January I5, 2010 781 UlVIVERSITY AVE W page 2 10367 demolition permit. Call the Department of Safety and Inspections for more informafion at 651-266-8989. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paui Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy untii such time as a Certi�cate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. This is a two-story wood frame commercial building. DEFICIENCY LIST 1 ST FLOQR - MUFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached grounding connection for taE c',�eC*S1C.�1 Sen..C�°,.-"133 LST FLOO:Z'.r..P.`JLTvv 1�.�i�RS 2. I ST FLOOR - MtJFC 8504 - Provide ali electricai splices within juncfion boxes.-KO SEALS MISSING FROM BOXES-1 ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FIRST FLOOR RUN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING NAILS. NO CONNECTORS 3. 781 - SPLC 34.10 (2), 3433 - Repair and maintain the daznaged structural member. This repair may require a building permit, call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-REAR OF 781 BLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY TSSUES-STEEL BEAM IS TWISTED FROM A PREVIOUS FIRE. 3TRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AND ALL REPAIRS MADE UNDER PERMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE , Ti�,�THAT AREA OF THE BLDG. LTNTIL REPAIRS ARE MADE. 4. 781 1ST FLOOR - MUFC 1107.3 - Immediately discontinue and remove the unvented � WATER HEATER 5. 781 LOWER - SPLC 34.10 (7), 34.33 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner.-FLOOR TILES, FLOOR IN 781 UPPER 6. 781 UPPER - MUFC 1111.1 - Repair and maintain the required fire resistive construction with approved materials and me�nods. T'nis work r,ia� rzquire a p�-liu�(s;. Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-PLA5TER MISSTNG OFF LATH-MANY AREAS HOLES N WALL, CEILINGS NOT PROTECTED. 781 UPPER - MIJMC 2205 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 8. 781 UPSTAIRS - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may raquire a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-FIXTURE/OPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 9. 781 UPSTALRS - MUFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the elecnical code. This woxk may require a permit{s}. Call LIEP at January 15, 2010 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 3 10-367 (651) 266-9090.-SURFACE ROMEX, BOX NOT MOL3NTED ON WALL, NO PLATE COVERS, OPEN BOX WITH EXP4SED W]RES 10. 781 LIPSTAIRS - SPLC 34.14 (2) c- Provide or rzplace the duplex convenience outlet w ground fauit protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wall in ail bathrooms_ This work may require a pemrit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 26fi-9090.-GFCT IN BATHROOM P_�iOPBRABLE-NO GFCE IN DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM 11. 781-1 st floor - SPLC 3414 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms.-1 st floor bathroom 12. ALL STAlRS - SBC 1004.2.51 - Provide an approved additional means of egress to reduce the uavei distance to tne exit. 13. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3) 3433(2} - Provide an approved guardrail. Intermediate ballistrade must not be moxe than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided if the height of the platform is more than 30 inches. 14. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.1Q (3), 34.33(2) - Provide an approved handraiL The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the entire length of the stair. 15. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 3�1.10 (3), 3433(2) - Repair or replace the unsafe stairway in an approved manner.-PLATFORM ON STAIRS 16. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 410.47 Screw - Shell Type (Proclein Fixtures}. Lampholders of the sarew - shall type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only.-Remove all adapters in poclein fixutes in basements. 17. ELECTRICAL l ADDRFSS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN 01-1 ! BULLETTN 8Q-1 (Property Mainfenance Code). All residential portions of this property wili be brought up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. 18. ELECTRICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NiSrC o05.0 - Fr�vide z1I openings in junction boxes to be sealed. 19. ELECTRICAL J ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 6051 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LTEP at (651) 266-9090.-Remove or wire per current electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling throughout basements and upper levels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on the ceiling by the north stairway. 20. ELECTRICAL 1 ADARESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.53 - Immed'aately, discontinue use of frayed, deteriorated, dasnaged or spliced electrical cords.-Remove all spliced electrical cords feeding light fixture in basement. January 15, 2010 10-3fi'� 781IJNIVERSIT'YAVE W page 4 21. ELECTRICAL 1 ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GBIVERAL) - NEC 336-5 - Remove the non- metailic cable (Romex).-Remove all illegally run non - metallic cable through out building. 22, ELECTRTCAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 300-11 Provide for all raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place.-Provide strapping on conduits, secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Provide approved strapping on the romex run located by the south east corner of basement ceiling. 23. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - SPLC 34.12 (2), 34.35 (1) - Repair and maintain all required and supplied equipment in an operarive and safe condition.-P,vvide eiecirical powzr to ail equipment, recepzacles, light fixttues through out building. Replace all hroken receptacles, switches and non working GFCI receptacles throughout building. 24. ELECTRICAL 1 ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSPC 605.1- All light fixtures shall be maintained with protective globes if originally equipped. 25. ELECTRICAL { ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 110.21 Marking. Provide for all electrical equipment to have markings of voltage, current, wattage or other ratings, and manufacture's name. Markings have been painted over. 26. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding.-Provide approved grounding and bonding of the electrical system. 27. ELECTRICAL 1 ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updated diractory for all electrical panels. 28. ELECTRICAL / ADDRE5S 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 106.1 Permits. Provide building permits for a11 construction wark completed or in process.-All electrical work wi?1 require a licensed electrician and permits. Call Liep (651) 266-9090. 29. ELECTI2ICAL l ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 110.15 High Leg Marking. All High leg marking shall be permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in colar or by other effective means.-Provide approved methods per the current electrical code on marking of the high leg electrical system in the building. Have a licensed electrician verify the existing markings. 30. ELECTRICAL! ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GEi�3ERAL) - SPLC 34.14 (2), 3434 (5) - Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet the buildings needs. This work may requixe a permit(s), call LIEP at (651} 266-9090. 31. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide for the electrical service to be adequateiy sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type. Tanuary 15, 2010 10-367 781 UNNERSITY AVE W page 5 32, ENTIRE BUILDING - iViLJFC 8506 - Discontinue use of extension cards used in lieu of permanent wiring. 33. ENTIRE BUILDNG - MN Stat 299F18 - Immediately remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combustible materials.-PROVIDE 44 INCH AISLES FOR FIRE DPARTMENT ACCESS. 34. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.0& (6), 34.31 (4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior storage that creates a nuisance or harbors rodents.-ALL OLD OIL TANKS, BUCKETS OF OLD LUBRTCANT, TRASH AND OTHER JUNK MUST BE REMOVED 35. EXTERIOR-REAR - MCTFC 85Q4 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a pennit(s). Cai: LIEF at (65I) 266-9US0. 36. FIRE PREVENTION - MSFC 901.6 - Frovide required annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers by a qualified person and tag the fire extinguishers with the date of service.-Fire extinguishers shall be provided during construction and once the building is occupied. 37 38. 39. FTRE PREVENTTON - 2ND FLOOR - SPLC 33.05 - Uncertified portions of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this office. MECHANICAL! ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. MECHANICAL( GAS SYSTEM - MUMC 2204 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 40. MECHANICALBOILER - SPLC 34.11 (6), 34.34 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed cuntractor which must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy of Yhe Saint Pau1 Fire Marshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this office. 41 42. 43 44. PLi7MBING!!31 B.3�EMENT -ivlS?C 471�.G58^v and 4?i5.v8vv-T�e san;ta.ry waste couplings, and methods. PLUMBING/731 BASBMENT - MSPC 471 i.0200 (E)-Properly vent the sfandpipe under the front stairs or remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - SPC 4715.2110 - Replace the inadequate backflow preventer. This wark may reqnire a permit. Call Regional Water Services at (651) 266- 6350.-Boiler water feed. PLUMBING1781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. January 15, 2010 781 UNIVERSTTY AVE W page b 10-367 45. PLUMBP_VG1781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the buiiding or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 46. PLLTMBINGl783 SASEVIENT - MSPC 4715.2860-Properly cap all unused water, waste, and vent piping. 47. PLUMBINGl783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.3800-Properly size all hot and cold water supply piping. 48. PLUMBING1783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on all plumbing fixtures in the basement. 49. PLUMBING1783 BASEMENT - SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain leader from the sanitary sewer and dispose of rooY drainage water in an approved location. 50. PLUMBINGl783 BASEMENT - MLTMC 2213 - Provide or replace fuel equipment piping in compliance with the mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090 -Provide a code approved shutoff valve on the gas line to the water heater within 3 feet of the water heater. 51. PLUMBINGI7&3 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 {E)-Tnstall a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the first floor bathroom fixtures. 52. PLUMBING(783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved vent for the standpipe on the fust floor or remove the standpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. 53. PLUMBING1783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system far the sinl:s in the North end of the first floor including tell tail floor drains or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 54. PLUMBINGIGENERAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2&OQ-AdditiQns, altrations, or corre�tions to the pl��bing systeli.s a:e required to be dcne m:de> permit fru�n the o��ce ofLicense, Inspections, and Environmental Protection at 651-266-9090. 55. PLLTMBINGIRESIDENTIAL UNIT - MSPC 4715.1730-Hot and cold water piping must be run full size to within 30 inches of the kitchen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kitchen sink. 5b. PLUMBINGIRESIDENTIAL CJNIT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system far the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. 57. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering sha11 not be done in a combustible storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met January I5, 2010 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 7 10-367 58. 33.05 THE COMBUSTIBLES MUST BE CLEARED FROM THIS AREA-AISLES MUST BE CREATED THROUGHOUT THE BLDG. THE C OF O CANNOT BE RENBWED UNTIL OCCUFANT SAFETY CAN BE ESTABLISHED 59. MIJFC 1203, MLIFC 11033.2.3 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruction. Maintain a clear and unobshucted exitway.-ALL EXITS MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED, BE UNOBSTRUCTED AND OPENABLE FROM THE TNSIDE . 60. SPLC 34.09 {1) b,c, 3432 (I ) b,c - Provide and maintain ali exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. A11 exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint. 61. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather tight and free from defects. 62. MUFC 1103.3.2.2 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet clearance below the lowest structural member or the ceiling. 63. SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. This occupancy must not be used unfil re-inspected and approved by this office.-THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS CAN NO LONGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE NNST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CERTIFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REFLECT WHAT BUSINESS IS THERE. As owner, agent ar responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by Februsry 10 , 2010 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Aivision of Cade Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building{s). The costs of fhis action, including administrative casts and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the Building lnspection and Design Section, 375 7uckson Street, Sr.ute 22�J, (65l )2�6-��89. Ti�is inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. If this building is located in a historic district or site (noted above, just below the properYy address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) staff to discuss your proposal for the repairs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms are available from the Department of Safety and Inspections web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits will be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of tY�is "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transfened or conveyed in any manner City of St. Paul REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COiJNCIL FILE NO. �Q �3�� : File I�3o. 19055CST Assessment No. 106056 Voting Ward Green Sheet No. �% C' �`� � 7 In the Matter of constructing storm sewer stubs per the request of the affected property owners. (File No. 19050CST) Preliminary Order: 07-1218 approved 12/19/07 Final Order: 08-114 approved 02/20/08 To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: The Valuarion and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs (w/ Engineering and Inspection) Valuation and Assessment Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net Assessment $ 7,853.23 $ 549.72 $ 8,402.95 8,402.95 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $8,402.95 upon each and every lot, part or pazcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated ..J'% � V uation and Assessment Engineer � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � //)- �/�r-- DepartmentlO�ce/Council: Date Initiated: ,,, .