179154 Ortghtal to thy Cleric ��, 0 17 9154 ��� rip �'z +°fir ,. .c,y,C-.'!1,A$9 -q x4k the . `A is. ms, .a.w JNCIL FILE NO. f // p Si.Z PRESENTED BY �� ' ORDINANCE NO. / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5711, entitled: "An ordinance providing that employes on work performed for the City of St. Paul shall be residents thereof." approved December 6, 1921, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectionl. That Ordinance No. 5711, approved December 6, 1921, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended, in the title thereof, by striking the word fthereof" where the same does appear in said title, and by inserting in lien thereof, the Wprds "of the County of Ramsey." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5711, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by striking therefrom Section 1 thereof in its entirety, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 1. That hereafter all employes on work Kam. - - performed for the City of Saint Paul -shall be residents of Ramsey County, Minnesota. A 'resident ' for the purposes of this ordinance is defined to be a person who has resided to the County of Ramsey for at least s .x months prior to the date of employment. " Section 3. That said Ordinance No. 5711, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by striking therefrom Section 2 thereof in its entirety, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 2. That all contracts hereafter made for the performance of any work for the City of Saint Paul shall be deemed and considered as made upon the basis that the employes doing such work shall be residents of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and it shall be a viola- tion of the terms of the contract if any contractor or sub-contractor or other person in charge of the work or any part thereof to employ any laborer, mechanic or other person upon such work who is not a resident of Ramsey County, Minnesota." Section 4. That said Ordinance No. 5711, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended, in Section 5 thereof, by striking the words "the City" from the first sentence of said Section, and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "Ramsey County, Minnesota." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzirtelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen - Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: • y k Mayor r 8 /an".■ • Original to*AO Clerk rI, »: y s* .. 11 1• OR yyyh���� Y� '��T'"; " ` 'IL FILE NO �� _ FINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY 'kn- ai An ordinance amending Ordinan5 ntitled: „ nce providing Y � o - Z work An ormed for the City 'ria1- performed . residents thereof." d be approved ordinance December 6, 1921, as a for e emergency ordinance rendered neth wal s is an e the public peac� S ldhsafety. preservation of f OF SA T. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY rove ORDAIN: r amp Sectionl. That Ordinance No. thud December 6, 1921, as amended, be and the the word there�'eOf, !ended, be the title the word _v in 1 'e same does "appear thereof, i e,striking an � inserting in said title, by_inserting �ht irgrds of the County of Ramsey. sal' e ` ing t�., �,; Section 2. That said Ordinan in l ; is further amendedi8 amended, be and the thereof hereby and Y '� z,reende Section 1 thereof in its entirety, b 'u thereof tho aployes c following: aftE-shall be *Section 1• That heo Saa• A 're: work ;��. ed for the Citye defined' perform of Ramsey _County, ,8 d the of e residents this © _dent ' for the purposes of rtothedid be a person who east s .X mo Ramsey foment." " 5711, as ab of employment." triking there That said Ordtirrs in lieu , be and Section 3• is further a nded, the thereof hereby entirety, an "g rde Section 2 thereof in its a he;eafter mathereof the following: Y of say That sic a upon the "Section nce of ar- K shall be rthe for the performs it shall be a Pe Paul shall be deemed and ct if airy contras basis that the employes dson in charge of dents of Ramsey County, �P1oy any laborer, Bola- tion of the terms such workla o is no. or or sub-contracts Minnesota. �e work or any par otk 0e No. 5711, a s 1 mechanic or amend a resident of 'om'the first°n 5 there° u thereof thesentence 0 Section �• words �s d, be and the same hereby i` by striking the word Passed by Said and by Y the Counciy Sounty,,Minneso4 County Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy A Holland Mari�telli g Mortinsc Approvd no Petery'— r �4. Mx.P .... 0 Mayor •� :: 0 T% Attest: s , .0,..apies,, 0 dni 0: Orlsiaai to ati Gleik ORDINANCE 179151 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /0p/ -2- Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. AEG 2 a 1956 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Against Rosen AUG 2 8 1956 Mr.President (Dillon) Appr, ed: Attest � � /yr, V City Clerk Mayor at 647 ow 8 'UZLIStlL'1) �-�� uoIIIQ ;uappaid iyl(' uollia ;uaplsa.i • zi„.... C uaso / ua ue�iota uosaa;a u Rya./ C7 uosut;io�• IIlaM lI . P Iu�l off PuVIIoi—�\ Si Daa inIA..a sSeK seaA sS:K ssaA , I.;dop. r� dde pus pig iano M8 _ of P. q .--0---- Puy —07#5i ! / sj.