179152 • *4' f aRrildnal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"CI NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RES TJ GENERAL FORM ' ,"°'°' PRESENTED BY Rose. , , s , COMMISSIONED DATF j:D w- ■iII^' Whereas, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the City Special Eleotion held in the said City on the 7th day of August,1956, upon the ratification or rejection of a charter amendment;and Whereas, It appears from salt-returns and the canvass thereof-that 46,868 eleetors lawfully voted in favor of the ado ties,ref .the charter amendment and 27,975 electors lawfully pro 'tgal stA the adoption thereof; and r' llhereas,. The 'statutes of the J8tate of Minnesota provide that amendments to city charters must be adopted by a three- fifths' <:vote of those lawfully voting on said question, and the 1 returns above set forth show that an excess of three-fifths of those lawfully voting voted for the adoption thereof; therefore be it Resolved, That said charter amendment is hereby deolared to have received in excess of three-fifths of the vote oast and to have been adopted; and be it Resolved Further, that a certified copy of- the amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor arm the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State ; . - of Minnesota, and a certified copy of the amendment and a certifies copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. y; COUNCILMEN `" UG 1 Q 19 r A pined by the Counci' 195_ Yeas 'Nays ,•,. ;F DeCourcy ., _ AU `' 1 0 1956 8 S Holland ' a { • roved 195_,' Marzitelli Ceac..„‘ n Favor oh.....- P Peterson 4IF Mayor Rosen y ` Against Mr. President, Dillon PULLISHED g',a----s--4 SM 6-56 040002 ' BOOK 353 FAGE3O2 Council File No.179152—By Mrs.Donald M. DeCourcy—Bernard T.Nol1and County of Ramsey D.M�arzitelli—Severin A.Mor- amy ss. iinson—Robert F. Peterson—Milton CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rosen—Joseph E.Dillon.mayor— Whereas The Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the re- turns of the votes cast at the City Spedal Election held in the said City on the 7th day of t, 1956, upon I, Joseph--FL.---fires ;� City Clerk the ratification or re n of a charter amendment"and Whereas,it appears said returns and the canvass thereof that 48,98$ of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have i electors lawfully voted in favor of the ad° tion of the charter amendment and rr,s�rs electors thereof; copy d f voted ago the adoption thereof:an compared the attached co of Council File No. 179152. Whereas,The statutes of the State of Minnesota Provide that amendments to city charters must be adopted by a as adopted by the City Council August...lath., 19.__.556 three fifths vote of those lawfully voting on said question.and the returns above e at of show that an excess of tau-ce- dillas and approved by the Mayor August 10th, 19 56 for t the adoption lawfully thereof; �� be it Resolved, That said charter amend- ment d declared' of the with the original thereof on file in my office.of three-fifths vote cast and to have been adopted: and be it Resolved Further, That a certified copy of the amendment and a certified copy of this resolution. signed by Mayor and the City Cl shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota,and a certified copy of the amendment and a certified copy of this resolution,signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey, County State of Minnesota. Adopted by the Council August 10, Approved August 10, 1956. (August 18,.1958) I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn this 20th 0th day of_ _August, A. D. 19 56 $ 2 City Clerk. Pp u 4 � F Filed for record on the 20 day of Aug A.D. 1956, at 12: 10 o 'clock P.M. . .. • .- ..` 4 , . • • C i .•••■`•., ?..T h....> r.,,E; ,:j r-, ( I ...■ i , 1-3 %L • i --,-, :71 r.) ,-, ,.. , ''',.s■is _ ,,,,„:„, • ' 1 ',-. c% --, (D -,. a `■ C \ 0 ,r) 21 , ;-.. :.?:, ‘4,....N M . ••• ii.j r+, j74 i•C. ••' ,..v 1-.4 kill f-•••■,•• t.\\\ A MI 1,.. r---3 I 6 L I z• - e .-.: \ CP) .\\N\ i Cr., C.)......\\ a I n I -• n 1 1,.. .-1 !1....• ?