10-364City of St. Paul REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. �U ' By File No. 19050C Assessment No._106055 Voting Ward, Green Sheet No. 3 S�i ��j In the Matter of constructing sanitary sewer service connections per the request of the affected property owners. {File No. 14050C) Preliminary Order: �7-1218 approved 12119(07 Final Order: 08-114 approved OZ/20/08 To the Council of the City of Saint Pau1: The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred far and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total constcuction costs (w/ Engineering and Inspection) Valuation and Assessment Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net Assessment $ 15,484.00 $ 1,OS3.88 $ 16,567.88 $ 16,567.88 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer fiu-ther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer[ained, to-wit: the sum of _$16,567.88 _ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or pazcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been compieted, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated ,�- 9- � 0 d)��h�h�/ � Valuation and Assessment Engineer 7:3L54 J/I6/2010 O�n�cr or 7'AxnaVCr Christopher M Ilochn 575 Selby Ave Umt 4 Samt Paul MN 55102-1789 * 535 SliL6Y A V E 4 'Ward I "NcndinS as of Publ�c Impro�ement Assessment Roll by Address Praject: 19050C AssmY. 10G055 Mannger: LM Ratification Date: Resolution d: Prooer[v llescrin��on [tem Descriotion Unit Rate uanti Charee Amts coMMONUUreaesrcomtmimtrr Sam[arySewerConnecnon l00 42807 $42807 NUMBER 5'1] ST MAR6ARF,T CONW�IMIUMS UNIT N04 $42$ 07 "' * Ownu and Taxpayer * •" Page 5 ProoertvlD 01-28-23-22-0301 MCES Grznt ReeerveA Total Sanrtnry Sewcr ConnccUOn $]2,I12 38 Praject'POtal: 512,11238 21 Parccl(s) 0 Exempt Parccl(s) F�+ O W � A S�Paul_Heann�List_Assesament v:3i:sa anenoio Owner or 7'exnaver Kathiyn A IfciAcr Joscph R MucllC� 505 Sciby Avc Unu 8 S� Paul MN 551�2 *505 SELBY AVB S *Ward I 'PenAmE as of Jun N Olson Knstine A Chnpin 505 Selby Avc N9 St P.ml MN 55102-4501 *505 SEL6l' AVE 9 •ward I 'Pendingns of Jc�emy Juhnsm� S}$ SC�Vy f1VC Ullll I $I PaUI MN $$102-178'J *533 SEL{3Y AVE •ward I '"Pendmg ns of Lynn kl "fmstec C4ach 535 Sclby Ave ft2 St Pnul MN 55102-1789 *535 SEL61' AV� 2 'wa�d I "Pmidmg as of Petei 1 DCenen Kns[en G Ucencn 535 Selby Avc ll3 St Paul MN 55102-1789 * 53.5 SELBY A V E 3 �w,�m i "PenJm¢ as of Public hnprovement Asszssment Roll by Address Project 19050C Assmt: 10G055 Manager. LM Page 4 Ratification Dflte: Resolution #: Pronertv Descrintion Item Descrintion Onit Rate nanti Charce Amts Prooertv [D _ __--_______—___—___-- __--__—_-__-—__--__ nPqRTMEpTOWNERSHIPNOeOTHt SdilltalySewL�ConOCCbon 100 25509 $25509 O1-28-23-22-0089 KENOSHACONDOMIMUAIUMTN08 $255 09 **' Ownerand Taxpayer•** __ __. _ _ - __ __ _ _ _ _ — — _ _ _ — .