179054 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE }n _+, a Tj1 f^' /` COUNCIL FILE NO. 17!H @ PRESENTED BY v i • row , ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance settling the claims of Freemond Nielsen and Flora Nielsen against the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, insurers of United Properties, Inc., the sum of $200.00 as the City's contribution to the settlement of claims of Flora Nielsen and her husband, Freemond Nielsen, against the City and said United Properties, Inc., by reason of injuries sustained by said Flora Nielsen when she fell on an icy sidewalk on Fifth Street near Robert Street in Saint - Paul on December 29, 1955. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company upon execution and delivery of a release in full by said claimants to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by said claimants in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. %I' AU0 21 196 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy / Holland ,Ej 7 Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson 0 0 Peterson Against Reseir— ��� Mr.President (Dillon) 2 Appr d: r Attest: �,) , City Clerk Mayor ' 1M 8-6B 8 PUBLIS D f-2.S`— • Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ,04 COUNCIL FILE NO ), RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /® I An ordnance settl'ng the claims of Freemond Nielsen and Flora Nielsen against the Citr of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre-ervation of the lublic peace, Ilealt -.nd! sfety. TtIF ODILICTL OF TIT CITY 07 :AI :T PUJL OE: Section 1. That the )roper City officers are hereby authorized to -nay, out of the Judcnnent and Compromise Fund, to United Statrs Fidelity and Guaranty Corn any, inurers of United the sum of ,`200.00 as the Cityts contribution to the settlement of claims of Flora Nielsen and her husband, FreePond Nielsen, min-,t the City and said United Prcylerties, Inc., by reason of injuries sustained by add. Flora Nielsen when he fell on an icy side,-aU: on Fifth Street near Robert Street in Saint Paul on December 29, 1955. Section 2. 'aid sun shall be paid to said United Ststes Fidelity and Guaranty Company upon execution and delivery of a release in full ')11. asid. claimants to the City, in 4 form to be aporoved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustAned by said claimants in the manner aoresaid. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to he an emergency ordinance renderod necessrry for the ?res-ervotion of the )ublic lece, health, and safety. Section 1, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its :,,-ss-ge, approval, and public-Aim. .eas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rose T1-- /TN!I 1-- f//6)r 1st y 2nd Laid over to. 3rd and app Adopt Yeas Nays Yeas Nays D cy �DeCourcy zrn-A `Holland lli `Marzitelli n ortinso �ortinson \Peterson oxen Hoserr r. President Dillon i 8 77)1)54 ORIGINAL. • CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO PAYOR . OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No. . -- RECEIPT _ 763 -i-z--7 19.g RECEIVED OL -67. / - - $ loo FOR I/ 44- ,-, )4 / --;"27L--L /7 c L --S CITY COMPTROLLER / 1 .1),......4._a4....c, 500 •-51 BY.- t