D001958CITY OF SAINI' PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIIlVISTRATIVE ORDER • No: d�0ol9� R' Date: f � r � � �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Perfect Host Catering and Special Events, 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., St. Paul, MN 55108, to pay elcpenses arising from the annual conference for 300 full-time Division of Parks and Recreauon employees on 1liesday, Mazch 13, 2001, not to exceed $10,000. FUNDING CODE: . Pazks Adminisuation - 03100 APPROVED AS TO FORM� 1 — ( � 9 Assistant C ry Attom� � + Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONrACT PERSON AND PHONE Schumi266-6432 MU5TBE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY IDA7E7 oa're wmnreo C/ �O / %�� 11130/00 GREEN SHEET NO. 110008 INITIAVDATE INff7AL/pATE SSIGN � DEPAHiMENT DIREGTOR ❑ CIT' COUNtlL ti01fi1NG� 2 CT' ATTOFNEY 4 CITY CLERK ORpEP �— 3 RNANCIALSERVICESDIP. �FiT1ANC1AL5EFUACCiG � MAVOfl IOR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNA7Ili� PAGES 1 cur au iocanoxs wx s�cxn�rvxq ACTION PEQUESiED: Approval of funding for the Division of Parks and Recreation annual cortference for staff, Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at Banda�a Square, St. Paul, Minnesota, not to exceed S10,OQ0. PECOMMENDATIONS: ApOrwe (A1 or Re�ect (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ tlB COMMITTEE ! CYViL SERVICE COMMISSION PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who. What, When, Where, Why7: PERSONAL SERVICE CONiflACTS MUST ANSWER 1HE FOLLOWING WESiIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked un0er a contraC[ tor this tlepartmeni? YES NO 2. Has this personifirm avx been a ciry emptoyeei VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possesSeE by any c�rren[ ciry employee? VES NO 4. Is Mis personttirm a targered ventlor? YES NO Explain ell yes amwe�s on aepatale aheat antl Mtach io grean sheet. This is an opportunity to provide training and recognition for the Division`s 300 full-time employees. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Treining and recognition for all employees provided at one time, in one location, saving both time and money. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. .�;; � iti�. ���� �L��� DISADVANTAGESIF N07 APPPOVED There wilf not be an annual division conference for staff which provides both training and recognition. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION S � O,OOO CO5T/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO Fl/NDING SOVNCE PB�ICS 8I1CI RBCfQBLlOf1 ACi1VT' NUMBER 03100 � i .���p �����,i �'rs v � INFORMATION: IE%PfA1N� DEC U-� .',':,� � '� i: lD/V�WPiDNCONFIgreensheet2001. wpd