10-341Council File # �D �� Green Sheet # 3103676 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAlNT PAUL, MtNNESOTA �g / � . .r� PresenYed WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for property located at 1523-1525 Reaney Avenue to the Saint Paul Counci] for review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed police records, illegal activity, property code, and health violafions within the past four years; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Police Department responded to a variety of criminal and nuisance activity at 1523-1525 Reaney Avenue; and 10 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Board of 12 Ramsey County Commissioners not approve the repurchase application for the property of 1523-1525 13 Reaney Avenue; and 14 15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council 16 resolution to the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Laa7d Office, 90 Plato Boulevard West, for final 17 processing; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BE TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council requests the entire packet of materials reviewed by the Council be included in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' meeting materials on this subject. Bostcom Carter Harris � Thune Adopted hy Council: Date Y� Adoption Certified by Coun ' Secretary BY• ,� i J � 1 !S Approved y a o� Date '�C ( l.olo By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by Crty Attomey By; Form Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services � � Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUOffice/Councii: ' Datelnitiated: /�/� ` l co-�°°°��� �MAR2o,o G Sheet NO: 3 � Contact Person & Phone- ', Department Sent To Person InitiaflDate Marcia Moermond � o co�o�u , 1 Council Deparcmenc Direcmr � Assign � Z Ciry Clerk �� CiN Clerk Must Be on Cauncil Agenda by (Date); Number --.- Doc.Type:RE E-Document Requiretl: Y Document Contact: Coniact Phone: �' Total # of Signature Pages Action For Routing Order (Clip All Locatlons for Signature) 4 ; — Resolurion requesting the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners to deny the request on an application to repurchase 1523-1>25 Reaney Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Crvil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions; 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a cfly employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cur�ent city employee? Yes No _ Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disativantages If Not Approved: Total AmoUnt of Trensaction: Funtling Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: March 22, 2010 334 PP/l Page 1 March 9, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes / �-�j y' Page 4 2. Application of Wilfard & Geske, on behalf of HSBC Bank USA, Tnc. as Trustee to ACE Securities Coxp, to Repurchase Tax Forfeited property at 1523-1525 Reanev Avenue. It was noted, for the record, that an application to repurchase this tax farfeited property had been reviewed by the Legislative Hearing Officer on June 9, 2009. Said minutes are attached and made a part of this recard. At that time, the recommendation was to deny the repurchase application. Mr. Magner stated that he believed the property was occupied and expressed concern as to whether the applicant would attempt to sell the property to the previous owner or occupant, Tou Yang. The police issues at the property were of concern to him and he would not recommend granting the repurchase of the property by the mortgage company. Ms. Moermond stated that according to tax recards, there was no foreclosure recorded back to October 2009; therefore, there was no sheriff sale. She also noted that there were a number of tax payments which had been made which payments had then been reversed. Ms. Moermond stated that she would recommend the Council request Ramsey Counry to deny the repurchase application. Jnne 9, 2009 Le�slative Hearing Minutes 1523 —1525 Reanev Avenue l 2( , 04-729 a (/ Pageil Mr. Ma�er said that this was a side-by-sitie duplex owned by Tau Yang. He said there was no noted history of complaints for 1523; hflwever, for 1525, there were Real Estate t� assessments for September 2aQ6, a building gernut was issued in Juiy 2005, tiiere was an exterior complaint for a chair in the backyazd in May 2004 and another exterior complaint for a refrigerator in the backyard in 3anuary 2fl04. It appeazed from the properiy tax records that payments had been made in 3uly 2007 the amount of �3,751.78 with �1,875.84 being zeversed; another paymznt was made in ?,ua st 2007 in the amount of $3,751.78 which was then reversed; in 2008, there were lwo adjusiments made in the amounts of $1,721 and $3,960; there was a payment made in May 2Q09 in the amount of �2�.04 whick was then revezsed and another payment was made in May 2009 in the amount of �54.08. Ms, Moermond reviewed the police reports. On Aua st 31, 2008, there was a repozt of an automobile theft where a vehicle was stolen out of tbe driveway; on August 11, 2005, there was a report of another automobile theft with no further information; on July 5, 2008, there was a routine txaffic stop in which an arrest was made for obstructing the Iegal process; and on May 5, 2003, a female was placed at Regions for an evaluation. Afrer reviewing the