�✓ F _FinancialServices 08,,,�20,o Green Sheet NO: 3101437 Contact Person & Phone: Deoartment - Sent To Person InitialNate Lvnn Moser � o inancial serv;ces Real Esrate f� 266-8858 1 ouncil Ciri Council �� 2 i C7erk Ci Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Numher 3 For Routing 4 Doa Type: PUBLIC HEARING �/ Order 5 (RESOLUTION) t 7 E-Document Required: N ' Document Contad: Juan Ortiz ContactPhone: 2668858 ' Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Ratify assessments for sanitary sewer construcrion completed at the request of the property ownersalong Selby Ave (Kent to Arundel) Asmt#106056 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a wntract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No ' Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of affected property owners, sanitary sewer construcfion was completed. Advantages If Approved: Owners will have an improved sanitary sewer system. Disadvantages If Approved: Assessments will be levied via property taxes. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The entue cost of construction would have to paid immediately. Total Amount of $$ 402.95 CostlRevenue Bud eted: Trensaction: 9 Funding Source: ASSBSS�'1011YS Activity Number: Financial I nformation: � (Explain) March 8. 2010 11:27 AM Pana � � � � m e � d 0 � Q � 0 � o N N V � o N � N O � � C - M � � U � � C N U O R ' O a' �n ° , - o , o a N � P � � � % `� a I ` I 0 I ._� N � R I� q � i N ` c 3 °- v� " � E , E � w d o a a � ¢ a � a a �a 0 � �z y o �. E o � � � ',a � L I Z ° � O � � I � g � o ° 'z� a " � E $ � <z � d �Y ' � T 6 N � C d 3 O P O O � O V a d � R o z ° Y d m U > �' 0� `o !" I o Q .] y o y 4 >. � Gs7 -- � v� C i� �� � y 9 a m � �= a o` d � 0 lo,xo� in3a rn N W N 9 } � 3 � h 0 N F i » L u G d y % .�. W 0 10-365 < � � ; � � o N N M N N O � � b � � ¢ N � V1 H1 R t Z V b N � � C O R ry E i � ' ° o R �i N C i N � I O C P � I p O oa y a 6 � ' � F o � _ I � � a O i. 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O z� F s G o 4 x � 4i� � � C N Q a °—'� O —Y s� > h CJ `o < N � 5 a � N — � I S � � � O � 9 °' N 3 0. IX °o rn < e _ N x L G�\ O C� O N N 0 N W N O L E � � � u N m e�j � � � � R L R U � � �e ° � � _ V a � N E � d i � o R I � a - � = U .. � o u � o m � � � o i o a a` � I o .°'. ° R I � L � o y I N C c .6V' � - � I o Q " �. �n a a 0 a �° E o ? ` c c I ,z � 0 E � log o � z � ° d � .. E L , < y °z L 1 <y� L I � 6 F% F 3 O I ti p L � a � V R I W Q O � ¢-r d A : � > � m o F i F¢ z a A T W e � c s� Uj a c vi �'_ N m p'- � �' O IV ° �N �'+ G� O 0 N N N � N O v 'V V � � � �� N i 0 i i I � I� i � � `� O i z � � � z� 3� I Oo U I � ° z �¢� T a F N O � o � a ^ LL7 v `O � � � Q I T - ^ � N } -= m o � �� J � I Q G (� U � 0. Vi � a o � � p `W c � - �n 3 x. V L�'i � ♦ C O 0 N N N W N O � _ � � i � � �rv i l i ° o I i i I �I� � IN i3 � � �= o F z m � � z a Y � z � I� 0 o I � Q x ° d�° I T d F F O I ti O W v � N Q tt O � � o T � L2� � ; n � y � � I � � � y a a � O N N 3 0. W O C N N N W N O � � � � � d � N ° o � i I i I s I 3 I� io � ��'o r z � � o � c f x 2 � � z � 0 � F V I �N a� ¢ � m H N 3 O N o W N Q o r ya'^m o z " , _ � � - _ a o �' �' a o m lmo�N3o. W O O N N N W N O � u � � � N ° o I I � I N iv � i o i� W m � z � S z S S ? z � � 0 o � � U � s Q 6 Y I T 0 cL v N 3 O M o Lz7 V � , O a �ea7, �, = >'^ m o '� .� H 3 �� W A V] c � y 3 a �' v' i o ` tl a � i ' °,3a 10-365 F < -1 � � V N � O N N O � N O L F a � °° `a zs zs R L . .�'t U v� o O R I � E ¢ a+ o a , o C ^ y e ' U � � � I o � � o a :: o `u y � y C . a � a p I a F d o � a C I � `�O � °J � 3 � R � O a 4: d I o Q� r i y x a a a ' ,. � o F� E z o = � � I �.�i a � ��m _ - ,�' d w E ,� a � ` c o z a ' � o g d p t�. I O � — a. I 3 i a' ° I ° ^ Lr] N °' _ � a � R U ° �y < � �=>�m � ..< A � y V a� V c m ° I i �' a� 9 m � o � � O :�, ;�,: N O N N N N O � d � � � � I � � � ° o �I i. a m � F h � 3 ` m � E p V�i • I yo z v � Z J � � i�i g '�o t� � ��a � d Z Q Y i v v�i W <> A 1� p N Q Y�=°r boQ'^m o , y � G L � � � Vi c a � � � � 9 az°�„' 3a � O O N N N W N O � � � � rv ° o i T n � I � F I m i3 ` �� � c O I 0 (7 w �z m � Iz5 � f � � 3 ° og Z V x a O I 6 Y o ; �< � G N a �E m� �' �,�;�m o c ry J n � � � � .0 '(l � � y '� 9 � A � d ��oNO��3a P O O N N M N 'i0 N O � y � � � � IN 0 ro m y F � � w � 3 `o O I Vi + ��o o z w � z � e � � 3 p °o zu F y ¢ Y °_ I i I o � o T Ls] .. 0' j N q �r lo<�� s F D m ! ^ m Y G ' O D = y � O � I A o n N� a .] vl h �F P O N N N N O v � �» w N ° o i 0 D F � � a m � 3 � � 3 c O I I V V i + i �z ° `� O j `c � Ho �o � � � i z O Q � � 6 Y = � _ g ; a � N Q d � ° } �¢za o T GS] C � � � � y V] � O 9 9 C ' V o y � 3 0. 10-365 4 I � �� _ Council File # 10-367 Green Sheet # 3098916 RESOLUTION F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by �� WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has requested the City Council to 2 hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking 3 and removal of a rivo-story wood frame commercial building located on property hereinaHer 4 refened to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 781 - 783 UNIVERSITY AVE 5 W. This property is legally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 20 BLK 3 9 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and 10 information obtained by Department of Safety and Inspections on or before October 5, 2009, the I] following are the now known interested or responsible parties for the Subject ProperCy: Yong 12 Sun Park, 323 Superior St E, Duluth MN 55802-2125; Robert Schilling, 1085 Reaney Ave, St ] 3 Paul YIN 55106; Nga T. Nguyen, 3322 Rolling Hills Ct, Eagan MN 55121; Quyen T. Do, 677 14 Sims Ave, St Paul MN 55106; Thomas-Da1e District & Planning Council. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L egislative Code an order identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated January 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, this arder informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by February 10, 2010; and WHEREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Department of Safety and Inspections requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Pau] City Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the inCerested t 1' 7iJE` , � �(i 10-367 40 or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, 41 health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing 42 and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The 43 demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council 44 Hearin�;and 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday April 7, 2010, and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 781-783 UNIVERSTTY AVENUE WE5T. That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Property. 4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). 5. � � That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. That Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by Department of Safety and Inspections, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. 10-367 78 79 80 81 82 8� 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ••� • The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrunental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time Department of Safety and Inspections is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom s % Carter �/ Harris ,/ Helgen J Lantry J Stark � Thune ,/ � Requested by Department of. Safety and Inspections By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date ��Q��ap/d Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption C�ert�ifie by BY / / //�.1�.� Secretary � Date � � 10-367 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � DepartmenU�ce/Council: Datelnitiated: Green Jllee� IYO. �0.7�.7� V , SI — Dept. of Safety & Inspedions �,; � � pEB 2010 ConWct Person & Phone: Bob Kessler 266-90�3 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 07-APR-10 �, Doc. Type: RESOLUTION ��, E-Dowment Required: Y '� Document Contact: I Contact Phone: 0 Dept of Saferi & Inspecftons ' ' 1 DeDL of Safety' & Iospeceons Department Director 2 C5N AHOrney Cib' AttorneY 3 rlayor's rlayodAssistant � 4 Council CSry Council 5 GtiN Clerk CitV Clerk � Assign Number For ' Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Department of Safety and Inspections is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 781 - 783 UNIVERSITY AVEIVUE WEST. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atWch to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance building(s) as defined In Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested pazties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 781 - 783 iJNIVERSITY AVE W by February 19, 201Q and have failed to comply with those orders. Advantages If Approved: The City will eliminate a nuisance. DisadvanWges If Approved: . The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the pxoperry taYes. A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight [he community. Disadvantages If Not Approved: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. Total Amount of Transaction: CosVRevenue Budgeted: Funaing source: Nuisance Housing Abatement qctivity Number: 001-00257 Financial Information: (Explain) March 31, 2010 4:14 PM Page 1 10-367 DEPAR'[VfENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Ritfinrd Lippen. Depury• Ofrecror CITY OF SAINT PAUL 375 Jockson Street., Suite 2ZD Snint Paut, MNSSIDI-l5P6 ('iiris;oplte� B Coteman, ,L7ayor � Febnia�y 12, 2010 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council 7e(epl�mre. GS!-?Gfi-S9F9 Focsrmi}e. 65/-?66-1919 WeG xa'/WSfUnftlP����tlq Department of Safety and Inspecrions, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has reyuested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 781 - 783 UNIVERSITY AVE W The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, March 9, 2010 City Council Hearing — Wednesday, April 7, 2010 The owners and responsible parties of record aze: Name and Last Known Address Yong Sim Park 323 Superior St E Duluth MN 55802-2125 Fnterest Fee Owner RobeR Schilling 1085 Reaney Ave St Pau] MN 55106-3918 Nga T. Nguyen 3322 Rolling Hiils Ct Eagan MN 55121 Quyen T. Do 677 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55106 Thomas-Dale District & Planning Council District7nc(�a yahoo.com C of O Responsible Party and Tax Owner Tnterested Party Interested Party District Council Contact An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer 10-367 781 - 783 UNNERSiTY AVE W February 12, 2010 page 2 The legal description of this property is: SYNDJCATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 20 BLK 3 W ith the following Historic Preservation information: District: Thomas-Dale Building I�'ame: nlumber's store Inventory #: RA-SPG389] The Department of Safety and Inspections has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. The Department of Safety and Inspections has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s}. The property was re-inspected on February 10, 2010. There was no compliance and the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community con6nues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation ofthe Departtnent of Safety and Inspections that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish ancf remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Department of Safety and Inspections to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, Steve Magner Sleve Magner Vacant Baildings Manager Department of Safety and Inspecrions SM:cs cc: David Palm, City Attorneys Office Mary Eriekson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Cindy Carlson, PED-Housing Division Nancy Homans, Invest St. Paul District Council — Community Organizer puhhm�G0183 I7J09 10-367 SUMMARY FOR PUSLIC HEARING 781-783 University Avenue West Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, March 9, 2010 City Council — Wednesday, Apri17, 2010 The building is a two story, wood frame, commercial building on a lot of 4,792 square feet. According to our files, it has been a vacant building since August 14, 2002. The current property owner is Robert Schilling, per AMANDA and Ramsey County Property records. There have been two (2) SUMMARY ABATEMENT NOTICES since 2002. There has been no WORK ORDER(S) issued. On December 1, 2009, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An ORDER TO ABATE A Nt7ISANCE BUILDING was posted on January 12, 2010 with a compliance date of February 10, 2010. As of this date this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Vacant Building registration fees are paid. (Paid by assessment 11-2-09) Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $146,400 on the land and $89,500 on the building. As of Mazch 4, 2010, a Team InspecYion has not been completed. (Note: A team inspection was done on 3-26-04. Report enclosed) As of Mazch 4, 2010, the $5,000.00 performance bond has not been posted. Real Estate taxes for 2009 are delinquent in the amount of $6,221.00, plus penalty and interest. Code Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this structure which exceeds $150,000. The estimated cost to Demolish is $40,000. DSI, Division of Code Enforcement Resolution submitted for consideration orders the property owner to repair or remove this shucture within fifteen (15) days, if not the resolution authorizes the Division of Code Enforcement to demolish and assess the costs to the property. Tax aad p-.mc�:v 1_�,^,k ;. ;. .