178637 /78637
Council File No
e .' '°eat.
I�art9a and ex-
±nnc tna BesRr.+q.:8c!s .! __
The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vim.:
♦ ' astiadta a e v llenlawar as proposed
to Ice ,-by s.a� m relieving
the d istibod property', all
in the Qitdr of St.Paul s
Parts of Govarnment Lot 40 Section 21, Township 28 north, *asge 13 lit
of the Fourth Principal tease, and Lots 1 and 2, Snelling Ontlets# bold by the
folleretag deseet ed linist logianing at a point in the east lite of said Section 21,
a distance of 18.19 feet south of the point at which the southerly liner of raaPato
Avenue intersects the said east line of Section 21; thence southwestorly along a line
that ferns an angle of 57°521 with the said east line of Section 21, a distaste' of
1491.33 feet to a point; thence westerly at an angle to the right of 32.07r slim
a line that is perpendicular to the east line of Davern Avenue, a distance of 21.19 feet
to a point in the east line of �every Amami thence, euth on the said east line of
pavan Avenue, a distance of 214.02 feet to a point; theme norths itarly on a straight
lint..t molten eakeMilor to the left of 1310 211, a dista r of 330. 5 foot to a point;
thence northeasterly en a straight line that sakes an angle to the right of 12°14e, a
distance et1137.19 feet to .a,point on tom, .astaias.:et-tharg4Mosaid lilotion4AS
thence niiti ant* mod:Mst lss en,line, a diltinsa of 118,09 feet tq %hi Mid of
a distance of 18.19 feet south of the point at which the southerly line of Youngman
Avenue intersects the said east line of Section 21; thence southwesterly along a line
that forms an angle of 57°52t with the said east line of Section 21, a distance of
1491.33 foot to a point; theme -westerly at an angle to the right of 32°07' along
a line that is perpendicular to the east line of pavers Avenue., a diataace.et•21. 9 feet
to a point in the east line of Davern Avenue; thence south on the said east line of
Davern Avenue, a distance of 214.02 feet to a point; thence northeasterly on a straight
line that makes an angle to the left of 1340 211, a distance of 330.55 feet to a point;
thence northeasterly an a straight line that sakes an angle to the right of 12°14*, a
distance of 1237.19 feet to a point on the east line of the aforesaid Section 21;
thence north on the said east section line, a distance of 118.09 feet to the point of
PETERSON oxen ___.. 464.‘..442 46(1 MR. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor.
3000 7-54 ®