records, Ms. Moermond said that she would recommend denying an application to repurchase the property. Ramsey County j �_ 3 �� Property Records and Revenue Taxpayer Services –Tax ForFeited Lands � PO Box 64097 • Saint Paul, MN 55164-0097 March 2, 2010 City of Saint Paul, City Council Research Attn: Marcia Moermond 15 Kellogg Blvd W Suite 310 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to a tax-forfeited property at 1523-1525 Reaney Ave Dear Marcia Moermond: Enclosed please find a repurchase application received from the mortgage company, HSBA Bank USA, Inc., as Trustee on behalf of ACE Securities Corp for the property located at 1523-1525 Reaney Ave. The property forfeited to the State of Minnesota on August 1, 2008 and is a side by side dwelling. The city previously reviewed a repurchase application submitted by the prior owner and mortgagor, Tou Yang. The county board denied the repurchase application. County Board policy, No. 99-5�7, adopted on December 21, 1999, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal probfem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipafity, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentatipn of any violations:' The following documents are enclosed to assist you: • Code violation report • Police history summary • Copy of Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture • Map of the parcel Please send all documents to the Tax Forfeited Land o�ce for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2Q81. Sincerely, —� � � � � Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Ap plicat io n to R after Forfeiture l� ��� P i n: 27-2 9-2 2-34-0027 legaf Description: Abstract: That part of Cruickshank's Garden Lots Ivina Easteriv of the West line of the East haff of Lot 4, Block 5 Defranchv's Oivision eutended and South of the South line of allev of Block 3 of Homans Subdivision of Lot 2 Block 4 and in said Defranchv's Division the East 20 feet of lot 4 the West 33 feet of Lots 1 2 and all of Lot 3 Block 5 Defranchv's Division. Torrens: Parcef 1: The West 33 feet of Lot 2 Block 5 Defranchv`s Division Parcel 1• Lot 3 Block 5 Defranchv's Division Parcel 1: Lot 4, Block 5 Defrenchv's Division except the West 20 feet Parcel 2� Tfiat oart of Lot 2 Block 4 Cruickshank's Garden Lots. fvinz East of the extension North of the West line of the East half of Lot 4 Block 5 Defranchv's Division and South of the extension East of the North line of Lot 3 Blk 3 Homans Subdivision of lot 4 Block 4 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots. Subiect to a reservation forthe State of Minnesota of all minerel and mineral riehts as to said part of Lot 1 in Parce! 2 and all of Parcel 1. Address: 1523-1525 Reanev Ave Forteiture Date: Auaust 1. 2008 I hereby make application to repurchase the above described parcel of land, located in Ramsey County, from the State of Minnesota, and understand that pursuant to Minnesota Siatutes, sectio� 282.241: The owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owners heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any person to whom the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreement, may file an application to repurchase any parcel of land claimed by the state to be forfeited to the state for unpaid property taxes, unless sold or conveyed to a third party. • The property may be repurchased for the sum of ali: o Cancelled taxes, including all delinquent real property taxes, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to the taxes. o Ail property taxes plus penalties, interest and costs on those taxes for the taxes payable year following the year of the forfeiture and all subsequent years through the year of repurchase. o All delinquent special assessments cancelled at the time of forfeiture, plus penafties, accrued interest and costs attributable to those assessments. o Special assessments not levied between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Any additional costs and interesi relating to taxes or assessments accrued between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Extra costs related to repurchase and recording of deed. • A$250.00 administrative service (repurchase) fee, in certified funds, is due at the time the application is submitted. • All maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County, Tax Forfeited land, from the date of forfeiture until the adoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, are to be paid by the applicant. • Applicant will take possession of the property and be responsible for its maintenance and security upon approval of the repurchase by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. Return application to: Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, PO Box 6A097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 lo- 3�f i App�ication to t�e�urchzse after Forfeiture The reason or circumstances that 1ed to the fcrfe;>.ure o12he property is �describe hardship): Property taxes =.aeie not escroered when the loan wascoriginated. As such, the borrawerf owner, Tou Yang, was responsible for baving the property taxes. HSBC is ansure why Yzng did not maice the tax pavments but 3earned that the property had 6een forfeited when it commenced foreclosure proceedings ugainst the pxoperty. At this point, it was too Iate for ASBC i-o make tax payments and prevent the for�eiture froro occurring, ApplicantName:HSBC Bank U5A Inc. as Trustee on behalf o£ ACE Securities Corp,* ApplicanYs refationship to the Mailing City, State, Date Sc� +4KDC(?Snn �tl' � OG,.Vet�7 � The toregatng instrumert was acknowledged bafore me this _�,Z"�' _ day of.