179165 COUNC r ^ LE O. 40, s ► P !;' '. ,rS FINAL ORDE , CONDEMNATION FINAL .OB:D>r ATIo1 OS Council >i'No. 1 Prank Di Marinelli— .In the matter P_ condemn i ' ;, . tail for sewer$t In the matter u of � lar niece of land the aN)ti4 eeorth taking ter thd ° Wedst. a as,fold Range of said.w i ` !i piDf tar►ng at g point on-the north piece of d II ¢g�inn�tn?i� 1 being,d bedbed sa line of Section 20.To P e North, ows:f Sectitng at a point on the no 11 West. said int 'b¢1 n 156 line of ecWest,0,said palhip Range 92 West, said- point be n ft: west of the north ester* line of its f arkway Drive as me reel along the ft. west of the northwesterly lfnjg north line of said n• .thence sa§i�d Parkway Drf said as measured along the no 'line of said north line of said se}etion; thence e AS ft- along 155 ft. «the north line of I gacticn 20: thence iu,a SOU terlytline a�� f tion alp the northWeaterlY line Section 20; thence 3#t a sottthweste + i ® ay ire a distance of 2?ib.bb 02 approved roved Juldirection along the northwesterly r int on the northwestezl! PP of Parkway Delve a distance er ill6 + of P to a way drive: thence no eiy r a ce of 165.64 ft. to the point of of tParkwa t Dri et thence n: i m Fain Afire q,A=y llr r I • •• approved Julia distance of 165.64 to th!e point ginning, tinder ltm rry Ordet" 178202, approved June 6, 1156, Intern mediarY er 178605. appro� d A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon d1/. 1956. ":g .bird all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and h A Public *Siring having been ha• i; therefore, be it upon the above improvement u >i due notice, and the Council ha heard all personal bjections • recommendations relative thereto having fully considered the RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the preciithereffore,be it ja- rovement to be made by the said City 1s condem m lend tette'�.'or ae.ere Resolved, By that he pre la the *. ' P Y Y `�Oiot St. Paul that tlia preemie na a � ih e uR s pide* of ieater►t and kind of lmyeanent ,' fthe a of the NB% of Staten made by the said ty id .� . To p 29 North.Range 22 Nest,e� triangular' shaped piece of land baetl and take for sewer purposes a described as follows shaped piece of land in pp int_on the north line �; !s the NE;;,of Section 20,T. _on 29 North, Range 22 W; 29 North. '. said point being 156 ft. welt of point r shaped piece of Beginning at be. the sect on; o thence east Section 155 ft.tkal Tie p inn 9 North,, y Range Wes, as measured along the north lin int on the north r int on said section; thonceof Farkway Dri in a southwesterly direction eio_es northwesterly line northwesterly line of Parkway lsi measured along the north line .. and the Council hereby orders said improveino of ly e o Par�k°way, Drthe north line of said eSectioi �•th Oan, thence northerly a distance of 1.1 in a southwesterly direction along ft. to the t of be rm nip thw ste ly eft f toaakwaint ri t •,e RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following 1'and,` Taredss or easeme;northwesterly' line of Parkway ldriv= hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose offs northerly i f beginning,distance of t.7 — Council hereby orders said improve± ments to be made. Resolved Further,That the following land, lands or easements therein ktTi piece WNW'' and the same are hereby ordered to ti ^�NEU of Section taken, appropriated and condemn `township 21 lienge'22 W for the purpose of making sal piece being improvements, viz.: de bed as .ollows: Be at a A triangular shaped piece of la point on the north line n 20, in the NEI of the NE's of Section Township 29 North, Range 22 West. Township 21 North,Range 22 West,sal said point being 156 ft. we of the triangular shaped piece of land bei northwesterly line of Parkway Drive described as follows: Beginning at RESOLVED FURTHER, That than measured along the north line of's point on the north line of Section .d said section; thence east 156 ft. along township 29 North, Range 22 Wes directed to prepare plans and specificalthe north line of said Section 20;thence t said point being 16b ft. west o3 t �Y in a southwesterly direction along' the northwester) line of Parkwa Dri authorized and directed to proceed witlnortbiwesiter y line of Parkway Drive a ,n as measured along the north'gline d distance of 226.85 ft. to a point on the said section; thence east 156 ft, alp AI If northwesterly line of Parkway Delve; north line of said section 20; then Ado tad by the Council thence northerly a distance .of 1'"84 in a southwesterly direction along t P Y –;ft. to the point of beginning northwesterly line of Parkway Drive a distance of 226.85 ft. to a point on the ► northwesterly line of Parkway'Drive dr �t/ thence northerly a distance of 165.64 ft. to the point of beginning.; 19/� 1 S Resolved Further, That the Co +j e1S missioner o$-Public Works be and 4 1 Approved—_ , / hereby instructed and directed in I r prepare plane and specification f said improvements, pnd the proper ci -� officials are 'hereby authorized a directed to proceed with the m of said improvement in accordan therewith. Councilmen: / iAdopted by the Council August UMW( DeCourcy Approved August 14, 1956. j HUMPS& j (August 18, 1956) 1 Holland / —J Marzitelli Mortinson Pa+arpryn Rosen • r 500 745 0260,® • CITY OF ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE p . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'fit 1788 �3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .�16 (D) `� In • , . • . under Preliminary Order approved June 6, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Theza o. the ab vc is - - - $ 450.00 momargarxectotiamaionximi The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be condeagi ed dforesuech improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or L parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1 i VALUATION I j i II Except West 1414.35 ft.; part North j I{ .. of Parkway Drive of Northeast Iof Northeast i of Section 20, I Township 29, Range 22 175. it ii I. l II . t II II ii fl II II -- --=---_ _ _ ._ -----L ------ Total _ __.--?5 _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated duly 17 19 56 7/44. 772. 41, Cad Commissioner of FinalgY Form B.S.A.8-5 D "s> Office of the Commissioner Of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance • Ain. ]4, , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of tile Council, known as Council File No 178202 Rpproved Jim 6. relative to "Jail LI II' toldall for saw Pave.* a triasolar - plow fa lead la the II I/4 of the 11$ 1/14 at Sioattee Tanlitd# it Wreak.bat la attit-trimilitor *mod sows of land beteg deaarthed as aValifes t - Itesteideer ert sloolat-oathe north-Use ot Iteettee Kti-Tammed,p-11, imp St "sett said point tots. 111 ft. vomit of the Ilse of Xrisaisiftiodeeseet alopaidttl. awitelliet'olol uat moat 20 Ct. along the WW1 has Or sidA *petiole al those 131 otlayettaa aliftwthotir Use fetratokowifivera Ashore at $SC• ft. to a pels* ea the aut Ilse-iit Putemo, Sties Oman saothooty a diato . of 111151:641,g11:"114,,,,Ilikr ?If 1101/1146111161 F ,try, •, , z 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 411111111" 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro , subject to assessment for said improvement. I=RANK 0 MARLI . - , -dr 7 if e • ;is "I I 0 r 7. ‘;* 41144 2M 7-40 r 1, , Lep 10 1/4-0 AMOS 1:41 WI Dep., Y56 Pr ' Op -'1/44er E SVP.- 1 A —9-� 14,54.44%- h �6,c9 ■ dQ .0L \\ iT ^\ v (\ .• O ¢` d's �g9 . r A ell N n i . kV, N iffeishit N Ri CO 1 ,�o n1 N. N fi N N � c10 CO ono , o �J 1