-z-, 1 ,..,;:; Fir .k. D Sr, a ...7 \.......'11:\ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota August 20th, 1956 Hon. Joseph Donovan Secretary of State State Capitol St. Paul 1, Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed for filing in your office in accordance with law,are a ertified copy of an amen. fen o Section 201 of the City .r er of the City of Saint Paul, and a certified copy of a resolution declaring said amendment have been ratified by the voters of this city. Will you please acknowledge receipt of these papers for filing? V9xy truly yours,' j J ll J � (,ity Clerk jJIE.,1; e:c:N 01~ STATE AUG 2 1956 �" Secretary of State CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA -itaplicate to Printer 'V1i A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 4_ 4 .y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Whereas, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the City Special Election held in the said City on the 7th day of August,1956, upon the ratification or rejection of a charter amendment;and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 46,868 electors lawfully voted in favor of the adoption of the charter amendment and 27,975 electors lawfully voted against the adoption thereof; and Whereas, The statutes of the State of Minnesota provide that amendments to city charters must be adopted by a three- fifths vote of those lawfully voting on said question, and the returns above set forth show that an excess of three-fifths of those lawfully voting voted for the adoption thereof; therefore be it Resolved, That said charter amendment is hereby declared to have received in excess of three-fifths of the vote cast and to have been adopted; and be it Resolved Further, that a certified copy of the amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, and a certified copy of the amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City-Clerk, be recorded. with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays a , r reef DeCourcy Holland Approved 195. Marzitelli r-- Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6.86 '""�.,°.. "2 BOOK 353 FAGE O1 _______—.....m•■IMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIII.ff__T .-� , or main sewers, and bridged!including right of *ay, and if any 1406301 part of said Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) shall not be so appropriated, it shall be used to pay interest on bonds — _—_ - _ _ as a part of the cost of government within he Thirty-nine "Sec. 201—The total cost of government, including — Dollars and fifty cents ($39.50) per capita limitation. schools, of the City of Saint Paul in any one calendar or fiscal year shall not exceed the following, viz: III. Of the aggregate per capita limitation of Sixty-five Dollars ($65.00) per capita plus one-tenth (1/10th) of one I. To meet all school expenditures the sum of Twenty- cent per capita above provided no more than Tty-five Dollars five Dollars and fifty cents ($25.50) per capita for each inhabi- and fifty cents ($25.50) per capita plus one-tenth (1/10th) of tant of said city plus one-tenth (1/10th) of one per cent per one cent per capita, as provided in paragraph (I) of this section capita for each resident pupil in average daily attendance, as may be provided by tax levy on real and personal property for . reported by the Board of Education to the State of Minnesota school expenditures and no more than Twenty-seven Dollars for the purpose of obtaining basic school aids, for the school year and fifty cents ($27.50) per capita may be provided by tax levy prior to the fiscal year for which the budget is being prepared in on real and personal property for the cost of the city govern- excess of 36,225, the number of resident pupils in average daily ment and departments other than schools. attendance for the school year 1954-1955, exclusive of: IV. To secure additional revenues the Council shall a. Sums required to pay principal and interest upon have the power, by ordinance, to assess, levy and collect taxes bonds, levy certificates, or similar obligations issued for school for general or special purposes on all subjects or objects which purposes, together with expenditures made from the proceeds the city may lawfully tax, except an ad valorem tax on real and thereof for other than current operation and maintenance. personal property and except a sales or excise tax o b. Sums required by State Law for teachers' retirement food, rent or fuel, and except an income tax or pay I • appropriations. c. All receipts from Federal, and State School Aids, de- V. The Council shall have no authority to - partmental receipts and revenues, and all revenues, miscellan- priations, in excess of the limitations named herei r • eous taxes and gifts now or hereafter dedicated to or intended however, that notwithstanding any limitation n Sec • for school purposes. other provisions of this Charter, the Council shall have author= At least Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2.50) per capita