� , a'i: , , - t3�ick Info > ;�:�€cSc ;_,�"t�rmatian i4o,ne s;ee iia� Page 1 of 2 _.: ���3 -�s �' ��� ���- r�� -- �' t ��� T,Tp Information - Quick Info g � _%,_ :,�_ .� _ . � :._. �� Lgek_Up � � Record L�ok U� I � Contact Us � � n Q'�IG<'�I'FO F ' '.r. . � . . _ .�.. i . _ , . A;: � � `, �`: �.,� »:� , _ �. .__. 9 10-367 Go to E-Pay (US Bank Srawser Reguirement_s) � r;s�=r�yr %cle,r�tiffication Number (PIN) Property Address 783 University Ave W Municipality St. Paul Watershed Capital Region W/5 �ct?oo6 District Number 625 Assessment Date 01-02-2008 O1-02-2009 i'ax Payable Year 2009 2010 'Cr�k�aA Es��evs�ted Market Value $235,900 $235,900 Pntal Taxable Market Value $227,700 $235,900 ���al �s�imated Land Value $58,600 $146,400 '��t�l EsYuena�ed Building Value $177,300 $89,500 ��,;,, ; � ._,- ,;,;, .. ; Property Tax $4,846.20 ��uecaal Assessments $455.80 p;_,n;. ;, ,:� r,:�� . ii°a�;a� Y�rG��er�y'Yax + Special $5,302 � �� � � `�°�� Assessments , ttr:. . ,.,. �.. . _ �-. � _ � �{:-i _,: c r cr<<r�. < �_)" � ., _ _ ._'�c� c r: �: � ��'.: . . .,, �:_fi,: , ., ,��._� ���„ ',o.� , . . S �.l�. _„ .,....t. . _ ��a�perty Cfass Description Comm/Ind Comm/Ind Res Non-Hstd Res Non-Hstd Year Built 1911 # of Stories 2.00 ���a�as�t�€�i �ias%shed SQ Feet/Comm, 6885 Ynd, Apt Bldg Area F�sundation Size rs t�� t?(.:? �ar �es��asr ; 7owr�shi� J ttan�e and l.e�al Descrip�€oh g'sc;,,r. R�,�(ss�r �r€a� �� an alsbreuiaYed legat slescription - Do not use t.� pre(aar� 9ega6 doc�ments ����R��a / 3own�hip / Range 35-29-Z3 Plat Syndicate No. 1 Addition Legai Description Lot 20 Bik 3 ",`"o determine evhether your property is s��*��� r, call (651)266-2000 hi�p:!lrrinic�.c�s�-.imsev.,r�;.vsl,���htic!c;�iarzeter�istic/i�a�eel.aspx?scm=Quick&pin=352923130221&cnt=3 3/4/2010 DFPARTMEST OF SAFETY A'��laS�4+R(��fiOM Rchm-A L��pert, Mminger of CaAe Er fiir cemeni CITY OF SAINT PAliL CfrfstopberD Colenim;Nrqor 375 Jackson So-eet . Su«e 220 SnmtYmd, MN55�07-I806 Teiephone 6�!-?bG�$J.P9 Fateamle 6�1-266-:9/9 ;�Jeb i.r o./d�r January 12, 2010 Yong Sun Park 323 Superior St E Duluth MN 55802-2125 Robert Schilling 1085 Reaney Ave St Paul M1V 55106 Nga T. Nguyen 3322 Rolling Hills Ct Eagan MI�' S5121 Quyen T. Do 677 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55106 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear : Yong Sun Park The Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby declares the premises located at: 781 liNIVERSITY AVE W With the following Historic Preservation information: D�stnct Tho�nas-Dale Building Name: plumber's store Inventory #: _ RA-SPC-3891 and legaliy described as follows, to wit: SYNDICATE NO. l ADDITION LOT 20 BLK 3 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of ChapYer 45.11. On December 01, 2009, a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection must be obtained from the Department of Safety and Inspections, 375 Jackson St., Suite 220. That inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may also be required to post a f5ve thousand dollar ($5,000.00) performance bond with the Department of Safety and Inspections before any permits are issued, except for a AA-ADA-EEO Employer January 11,2010 i81 L\IVbRSITYAVE W pa��e 2 10-367 demolition permit. Call the Departmenf of Safetc and Inspections for more information at 65]-266-8989. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Oxdinance Chapter 33 03 and shali not aQam be used for occupancy unril such time as a Certificate of Compliauce or a Cerificate of Occupancy has been issued. This is a t���o-story wood frame commercial buildinQ. DEFICIENCY LIST 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached grounding connecCion for Che electrical service.-783 LST FLOOR-GROLIID METERS 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide all electrical splices within junerion boxes.-KO SEALS MISSING FROM BOXES-1ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FIRST FLOOR RUN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING l�TA1LS. NO CONNBCTORS 3. 781 - SPLC 34.10 (2), 3433 - Repair and maintain the damaged structural member. This repair may require a building permit, call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-REAR OF 781 BLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY ISSUES-STEEL BEAM IS TWISTED FROM A PREVIOUS FIRE. STRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AND ALL REPAIRS MADE i JNDER PERMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE IN THAT AREA OF THE BLDG. UNTIL REPAIRS ARE MADE. 4. 781 1ST FLOOR - MUFC 1107.3 - Immediately discontinue and remove the unvented WATER HEATER 5. 781 LOWER - SPLC 3410 (7), 34.33 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner.-FLOOR TILES, FLOOR IN 781 UPPER 6. 781 UPPER - MDFC 1111.1 - Repair and maintain the required fire resistive construction with approved materials and methods. This work may require a pennit(s). Call LTEP at (651) 266-9090.-PLASTER MISSING OFP LATH-MANY AREAS HOLES IN WALL, CEILINGS NOT PROTECTED. 781 UPPER - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 781 UPSTAIRS - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permiY(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-FIXTURE/OPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 9. 781 UPSTAIRS - MLJFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and instal] in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at Januaiy I1, 2010 731 CVIVERSITY AVE W paue 3 10-367 (651) 266-9090.-SLRFACE ROMEX, BOX NOT MOUT�TED 0?�� WALL, A�O PLATE COVPRS, OPE�' BOX WITH EXPOSED W IRES 10. 781 liPSTAIRS - SPLC 34.14 (2) c- Provide or replace the duplex convenience outlet w rth �round fault protection ��ithin 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wall m all bathrooms. This wark may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-GFCI IN BATHROOM I\OPERf1BL&NO GFCE IN DOW'_�STAIRS BATHROOVI I l. 78]-lst floor - SPLC 3414 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms.-1 st floor bathroom ] 2. ALL STAIRS - SBC 1004.2.5.1 - Provide an approved additional means of egress to reduce the trave] disYance to the exit. 13. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3) 34.33(Z) - Provide an approved guardraiL Intermediate ballistrade must not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided if the height of the platform is more than 30 inches. 14. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 3433(2) - Provide an approved handrail. The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the freads and run the entire length of the stair. 15 ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 34.33(2) - Repair or replace the unsafe stairway m an approved manner.-PLATFORM ON STAIRS 16. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 410.4� Screw - Shell Type (Proclein Fixtures). Lampholders of the screw - shall type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only.-Remove all adapters in poclein fixutes in basemenYs 17. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN 01-1 / BULLETIN 80-1 (Property Maintenance Code). AIl residential portions of this property will be broughY up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. 18 ELECTRICAL I ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.6 - Provide all openings in junction boxes to be sealed. 19. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 78S (GEl\�ERAL) - MSFC 6051 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and instail in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-Remove or wire per current electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling fhroughout basements and upper 1evels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on the ceiling by the north stairway. 20. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.53 - Immediately, discontinue use of frayed, deferiorated, damaged or spliced electrical cords.-Remove all spliced electrieal cords feeding light fixture in basement. J�nua�v 1 I, 2010 i81 C\IVL-RSITY AVE W paee 4 10-367 21. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GE�`ERt1L) -�EC 336-> - Remove the non- metallic cable (Romex).-Remove all illegally run non - metallic cable through out buildin�. 22. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GE�ERAL) - NEC 300-ll Provide for all raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place.-Provide strapping on conduits, secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Provide approved strapping on fhe romex run located by the south east corner of basetnent ceiling. 23. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - SPLC 3412 (2), 34.35 (1) - Repair and maintain all required and supplied equipment in an operative and safe eondition.-Provide electrical power to all equipment, receptacles, ]ight fixtures through out building. Replace all broken receptacles, switches and non working GFCI receptacles throughout building. 24. EL�CTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1- All light fixtures shall be maintained with protective globes if originally equipped. 25. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 110.21 Marking. Provide for all electrical equipment to have markings of voltage, current, wattage or other ratings, and manufacture's name. Markings have been painted over. 26. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding.-Provide approved groundmg and bonding of the electrical system. 27. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updaYed directory for all electrical panels. 28. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 106.1 Permits. Provide building permits for all construction work completed or in process.-All elech'ical work will require a licensed electrician and permits. Call Liep (651) 266-9090. 29. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 110.15 High Leg Marking. All HigJl leg marking shall be permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color or by other effective means.-Provide approved methods per the cunent electrical code on marking of the high leg electrical system in the building. Have a liceused electrician verify the existing markings. 30 ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - SPLC 3414 (2), 34.34 (5) - Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet the buiidings needs. This worl< may require apermit(s), ca11 LIEP at (651) 266-9090. 31. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide far the electrical service to be adequately sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type. January 11. 2010 1�-367 731 CA1VERSITYAVEW pa<,e i 32. EV�TIRE BIIILDIIVG - VIIIFC 8506 - Discontmue use of extension cords used in lieu of pennanent wiring. 33. ENTIRE BUILDI�i � G-?�I\ Stat 299F.18 - Immediatelv remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combustible materials.-PROVIDE 44 PvCH AISLES FOR FIRE DP_ART\YIE?�T ACCESS. 3�. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.08 (6), 34.31 (4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior storage that creates a nuisance or harbors rodents.-ALL OLD OIL TANKS, BIICKETS OF OLD LUBRICANT. TRASH AN� OTHER Ji� VIliST BE REMOVED 35. EXTERIOR-REAR - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a perznit(s). Cal1 LIEP at (651) 266-9090. 36. FIRE PREVENTIO'_V - MSFC 901.6 - Provide required annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers by a qualified person and tag the fire extinguishers wiYh the date of service.-Fire exYinguishers shall be provided during construction and once the building is occup�ed. 37. FIRE PREVENTION - 2ND FLOOR - SPLC 33.05 - Uncertified portions of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this office. 38. MECHANICAL/ ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. 39. MECHA�CAL/ GAS SYSTEM - MUMC 2209 - Provide Ieak right caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 40. MECHANICALBOILER - SPLC 34.11 (6), 3434 (3) - Provide service of heating faciliYy by a licensed contractor which must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy of the SainY Paul Fire Marshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this office. 41 PLliMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0580 and 4715.0860-The samtary waste couplings, and methods. 42. PLtINIBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Properly vent the standpipe under the front stairs or remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening 43. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - SPC 4715.2110 - Replace the inadequate bacicflow preventer. This work may require a permit. Call Regional Water Services at (651) 266- 6350.-Boiler water feed. 44. PLUMBING/781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. �a„��� � i. zoio ?51 LXIVERSITY AVE V1 pa2e 6 10-367 45. PLL�BING/781 FIRST FLOOR - VISPC 471 �.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the ��orth end of the buildm� or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openin�s. 46 PLUVIBING/783 BASEIvIE\�T -AYISPC 4715?860-Properly cap all unused r��ater, waste, and vent pipin�. 47. PLliMBRVG/783 BASEME?��T - MSPC 47153800-Properly size all hot and cold �iater supply piping. 48. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on all plumbing fixtures in the basement. 4). PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain leader from the sanitary sewer and dispose of roof drainage water in an approved location. 50. PLUMBING/783 BASEMBNT - MUMC 2213 - Provide or replace fizel equipment piping in compliance with the mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-Provide a code approved shutoff valve on the ;as line to the water heater within 3 feet of fhe water heater. 51. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system far the first floor bathroom fixtures. 52. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Instali a code approved vent for the standpipe on the first floor or remove the standpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. 53. PLUMBING/783 F1RST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the firsf floor includmg tell tail floor drains ar remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 54. PLUMBING/GENERAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2800-Additions, altrations, or corrections to the plumbing systems are required to be done under permit from the office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection at 651-266-9090. 55. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL UDIIT - MSPC 4715.1730-Hot aud cold water pipmg must be rlm full size to within 30 inches of the kitchen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kitchen sink. 56. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL iJNIT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanrtary waste and vent system for the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. 57. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering shall not be done in a combustible storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met ��„Ua��- i �. zoio 10-367 781 CAIVE,RSITY AVE W page 7 �8. 33.05 THE COMBliSTIBLES NICTST BE CLEARED FROM THIS AREA-AISLES VILST BE CREATED THROliGHOUT THE BLDG. THE C OF O CANNOT BE RE\EWED iJi�TIL OCCL'PAVT SAFETY CA� BE ESTABLISHED �9 VIUFC 1203, MIIF'C 1103.�.23 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruction. Vlaintain a clear and unobstructed exitwav.-ALL EXTTS MUST BE CLEARLY VIARKED, Bb LI�TOBSTRUCTED AND OPE�V�ABLE FROVI THE �NSIDE . 60. SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c - Provide and mamtain a11 exteriar walls free from hotes and deterioration. All exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling pau�t. 61. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather tight a��d free from defects. 62. MUFC ll 03.32.2 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet clearance below the lowest structural member or the ceiling. 63. SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. This occupancy must not be used until re-inspected and approved by this office.-THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS CAN NO LONGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CERTIFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REFLECT WHAT BUSINESS IS THERE. As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by February 10 , 2010 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantiai abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this action, including administrative costs and demohtion costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the BLiilding Inspection and Design Secrion, 375 Jackson Sireet, Suite 220, (651)266-8989. Tl�is inspection will identify specific defecYs, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. If this bLiilding is located in a historic distnct or site (noted above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservahon (HPC) staff to discuss your proposal for the repairs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the �uidelines and design review application and forms are available from the Department of Safety and I�ispections web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits will be issued wrthout HPC review and approvaL HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full azid complete disclosure of this "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed in any manner ia�,��a� � i. zo�o '81 CXIVERSITY AVE W pa�e8 10-367 iint�I the A'u�sance Conditions have been abated and fhe Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Enforcement O�cer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a"nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal bv the City. This placard shall not be removed without the written authority of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement The department is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" �i�ith the City Clerk's Office. If correct�ve action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforce�nent Officer will notify �l�e City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testimony will be heard from mterested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resolution statin; what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement aetion or fix a time within which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the prov�sions of Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code and provide that if corrective act�on is not tal<en within the specified time, the City shall abate this nuisance. The costs of this action, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance with law. If you have any questions or request additional information please contact Matt Dornfeld between the hours of 8:00 and 930 a.m. at 651-266-1902, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Sleve Magner Vacant Buildings Pro�am Manager Division of Code Enforeement cc: Mary Enekson - Council Research Cindy Carlson - PED Housing Amy Spong — Heritage Preservation oia60135 5/09 10-367 FROy DEPARTMENTOFFIRGAtiDSAFETYSERVICES Douglas A Na1mn, Fire Chfef DIVISlO*7 OF FIRE PREVESTIOV Stzien Zaccard. Fr�e:ldarsha7 L �F S� PAVL IOOEastEleientirSirezt Telephone 65L2?&-6230 SamtPaul YIIJ5�101 Facs�mJe 6�7-218-6241 .Randy C Kelly, ,Noyor March 26. �004 ROBERT SCHILLING 1085 REANEY AVE ST PAUL MN 55106 RE: TEAM INSPECTION 781 UNIVERSTTY AVE W APPLIANCE CITY Ref. # 16444 Dear Property Representative: Your building was inspected on March 25, 2004 for the renewal of your Certificate of Occupancy. Approval for occupancy will be granted upon compliance with the following deficiency list. The items on the list must be corrected immediately. A reinspection will be made on or afrer March 25, 2004. Failure to comply may result in a criminal citation or the revocation of the Ccrtificate of Occupancy. The Saint Paul Legislative Code requires that no building shal] be occupied without a Certificate of Occupancy. The code also provides for the assessment of additional reinspection fees. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING TENANTS IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LIST OF DEFICIENCIES ARE THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. DEFICIENCY LIST l sT FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide all electrical splices within junction boxes. - KO SEALS MIS3ING FROM SOXES-1ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FIRST FLOOR RCJN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING NAILS. NO CONNECTORS 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached grounding connection for the electrical service. - 783 LST FLOOR-GROUND METERS 781 - SPLC 34.10 (2), 34.33 - Repair and maintain the damaged structural member. This repair may require a building permit, call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - REAR OF 781 BLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY ISSUES- STEEL BEAM IS TWISTED FROM A PREVIOUS FIRE. STRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST BE DETERMINBD BY ENGINEER AND ALL REPAIRS MADE UNDER PERMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE IN THAT AREA OF THE SLDG. UNTIL REPAIRS ARE MADE. 781 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 1107.3 - Immediately discontinue and remove the unvented WATER HEATER AA-A➢A-EEO-Employer 10-367 781 LOWER - SPLC 34.10 (7), 3433 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner. - FLOOR TILES, FLOOR N 781 UPPER 78l UPPER - MUFC I I 11.1 - Repair and mairnain the required fire resistive constructio� with approved materialsandmethods. Thisworkmayrequireapermit(s). Cal1LIEPat(651)266-9090.-PLASTERVIISSING OFF LATH-MANY AREAS HOLES I\ WALL, CEILP�GS NOT PROTECTED. 781 UPPER - NIUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plues on disconnected or unused gas lines. 781 liPSTAIRS - MliFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - FIXTURE/OPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 781 UPSTAIRS - SPLC 3414 (2) c- Provide or replace the duplex convenience outlet with ground fault protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wall in all bathrooms. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - GFCI IN BATHROOM INOPERABLE-NO GFCE IN DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM 781 UPSTAIRS - MliFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LSEP at (651) 266-9090. - SURFACE ROMEX, BOX NOT MOUNTED ON WALL, NO PLATE COVERS, OPEN BOX WITH EXPOSED WIRES 781-1 stfloor - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. - 1�' floor bathroom ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3) 3433(2) - Provide an approved guardrail. Intermediate ballistrade must not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided ifthe height ofthe platform is more than 30 inches. ALL STAIRS - SBC 1004.2.5.1 - Provide an approved additional means of egress to reduce the trave] distance to the exit. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 34.33(2) - Provide an approved handraiL The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the eatire length of the stair. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 34.33(2) - Repair or replace the unsafe stairway in an approved manner. - PLA1'FORM ON STAIRS ELBCTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - SPLC 34.12 (2), 3435 (I) - Repair and maintain all required and supp]ied equipment in an operative and safe condition. - Provide electrical power to all equipment, receptacles, light fixtures fhrough out building. Replace all broken receptacles, switches and non working GFCI receptacles throughout building. ELBCTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - M5FC 605.1- All light fiatures shall be maintained with protective globes if originally equipped. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.6 - Provide all openings in junction boxes to be sealed. AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 ELECTRICAL i ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GEtiERAL) - MSFC 60�.53 - Immediately, discontinue use of frayed. deteriorated, damaged or spliced electrical cords. - Remove all spliced electrical cords feeding light fixture in basement. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 78] - 783 (GENERAL) -�EC 300-1 ] Provide for all raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place. - Provide strapping on conduits secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Provide approved strapping on the romex run located by the south east corner of basement ceiling. ELECTRICAL J ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GE23ERAL) - NEC 336-5 - Remove the non-metallic cabie (Romex). - Remove all illegally run non - metallic cable through out building. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GbNERAL) - NEC a]0.47 Screw - Shell Type (Proclein Fixtures). Lampholders of the screw - shall type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only. - Remove alI adapters in poclein fixutes in basements. ELECTRTCAL / ADDRESS 78] - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN Ol-1 / BULLETiN 80-1 (Property Maintenance Code). All residential portions ofthis property will be brought up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. ELBCTRICAL / ADDRESS 78] - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. - Remove or wire per current electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling throughout basements and upper levels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on the ceiling by the north stairway. ELECTRICAL/ ADDRESS �81- 785 (GfiNERAL) - SPLC 34.14 (2), 34.34 (5) -Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet the buildings needs. This work may require a permit(s), call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. ELECTRICAL ( ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC ll0.21 Marking. Provide for all electrical equipment to have markings of voltage, current, wattage or other ratings, and manufacture's name. Markings have been painted over. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updated directory for all electrical panels. �ELECTRICAL 1 ADDRESS 781 -785 (GENERAL) -NEC I 10.15 High Leg Marking. Al( High leg maxking shall be permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color or by other effective means. - Provide approved methods per the current electrical code on marking of the high leg electrlcal system in the building. Have a licensed electrician verify the existing markings. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 106.1 Permits. Provide building permits for all construction work completed or in process. - All electrica] work will require a licensed electrician and permits. Cali Liep (651) 266-9090. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding. - Provide approved grounding and bonding of the electrica] system. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GBNERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide for the electrical service to be adequately sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type. AA-ADA-EEO-EmployeY 10-367 ENTIRE SUILDI'.�iG - N1\' Stat 299F.18 - Immediately remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combustible materials. - PROV IDE 44 I\CH AiSLES FOR FIRE DPARTMENT ACCESS. ENTIRE BtiILDING - MUFC 8506 - Discontinue use of extension cords used in lieu of permanent wiring. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.08 (6), 34.3 ](4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior stora�e that creates a nuisance or harbors rodents. - ALL OLD OIL TA\�KS, BUCKETS OF OLD LUBRIC9NT, TRASH A�ID OTHER JUTrIC vIliST BE REMOVED EXTERIOR-REAR - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. FIRE PREVElVTION - MSFC 901.6 - Provide required annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers by a qualified person and tag the fire extinguishers with the date of service. - Fire extinguishers shall be provided during construction and once the building is occupied. FIRE PREVENTION - 2" FLOOR - SPLC 33.05 - Uncertified portions of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this office. MECHANICAL/ ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms. MECHANICAL/ GAS SYSTEM - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. MECHANICAL/BOILER - SPLC 34.11 (6), 3434 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed contractorwhich must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy ofthe Saint Paul Fire MarshaPs Existing Fue1 Burning Equipment Safaty Test Report to this office. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - SPC 4715.2110 - Replace the inadequate backflow preventec This work may require a permit. Call Regional Water Services at (651) 266-6350. - Boiler water feed. