10-365City of St. Paul REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COITNCIL FILE NO. � ��'3�� : File Assessment No. 19055CST 106056 Voting Ward 1 Green Sheet No. 3�=' (`� S In the Matter of constructing storm sewer stubs per the request of the affected property owners. (File No. 19050CST) Preliminary Order: 07-1218 approved 12/19/07 FinalOrder: 08-114 approved 02/20/08 To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs (w/ Engineering and Inspection) Valuation and Assessment Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net Assessment $ 7,853.23 $ 549.72 $ 8,402.95 8,402.95 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $8,402.95 _ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or pazcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said V aluation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated �J �� f� � Va uation and Assessment Engineer r• � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 11�- �/�� DepartmenUOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: '� � � F _FinancialServices 08MAR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3101437 Contact Person & Phone• DeoartmeM Sent To Person Initial�Daie Lynn Moser 0 inancial Services Real Estate �/ 266-8858 I ouncil Ci Council Assign 2 i Clerk Ci Clerk Must Be on Council /\qenda by (Date): Number 3 For Routing 4 Doc.Type:?UBLICHEARWG �/ Order 5 (RESOLUTION) / 7 E-Document Required: N ' Document Contact: Juan Ortiz Contact Phone: 266-8858 ' Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Rarify assessments for sanitary sewer construcrion completed at the request of the property ownersalong Selby Ave (Kent to Arandel) Asmt #106056 Recomme�dafions: Approve (Aj or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? CI8 Commitlee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No - Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Wfiere, Why): At the request of affected property owners, sanitary sewer constcuction was completed. Advantages If Approved: Owners will have an improved sanitary sewer system. Disadvantages If Approved: Assessments will be levied via property taxes. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The entire cost of construction would have to paid immediately. Totai Amount of 7ransaction $$� CosURevenue 8udgeted: Funding Source: ASSeSSmBflts qctivity Number: Financial Information: (Explain) March 8. 2010 1127 AM va�o � 7:35:48 4/16ROI0 Oa'ncr a� 'Paanavcr 3on N Olson Knstinc A Chapin 505 Sclby Ave I!9 Sil'nul MN 55102-4501 *505 SLL6Y AV E 9 'WUrd I •PUndmg aa of Public [mprovemcnt Assessment Roll by Address Project: 19050CST Assmt: 10605fi Manager. LM Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolu[iun N: Nraoerlv Descrio�ion Item Descriation lnit Rate nantit Charec Amts Prooer�v ID ANARTMENTOWNERSMPNO80THG SIOrtnSLw¢�$Wb 100 23166 $23�66 KENOSHA CONDOhfINIUM I1MT NO 9 Q 1-Z8-23-ZZ-0�90 $231 66 '*' Ownerand Tazpayer*** Total Storm Sewer Swb $8,402 95 Project'1'ntal: 38,402.95 14 P:vccl(s) 0 I;zcmpl 1'xrccl(s) V O W O� � StPanl_Heacmg_lest AssessneM 