178634 178611 I r Clerk to'Clty lerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTIO►-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY "%iek4 AO"'COMMISSIONE' L �. _w� _ _- DATF July 3rd, 1956 the matter of partially opening, widening and extending Reserve Boulevard, as proposed to be opened by condemning and taking the tract of land described in Preliminary Order C. F. 177050 approved March 8, 1956, and Intermediary Order C. F. 177326 approved April 3, 1956. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued, yam, .- Order C. !'. . .. pl�bved A r f 3, 1860. ,ap+ diesoly- .That all orders in the ahee!' acancel' be'and the aWne are herepy �' amlttlled 0nd 1'esciudod anS all prcceedings fur such matter discon- tinned. Adopted by the Council July S. 1956. Approved du 1880. (July S 3. 18a) ib AIL 3 195 6 • COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays 3 258 tit DeCourcy Approved 195- Marzitelli tC) &ite—■ Tn Favor Peterson C Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon PTM UST1ED 4-- 2 . 5M 6-56 Duplicate to Printer 78634 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ DATF July Ord, 1956 In the matter of partially opening, widening and extending Reserve Boulevard„ as proposed to be opened by condemning and taking the tract of land described , in Preliminary Order C. F. 177050 approved 8, s*y ppx�o�r'ed Sarah 1956, and intermediary Order C. ' 177326 approved April 3, 1956. RESOLVE!), That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. JIM. 31 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Approved 195_ Marzitelli N.Mo>?tinscsrr—�--- n Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 514 6-56 ••i. 2 CQUNCI ILE O . � �� BY s�� �1 , ..... 6 FINAL ORD r ' N CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS se . In the matter of a_.f • by E Am tie .sa+at of •. 21, Tmvn- batht- ub* 26 North. Ranee SS West. thence under Preliminary-oath-° 1144 east aec l a - — approved March 8th 1956 lance Aid f b ft. toe. , , Intermediary Orde auxmg ei<i —, approved April 3rd 1956 o' # ,to a p of oint ton M.east line A public heariaei,,,,„., : 'otti the 'e improvement upon due notice, and the Council having Dot enue a.d ie heard all persons, •2,14.p9 pt to,a ; tt es ae relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; a:atti t iiaie, t+ o s DO therefore, be it the right or�t�!°or • 81,19•ft..aa e a RESOLVED moat'A tt a °f 2:P ar i7 tt 4 point at • int Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be ii t.23eet,`L" i ,_ vwr oonilmo71, to die Vast dfSt. '" `". .Cioverraineat Lot 4,of 1,'Penn- ell/6 26 Northit.R age 230 Weak Lobs 1 Latta 2.�Outlets,s,bd�by the rya' described kites: toosamencino ter the of eats .the Point of '•- . at 4@4e inienteetion of'the = a w..,-of Youngman Ave.al.,= mid the 25 52 west. ce�on sae %east`secYtion line a dime°f 181.ft I d t*kWh and the Council hereby orders said improve, of �,• ae75ft. too �,,_ ion a of RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fol 'ar#' f a�ri° t wb therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated an. 1 to a aei:. king said improvements, viz.: ,�'�ern Av�lal4te^.-+git3gpe�sa tie g P r Viaimt`east line ,a a Avenue a lee of .0t � thence 1 t6o the of 90 as distance C of .19 ft. to a: 9 on a is t*Mt dukes en to-the left ofta°Sr a 1:14r. 41 It.to the heart al sane ,south'f- . east Section line a dig- tante of 19 f't to a point which is RESOLVED FURTHER, That 2'0 a dietetics ks be and is hereby instructed and t south, - directed to prepare plans and specific a;ice on a t it„s +mat tears an i the proper city officials are hereby #o�Y►e ed�°ffiY, a dihtaxu�e authorized and directed to proceed 1516d2 ft.to a point 4121 the eai ent in accordance therewith. of *hence vem Amnia; ce nOrdr on die said east ithe of X varn Avesta a die- of Adopted by the CounciL-- east a t t , 19 Rari angle to the rigid of 90°0 a of distance:0 n19 on a t °e north-. '� "a�i . ne that makes of an tO thie left Of 14 461 t 4 iinn't o "g City Clerk. on th. aforaudd east motion Approved-- _Section 21, atorishist 33 North. Stange Ma or. Councilmen: Gibbons Halvorson Holland 1 Marzitelli Mortinson fi'\ Peterson 9 Mr. President, Dillon '�s (.7 500 7-55 ® • COUNCIL FILE NO. • f, '''/—f',<' .� BY • FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION-PROCEEDINGS r • I as -, tosae imlf ll t City of 4 of SaaJof 21, ittivr+�� North. Ziet Range 23 West:'Lots.1 bounded by the follow de- lines: for:the 1?ut- pose ning,at a an of the tstik- erly line of Youngman Avenue and the east section Section 21, 'lown- 28 North. Range 14 Wept:, t once south ors said east esett link fits- a rove tree of of b ft I a point Q , PP , the Point of said east Section, line a distance Of 200.73 ft:to a thence eoufh7,Ye t- erly on a sins t line t maker an , aPPr� : angle-to the of 57°92', a distance I,of 1510.28 ft.to a point on the east lid of Dam Avenue;thence north On a tad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having said east line of Davern Avenue-a die- h e of 214.09 ft. to a point; thence recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; east a t line that makes an t �e o_tine of,90°0 a dd*.ensitee of 