�Vj .ca,-. I . � �� ( a��' bv Given under my hand and official seal of this Z k`^ c day o ,a„- . _�,� j NOTARYSTAMP/SEAL c� `.. Signature of Not ry Public :.'*.'?'�'�. N&131A REYES :;q' ��= MotaryCommissionerExpires Q O ' • ": r�v �o�=^B.�SSaoz��;�o62os58 '�a�dk'-� �XPlREu Se?�groar U3, 2012 (b07)398A153 FlorMallotarySemcecom ' *Home Equity Loan and Trust for the registered holde s o£�ACE Coxp. Home �qvity Loan T�ust, 5eries 2�05-AE6, Asset Backed Pass Through Certificates moxtgagee x�x�.�3��xxs Return appiication to; pepartment of Property Remrds and Revenue, Atin: Tax Forfeited Lands Seckion, PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 STAMP - Ownership / Zoning Information STAMP - Ownership / Zoning Information New Sgarch Helgusina this r�ort IS He� Run Date: 02(18(10 03:59 PM Nouse#: Street Name: Address 3 Count: Page 1 of I la- 3�fi Last updated from Ramsey County data on:�2(12(201� Click on "Other Application" links below to access GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info 1523 Reaney Ave / 1525 Reaney Ave / 1533 Reaney Ave - 55106-41Z7 - Other Aoolications PIN:2729Z2340027 Cen5U5 CenSUS BIOCk:201 CoUnCil Track: 31700 Ward: 7 Year Built: 1969 Foundation Sq Loan Company: 10 Land Feet: 1742 Novastar M Value: 86500 Existing Primary Use: R-Duplex 2onina• RM1 Legality of Use: District Council: 2 Building Value:193500 Occupancy Units: i Graup Type: Legal Desc: Defranchys Division Part Of Cruickshanks Garden Lots Lying Ely Of W Line Of E i/2 Of Lot 4 Blk 5 Defranchys Division Ex- Tended & 5 Of S line Of Alley Of Blk 3 Of Homa�s Subj Of Lot 2 Blk 4& Ln Sd �efranchys Division, The E 20 Ft Of Lot 4, The W 33 Ft Of Lots 1& 2& All Of Owner: State Of Mn Trust Exempt PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 651-266-2080 http:fJsparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperiyJOwnershipInfo_ReRoute.jsp?tactPinNo=2729... 2/1812010 STAMP - Activities STAMP - Activities New Search Run Date: 02J18J10 03:57 PM House#: Street Name: He1D usin this r�ort Sort by Most Recent Date Folder Type: All FolderTypes Click on address link to access Click on ID� tink below to view detail GTSmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Into PIN:272922340027 Address In Date ID # Status Type Description 1523 Reaney Ave 02/09i10 10 047718 Open RE - Real Estate Assessments 1525 Reaney Ave 02(49J10 10 Q47718 Open 07(07(OS OS 128927 Finaled OS/SO/04 04.,,.084155 Closed O1JOSj04 04 D18294 Closed O1J16/03 �3.244993 Nistary 04/01/02 OZ.1_07345 Closed 03J13/02 02_104_463 Closed 1533_Rean� Ave 02J09/10 10 047718 Open 08/20/Ol OS 2_19973 Finaled Folder Count: 12 RE - Rea! Estate Assessments B- Building Permit - 2- Contractor: Tou J Yang FamilyJDuplex - Repair CS - CSO Complaint - Couch and chairs outside in back Exterior - Complaint yard. CS - CSO Complaint - refrigerator in front yard for past Exterior - Complaint two months TH - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator; ]eff Shal(er Inspection - Duplex CS - CSO Complaint - Shoveling snow into the street Ordinance Enforcement - 4(2/02: Another call re the Complaint tenants/owners putting the snow from the driveway into the street.....it is most annoying after the piows have gone through. bd CS - C50 Complaint - VEHICLES Exterior - Complaint RE - Real Estate Assessments B - Building Permit - 2- Family/Duplex - Express Repair Page 1 of 1 ��'��i/ IS He� Starting DaTe: Ending Date: Contractor. Kasis Construction Inc OS/04/OS 01 188733 Closed 8- Building Permit - 2- Contractor: Biong Lor - OS-Aug- without Family/Duplex - Repair 2003: FOLDER CLOSED BY Approval SYSTEM DUE TO NO ACTIVITY IN ONE YEAR. . Closed without fi�al approvat 09/15/95 Q2...186383 History TH - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator: Joe Scheunemann Inspection - Duplex Scheunemann Home Inspections - Closed Folder on expiration date. http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/AcUvity_ReRoute jsp?ta�tPinNo=2729223400... 2/18/2010 02!23/2010 11 11 F�,H 651 555 4545 ST PAUL POLICE DEPT Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 5523 to i525 REANEY AV (Sector 3, Grid 77) 090709�6 OBt6718� 08187054 05�69892 00227542 092�73�9 05758250 05138027 03086030 00257465 00211672 00211677 # Occur Uete & Tima House No Incldent TypO Q4(�a/2pp910�17:00 1523 FRAU� OB(3�/20QB 23:26:29 1523 ASS-ASSIST FIRFJAMBULANCE OB/28/2008 iB:t5:00 1523 AUTO THEFf-AUTOMOBIIE 08(71/2005 03:30�00 1523 AUTO 7HEFf-AUTOMOBILE 71/05/2000 1422:05 1523 INVE5TIGATE-AND ALL OTHER 70/18/2006 10:17:13 1525 CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PFOPER7Y 07/29/200511:48:56 1525 911 HANGUP 07/05/2005 Z0:55 00 1525 085TFUCTING-06STRUCTMG LEGAL PROCESS 05/Q412003 22:53�00 1525 FAMILY/CHILDREN-VIOL4T�ON OF RESTRAINING ORDER 12h9/2000 � 7:51:42 1525 PREVIOUS CN 10/i6/200006:57:47 1525 TFiAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE 10/iS/2000 06:57:39 1525 TflAFFIG VIOLA710N-OTHEA PARKINO VIOLATIONS � 002l002 (0�3�/ Total Records: �2 DispO Ppt� ADV CAN qFi RR UNF GOA SNR RR RR PCN TRF DUP Information requested by: (182325) 1 Printed at:2(18/2010 4:3Q:36 PM