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Properly vent the standpipe under the front stairs or remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0580 and 4715.0860-The sanitary waste and vent piping under the front stairs must be done with code approved materials, transition couplings, and methods. PLUMBING/781 FIRST FLOOR-MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. PLUMBING/781 FIRST FLOOR- MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the building or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MUMC 2213 - Provide or replace fue] equipment piping in compliance with the mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (65]) 266-9090. - Provide a code approved shutoff valve on the gas line to the water heater within 3 feet of the water heater. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.2860-Properly cap all unused water, waste, and vent piping. AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 PLUMBING1783 BASEME�VT - MSPC 4715.3800-Properly size all hot and cold water supply piping. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT- SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain leader from the sanitary sewer and dispose ofroof drainage water in an approved location. PLli�/BINGi783 BASEVIENT - VISPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on all plumbing fixtures in the basement. PLUMBING/783 FIRSTFLOOR -MSPC 47l �A200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the ftrst floor bathroom fixtures. PLUMBIivG/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary �vaste and vent system for the sinks in the North end ofthe first floor including tell tail floor drains or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. PLtiMBING/783 FIRST PLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved vent for the standpipe on the first floar or remove the standpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. PLUMBING/GENERAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2800-Additions, altrations, or corrections to the plumbing systems are required to be done under permit from the office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection at 651-266-9090. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL LJNTT - MSPC 4715.1730-Hot and cold water piping mustbe run full size to within 30 inches of the kitchen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kiCChen sink. PLUVIBING/RESIDENTIAL LTNIT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. SPLC 34.09 (I) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain al] exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. All exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering shall not be done in a combustible storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met 33.05 THE COMBUSTIBLES MUST BE CLEARED FROM THIS AREA-AISLES MUST BE CREATED THROUGHOUT THE SLDG. THE C OF O CANNOT SE RENEWED UNTTL OCCUPANT SAFETY CAN BE ESTABLISHED MUFC 1203, MUFC 11033.23 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruction. Maintain a clear and unobstructed exitway. - ALL EXITS MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED, BB LTNOBSTRUCTED AND OPENABLE FR01V1 THE INSIDE . SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. This occupancy must not be used unti] re-inspected and approved by this office. - THE RESIDENTIAL LTNITS CAN NO LOivrGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CERTIFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REPLECT WHAT BUSINESS IS THERE. MUPC ll 033.2.2 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet clearance below the lowest structural member or the AA-ADA-EEO-Employer 10-367 ceiling. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather ti�ht and free from defects. You have the right to appeal these orders to the Legislative Hearine Officer. Applications for appeals may be obtained at the Cih� Clerks Office, 170 City Hall (651-266-8984) and must be filed ��'ithin 10 days of the date of the ori�inal orders. If you have any questions, call me at 6� 1-228-6208 between 7:30 a.m - 9:00 a.m. Please help to make Saint Paul a safer place in which to live and work. Sincerely, Matt Opsahl Fire Inspector Ref. # 16444 AA-AJA-EEO-EmplOyer � 0 O O o �. N O r N � �s: s � L � � � � H C�$ J � � h � N � ° 5 � �� �D ' � � � J U _T, _T, — � � > � � o y � .-a U �.: G� � ��a �� C Z � � :� 'z�� � ���� N Q U O E�-� p � �A 0. z�y o>W ��� w a�� .: v o�z a�� a � H�a ¢' ��a a�z � V � � N F z ��� 0 N � 0 N � 0 N � c N � � N N o c o 0 0 0 o c o 0 .. ., '. � " .� ,� .� .. .. GC c� N 0 o"� N 0�0 C"� N W o7 N 0�0 0� N .-� N .--� N .-� N .r N � N N N N N N N N N N N . � .' � � 0 � N N 0 ✓ L: �--� ° - N �� -- J ` N "?" ^ � s � 0 N N � � j � e �- � i �� ` �- � � �� 0 0 ti ti N N •-• �--� N N Q �I � � � � � � [-; � a, o � w N M U Vr U CJ � � rr O � O F ;/j W N �� p , N � � .� � b H � W � �y v�i � �.y V'1 'n (� � ctl �j F � � �j .' �' �, v ' T 5A `n O > � � nj �y �r Py ,O z U v r � pp.� z Q Q� Q(j U W p �, � i�' cn �� z o� H� �, cn � o. r 3 �� � A�� �� � �� � � � ° Q � M O b0 N bA �' l� W O� �✓'� M q (Yi � V] � M W O� �O V] E"'� L�r r-�. 1 Serial # DEPSAI 64544 9036 10-367 Re: 781-783 Univer Ave RT STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ST. I,OUZS AFFZDAVIT OF ATTII�TED SERVICE T , (��, ,j-l' , being duly sworn, on oatn says t.:eat on (vame o•` Server) �/ �y /2010 at _�: (j�J C'M s(he) attemoted Lo serve the attacneri: (Date of Service) (Time of Service) Notice of Pubiic Hearing upon: Yong Sun °ark therein named, personally at: 323 Superior Street East Duluth, MN 55802 but was unable to effect service because: [] this address is a mail drop and nobody is actually at the address. [] the address does not exist. [ j the occupant(s) of the above addxess refuse to come to the door or respond in any way. [ 7 the occupant of the address does not know or has never heard of the subject. [] the subject moved and left no forwarding addsess. [� the premises of this address are currently vacant. [ 1 this is a secuzed building and the subject's name is not on the directory. [] unsuccessful a£ter numerous attempts, the subject (IS / IS NOT) avoiding service. [] the subject is employed here but the employer will not allow for personal service. [} the subject is no longer employed at the above addsess. [� per family or friend at the above address the subject has never lived there. [ 1 the subject has moved and cuirently resides at the address listed below. [ ] other / comments / new address: Subscribed and Sworn to before me �/ (Si nat re of Sesver) �__/ l /2010. e ( ignature of Notary) ��� 1✓� MATTHEW M. KELLY � � NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESO7A My Comnissior. Expires dan 3f, 2071 r tt ` Service was compietetl by an mdependent contractor retamed by Metro Legal Services, Inc. Metro Legal Services, Inc. 330 2nd Avenue South, Suite 150, Minneapofis, MN 55401 T(612) 332 - 0202 or (800) 488-8994 F(612) 332-5215 Serial # DEPSAI 64544 9036 Re: 781-783 Univer Ave W STATE OF MINNESQTA COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS 10-367 AFFIDAVIT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE �, �t \ '��,-�y '�r,Si-ea'�,/� � , being duly sworn, on oath saps t�at on (Name of Serveri ! � .� / 1 /2G10 at _�:� S � s(he) aLtemoted to serve the attached: (Dace o£ Sercice) (Pine of Servicei Notice of Publ�c Heariag upon: Yong Sun Park therein named, personally at: 801 East lst Street Duluth, MN but was unable to effec*_ service because: [) this address is a mail drop and nobody is actually at the address. [] the address does not exist. [] the occupant(s) of the above address refuse to come to the door or respond in any way. [] the occupant of the address does not know or has never heard of the subject. [] the subject moved and left no fozwarding address. [�] the premises of this address are currently vacant. [] this is a secured building and the subject's name is not on the directory. [] unsuccessful after numeious attempts, the subject (SS / IS NOT) avoiding service. [] the subject is employed here but the employer will not allow for personal service. [] the subject is no longei employed at the above address. [] per family or friend at the above address the subject has never lived there. [] the subject has moved and cu=rently resides at the address listed below. [ ] other / comments / ne�r address: Subscribed and Swoxn to before me �/�_/2010. (Signature of !VOtary) m a ` MATTHEW M. KELLY � p� �� NOTARYPUBLIPMINNESOTA ���,� - My Gommrssion Expres Jan 37, 20fl my.E p * Servi<e was completetl bY an independent contractor retaine0 by Metro Le9ai Sernces, Inc- Metro Legal Services, Inc. 330 2nd Avenue South, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55401 T(612) 332-0202 or(S00) 458-8994 F(612) 332-5215 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 i7NIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 LTNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12,2010 02 - 205663 781 UNIV�RSI'TY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12,2010 02 - 205663 781 UlVIVERSITY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 LTNNEILSIT'Y AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 rX - - �� rs:'- ' � , `�',,. .,.... . >,.: 4: Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UIVIVERSTI'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12,2010 02 - 205663 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 __. � Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTI'P AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: January 12, 2010 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Name: 781 LJNIV�RSITP AVE W fIP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: January 12, 2010 File #: 02 - 205663 HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 pinmber's store RA-SPG3891 Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSPi'Y AVE W PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iTNIVERSITY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 jTNiVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: pinmber's store Folder Name: 781 IJNiVERSTPY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iTNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 LTNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: Jannary 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UIVIVERSTTY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iTNIVERSTfY AVE W Sarvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: January 12,2010 File #: 02 - 205663 Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: piumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNNERSTTY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12, 2010 02 - 205663 781 UNIVERSTTY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTTY AVE W Survey 7nfo: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP Disfrict: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IJNIVERSITP AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12,2010 02 - 205663 781 UIVIVERSITY AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 � - � <<< 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTI`Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSPI'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPG3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 ITIVIVERSIT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 Date: File #: Folder Name: January 12,2010 02 - 205663 781 UNIVERSI'I'Y AVE W HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-367 plumber's store RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 IINIVERSITY AVE W Survey InFo: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 � , . . . :,': , c4:=, _ .. .. ,:;'�, 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSTI'P AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 ..:�r= ,,. s� � � . ���. ���.� - . � .. k �� � �� � � ' � ^ � ` ,� : � � � � � „�u, �� "�a: �� � . � .�.� ��� � � � e � ' R r � = � . � ... ... `�� � :. . �. h *'v:�� . µ � S �� � �� ��; a.. t ��� � �� � : -��� ,�, `�'"� . p �! � �� �a�"_ i $&h� � �. 3 �, z� ', � . a. � � �n � 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W Snrvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber`s store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSIT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSITY AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSIT'Y AVE W Sarvey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352423130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNiVERSIT'Y AVE W Survey InFo: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 iJNIVERSIT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 FIP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNNERSIT'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSPI'Y AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 PIN: 352923130221 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 2U5663 Property Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 UNIVERSIT'I' AVE W Survey Info: RA-SPC-3891 pIN: 352923130221 10-367 "`� Saint Puul Department of Ptanning and Econornic Develop�nent � `��� Historic Review Form �w�i .�. Piease type or print legibly. (Illegible forms H be retumed.) Project Address: 781-783 L�VItiERSITl' AVE VW Original Consnuction Year: 1911 Building Name: Brief Project Descript:on: Removal of �iuisance Funding: CDBG x NSP Other Funding (list) For.m Completed by: Matt Dornfeld Title/Organization: DSI — Vacant Buildings Date: t2-1-2009 Phone no: 651-266-I902 Reviews will not be processed witl�ou2 the follo���ing information: • Phota of buildan� attached below� • Map clearly s�iowirrg location of site (anach) Conspteted review wili be returnecl to this address: Form submitted by: City of Saint Paul, Planning and Economic Devclopment (PED} Contact Person: Street Address; Patricia James, City Planner (b51-266-6634) 1404 City Hall Annex, 25 GV. Fourth St.. Saint Paul M7�' �S IO2 Pl�ase complete Ristoric Review form for eaci� address and send to Kelly $auer, Clerical support at 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fourtfz Street, SainY Paul, MN 55102 (?'o be completed by audhor�ized PED stc�ff) Name: Date: Located within a Saint Pau1 Iiistoric DisTriet? Yes No Located w�thin a hational Register District? Yes No Listed in fhe 1983 survev? Eli�ible far designation � Additional site of major significanee 7 Survey form attached � Yes �Io Recommendation: Eligible for National Register� Yes\ro Further iizformation required? Yes No Additional An Equal Opportunity Employer Plannin� District ?�umber: 7 10-367 7�1 /�H:�.