91.18 Mt. to a nt• thence north- Imeter on a t,line that makes Ian an to the left of 3i 07'a distance i aft Point y e of the City of Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- aforesaid east section p Sectiart ,,— .28 North. Range Fl City 183''' . . `rte ale a, 1 df St. Paul: �1 at tLot 4.of Section 21.ToW►- t , shin!and 2.28 North,Outiots,bounded by the I t flowing described lines: Commencing for'point the af of establishing hinerne ton at the intersection of the seuelearly line of Youngman.Ave- nue and the east section line of 21,TOwnsitlis 29 North, Range 98 , thence tetith on said east section,line a%tam*a!f 18.19 ft.to a Whines and the Council hereby orders said improve�� ��;,� , on east section line a,'distance to �.7 fd a 1sputhwest- RESOLVED FURTHER, that the foil erly as a to i :r �t� of Sa�`a I therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated anc Amu inking said improvements, viz.• r and e� line of Din Avenue a of 4114.( ft 'to a paint; thence on a etaai t line thief makes an �9F '' lat OD-the 40183 Of 90'0''a distance ""`.'"of 21,10 ft. to-sr thence north,. for of ____,• ;°to the lrft of that distance of the 1 of 1 '.23"ft to the p�01 beginning gue ..: the aforesaid east section line of Sect 21 Apr`2B,North.-*lose F�thence' .-:'4123 Wool.% section line leis the josh*of b ; 'fit th south RESOLVED FURTHER, T + .line a distance '° a • „ ; ,i - Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and ape 4?" °;6° ofi` i he• makes . and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to procee a 9e iement in accordance therewith. rat Avenue* ninth said era line 01 Tkayern Avenue e id Glee Of LIAR ft. to a point; thence east on a line that makes an rangle to the Of 90'0' a distance of 21.l1Ae•ft tp thence north- ea on a t line that makes en, to The of 3r°X0e�'-a distance ofAO ft. to point i on .the +aforesaid east une or =1.'!lie neisip 39 North, Rage This is to certify that the unit rile 11b. _ i was adopted by the Council , 19___, and approved by the Mayor , 19 �.. City Clerk. the 7-55 4WD® • CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .% REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4'' '' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • �D) y t4. *y k ,, as y d y. s , w N... 'tr as proposed to to opened, by sonienting and taking the l do leribot prOerty# ell in the City of St.Pau1 prose parts of eoeeraasnt Lot 4 of Section 21, Township 28 North, =tenttn3glialeti IAts 1 alnd , ttiota, ltr the f' described lines* Consonsing for the purpose of establishing the point of beegi g, it the intersection of the southerly lire of /summon Avenue and the east section line of emotion 21, 'township 28 'Perth, Range 23 Y ost j these. south an said *art section line a imik v distance of 18.19 ft. to a point •high is the point of be Mies; thence south on said east section line a diatoms of 20045 ft. to .a. a r ,� ?g on a straight Line that makes an eagle to the right of 5r521# a distance of 1516.28 ft, to a point on the east line of Davern Avenue] thence north on the said east of Sawa Avenue a distance of 214.02 ft. to a points theme* oast On an , to the right of 1:-. SOAP Ilk diatintio of IL 9 . to • pout t►h re northeaster_ �.y on a ktreighlt line that sakes on angle to the left of 32 }'4 a distance /�'`' of 1491.33 ft. to thy► r. o h aforesaid sit t section lie of r, Range 23 West. Pima DESCRIPTION �... _____ --- I I Except Davern St. & Stewart Ave.; a .ent t Is in Section 21, Township 28, Range 23 1 3000. 4Q50. I { , 1 , 1 1 1 -- .--.204.49L------L-3000.----l ____ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 3 19 56 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D • / - Office of the . Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance • ) rah 23, , 19 56 j To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 177050 approved March 8, 19 56 relative to Partially icsaming, - and ent'snrisg fitatimairdi as Psed to be opened �the and lsiiri� the fe1l.riaag. described property* all in tine City of $t•psu1t These parte of ueverament Let $ st i tian 21, Towa p 2$ North, e ' *oft; Lets 1 f and le itnelliftOstlote, bow by the deineribedlthinet Oleauweeeingkr t the pet's Of establishing the point of beginning, at the inter a rtion of the southerly lies ad Teiegess Avow* swathe east seetdealine of dastioe al, dip 23 lora, law 23 lests south as said oast section line a distsnee 'olg„ t. to at point w i Po+ } Tim thanes mer south on said east sootiest line a dietaries of ROO 45 ft. to a pelt theses rlt .ss a straight line that Ashes as walls I�hsr,�`a►!' � •,.* fists of 1,516.18 ft. to a point CO as the asst line of Arrant Avenues theses north on the said east liana at Darer* Aims a d ance of th.oe ft. to a poi thane 63 east as a strait lies that sakes an angle to the right of PAP a► 0latanse 11• :to • sti theses soar.. a straight line that sakes an angle is the Left of 3#'OT' a distant of 11,1.33 ft. to tho point of beginning on the aforesaid east Mai lies of swum g1 ?oortb u p8 *ma, • crest. 14. subject to assessment for said improvement. V1i/ ice" R iv Lf '� .`• . ► / Cow;iss'one of blic Wor .. 2M 7-49 .�.8 leak\lCu tea t46 p gt. (11 SI OAS