D001959CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: ZJOD / , 7 / J � Date: 1 —,� /7y(7 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grarrted to the Mayor in Section '10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Devefopment to amend fhe 2000 budget of the City Sales Ta�c Capitaf Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authoriaed to amend said budget in fhe following manner: WHEREAS, CF96-891 allocated funds for the Coordinated Housing Program (CHIP), STAR program 77094; and WHEREAS, the program was established to provide up to thirty-five loans and grants for purchase-rehab of residential property; and WHEREAS, a loan was approved (or the property at 137 E Congress; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends the reallocation of $18,400 from the budget for the CHIP program to project code 77444. Current Budget Fund 93U City Sales Tau Capital Projects Fund P7-930-9U3�5-U547-77U94 Coordinated Housing Program P7-93U-90305-U547-77444 137 E Congrass - CHfP Net Change $276,505 $0 Change ($18,40�) $18,400 $U Amended Budget $198,105 $18,400 � �� �yl� Approve by: irector of Financial Services (Date) . ��� Lesch, 6-6668 rcir FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET ^;�.:'-�rr.-,�„-� D�d � 9� � N� 111019 � anca�a ❑ an�rroa�kr � anaaut � Ii161C16LSFRVICFS� � niRiluLLaFR1U<CCIC � Wo.,R„R„�,,n,� 1� Ha�er (CLIP ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of attached Administrative Order to authorize reallocatioa of CHIP budget. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this persoNfirm e2r xvrked under a coritract torthis departmeM? YES NO Has this persar�rm ever been a ciry emDbyee? YES NO Does this persaMrm possess a sidll nM nwmallypossessetl by airy curteM city employee� VES NO Is this persoNfirtn a targe4etl verMoR YES NO 1TING PR08LEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wheq Wbere, W�y) . The CHIP Program was established to provide up to 35 loans and grants for neighborhood home purchase/rehab. A second-tier loan was approved for 137 E. Congress. A separate project code is needed to track the loan payments on this property. A clear record of loan payments. nmouNr oF rwwsacrwa s 18 , 400 COST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CUtCLE ONq ��C�/�/E'� AfC' 4 2000 NO SOURCE STAR ACTNITY NUMBER � 7 � 3 �' ! � 3 �✓` �/l'—�` / 7 INFORMAiION (FXPWN) '9y //D d � /V-Q � �E'T�� L 7 "]"U F�/1 G�-� 2�7 (S Z,L!'O