��s%'y - lql� �,�°��r -�-,� 5���n- � ��-,¢�.���� <� �q8� _ Na �� �`n n16�,�. C��;�t 5;4� �. � �o�& � �.�'- — ° �i. .� �y,.; ¢- y - t�' P- � � o c� r°° i �j r wa1 r��.�v i� i°�� �' ��� �.�,�,�,�. _ _ �, , a �.� � f16� h�C.eP� � �i� r! `s'"9 �`'x �' -- �i �, v° c3�t i S j�1,� �� P��r ��� c.- �.�`,1�" � , S. 10-367 � � ��i��t��'C �it�� ��1���" ILamsey �ount= Histo:ica! Soc+et�• Saint t�act He*itage Presertiacion Cou�.mis 5treet ,c�rc->si .s,ca'"'� 7"cl- ;.. :7n_ie ' a - � - :�.-.^:. -i�;m�� c' S�arz �_=c_ict.`:'._`ae: . _ : i.eGOZCC c.... _. .•_ o _ _�i �_" := s ,.,,i � - '^.,. _E'ecl `u1Y_=�C a`..O_T2�d'�wL.`_%Z'�- . n... — `=�5 __ � � ._.-._�_._ __ ____ti GZ �.._�n.�_Jt O.^.: 1�}�� _ -• SG`��: - Ii�_ _ _ .._ -.�. �'. ._ � 2 _. = O� ���v.'.11<�:�_ ��. KO'J� �v _ -'- _ ,... _..,�` ;:c:�e: _ *v� visibi __ - �. _„_: s'_. ., = n�� —_ _J. .'i:_s.:.��; _ . . cz-."-�1 :aca--cr c :. 1 bra- �°�:;c eut e-lor c�daa _ _ 5. ^;-' '_ _c::esn !;'- r^�_�•�"�-1� _ _-- �7. ____ u- a...li�:.aC-�:. �_. rrcctrural sysccsrlmsir. =r.acx`_cr a��L ccus°'n�� — " """_ _ _ - roar� __' _"., - ,,.v-... aek %2rick_ _' "`"'__ .r�ed _=-[oe.•.^.� �o.^.c _ �Ger ?o-d '— .iCG^.E: T :;YC:3 y�21L:.°_ ..'_SP.�Y Y�J?JiP _. YcCOn'.p G5. �i3Y. COGLSE`.: dC.^.i3- 7`v5�e af �{one,ibnck ot othar Lon�?t�a Fz�=z= rrrl h�-.�k __._.. Cp�s•;_'e u�.,_ _t cw�crcca X_Staaco ___v oc-n.=__ 't�i•. e,a'.1 3:.esb/u?"_ai ',�;�. - __— iS. �e:c: �aana..icorA c,tk�.�1s' 3rac:te.�ed mn:-cc. Ce.^.Lai era.ei w:.rro�r taiu� :5_n�d zce`. 2C � L< F�:Cecairy �= Lr,;,tq�n: _" irf.act :� ,.:;alte_n9 ait¢rey slighcly % a:tmr�c3ona &✓33wLors -ac-e a,Pu°nr tcar. c;si�_;::�al or.gina: ees.y,� nc�:. aPB=reei! Pn�JGica' con3sc-ca c�_ vi.:.'.dfa.. � r.cr,Sis:.s _'_ Coo¢7 X. a�r _''oor __`etr'.r�or+ted G@{�L`.1GLd cT.G �tt,1d`..10GS: IV c CIX:ISSP_3t1'R: W1':ldCNVS. utUC:^J. $tClY2l�ri1!_£ d11..C.."'.�:. N24r S1P:5. ' % •t G G [>. � il :'.>:T.tai i.�)� . n...�..'-1JP' _ S�'.: Cf.�k'I:P" OT f=p4.-". ,.:ie�_ �, .,�..c ^{ �iYOPU: IlUZ't�:______ _.�,._ t�_ S_`_ti..y: _ c#cul�sra7 ,Y resi3eatisl �no::is��cc'=1 _.rd��s5tr:a1 =.�=.rL�. 2E. � :.i`-ce.:+_ = a� ien::s.:.w}.�.: _�.ct..a_e:;. �w�t of a �YC3a1 storesont zea. _-. rn_e.�ts C.. __ :�. ?^�. 9a:.'.-o;_e1 cnnrrnag: e,. �=te;�. 07 �ace r:=_-c,sJ: 7i27(&2 c G y t_ �.. Neg�[ive fi_e n:�csr(El±__ /13 >.. Et=*i �ocaG+er ^_o3e.i� '__S;ctlei:_ '�. _,:U� of ':f*_L�.or:�ey_ H. lit9'in (� Ce ii � i¢ iw C � i N ^ i'` �� �� � y i � � t 4' Ti 7 7 �m � C�` N � i 10-367 � � � �st� 3's. Architect%en3iaEer: _ 3=.. Bu!":d=_ri=cntractor: �ore is`� _' _ 3=. ?rese: c Z. .er: 36. Date Sczu: i9L _ Ad2_eES: _ 37. oace s�vrce' 3'..::9ix 2�..�t :E. *ega: �asc+:�t±on: icT 2J 9'_x< 3, Sr+��,y^Lr..c =1 tvy.:�� __ 3i. 9 �'_din3 ?erc=_ ?: 57332 an, Locatioa o= arc:�_tect's drz;:isgs: _ _ Li. On tiaciona'_ &e�'siar" _=es J: So 42. Sacional Hegister ?etee-ial% _Ses % So ..�. bPCi'_cce_ tie=oric si[e4 Y_5 v tic �-. Zocal desi� ation p�[enGial _F2s X t=�� G5. _z �st.riC d+st_'ict% `"es X S> 45. F.istc:'_c ein'trict noeent:ai° Yvs _*:o pr�y„jq Z€ yes, exp?ain i=_xionele: G7. HisCO:.:.al backg:our.a: 7'h� �r�_qina_ rn�m^: o` tt:�.s bu3l�ig, e'r.LC� ca,t .",200'J to cui13, ��s Sotu� P. S� Si��son oa�z 45 a plun�r a�;d yas±itUS �ra�n ^is s.�ro� c:. t�e iirst f o; t.his �w.�clin?, ar�.d =iv� i� an af.artx:c*!t c.^. t:e seco7c stnn:. C8. 'avel oi aigei_`icaace: % iocal _Sta[e _=3ational �`9. Stetuaeat of signiHcance: T`�is b�ldinq is sligkt3y uid,s ;.aa: aaqhF�r�_g sL*uctases, axc c�*iside^. aitere-3. 50. Sousces of icfnr:oe�ior: 2972 x_i,. ?clic's 9t. Paul C=ty Ui.rectoxy. rictcgrapns 10-367 perioci, especially on streets such as Grand; by the 193�s, e:ght of the nine miersections bet�veen Dale and Lv_xingion on Grand had comer phzrmacies. 7lius13. — ��.'��. '� P'rarmacy at !he conier of earl and N.arvlard (058 E R�izry7aaG). Aug¢st T. �Vlar2?iw ma> tY,e 7���f ^'�r ' '�, beiween :a. 7923 and 1546, and Wal:er E. Otb emnea !he buildmg PHnto ca. 1930s. The 6astc store at the turn of the crntury: a raest s:dz exampte. Photo ca. 1925. _vtasonry detaffs on the brick front were usually limited to panels or beltcourses of patterned brick at the comice line, enfry and windows. Projecting bays or oriels at the upper story were mmmon unril abuut 1910. In addifion to brick, stucco, and rusflcated concrete block were emplo}'ed for the exterior finish. The design of the "rlrfisric Pront Store' popular in the 1920s and thxough the 1940s was usually based on mttage, Spanish, Tudor, Art Deco, or Modeme mofifs. Rusticated stucco and brick surfaces, gables trinuned with half-rimbering all gave a domestic look to the exterior, more closely related to surrounding houses. Many gas staflons were desi�,m.ed as small English cottages or Spamsh adobes in th�,s period. The picturesque one-story, biick and stone shop at 1795 St. C(air is among the best examples of the Arflstic Front, while a number of period xevival gas stations including that at 300 Snelling Avenue (ca. 1932) also remain. The "Modem Broad front" was well suited to new retailing principles. whieh called for open display of inerchandise. A double-v�ddth stnrefront, the Broadfront uicorporated steel beams and columns to provide a very open fa�ade. The fa�ade was primarily filled w�th a large display window. Patented storefront materials were often applied to the fa�ade.'" Finally, the one-story, gable-roofed bullding (sometimes of mrrugated metal construction) with a elapboard-ciad false front persisted into Ehe Ywentieth century and was especially puputac for businesses such as barber shops. Tom Mooye Barber Shap, 1715 E. 5eventh SE Photo 1955 Streetcars ancl New Suburbs: 7900-293d HrstmicResourcesDatabase _ _, _,�_ _�_,_______ _� u,� �_____,_._,._ ___...___�..�.._..�.--- 1'he Hisroric Resources Database includes several tmndred examples from tMs period. ALthough f f r associations evith streetcar nodes and various residential addihons are significant, remaining � historic architectural features are of most importance. Addiriona fieldwor to determine flie best � remaining examples and their si�uficance will be need� There are many exm �`'"�-....__ rema�nmg,`�ut`"many fiav"e lieen tota y"Il a` `�'e +�ondY�cog���`�� __�__���- .. Avanue looking across A�agr:odra Ph.oto 7937. Zhe rsddition of sma71 Maderne buiGdings F 7ee Shat at right, the nc of tne sbeet, and the lnew liyhtinQ are of note. Historic Contexf: ]Veighborhood Commer<iaf Centers 13 Za�ndscape Research / URS ) BR W /2007 10-367 ,� �� � � .� 4� .\ \ � \f� \ { \\ � \� � � � t \�, 't: V G Z C C G Z � a 3 a`. --_ _ �_ � a � o � o C, U J U _ :J � � 'vI n 'J: v: N ' '/' � N [/_ << 2 < a i< << 2 a a S< 2 << - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - c - ' ` - - 0 Y O S .� `O � z � b � .. �. � .� v �. t� ... ... � � � — � ' i w 3 ¢ � 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3¢ 3� �� T � T v Q � ¢ < - _ f � 'T. � . _ _ > � J � w A � � � h h m m w <�. m a Z w �. 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Sanbo>n Map Co. 1403 revisetl through Ottobef 7925 Hantlwrit[en notaiions try SL Paul Planning Commission � I � Tg I `� �'�� �R 0 "5 0 / Y $ . --- _ _ �� � � � �� _ a _ k { '�`� i �r� I �1 -� rl+ ���� �� � -� ,, : � ..I �� �� F L SG_`1 V . ° L 9 � � ,�, r.. __ ' � .. � � ....---e.__.._------'-----'�r _.. ..__...,..,�;_' ,�, , . ._... _ -- — — --------- 53:3 Digitai Images Greated 2007 by Histoticat (nformaUon GaCherers, Inc. v✓Hnv.historicalinfo.com 10-367 Date: January 12, 2010 HP District: File #: 02 - 205663 Properh Name: plumber's store Folder Name: 781 L1�"IVERSITI' AVE �ti Surve�- Info: R4-SPC-3892 PIl\: 3�2423130221 10-367 Mazch 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 1. Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 781-783 Umversity Avenue West within fifteen (15) days from adoption ofresolution. Robert Schilling, property owner, appeared. No other parties of interest appeared. Ms. Moermond noted that according to Ramsey County Taxation, Mr. Schilling was listed as the taxpayer and C of O responsible party. The owner was listed as Young Sun Park. Mr. Schilling responded that he had misplaced the deed transfemng title from Mr. Park to himself which was why the deed was not recorded. Ms. Moermond asked for a report from Mr. Magner. Mr. Ma�er stated the building was a two- story, wood frame, commercial building on a lot of 4,792 square feet and had been vacant since August 14, 2002. A Team Inspection had been done on Mazch 26, 2004 and had since expired, the vacant building registration fees in the amount of $1,000 went to assessment on November 2, 2009, and the $5,000 performance bond had not been posted. On December 1, 2009, an inspection of the building was done and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. An order to abate a nuisance building was posted on January 12, 2010 with a compliance date of February 10, 2010. To date, the property remained in a condition which comprised a nuisance as defined by the Legislative Code. Ramseq County Taacation estimated the market value of the land to be approximately $146,400 and the building to be $89,500. Real estate taxes for 2009 were delinquent in the amount of $6,221, plus penalty and interest. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair the building to $150,000. The cost for demolition was estimated to be approximately $40,000. There had also been two summary abatements issued to this property since 2002, none of which went to work order. Code Enforcement recommends the building be repaired or removed within 15 days. Mr. Magner presented photographs of the property. A copy of the photographs was also provided to Mr. Schilling. Ms. Moermond asked for a report from Ms. Spong. Ms. Spong stated that this building was built in 1911 and was unique being a wood-frame starefront with a full masonry structure at the rear of the building. The property was inventoried in 1983 and was included as part of the neighborhood context study in 2001, a copy of which is attached and made a part of this record. The building had been built by a plumber who had his store on the first floor and lived in the upstairs flat. She believed the plumbing business could account for the full masonry structure at the rear of the building. Given the significant alterations to the exterior of the building, she did not believe it would meet local or national historic desi�ation criteria Ms. Spong noted that 785 University Avenue was scheduled for hearing on March 23 and was located next door to this building. Ms. Moermond reviewed the photographs and exclaimed that it appeared there had been a fire. Mr. Schilling responded that he had contacted the Fire Department who had no record of any fire at the property. He said what was shown in the photo was a twisted I-beam which was likely caused by previous tenants who used welding equipment He said there was a shed that was attached to a shed which was attached to the building (or a garage that was attached to a garage attached to the building) and there was no structural damage to the building. He said he was rehabbing a duplex at 392 Edmund and ran into problems with the contractors who he had hired to do the work as they did not do quality work and took off with his money without finishing the job. This put him substantially behind as he ran out of money, farfeited the performance bond, and almost lost his home to foreclosure. He said he was considering filing baiikruptcy and instead took out another mortgage to finance the remainder of the repairs. He said the building had a current C of O, was occupied, and was pristine. He said he didn't do anything with his commercial properties as he felt Pat Fish was on a"witch hunY' on violations at his property and had condemned the building due to 10-367 March 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 3 the fact that he had left a water heater out to be picked up for recycling . He felt that city officials had a political agenda against him, were in collusion, and that he was bein� harassed. He also said he sold used appliances to landlords, some of whom are actively suing the city for various reasons. He said he would like to "re-set the clock" so that he could fix up the property which he could do within six months, get the building certified and sell the property to Model Cities who expressed interest in purchasing it. Ms. Moerrnond asked him where he operated his used appliance business. Mr. Schilling responded that he operated his business from 785 University. Ms. Moermond asked whether he owned this property as well. Mr. Schilling responded that he did own this property as well. Ms. Moermond stated that according to Ramsey County Taxation, he was not listed as an owner of the property. Mr. Schilling responded that his brother, Gerald Schilling, was listed as the tax owner who had purchased the property from Koger Griffiths on a Contract for Deed. He was going to go into real estate business with his brother; however, there was bad blood between them and they had a falling out. The matter went to court and the court awarded the property to him. He said he didn't know where the deed was for this property either which is why it had not been registered with the county. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling whether he used 785 for his business. Mr. Schilling responded that the water and heat were on in the building and he used it to clean appliances and had a second hand dealers' license to operate a business Ms. Moermond responded that she didn't believe he could operate a licensed business in a registered vacant building and Mr. Schilling responded that he knew he wasn't supposed to be using it as a business. He said he also had warehouse space at 1400 Selby which was his primary place of business. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling why he had not taken any action on this building since it had become a vacant building in 2004. Mr. Schilling responded that he had done work on the building and the only thing left was to have a plumber finish the bathroom and to put down new flooring. He also acknowledged that there were some windows which needed to be replaced. Ms. Moermond asked why he had had not applied for a new team inspection as was indicated in the Order to Abate letter. Mr. Schilling responded that he didn't want to have to post the bond to pull the permits and didn't l�ow he had to have another inspection. Ms. Moermond read the specific language contained in the OTA. She told Mr. Schilling that this seemed to be endemic with this property: the deed to the property was missing, he hadn't paid his property taxes, and she asked whether he had done a confession of judgment with the county to pay the outstanding property taxes. Mr. Schilling responded that he didn't have the money to pay on the taaces as he almost had to file banla and had not worked out a repayment plan with the county. He was now working on getting his finances in place. Ms. Moermond stated that given this demonstration, there was no guarantee that he would be able to conect the nuisance conditions at this property or any of his other properties. Ms. Moermond continued the hearing to March 23 with the following conditions to be met: 1) must apply for a Team Inspection; 2) must register the Deed to the property with Ramsey County; 3) must pay the delinquent property taaces; 4) post the $5,000 performance bond; 5) submit a work plan; 6) provide financial documentation indicating financing in the amount of $150,000; 7) submit contractor bids or a sworn construction statement; and 8) the property must be maintained. 10-367 March 23, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 2 Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 781-783 Universit Avenue West within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Continued from March 9) Andrew Dawkins, attorney with Mansfield Tanick & Cohen, appeared representing Robert Schilling. Robert Schillin�, property owner, also appeared. Mr. Ma�er and Ms. Spon� read their reports into the record from the March 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing. Mr. Magner read the list of conditions outlined in the March l O letter from Mai V an� to Mr. Schilling which condirions were to be met by the date of this hearing. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling whether he had met any of the conditions hi;hlighted in the letter from Ms. Vang. Mr. Dawkins stated that he had just been retained the previous day by Mr. Schilling. Mr. Schilling did own this property and 785 University Avenue; however, the deed for both properties had never been recorded. He said when he talked to Mr. Schilling, he explained to him that the city had a legitimate claim that the properties be brought up to code or they would proceed with demolition. According to Mr. Schilling, he had not completed any of the items as outlined in the letter; however, he had contacted a licensed contractor, Brian Wolff, who was scheduled to look at the property at the end of the week. Mr. Schilling also had subcontractors that he was planning to use for the electriq plumbing and mechanicaL The city had estimated the cost of the repairs to be approximately $150,000 and it was Mr. Schilling's opinion that the cost of the repairs would be much less. Since Mr. Wolff had not looked at the property, he did not have a bid to submit concerning the cost of the repairs to the building. As far as the financial wherewithal to complete the repairs, Mr. Schilling indicated that he owned both buildings outright and the only liens against the property were the outstanding ta�ces and fees owed to the city. He believed there was enough equity in both buildings to be able to take out a loan; however, Mr. Schilling believed he would be able to contract with Mr. Wolff to pay as the work is being done. He said he personally could not make any guarantees at this juncture since he was only going on the representations by Mr. Schilling. He did not believe there would be any problems with recording the deeds, posting the performance bonds, paying the delinquent property ta�ces, applying for the Team Inspections, and maintaining the property once it is up to code. He said he was "putting his reputation and commitment on the line" to work with Mr. Schilling and the licensed contractars to complete the projects that Mr. Schilling claims he is going Co do. He reguested a couple of additional weeks to put everything together before this was heard by the City Council so that Mr. Schilling could obtain the bid on tbe cost of the repairs and determine whether he wanted to proceed with the rehabilitation of both properties. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Dawkins whether his client had done anything as listed in the letter from Ms. Vang. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling to respond. Mr. Schilling stated that he had hired Mr. Dawkins to analyze what his options were with the properties as he didn't want to throw his money away if he was not going to be successful in repairing the buildings. Ms. Moermond countered that according to Mr. Dawkins, he had just been retained the previous day. Mr. Dawkins responded that Mr. Schilling had called him the previous week and he indicated to him that he needed to pay a retainer before he would agree to accept him as a client. He was retained the day prior to this hearing. 10-367 March 23, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 3 Ms. Moermond asked whether there was a problem recording the deeds to the property. Mr. Schilling responded that he believed it wouid take him approximately 8 hours of sortin� through paperv✓ork to find the deeds. Mr. Dawkins responded that Mr. Schilling had indicated to him that he was womed he would make the repairs to the buildings and then lose them to the central corridor light rail project. He didn't want to feel like he was fi�hting a losing battle which was why he retained him. He told Mr. Schilling that he should not worry about losing the buildings to the central corridor and that he should put the financing into repairing the building. He again requested additional time to determine the cost of contracting to make the repairs to the buildings and to determine the financial ability to afford those repairs. Ms. Moermond stated that at the previous hearing, they discussed the expectations of what needed to be done in order to be granted the time to rehabilitate the property. It did not appeaz to her that Mr. Schilling did not understand what needed to be done. Mr. Schilling responded that he needed to see how he was going to be able to get this proj ect done. He again said that he didn't want to spend all of his money and then end up with nothing. He really needed to obtain a bid from the contractor to see if the rehab was feasible. There were too many requirements involving money and as he had explained at the previous hearing, he was having financial difficulties and was close to filing bankruptcy. He had been trying to work his way out of debt and was now current on all of his mortgages and things were tuming around. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling whether he had filed bankniptcy and was on a work out plan. Mr. Schilling responded that he did not file bankruptcy. Ms. Moermond countered that at the previous hearing, he said he "considered filing bankruptcy" and instead took out another mortgage to finance the remainder of the repairs. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling if this was what he had said. Mr. Schilling responded that he had never said that. Ms. Moermond responded that she recalled he did say those words and since he hadn't met any of the conditions, she didn't believe he was telling the truth right now. This bothered her as she did not feel confident that he would be able to execute a work plan and keep his word on doing the repairs to this building. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling whether he had hired a baxfln attorney. Mr. Schilling responded that he had not. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling what he recalled saying at the last hearing about bankruptcy. Mr. Schilling responded that he was delinquent on mortgages; they were all now current with the exception of one mortgage that had "gone over the line" and went outside for collection. That mortgage had since gone through loan modification where a$148,000 balance on the mortgage went to $162,000. Mr. Dawkins asked Mr. Schilling whether he was in any other financial distress with properties other than 781-783 and 785 University. Mr. Schilling responded that he had two additional properties that the taxes were not current: 864 Marion and 677 Sims. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Schilling what other properties he owned. Mr. Schilling responded that he also owned 392 Edmund, 823 Laurel, and 1085 Reaney. Ms. Moerxnond asked whether the deeds to those properties had been recorded. Mr. Schiliing responded that as far as he knew, the deeds were recorded showing him as the owner of the properties. Ms. Moermond stated that the only things that had changed since the previous hearing was that Mr. Schilling had retained Mr. Dawkins and he planned to have a contractor by the name of Wolff look at the property who would do work "pay as you go" basis and there would be some contractual 10-367 March 23, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes a� with Mr. Wolf£ Mr. Schilling responded that this was correct. Page 4 Ms. Moermond stated that the following conditions must be met by the close of business on March 30 in order to receive a gant of time: 1) apply for a Team Inspection; 2) register the Deed to the property with Ramsey County; 3) pay the delinquent property taxes; 4) post the 55,000 performance bond; and 5) the property must be maintained. If these items were not done, she said she will recommend to the Council that he did not have the capacity to make the repairs. If the above conditions are met, she will recommend granting unril April 13 to meet the following conditions: 1) submit a work plan with an executed contract with a licensed contractor; 2) provide financial documentation indicating financing in the amount of $150,000; 3) submit contractor bids or a sworn consriuction statement; and 4) provide a copy of the contract between Mr. Schilling and any partner for city approval. Mr. Schilling asked whether he could sign a confession of judgment to come up with a payment plan on the delinquent property tases. Ms. Moermond responded that she would not accept a confession of judgment because if he could not come up with the money to pay the delinquent property taxes, she didn't have confidence he would have the financial ability to come up with the money to complete the rehabilitation of the properties. 10-367 � � i " _ .-s�eqvos�eie0"PaPnWUrsaiN�}Awa:rag� _ � _' o . . " ' .. 10-367 Dated: �-� ^17 CONTRACT BETWEEN ��;' :f ,� �' and ROBERT SCHILLNG (PROPERTY G� ��, WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 has a ven the Property Owner a list of repairs that need to be made to the properiy located at � v' / University Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Contractor has made a visual inspection of the above-described property; WHEREAS, the Contracto}� agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by `l � lJvt'Y L— (date); and WIIEREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner are contained in the attached Addendum to this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the undersigned Contractor will immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accordance with the attached list. The consideration for this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. eontractor �i�� � � ' �� ��� Properiy Owner `/" �( / 4 10-367 Bid Memo Bob Schilling 785 University Ave St. Paul, MN Wolff Projects and Maintenance, LLC P.O. Box 49546 Blaine, MN 55449 Ph/Fax:763-784-8352 C:612-867-0731 Code compliance repairs per City of St. Paul 781/83/85 University Ave. EIECTRICAL work to be performed for all noted items Install electrical splices within juction boxes, ensure meters are grounded, instail connectors to Romex as needed, repair open wires on fixture above stairs properly contain Romex wires instali GFCI outfet in downstairs bath inspect and repair bath fan as needed replace light fixtures to accept bulb only replace other exposed wiring as needed replace all broken receptacles, switches and GFCI's as needed Install globes to light fixtures Iabel all electrical equipment with proper mgf, and electrical rating label circuit panef for circuit usage address high leg markings in orange remove extension cords in use PLUMBING work to be performed for all noted items remove water heater cap plumbing lines as needed CO test boiler remove rain Ieader from sanitary sewer and reroute general waste and venting to code GENERALCARPENTRY replace steel beam if deemed rtecessary in rear of building repair hand rails and landings to code stairway repair install guardrail with spindles install floor tiles to 781 upper unit plaster repair upper roof repairs Total All work includes permits and disposal �' � �` ` $� 3750 � ��� ` 1850 ��.� � f �� ,� �y`� / 10-367 Dated: �— � � � CONTRACT BETWEEN r `� �( �^� � L `� �' ��� (CONTRACTOR) and ROBERT SCHILLING (PROPERTY OWNER) WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has given the Properiy Owner a list of repairs that need to be made to tbe properiy located at �� ��7 University Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Contractor has made a visual inspection of the above-described property; WHEREAS, the ontractor agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by `"� � � � �_S (date); and WHEREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner are contained ����� NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the undersigned Contractor will immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accordance with the attached list. The consideration for this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. � �, / r�� � � �,� �-� tt ��G��� �C'„� Contractor Properry Owner � �� �/ </r� Z� ; � � (, dv"� 1� � �� �'" j� �i �� � Vvl �f �—� �c��l C7 � � ..-✓ �_ �'��S C.� �-' , ��/ 10-367 � Dated: T ��—� CONTRACT BETWEEN LL�1;�.��,�}"�k� f� and ROBERT SCHILLING (PROPERTY OW�1ER) WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul has ven the Properry Owner a list of repairs that need to be made to the properry located at�"y Av, St. Paul, which list is attached hereto; VJHEREAS, the Contractor has made a visual inspection of the above-described property; WHEREAS, the Co agrees to make each and every repair in said list in a workmanlike manner by /(? c�� (date); and WHEREAS, the terms of payment between the Contractor and the Property Owner are contained in the attached Addendum to this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the undersigned Contractor will immediately begin to undertake the work to repair the property in accordance with the attached list. The consideration for this agreement is contained in the attached Addendum. ------- � �f --�3 � -�' .