7d5:48 4(IGJ2010 Owncr or 7'axnavcr Elphcge 13 Stma�nn Jcun K Knudscn St martin 505 Selby Avc Unn 4 St Pnal MN 55 L02-4501 *505 SEL13Y AVB 4 +ward I *Pendmg as of Lurne 13 Dorrance 505 Selby Avc APt 5 St Paul MIV 55102-4501 *5�5 SBLBY AVG 5 'Wnrd 1 •Pendmg ns of Mmhael W Sond:ry Megan S Kennudy 505 Sclby Avc Umt G Snint Paul MN 55102-4501 * 505 SELBY AVF. 6 'WarA. I 'Pendm� ns ul John H I�ancy 505 Selby Avc St Pnul MN SS102-4503 * 505 SEL13Y A V E 7 +Ward i +Pending as of Kathq�n A Hcider Joseph R Mucllcr 505 Sclby Ave Unn R SI Paul MN 55102 *505 SI�:L6Y AVl S •wud I "Peudmg as ol Public Impravement Assessmen[ Roll by Address PrajecC 19050CST Assmt: IU6056 binnager: LM Ratifieation Date: Resolu[iou N: RYOOCr�v Aescriotion I[em Descriotion Onit Rate APARTM[NTOWNERSWPNOSOTF� SrormSewerSWb 100 K[NOSHA COI.DOMINNM UD9T NO d ** * Owner and Taxpayer' * * AVARTMENTOWIVERSHIPN080Tk� StormSewerSmb KF',NOSHACONDOMIMUMWITNOS �*" Owner and 7'axpayer *** uantil Charee Amts 23166 $23166 $231 66 Page 3 ProoertylD 01-28-23-22-0085 i oo z3i e6 �2et 66 01-28-23-22-0086 $23I 6G nraan�.ieN�ow�aswervoxoTxe SmrmSewerSmb � 100 23166 $23166 O1-28-23-22-0087 KCNOSI IA CONUO W MUM UNIT NO 6 $2]1 66 * � * Owner and Taxpayer * * * _ _ __ -_— _— _ __ _ - _- .__ _ —_- _ __ _ _ APARTMENTOWNERSHIPNO80THE SrormSewerS[ub 100 2316G $2316G O1-28-23-22-0088 KGNOSHA WNDOMINNM UNIT NO ] $231 66 "* Ownerand Taxpayer'** -_ _ __. _ _ _ __ — __ _ _ '_ _ _ _ - _ APARI'MF,NTOWIVERSMPN080THE StonnSewerStub 100 23166 $23166 O1-28-23-22-0089 KfiNOSHA CANDOMiNiUM UNITNO 8 $23f 66 *"' Owner and Taxpayer *"* StPaul_Heanng_List_Assessmem H+ O W � U 7:35:4N A/ILI20I0 Owncr or'1"axu:�vcr Chnstme T Morgpn 505 Sclby nve Apt 12 StPaul MN SSIO2-J502 *505 SCLBY AVC 12 •wzrd I •Pending as of Caro� Cunnolly $}5 LC%In6I0n PAY $ Apt � �4 Suint Paul MN 551 I G-1750 *505 5ELI3Y AVL 13 +Ward I �PCII(�IpE q50� Mnt�hew Wol( 505 Selby Avc 814 St Paul MN 55102-4501 *5p5 SELQY AVE 14 ^w, rd I 'Pending ns' u( 13eIlY J Lasscn $O$ $Clby AvC St Ptwl MN SSIQ2-4501 *505 SELBY AVI�, 2 *ward I •PCnding as of Mary P: Wadleigh 505 Sclby Ave Uml 3 SiPUUI MN 55102-4501 * 505 SELBY A V E 3 "wa�d I "PCitlmg ns ol Public Improvement Assessment RaII by Addfess Projech. 19050CST AssmC 106056 Manager: LM Page 2 Ratifica[iau llate: Resolution d: Pronertv Deserip[ion Item Descriotion lJnit Rnte uantit Char¢c Amte Pronertv ID __ _ _ _ - _ __ _ _ _ _ — _— _ __ MARTMLMOWNLRSkAPN�8�TRG $t0ii11SCWf�SWb I�0 23166 $23166 KGNOSHA CONDOMIMUM UNR NO O1-28-23-22-0093 iz $231 6� *** Owner and Taspayer *'* APARTM2NT00.N2kSMPN080TH2 SmrmSewerSNb I00 231b6 $23t66 Ol-Z8-23-22-0094 KENOSHA CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO i 3 $231 66 ** • Owner and 7 axpayer * * • _ _"_ - _ -_ - ___ _ — _ __ _ _ " -_ _ " -- _ -_ _- -_ _ _ - _ __ _ — . _ __ ' — APAftTMCMOWNCRSHIPNOBOTHG SCOrmSewerStub 100 23166 $231G6 Q1-28-23-22-0095 KCNOS��A WNDOMIMUM UMT NO in $231 66 `*� Owner and Taspayer **' APARtMLNTOWN[RSHIPN080THL $f0III1$CWef$Itlb 10� 23�6� $23�C6 O1-28-23-22-0083 KENOSHq CONOOM1QNNM UMT NO 2 $231 66 '** OwnerandTaxpayer'** APARTMENTOWNLRSHIPN080TIIE S[OfIttSCWC[SNb IOO 23��6 $231GG KF.NOSHACONDOMINIIIMUNItNO3 01-Z$-23-2Z-�Q84 $231 66 *** Owner and Taapayer •`* � O W O� U S[Pnul_Hcaung_List_ASSessmem 7:3$:48 4/1(r/2010 Owncr ar 7'xxnavcr $t �'AU� CUf�ltls C.IUU �I1C 470 Selby Ave St Paitl MN 55102-1727 *470 SELBY AVE t W.