__ _ _ — _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _. — — __ _ —' — APARTMENTOVMERSHSYN080THL San¢arySewerConnecnon 100 25509 $25509 O1-28-23-22-0090 KONOSHA CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO ) $255 09 '•* Owner and Taapayer *** comnnoN �rvre2esr wwuuHirr Samtary Sewer Connecnon 1 00 428 07 $428 �7 O1-28-23-22-0298 NIIMBLR Sti ST MA0.GARE( W NUOKJNIUMS UMT NO I $42$ O7 * •' Owner and Taxpayer "*• _ _ _ _ - _ __ - - __ -_ - _ -- __ __ ._ — _ . _—_ -_ __ _ _ _ _— __ __ comro+oN�rrrertesrcomnaou�rv SamtarySewcrConnectmn 100 42807 $42807 NUMOLR 5)] ST MAftGARET Ol-2S-23-22-0299 CONDOMINIUMS UMT NO 2 $A?$ O7 *•` Owner and Taxpayer *** MCES Grant Recerved __ _ __ - __- _- - _ — _ _ — __ _ _ _ ' _ ___ COMMON IMER2ST COMMI/MTY S3mt3ty S¢w¢i CO011ec21011 1 0� 428 07 $428 07 0 t-2S-23-22-0300 NUM6LR 5>] ST MARGAREl' CONDOMMIUMS UNIT NO 1 $42$ O7 '"" Ownerand Taxpayer*"' MCES Grant Recerved StPaul_Hcann�Ust_ASSessment F+ O i W � A 7:3L54 4/IG/2010 Owncr or T:�xnnvcr Mflry 6 Wadleigh 505 Selby Ave Uim 3 St Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SEL6Y AVE 3 'Ward I *PcnAing ns ol Hlphege 6 Sunartin Je.m K KnuASCn St marUn 505 Sclby Avc Onit 4 St Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SEL6Y AVE 4 'Wnrd I *Pcndmg ns of Lorrie I3 Dorrance $OS$CIbyAVC AplS St Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SF.L6Y AVC 5 "ward I 'Pcndmg ns uf M�chnel W Sondey Mcgnn S Kennedy 505 Sclby Avc Unrt 6 Samt Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SELBY AVE 6 �w�rJ I *Pending:�s uf lohn H Pancy sos s�i�y n�� SlPnul MN 55102-4503 *505 SELBY AV L 7 •wa�J I �NCII(�Ip�f15 OC Public Cmprovcment Assessment Roll by Address Projecf: 19050C AssmC 106055 Manager. Lht Page 3 Ra[ificaHon Date: Resolution #: PronertV Descrintion Item Descriotion Unit Rate uan i[ Charee Amts ProoertY ID nrn2imcNroum�2starNOSOTxe SamtarySewerConnecnon 100 25509 $25509 � O1-28-23-22-0084 K[NOSHA CONDOMIMUM UMT NO l $255 09 '** Ownerand Taxpayer**" APARTMLNTOWNERS}IIPNOSOTFfE SamtarySewerConnecnon 100 25509 $25509 KLNOSHA CONDOhON1UM UMT NO 4 $255 09 'x' Owuer and Taxpayer *'* 01-28-23-22-OOSS _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — __ _ __ _ — _ _ _ _ _ __ — _ _ _ _ _ — _ - _ . _ — _ _ _ _ . _ MARTMEMOWNERSHIPNO80THE $dIDtary$¢weiCOnnCCLOn 100 25509 $25509 p1 KF,NOSHA CONDOMIMOM UMT NO 5 $255 09 •"' Ownerand Taxpayer#riP nrnxrmcNrowNEastueHOSOttce SamrarySewerConnecnon 100 25509 �$25509 01-28-23-22-0087 K6NOSNA CONPOMIMUM UNIT NO 6 $255 09 *" Owner and Taxpayer **" nanarmerv'rowrvcasenrNOSOrxE SamtarySewerConnectmn 100 25509 $25509 QI-28-23-22-0088 KENOSHA CONDOMIMUM UNIT NO "1 $zss o� * «' Owner and Taspayer * ** V � G1 Q� A StPaul_Heaimy_L�st Assessment 7:31:54 4/16/2010 Oa'ncr ar 7'AanaVCr Chnsllnc M Mennas 505 Sclby Ave Unil I I St pau{ MN SS(02-4501 *505 SELBY AVG 11 •w�ra i i ��Cll(�Illg NS O� Chi�st�ne'I� Mmgmi $0$ $Clby AVC Ap[ 12 St Paul MN 55 t02-4502 *505 SELBY AVE 12 'Wnrd t 'Yeudmg ns o( Ca�o( Connnlly 535 Lcx�ng�on Pky S Ap� 104 Samt Pnul MN 551 IG-1750 *505 5ELBY AV� 13 �wnm i • �z„a��,E ,�s �r Matlhe�v Wotl 505 Sclby Avc N 14 St Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SCLBY AVE 14 *WaN I 'PCndmg zs of F3etty 1 Lassen 505 Selby Avc St Paul MN 55102-4501 *50.5 SELBY AVE 2 'Ward I *r��,d���s .