of the ity to contribute out of the general funds of the city or out of amount appropriated each year for school expenditures shall be the pro of bond issues toward the payment of the cost of reserved for and may be expended for instructional supplies, trunk or r eeds main sewers. equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings VI. To determine the population upon which these per and equipment, or new construction. Any part of said reserve capita limitations shall be based, the Comptroller and the Coun- not expended in any year shall be carried forward and be added cil shall take the United States census figures of population for to the appropriation made in subsequent years for remodeling St. Paul last announced previous to completion of any annual school buildings, new construction or for school debt retirement. budget, and shall add thereto for each year that has elapsed II. To meet the cost of the City Government and depart- since said United States census a number equal to one-tenth (1/10th) of the increase in the population of the City of Saint ments, other than schools, the sum of Thirty-nine Dollars and Paul during the period between said census and the last previous fifty cents ($39.50) per capita for each inhabitant of said city, United States census. exclusive of: VII. Regardless of other provisions of this charter a. Sums appropriated to pay principal and interest upon specifying dates for the adoption of budgets the City Council bonds, levy certificates, or similar obligations, together with ex- in the year 1956 shall have authority to adopt by resolution an penditures made from the proceeds thereof for other than cur- amended budget for school expenditures and an amended budget rent operation and maintenance. for all other city expenditures subject to the limitations con- b. The cost of operating public utilities, parking meters, tained in this section, submitted by the City Comptroller- garbage or refuse collections and disposal to the extent that the the Council is hereby empowered to finance such amended b cost is met by revenues collected from patrons for the service or vet by the use of any surplus in the general fund as of Janua from other like revenue. 1, 1956, to the extent of $550,000.00 for school purposes and c. Sums appropriated for pension and retirement funds the extent of $275,000.00 for all other city purposes. and for the Metropolitan Airports Commission. d. The city's share of the cost of conducting the activi- VIII. Regardless of other provisions of this charter t ties of the Board of Public Welfare of the County of Ramsey. Comptroller in the year of 1956 shall transmit to the City Cou e. The cost of local improvements paid for by special cil not later than September 1, 1956, a budget for school expe assessments. ditures and a budget for all other city expenditures for the ye At least Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) of 1957, and the City Council shall hold public hearings on sai of the amount appropriated for the cost of the city government, budget from day to day for not less than ten days. j other than schools, shall be expended in each year in paying the IX. This amendment will take effect and be in force city's share of the cost of street paving, construction of trunk immediately upon passage."' 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) SS. ) #j CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I, Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of an amendment to Section 201 of the Charter of t ao� j of Saint Paul with the original thereof on file in my office. �,4'." , L i' , v • a k �I �fl aN •'+ ire i A,,;4",' ® 6A�., i. I further,' _V R ', ', .f o t is a true and correct copy of said original amendment and x ` s ' I f f !{„jd f :;t F f A�FE ,� WITNESS MD p IE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, THIS 20th DAY OF AUGUST, 19 �`, ;* 1'1? ' ,f,4 ,.F I�!41r� , Ii i , o h "a — _. 11 'N ' P ,"%��TEO ' - W �t < ",£• ,*,j ' lti1.AP , City Clerk. 'aOIIt:in3 }O.1 UO1S8IIIIiIIOo Qrj£t. =arra! • • e Lo.Znopea 'YQ pTeuoj *saw . 430I3,0 00:0T ig `InBa •iS ;o Alp alp IIt ` 9 961 ` 6T Ater uo SIIipling II 8H £20 puu asn°H 21no0 al; ;o ssagtutag0 1wIIno0 aqi IIt Naq aq Imes SIIUttaq Oiignd s inp pue •punmpa put; satasgo uae sq.aq 8uTTTaus Jo apTs q.SeM ate. uo gsges at:3 uT—eATap T[neuT oq. q puaad ao; uejiytj auap 3o uotc.teoTTdde JO iai3VW aqi iapisUOO met inud •iS Jo £u0 aqi Jo m3IIno3 aqi Imp pagiiou dgasaq aie TWA •9 •c6I ,9. tCnr •IIIII `z mud •iS HONVNI3 30 2IaNOISSIIAIBIOO HILL 30 HOId3O