179168 elteikw..The 00.ice.-: a •r ' _ , .. ti of a 6' °T jilt* SAL 179168 4at,1.41e-herQ i .-had, COUNCIL FILE NO Ix% ffiurvad4{,,' • q44-to 0 cow eU ht vS ,L`'wq '1 V ; - II r In the Matter of curbing California Avenue from Fisk Street to Avon Street, under Preliminary Order 178236 approved June 7, 1956 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that . • , - - . . , : . . . ' ovement to be ma.e • • • . 1 y is. curb C: 1 ornia , , - •- - . -• . - - • • - . _ Stree All orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings In said matter be discontinued, and t ouncil hereby orders said improve •ent to be made.. RESO , P FURTHER, That the Corn ,•ioner of Public Works be and is hereby ins cted and directed to prepare • . •• and specifications for sa . '•• Irovement, and submit same to the Cou it for approval; that upon said app .val, the proper city officials ar• . •. authorized and directed to o- ceed with the making of said i •rovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 141956 q / .� AUG 141956 -� / lir / City Clerk. Approved IUBIISID 1--/47-,6-a- / s �_ / File 13419 Councilman Acting Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND 0 Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman Mayor ROSEN 2-55 2M 2 PITY OF.ST. PAUL . . •f : 'APARTMENT OF FINANCE J.168 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ..- In the matter of curbing California Avenue from Fisk Street to Avon Street. under Preliminary Order approved June 7, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 2,816.26 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 2.84 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , • DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK ADDITION i il VALUATION ASSESSED S SE Buildings S S ED -4. - 4Land- i • 1 , 1 : Roselawn View Addition if 5000 6350. • 2 , 1 . do I: 450. 4700. I !! i :1 • 3 . 1 . do i• 45o. 45oo 1 • , ,1 , 4 . 1 . do ,. 450. 4750. ' 5 , 1 . do ': 450. 4750. 6 , 1 • do ;, 45o. 5500. ., . 7 • 1 . do :! 450. 5000. 8 ; 1 , do ii. 450• 5000. 1 • 9 , 1 . do 450. 4500. 1 . 40 i i ■ . I .1 i_ . 11 i Continued on Following Pap. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D • ,- . CITY OF ST. PAUL - . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _____CA_ _. __ ___ I il ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 1BLOC ADDITION 11.LandVALWITiQb1 J•taillgli - - --= . Roselawn View Addition 1 , 1 2 do 11 1450. 4500. . 2 2 do I 45o. 4500. t, 1 1 3 2 do L 450. 4500. 1 ! ! 4 2 do 1 450. 5100. I 1 . I 475o. 1 5 2 do 450. ! , 6 ' 2 do !! 450. 14950. 1 il 7 2 do j 450. 4800* i . , 1 8 ' 2 do 1 1450. 4800. 1 1 1, 9 2 do 11 450. !I 4500. 1 East 50 ft. of following: That part of Lot 4, lying south of !! California Ave. and that part of Lot 5 lying north of south 135 ft 1 of 5 2 nom" . I. i! 500. 4800.. ! 11 1 1! 1 !! ti ! 0 1 1; ! . !, 11 • !! ! , 1 li 1. !! 4- ' — --- — 1 _______ i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 17 19 56 ftt.40. .4.4'11.A.Lfge "n-• Idler Dated Commissioner of Fina . Form B. B. 12 . . - • --11'.....'1,, -e--n, P(.6.171 • St. Paul, Minn. April 2 19 53 „ To The Honorable,The Council, • City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sidewalk and Curbing to extend from Fisk Street to Avon • on California St. • ' St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION l► R.e,"..Ernest F. Olchefoke Ro town View Addition • "' Fritz R. Kubitza 1 ,�r!'� 806 California N Olr " i William D. Runkel 9- 2.. 812 California Donald D. Plujley e 816 California ,p _ J Clifford W. Noyes t.f- q/ C.Gcw�`'" 822 California � {� R. W. Saunders 51 4 '` ' 828 W. California � 3-s-6-'7 �q Town and Country Const. no., Inc. ► Io c 811 W. California, 831,835,801 /ha g61.: Bernhard C. Swenson 836 W. California Harvey V. White - $ /0' 840 W. California .# n,�, Jack S. Lansdall �� 11' 1'IN V. 844 California . Mrs. John A. soda t...). 839 W. California William H. Black liallia lir 821 W. California Vis. Joseph J. Kelly rL2, �� CO \ 827 W. California .� <�{� Mrs. C. F. Roney �t' CE1 V �1 \1' 805 W. California ... APR V _ -• 9 .953 4Lidivti2> g R. av-,-, ima Q N 0.P ,„ et 7 if 7 127i e?-` (9" CIO iiT11.1.---\\' 5M 1142 etello2 Plat 31 Ward 12 Date April 10, 1953. ADDITION Roselawn View Add'n. ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP . 1 to 10 1 None l to 9 2 None. " ox, ,........ �. E.50 t of pt S of Calif of h/2 k Face. S 1351; the E 501 of 5/2 None. — Aprraocim.ate onta = 993 feet Frontal d d g. ►. — 91G feet 95% a '1 • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 2 , 19__5lz To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1782:16 approved June 7 19_5i_, relative to curbing California Avenue frau Fisk Street to Avon Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Engineer Inspecti ing $152.15 on 52.15 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 2,816.26 , and the total cost thereof is $ Cost per front foot $2.84 Frontage 993 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope , subject to assessment for said im'rovement. (i Commi::io 1 " of Public Work:. ^ g aolvEu 2M 7-49 Allo.8 JUL 3 ,;;,06 Dem or 04„, 104ArcE v., i'� LI ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER ART HUR W. 'PEWS OF SAINT PAUL ART ACCOUNTING DIVISION d05. PAVLICEK •• Prin. Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER ' Capital of Minnesota • HERBERT S. WES1r DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGEENGtNEER JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH 8 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. July 2, 1956 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing California Avenue from Fisk Street to Avon Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 178236 approved June 7, 1956. Total Estimated Cost $2,816.26 Engineering 156.46 Inspection 52.15 Cost per front foot 2.84 Frontage 993 ft. Yours very truly, !ZIA yr , ' Ce" Arthur W. Tews I. Assistant Chief Engineer 3 Approved for transmission e * s tot Camnissioner of Finance E irEcovEff ! / 01// ' i� JC 3 �g5g frn . rank D. rzitel . Commissioner of P. • • Works ViVAINK7.2 �� . HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL: Ur In regards to the Preliminary Order number 178236, which proposes curbing from Fisk Street to Avon Street and West California Avenue, we the undersigned wish to petition agoinst this improvement.zei, de94-0-x-e-4:- 'wit : II 44444 g'4/4 'i '' • - �, • ._ 4' C! tifirt�1. 4 CO 5t.e-AL? tifr,.?? , 97 6"a, P .g 4) &t.P1, piyyi."; 4 -rnite, '\b4, -=-4-fiz., , 4.1a-17 --. 7 e e- as-etoi ice- , �- -� ,� " . ., S / ) g). 6-/-4Y, p 04‘0 , , /;„, / 6P-15-6F- 0,21-,/-( 65e!' , : 71//iaj f// 11 gig l� , & 5? " 716 YiS4feyl- �� y , .1, /`' J �1' ea.€6/ f (?7741' 4 l'i7i1AV. 61/6//41 )1 .- ' ' 6P." 01/ * , , 274c4, eeet &• i i -'-' -'74?-.W.-,ea' „7:2-7e--4e-d (-- etz7 e5Z if) - 0,jr6ftc° „ 7114 q ?'ito. IF 124 / _ .?/, 0. %... 4.0..i.il 1_,,,,e(.. _ e ?1,4_ 4 it/a/ % ,, ,ems 77 p ice- i ° :,e)2 41L, 'mac 24, 4G, — . /7?r,Z74-1 cP/3-F7,21-i4-- -be.,/ 01 ' t ' P ,-� 7A7/47,.. -e-c____ 6` 'u-e-e inataut wog and cur In regards to the Pre ltntn ary Ordor analber 1781 06, wkie1e proem* ousting frost Tisk Street to Aran Street and Want California Aimee, no the uadersig nsd wish to petition this iapre+aaaat• -4nr ' Fr4641/ 611/4/7y I a it e„ °.j - , I go ._ Mee i , 9- 1/11441 .0 ,t-?.-B .-. ,,Q,,,,J7 .yr, Y *.,,r-te i , •,rt j, 4 7,)„t,,,,, I / , 4s/. 7 tfi 6, i / .../ r ' , 9 ..gy ti) /- ice- ` 2 - j t °� — Of,ri iri 04 • Or 7, 40 r ,if: F i Aaa _ . ' Atja.......... e I it .n ,i' 1% ltte 6 i',6„, r� S 10 - ,4. . cr, , , - .*4Ce 7t1e424) ' 223 2 . Cdy (7,A„ . / -' ' 7A51-47-e-g- i' '' - i. - -.11/-f. 444-4 / id .0 - fg0211. L`-V . 4, 9- 1,,,,,- ; et4, -III. ` L � 3 4 // 7,ii . q -22u4 ilt,,,t_ I- / , / ..31 a ea-v-it-t-vt*4 aAkk, ON Y X" 1,(Ai.si /7 /IL./ fit '6e/c CZ—-7, 712-7-- i /-•- � aG /94,,,,, , // / i ' ,./h---// n4.41 /-ake.0-,'ir' __ , f-fl , -'4.-- ' ' , ,__ � `� x. --�._ -'fr".9--u.-<_ c? ...„_-z_c_ , 1Ui 4 —I I 1 1 1 i • 1. , .... ST. VICTORIA, • ft) — • ISO > • - . > : . . , cf, , . ; • -' • i 1 . , i 1 • F I 6 K T. 1 u,,,- — ,0 ',I., . 1 > 0 H> ,4i 1 1 1 0 U' §i r Z _1 . X I;1 1 13 ' Z i , r n . 1 Z TrI ,.......,„..,_ t,t — AVON F11 ) C r-• m (I) rn >7). rilLm > < m m im il o, 6) --z i 71 N .$) GROTTO ST. _ii____,_- 70 Cv (JAI• 71. A LA M E DA ST.' Li't ■ • 1 ' . • —ST. ALBANS ;.',.....,. ,4 .. ‘ , ' fo4•.:, ',.--:,••- q.-14',4''',"..>.• . ' i . I ' i i . . . - - !Is i0 . •-ii. ' ' '" i . , .. t . ' ' .. ''1. ' .,..1,,',.. 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