�s or Public fmprovement Assessment RMI by Address Prqect: 19050C Assmt: 106055 Mannger: LM Page 2 Ratificntion Datc: Resolutiou N: Propertv Desedatim� Item Descriotion Unit Rate uanti Charce Amts Prooertv ID nrarzTnaerrr owiuexswr No so�r[ie Sam[ary Sewer Connecnon 1 00 255 09 $255 09 01-28-23-22-0092 KCNOSHA CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO i i $255 09 xs* Owner and Taxpayer *•• nnnarnntrer owNEkaxiv�o so rxE Samtary Sewer Connechon l 00 255 09 $255 09 01-28-23-22-0093 KENpSHA CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO i z $255 09 "* Owner and'faspayer *"* _ __ _ - —_ _— _ � —_ —_ __ _ — _- _ —'_ ___— _ - _ aenalt,ewrownansxirrvosort� SzmtarySewerCOnnection 100 25509 $25509 KENOSHA fONDOMINIUM UNIT NO 01-28-23-22-0094 i 3 $25S 09 'P' Ownec and iazpayer "'* aen2'[MeNrowHeastneNOaoitce SamtarySewerConnechon 100 25509 $25509 O1-28-23-22-0095 KENOSIIA CONOOMINIUM UMT NO ia $255 09 "''' Owne� and iaxpayee ""* _ ___ -_ __ ____—__—_ __ __ —_._— — _ APARTMENT O WNLRSHIP NO 80 THE Samtary Sewer Connect�on 1 OU 255 09 $255 09 O1-28-23-22-OOS3 KBNOSHA CONDOMINIIIM UNIT NO 2 $255 09 **" Ownerand Taxpayer*'* MCES arant Recerved r-� O W T A StPaul_Heann�L�st,Assessrtent 7:3L•5A 4/16/2010 Ownrr m� 7'aznavcr BrndfordJ Andcrson Carolc L Andcrson 4G�) Sclby Avc 114 St Paul MN 55102-4504 * 469 SELSY AV G 4 'Wa�d I "Petid�ng u of� S� Paul Cwhng Club Inc 470 Sciby Avc StPnul MN 55102-1727 ' 470 SCLBY AV E "Wnrd I 'Pendmg ns oP Petei D Koudclka Niu�le M Kaudelka SOJ Sulby Avo N4 StPnul MN 55102-0567 *504 SEL6Y AVI; 4 *wnrd i +PCndmg as of Jonxthan P SchmiAt Jara R cmwmg 505 Sciby Ave U�irt 1 StPnul MN 55102-4501 *505 SCLIIY AV E •Ward I `Pendmg es af Launc'1 hnmas sos s�my n�� w��c io Smn[ Paul MN 55102-4501 *505 SELBY AVC 10 +ward I *PCnding ns ot Pnblic Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Projectr 19050C Assmt: 106055 Manager. LM Page 1 RatificationDate: Resolutimitt: Pronertv Ducriotiou Item Descriotion Unit Rate uantit Char¢e Amts Pronertv ID commoN�MrenesrcoMmoru�a'v SamtarySewerConnect�on 100 1,64806 $1,64806 Ol-2S-23-21-0417 NUM6ER484ST CHARLES CONOOMINIUM UNR NO 4 $ I,C>48 O� * * * Owner and Taxpayer ** * MCES Grent Recerved WOODLANpPARKADDIIfONTOSf SamtarySewerConnecnon 100 PAUi, LOT$ 0'1'31RU 8 8LK 10 ' *" Ownu and Tar.payec *"* i,66s.az gt,sb9a7 O1-28-23-21-02G9 $1,669 d7 MCES G�ant Aecerved nrnrzrn�rvrowNeaswrNOaarxe SamrarySewerConnecnon 100 3,SI131 $3,51131 O1-28-23-22-0126 KLNESAW WNPOMIMUMUMTNOO $3,511 31 *** Owner and Taxpayer "* MCES Grant Received APARTMtNTOWIVERSMPN080THG Sanitap�SewerConnecnon 100 25509 $25509 01-28-23-22-0082 KENOSHA fON�OMINNM UNIT NO I $255 09 **' Ownerand'Caxpayer "* _ -_ _ - _ _ __ _ __ — _ _ _ — APAR'I'MCNTOWNCRSHIPNO80THE SanitarySewerConneccion 100 K6NOSAA CONDOMIMUM I1MT NO io "* Owner and Taxpayer **" — _— __ - — __ — — __ _ — _ __ 2ss os xzss o� O1-28-23-22-009t Rzss os StPaul_Hearnig_L�st_Assessmem t�+ O W � A City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT COUNCILFILENO. �� B �i,� �'� � 2q File No. 19050C Assessment No. 106�55 Voting Ward Green SheetNo. ;3�C � S5�' In the Matter of constructing sanitary sewer service connections per the request of the affected property owners. (File No. 19050C) Preliminary Order: 07-1218 approved 12I19/07 FinalOrder: 08-114 approved 02lZO(08 WHEREAS, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in twen equal installments. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom �/ Carter Harris r/ Helgen ✓ Lantry ✓ Stark ,/ Thune ✓ � � Adopted by the Council: Date: ��.2/���/� Certified Passed by the Council Secretary By � Mayor City of St. Paul REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. I U' : File No. 190�OC Assessment No._106055 Voting Ward 1 Green Sheet No. �J � Ci � 3 In the Matter of constructing sanitary sewer service connections per the request of the affected property owners. (File No. 19050C) Preliminary Order: 07-1218 approved 12119/07 Final Order: 08-114 approved 02/20/08 To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs (w/ Engineering and Inspection) Valuation and Assessment Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net Assessment $ 15,484.00 $ 1.083.88 $ 16,567.88 16,567.88 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $16,567.88 _ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part ar parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thexeon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engneer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated -9-�� ����� � Valuation and Assessment Engineer � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet //7 .�/oLl� �epartmenUOffice/Council: Date Initiated: , - - _ , FS —F�nancialServices 08MAR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3101356 Contact Person 8 Phone: Departrnent Sent To Person Initi�te LMnMoser � 0 inancialServicw � RealEstate y 266-8858 1 ouncil Ci Council Assign 2 ity Clerk � Citv C7erk Must Be on Cou�cil Agenda by (Date): Number 3 For Routiag 4 Doc. Type:?UBLIC HEARING Order 5 (RESOLUTION) � ^ J E-Document Required: N • Document Contact: �uan Ortiz Contact Phone: 266-8858 ` Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Ratify assessmenu for sanitary sewer construction completed at the request of the property owners along Selby Ave (Kent to Acundel). Asmt. #106055 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of affected pxoperty ovmers, sanitacy sewer construction was completed. . AdvanWgeslfApproved: Owners will haue an itnproved sanitary sewez system. Disadvantages If Approved: Assessments will be levied via property taxes. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The enrire cost of consffuction would have to be paid immediately. Total Amount of $16,567.8$ Trensaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: ASSBSStTiBf1YS Activity Number: Financial Information: (F�cplain) March 8. 2010 10:34 AM Paryp � v, 2 L O C� ? N N J � N � N O .. � m C � U y Q d3 69 � S m V C R 5 I� N (� O � Q � l E 4 ,°'. o a - u 2 � = I a � .. � o I 3 d O L x c, a c 0 c C ' L � .Q p I3 u 'o G I r 9 � � Q �' ¢�"i I A � " .. v� �a" z � E �� � � � " o Q . 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