�rd I "PCnding as of Petcr I] KauJClka NicolcM Koudclkn SO4 Sclby Avc N4 S[ Pxul MN SSIO2-45G7 *504 SEL6Y AVC 4 *ward 1 "Pc��A�ng us oC JonNhan P Schnud[ Snrn R Cirewmg 505 Selby Avc Unn I St Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SEL6Y AVE *wnra � 'Pending as o( Launc "Pliomas $O$ SCIbV AVC Unit 10 Swnl Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SEL6Y AVE 10 "Waid I *Pendmg as ui' Chnsunc M Menncs 505 Sclby Avc Unn I I SiPaul MN 55102-J501 *505 SEl,6Y AVG 1I 'Ward I "PCnduig zs uf Pubhe Lnprovement Assessment Roll by Address Project: 19050CST AssmC 106056 Manager. LM Ra[ification Date: Recolution q: Prooertv Description Item Descriotion Unit Rate oanCt Charee Amts W�0[]LANDPARKADn[TIONI'OST StormSewerSmb 100 3,53808 $3,53808 PAUL LOTS d"fNRU 8 dLK 10 $3 538 08 * ** Owner and 1'axpayer * *" - _ _— __- - __ _ __ — _. APARTMF,NTOWNERSMPN044TfIE $[OYpt$EWCf$hlb �OQ 1,62163 $1,(Z163 KENPSAW CONDOMIMUMUNI9 N04 $1,621 63 *** Owner and Taxpayer *•` APARThIHN'IOWN2NSWPNOBOTL� StmmSewerStub 100 23166 $23166 KCNOSIIA COkDOMNNM UMT NO I $231 66 •ux Owner and Taxpayer' `* nnnxrmeN'rowtwerts�a�e No so'rftc Srorm Sewer Stub 1 00 KGNOSHA CONDOMINIUM UMT NO io '•• Owner and Taxpayer **' APA0.TMENTOWNERSHIPN080THE SmemSewerStub KLNOSHq CONDOMMIUM IINIT NO u "* Owner and Tax�ayer *** 23166 $23166 $23l 66 Page 1 Prooertv ID 01-28-23-21-0267 01-28-23-22-0126 01-28-23-22-0082 O1-2S-23-22-0091 _ — _— — __ _— _ — - _— _ _" ___ _ ___ ._ _ 1 00 23166 $2316G 01-28-23-22-0092 $231 6G h�+ O W T � S[Paol_Hearmg_L�s[_ASSessment City of St. Paul ������������������ COUNCIL FILE NO. l D' ��� � " � �� B�'/�' _ File No, 19050CST Assessment No. 106056 Voting Wazd Green Sheet No. �3( � % ;` `i` � �? In the Matter of constructing storm sewer stubs per the request of the affected properry owners. (File No. 19QSOCST) Preliminary Order_ Q7-1218 approved 12/19/07 Final Order: 08-114 appraved 02l20108 WHEI2EAS, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been consideTed finally satisfactory; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified. RESOLVEA FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in twen equal installments. Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom l Carter ,� Harris ✓ Hel en ,/ Lantry ,� Stark ✓ Thune �/ '/ � �/ l Adopted by the Council: Date: �f�% ��j(J Certified Passed by the Council Secretary By � i Mayor - City of St. Paul REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. �� �3I��j : File No. 19055CST Assessment No. 106056 VoYing Wazd Green Sheet No. 31 C` j`� S 7 In the Matter of constructing storm sewer stubs per the request ofthe affected properiy owners. {File No. 19050CST) Preliminary Order: 07-1218 approved 12/19/07 Final Order: 08-114 