178639 178639 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: • 1 " ,-,., , liiirtrilin,ii itiltar-friiiillijkOkakis beinte' to lietelet -Om* in emesoeXe(te-loe- . )4r-, aidd-osew**1--batieg--0010110101* , . , ' - 74,71., :Soitstikv • , - iostqa Lot rt and the Oti to ste of riot 11. Stook 10111P144,e0 Mit tiemea to Hoyt Avila"- I-4.120 ft, eidellikiiiiiiidiettte-billetained), Said-tieselient %lig -deseribed.SILVIA.easter*SO.Alta_of Let *?, inook.)0 .1tortowo idolatoo: 0o4 the. _ , terlYsle• of Let 20,am* Lets /5 titre 15 isslasive, 140 ly xertonts Additt iirt eirelittime:IN. the -terabit, et the,00 '****r___ „, ,,ePProximetel., Y 298 it, west of Arkwright It. to OS ft. .1014 Of *Oft le 18**tOnek Ave** ea from the eisemant(to be obtained) said lateaatt hMing Au ' as-the,astel 20 ft. *f Lot 12, *Leek ho tartest* Addition, to DeSeta Street; 1,41.0 l it 4Oioo to be opened) fren the amiensat(to be obtained), said easement being described as the itertheyaiterly 10 ft. of Litt 13 Ors 15 inclusive, Sleek 1, iltaionia Additiama, to -4 Wheelock Parkway; fret 11imae1lek, ° 4,.. ,,,.. te.,thealorgere of Oft Ave, IA ft._ _ west of the west line of Edgertek ., ''''' 'Ilit a Mr . :Had* soommot(ta be obtained) , o eatfileWseeeWhe401k 40404, he4 f44.4..tivAtborkit,A9,N, ,,,IK,$4, n9116 bolt of the NW 1/4 of Section SO Tavnaltip 29 MM. Hang* 241-Weet, aid the'northerly 10 ft, of . the south halt of the NW IA of said leetion tO, said easement attending.frost . • Whesleegesignwiemay both* fteesdentozotilmwiallawmatejelrilt-SCA iamb dt WINS&Ida.of Illetedeftlitreettlita Sere memo Alpierttba lwasgerseati Mara Avon%Aelit*Leareett,meth* 1014 iitlea*restee At«,710 ilkartem Ihrookirpim Intalbedt taaltair tree Sot As Vke,4**, APO* - te at Vat ilteeweitieekimat TO llt,,,asehicefltarly et.thariattea* entatitiaeLot Ara egarttie,Vapaer*raw*000 Oa be.iiimeifillantlimikiebt.ParOwiT sasi • 401.114.041 St 414,• wirilesiativair QIUMitAlawairiateilift.ithistploiaippodwor — la&of iskidi, A*ha leowatileass MIEUMMINIMOCW Milantleirlar 0 --,,r ,--, -: ' t:-. • .4-',t J: ; ' ,. -2 .' - ' .'1 A. !-' " , :vi- ii-. 2 :-. A ..i- .: 4_ t4,,, ., 1 ,,• .i. , * , . ,..3 . Omwiii iawias ;rat; sa44112$0:0-64 viriaiLia44Q4,- 441kitl 41C.44iai.i. 44iIiii Q115.141... .: ,. ncittkiiroitstriritOt tlt,4; of,liter:13-Aiwa t 15-intalusite,i;Bleck:Is,tartans 8.Addittems to whoele#,:g13**19r$-.2#011-1,40.4eeh PerPrato,Vre,terminus of Hoyt Avenue, 462 ft. west _of the meet line of Edgerton Street in a 20 ft, wide eesement(to be obtained), said traiiiiientliliiit destribed4tre Viet gentherisr:10'114'ret‘thetitarta Itelf'*ribs • W 1A,et-Seetioni2eolleamelatp,429aitmailk,Ailange,,, 22:,Weet,read,the northerly 10 ft, of the south half of the SW IA of said Section 20,., said easement extending from , :.jo,leal.004;,,perkway to the terminus of ICA Avenue, 462 ft. west of the west line of Edgerton Street; in Hoyt Avenue from the termini's of Hoyt Avenue, Wit ft, west of the wort line of Edgerton St. to Edgerton Street; in Wheelock Parkway from Hoyt Avenue (to be opened) to a,peipt,,that is approximately 755 ft, southeasterly of the inter.. sectietief thoiiitittittilleet-It Hoyt Ave,(to be opened) and Wheelock Parkway and approximately ft'liPitertheasterly oft the southwesterly line of ilhomlbek Parkway . all of which in tau known as the 910ThellEELOCK SEWER SYMP. , 1 , CY3000 7.54 • PUBLISHED/...-i-__ --- C)