� � � � ' �s�Z���.i�C/l�P Property Owner �� / ��, 10-367 ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT DATED: ��/ O �-� Cti-' `�� ,� � � e; rn-`" �Z�Z�i�;rz �°"' ��9'1 �--�' �j ��G� �'�'� ;' . January 15, 2010 - 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 2 10-367 demolifion permit. Call the Department of Safety and Inspections for more information at 651-266-8989. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy until such time as a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. This is a two-story wood frame commercial building. DEFICIENCY LIST 1 ST FLOOR - MLTFC 8504 - Provide a permanently attached grounding connection for ;he e1Pe::ica: ser:•ice.-?33 LST FLOOR-�R�T T , • ,,, :� 1�'T�RS �_�:, �L� 2. 1ST FLOOR - MUFC 8504 - Provide all electrical splices withinjunetion boxes.-KO SEALS MISSING FROM BOXES-1 ST FLOOR AND OUTSIDE. ROMEX FEEDING LIGHTS FIRST FLOOR RUN DOWN WALL,ATTACHED WITH STRAPPING NAILS. NO CONNECTORS 3. 781 - SPLC 34.10 (2), 3433 - Repair and maintain the damaged structural member. This repair may require a building permit, call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-REAR OF 781 BLDG. HAS IMMEDIATE SAFETY ISSUES-STEEL BEAM IS TWISTED FROM A PREVIOUS FIRE. STRUCTURAL STABILITY MUST BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AND ALL REPAIRS MADE UNDER PERMIT. NO ONE SHOULD BE �THAT AREA OF THE BLDG. UNTIL REPAIRS ARE MADE. 4. 781 1 ST FLOOR - MUFC 1107.3 - Immediately discontinue and remove the unvented � WATER HEATER 781 LOWER - SPLC 3410 (7), 3433 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved manner.-FLOOR TILES, FLOOR IN 781 UPPER 6. 78: UPPER - MUFC ll 11.1 - Repair and maintain fhe required fire resistive construction with approved materials and metnons. Tnis wo:k may require a p�.^,�it�s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-PLASTER MISSING OFF LATH-MANY AREAS HOLES IN WALL, CEILINGS NOT PROTECTED. 781 UPPER - MUMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 781 UPSTAIRS - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-FIXTURE/OPEN WIRES ABOVE STAIRS 9. 781 UPSTAIRS - MIJFC 8504 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may requira a permit(s). Call LIEP at January I5, 2010 10-367 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 3 (651) 266-9090.-SURFACE RO�X, BOX NOT MOLTNTED ON WALL, NO PLATE COVERS, OPEN BOX WITH EXPOSED WIRES 10. 781 UPSTAIRS - SPLC 3414 (2) c- Provide or replace the duplex convenience outlet with ground fault protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wall in all bathrooms. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-GFCI N BATHROOM INOPERABLE-NO GFCE IN DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM 1l. 781-1 st floor - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation system in all bathrooms.-lst floor bathroom 12. ALL STAIRS - SBC 1004.2.5.1 - Provide an approved additional means of egress to reduce the travei distance to the exit. 13. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3) 34.33(2) - Piovide an approved guardrail. Intermediate ballistrade must not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided if the height of the platform is more than 30 inches. 14. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 3433(2) - Provide an approved handrail. The top of the handrail must be between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the entire length of the stair. 15. ALL STAIRS - SPLC 34.10 (3), 3433(2) - Repair or replace the unsafe stairway in an approved manner.-PLATFORiYi ON STAIRS 16. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - NEC 410.47 Screw - Shell Type (Proclein Fixtures). Lampholders of the screw - shall type shall be installed for the use of a lampholder only.-Remove all adapters in poclein fixutes in basements. 17. ELBCTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - BULLETIN 01-1 / BULLETIN 80-1 (Property Maintenance Code). All residential portions of this property will be brought up to code per the above Bulletins. See attached copies. 18. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENEt2AL) - i�iSFC o'OS.o - Froviee zl: openings in junction boxes to be sealed. 19. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 6051 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance with the electrical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LTEP at (651) 266-9090.-Remove or wire per current electrical code all open wire hanging in ceiling throughout basements and upper levels. There is also some old bx (conduit) on the ceiling by the north stairway. 20. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.53 - Immediately, discontinue use of frayed, deteriorated, damaged or spliced electrical cords.-Remove all spliced electrical cords feeding light fixture in basement. January I5, 2010 10-367 781 UNIVERSITYAVE W page 4 21. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GE�IERAL) - NEC 336-5 - Remove the non- metallic cable (Romex).-Remove all illegally run non - metallic cable through out building. 22. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GEi�IERAL) - NEC 300-11 Provide for all raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings to be securely fastened in place.-Provide strapping on conduits, secure all connectors in boxes, secure all fixtures and receptacles to boxes. Provide approved strappin� on the romex run located by the south east corner of basement ceiling. 23. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - SPLC 34.12 (2), 3435 (1) - Repair and maintain all required and supplied equipment in an operative and safe condition.-P:ovide eieciriczl povrer to ail equ;pment, :eceptacies, light fixtLUes through out building. Replace all broken receptacles, switches and non worldng GFCI receptacles throughout building. 24. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 783 (GENERAL) - MSFC 605.1- All light fixtures shall be maintained with protective globes if originally equipped. 25. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC ll 0.21 Marking. Provide for all electrical equipment to have markings of voltage, current, wattage or other ratings, and manufacture's name. Mazkings have been painted over. 26. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 250.4 General Requirements for Grounding and Bonding.-Provide approved grounding and bonding of the electrical system. 27. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory. Provide updated directory for all electrical panels. 28. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - UBC 106.1 Permits. Provide building permits for all construction work completed or in process.-All electrical work will require a licensad electrician and permits. Cail Liep (651) 266-9090. 29. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 1 I 0.15 High Leg Marking. All High leg marking shall be permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color or by other effective means.-Provide approved methods per the current electrical code on marking of the high leg electrical system in the building. Have a licensed electrician verify the existing markings. 30. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - SPLC 34.14 (2), 3434 (5) - Provide an approved electrical service adequate to meet the buildings needs. This work may require a permit(s), call LIEP at (651) 266-9090. 31. ELECTRICAL / ADDRESS 781 - 785 (GENERAL) - NEC 230-13 - Provide for the electrical service to be adequately sized to meet the needs of the occupancy type. January I5 zolo 10-367 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 5 32. ENTIRE BUILDING - MIJFC 8506 - Discontinue use of extension cords used in tieu of permanent wiring. 33. ENTIRE BUILDNG - NN Stat 299F.18 - Immediately remove and discontinue excessive accumulation of combustible materials.-PROVIDE 44 NCH AISLES FOR FIRE DPARTNIENT ACCESS. 34. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.08 (6), 34.31 (4) - Remove the accumulation of exterior storage that creates a nuisance or hazbors rodents.-ALL OLD OIL TANKS, BUCKETS OF OLD LUBRICANT, TRASH AND OTHER JUNK MUST BE REMOVED 35. EXTERIOR-REAR - MUFC 8504 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a pennit(s). Cai: LiEF ai (651) 266-9050. 36. FIRE PREVENTION - MSFC 901.6 - Provide required annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers by a qualified person and tag the fire extinguishers with the date of service.-Fire extinb ishers shall be provided during construction and once the building is occupied. 37. FIRE PREVENTION - 2ND FLOOR - SPLC 33.05 - Uncertified portions of the building must not be occupied until inspected and approved by this office. 38. MECHANICAL/ ALL BATHS - SPLC 34.14 (3) - Provide and maintain a window or approved ventilation sy in all bathrooms. 39. MECHANICAL/ GAS SYSTEM - MiJMC 2209 - Provide leak tight caps or plugs on disconnected or unused gas lines. 40. MECHANICAL/BOILER - SPLC 34.11 (6), 3434 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed coniractor which must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy of the Saint Paul Fire Marshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this office. 41. PLUMBINGi%31 BASENENT - ivISPC. 4715.058v and .?i5.�$G�-The san:wsy waste couplings, and methods. 42. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Properly vent the standpipe under the front stairs or remove the standpipe and trap, and cap the waste opening. 43. PLUMBING/731 BASEMENT - SPC 4715.2ll 0- Replace the inadequate backflow prevenYer. This work may require a permiY. Cal� Regional Water Services at (651) 266- 6350.-Boiler water feed. 44. PLUMBING/781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on the first floor bathroom plumbing fixtures. January 15 2oio 10-367 781 UNIVERSITY AVE W page 6 45. PLLZvIBING/781 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the building or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 46. PLUMBLNG/783 BASE�NT - MSPC 4715.2860-Properly cap all unused water, waste, and vent piping. 47. PLUVIBING/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.3800-Properly size ail hot and cold water supply piping. 48. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system on all plumbing fixtures in the basement. 49. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - SPLC 41.03-Remove the rain leader from the sanitazy sewer and dispose of roof drainage water in an approved location. 50. PLUMBING/783 BASEMENT - MUMC 2213 - Provide or repiace fuel eyuipment piping in compliance with Yhe mechanical code. This work may require a permit(s). Call LIEP at (651) 266-9090.-Provide a code approved shutoffvalve on the gas line to the water heater within 3 feet of the water heater. 51. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the first floor bathroom fixtures. 52. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved vent for the standpipe on the first floor or remove the standpipe and trap and properly cap the waste opening. 53. PLUMBING/783 FIRST FLOOR - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the sinks in the North end of the first floar including tell tail floor drains or remove the sinks and properly cap the waste openings. 54. PLUMBING/GENF,RAL ORDER - MSPC 4715.2800-Additions, altrations, or conections to the pl;a� systems are required to be dene ur:der per.nit frum the office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection at 651-266-9090. 55. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL LTNIT - MSPC 47151730-Hot and cold water piping must be run full size to within 30 inches of the kitchen sink and to the same side of the wall as the kitchen sink. 56. PLUMBING/RESIDENTIAL iJNIT - MSPC 4715.0200 (E)-Install a code approved sanitary waste and vent system for the bathtub, lavatory, and water closet. 57. MUFC Art. 49- Welding, cutting and soldering shall not be done in a combustible storage occupancy. All requirements of Art. 49 of the fire code shall be met January 15, 2010 10-3fi� 781 UNNERSITY AVE W page 7 �8. 33.05 THE COMBUSTIBLES MUST BE CLEARED FROM THIS AREA-AISLES iViUST BE CREATED THROUGHOUT THE BLDG. THE C OF O C�NNOT BE RENEWED UNTIL OCCUPANT SAFETY CAiV BE ESTABLISHED 59. 1_VIUFC 1203, MUFC 11033.23 - Remove the materials that cause an exit obstruction. Maintain a clear and unobstructed exitway.-ALL EXITS MiJST BE CLEARLY MARKED, BE iTNOBSTRUCTED ,�ND OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE . 60. SPLC 34.09 (i) b,c, 34.32 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain all exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. All exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint. 61. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather tight and free from defects. 62. MUFC 1103.3.2.2 - Provide and maintain at least 2 feet clearance below the iowest structural member or the ceiling. 63. SPLC 34.23, MUFC 103.4.5 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. This occupancy must not be used until re-inspected and approved by this office.-THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS CAN NO LONGER BE OCCUPIED. EXCESS STORAGE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THIS AREA, AND THE USE ON THE CERTIFICATE IS BEING CHANGED TO REFLECT WHAT BUSINESS IS THERE. As owner, agent or responsible party, you aze hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by February 10 , 2010 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this action, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from fhe Buiiciing lnspection and Desigri Sec:ion, 375 7ackson Street, Suite 220, �6� 1)365-4989. Tnis inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. If this building is located in a historic district or site (noted above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) staff to discuss your proposal for the repairs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms aze available from the Department of Safety and Inspecfions web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits will be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed in any manner