approved 02120J08 To the Council of the City of Saint Faul: The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reporCS to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Totai construction costs (wl Engineering and Inspection) Valuation and Assessment Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net Assessment $ 7,853.23 $ 549.72 $ 8,402.95 8,402.95 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $8,402.95 _ upon each and every lot, part or pazcei of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been compieted, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated �" —!� �� � Va uation and Assessment Engineer � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ]epartmenUOffice/Council: Qate Irtitiated: ID � ��� F _FinancialServices 08MAR201� Green Sheet NO: 3101437 Contact Person & Phone: Lvnn Moser 266-8858 � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): f Uoc. Type: PUBLIC HEARING � (RESOLUTION) E-Documertt Required: N Document Contact: Juan Ortiz ContactPhone: 266-8858 �/ Assign Number For Routing Order a 1 z 3 4 5 � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locatio�s for Signature) Action Requested: - Rarify assessmenu for sanitary sewer construction completed at the request of the property ownersalong Selby Ave (Kent to Arundel) Asmt #106056 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this perso�/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Ezplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of affected property owners, sanitary sewer constsuctian was completed. I Advantages If Approved: Owners will have an unproved sanitary sewer system. Disadvantages IfApproved: Assessments will be levied via property taxes. 1 Disadvantages If Not Approved: The entire cost of construction would have to paid immediately. Totat amount of $g 4�2.95 Transaction: Funding Source: ASSBSSfiBf11S Pinancial Information: (F�cpiain� Act7vity Number. CostlRevenue Sudgeted: March 8. 2010 1127 AM pa�P � � � � 4 � O a � I O I N O N � �i � N I� � E �� e � � M . ry d � � � R R �. W V � N � b v C � � O � E Q I d� I o � o F. � I U .. ❑ , o a v C a o `o +% o v` i I ya a , la v o ? R � Q I� 3 `,/� ° i �n y R C F 9 4 V I O D � T � ` i � a � z � e o � z � °� e ' 6 -,�z C "G p � � p O �, ❑ . 2 O � z �x £ v 'az � a a'�i 0 a � T N X F 3 3 Q a � o V O ' ? � N . ' 2'� � } 4 L ' j N�` G O v � Z , R C � � .)�` F. � .'Ji � 7 � = VI 'v� = 2 a rn _ � � - c M c °Y° . �,' 3 " r � � l I N n a � � 3 — A � ^ F O L C � j � '✓1 C � V 5 V . � x �`� o 10-365 _ Q o-� �' a v L m R � � O C I � h � � � O N es M a N 3 r N �. O I E I� � � �� »� V I � ' b l�_ C , � � N � � Z '�' i g � F � � ^ � � N � c P � I e 0 o � a I p A " o � R N Q '� I i 0 � � I y y R 41^ � �• O 9 " a R r� � Ul � � 1 a I. v i � ° z d iw� e o � z e �' � e ` �� m � C E ^ ,� z ; Q ,. o i tD d � � H H o i l y� � � � 6 0 C � a v , r T 6 f � G � � _ y o W � ` e � � � � h = p Q x ��. r : a o > � y o � n < �` ^�1 y ^-� i' � 's' — - r`a w Y. = N� v : "�°- �� ° n3a C 'w-�", ° �n . 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