10-36s Presented bv I 2 Covncil Fiie #__ �p � � l/ Green Sheet#30907t6 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA � RESOLVED. that the rate of pay for the new classification of Life Support Operator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 34, of Employee Group 02, AFSCME Technical Salary Schedule, and be it 3 4 F3�ALLY RESOLVED. that this resolution shaU take effect and be in force on the first pati period fotlowine iis passage and approval. Bostrom Carter Harris Stark Adopied b�� Council; Date ��/l'/,1'O/l� Adoption Cenified 6y C nci] Secretar}- B�: Approved b� M Date ��—C 7�p io Bv. Requesied by p of: Human Resolirkes Offfte By: l�/ Approved by t 3 e� B�. Yeas Approved lry ✓ B) �� y I�� �. � �E Approved b�� Mayor for Subm�ission to Council B��: ,� � ��/K^ C.� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sneet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � (D��f� DepartmenUOffice/Councit: i Date Initiated: j HU-HumanResources ; 1qDEC2009 � Green Sheet NO: 309fl716 �� Contact Person & Phone: ' � � Beth Yue � ; 266-6510 � Assign j Must Be an Council Agenda hy (Date)c � Num6er ; � � Por j � Routing ' RESOLUT�ON W!$ I Order f � , � E-DocumeM Required: Y i Uotument Contact: Trisha Freiberger ; Contact Phone: 266-6487 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Aii Locations for Sigru �re) 0 t Z 3 4 5 Approval of the resolution to create the titte of Life Support Operator in Grade 34, of Employee Group 02, AFSCME ?echnical. ReCOmmendaGons: Approve (R) or Rejeci �R): Planning Commission GIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foltowing Quesfions: 1 Has this personlfirm ever worked urtder a coniract for �hi5 depanment? Ye5 No 2. Has Ihis perso�lfirm eve� been a city employee� Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee7 Yes No Exp{ain ait yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. initiating Pro6lem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): New patar bear exhibit at Como Zoo wikl need a Life Suppon OperaEOr to maintain and operaie hfe suppon systems. Ad�antages If Approved: Parks and Recreatson (Zoo) wil! have a Life Support Operator to operate and mamtain zoo life support system for the new polar bear e�bit. � Disadvantages If Approved: None. ' Disadvantages lt Not Approved: i Polar bear wiI! not survive m new exhSbst. ���'������ �E� 2 � �009 -.�.. .. E ' '� fi�', � :.°"'� � Tetal Amouot of $42,4Q9.89 Transaction: Fnnding Source- Q01-03122-11133058 CosVRevenue 6udgeted: Y Activity Number: Financiai lnformation: Btweekly Starting Salary: SI,624.90 (Exp�ain) Bl�ceekJy Ending Salary: S2,203DF Qecember 14, 2009 125 PM Page 1