179184 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. Ai,�� Q LICENSE CONY ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COU . IL •ESOL .TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 14 1956 COMMISSIONE ./ _� _1.r 4,,, -/ __ _ �L J�_Aat _ ,. 0 1 RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application D 10684, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, application D 10685, applied for by Eugene D. Kubiszewski, at 191 North Western Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. c email role ,ri„ o Robert Peterson— Resolved,.That licenses fdj rapt, On. Off s lifait Be age pnd Cigaret. Application D an* Mechanical lima tnent Device tion, Application 1)10685, �app1 by E ene D.L Kubiszew llci. North 'Western, Avenue, be , the same are hereby granted.. Adopted by the Council Augwit"z.*. 1956. Approved August 14, 1956. (August 18, 1966) MEW Informally approved by Council June 28, 1956 Old Location 4 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy pm 1 it 1956 - pproved 195_ Marzitelli J Tn Favor .A000!„.‘ Petersen Mayor Rosen _0___Against M SM 6-56 0400 2