10-340Council File # � 3�1� Green Sheet # 3103278 RESOLUTION CITX OF S�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 3� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative hearing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on March 17, 2010 hereby memarializes its decision to certify and approve the March 2, 2010 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 1678 Ross Avenue APELLANT Welfredo G. Lagrile Decision: Appeal denied and extension granted to May 1, 2010 to come into compliance on the vehicle. Yeas Bostrom � � By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date Absent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified b Counci�.8"ecretary B � � Approv M o. ate �/ IiU � By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submisslon to Council � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ( DepartmenUOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: �" ' � / v �o-������� ,sMAR2a,a Green Sheet NO; 3103278 Contact Pereon & Phone: Ma�'cia Moermond Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. rype: RESOLUTION � Assign Number For Rnuting Order 0 Couocil 1 Counci] Deaartmeut Director 2 Citv Clerk Ciro Clerk 3 4 5 ^, ', E-Document Required: Y � Document Contact: '� Contact Phone: j Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) '� Action Requested: I Memorializing C�ty Council action taken Mazch 17, 2010 denying the appeal and granting an extettsion for properry at 1678 Ross � Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Per5onal Service Gontracts Must Answer the Following Question5: 1. Has this persoNfrm ever worked under a contract for this depadmeni� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee� Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill �ot normelly possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: �lsativantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funtling Source: � Financiai lnformation: i (Ea�Plain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: March 19, 201 D 10:45 AM Page 1 �,,, o S � A s ' w: e � nn�min ' e e nu�l� ,4 ' February 22, 2010 Welfredo G Lagariie 1678 Ross Ave St. Paul, MN 55106 RE: 1678 Ross Ave Dear Mr. Lagarile: CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Your application for an appeal has been received and processed. lo-3�f0 Piease attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 11:30a.m. in Room 330 City Hali and Courthouse to consider your appeai concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. S+ncerely, , � . �-C� 1 L`-jf' Shari Moore City Clerk cc: Haroid Robinson, DSI Code Enforcement Officer Marcia Moermond, Legisfative Hearing O�cer Jerry Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney 15 4VEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUTTE 370 SAIN7 PAUi, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 631-266-8688 Fae: 651466-8574 wwwstpaul.gov M r�ffirmative Acnon Equal QpporNmry Employu fD- ��0 APPLICA'I`ION FOR APPEAL ^ Saint Paui Ciry C�ierk E�� ������� 15 W. Ke3iogg Blvd., 310 Ciig HaL Saint Paui, Nlinnesota �5102 �� �s�.��E Telephone: (6�1) 266-3688 1. Addsess oi Pzoperty being Appeaied: �,i� 7g� y/ .s f� 5 / � M ✓� �,/ /�/� J /'%/I/4�/�(� Frr i��u"1(i �iTY ,�',�,E� 2. Number oi Awelling Units: 3. Date of Letzer Apnezied: o "�C�. 18� �/� 4. Name of Owner: ��-l�Gs�% d—���1�� Address: �,� �c� SS fi�!!�" Phone Numbers: 5. Appellanl / Applicant (if 6ther than owner): City: State: Zip: Phone Numbers: Business $esidenee�'�/ 7���-�ellular Residence Cellulaz NOT'E: 1� $25.00 filing fee made payat�te to the City of Saint Paul must accom�nany this application as a necessary condition for fiI'mg. You must at�cb a copy of the �iginal orders and any other conespondence reiaIlVe to this appeai. Any persoa unsatistied by The finai decision o£ th;; City Counci3 may ob#ain judicial review by �meiy filing of an action as proveded by laxv in District Court. ^v�ce Use Date Received: F°.� Received: � ; o�a�/L� Date of Hearing: �� I �- `,� .��' b Staze specancally what is being agpealed' and why FUse an attachment if necessary): CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY A1QD INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEIvIENi' 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, NIN 55101-1806 VEHtCLE ABATEMENT ORDER Welfredo G LagarilelCarmela D T.agarile 1678 Ross Ave St Paul MN 55106-4235 Fe6ruary 18, 2010 � � " 3�f� o���t 1fi78 ROSS St Paul NN SS I Ob-ri235 As owner or person(s) responsible for 1678 ROSS AVE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTiF1ED THAT THE FOLLOWING VENICLES ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE SA1NT PAUL LEGISLATIVE Vehicle Make Color License Violatio VeMcle #1 Ctuysl V Blue None visible A/D/ #d CHAPTERS 45. OR 163: #2 #5 Filc3 � VIOLATION CODE: A- Lacks current licenseltabs D- Appears undriveable/inoperative B- Open to entryfunsecured E- Unimproved surface C- Missing vital patts/dismantled F- Other violation FAILITRE TO COMPLY MAY RESULTS IN TAGGING AND/OR TOWING. CHARGES: If the City impounds and disposes of the vehicle(s), the charges assessed to the above pro�reriy wi➢i be approgimaieiy �i i'or eaca veiucae. Tfiis charge does not inciude impound �ees Vehicles found to be in violation on or after M3YCh Ol, 2010 welt be removed, impounded and disposed of in accordance with law. The cost of tlils abatement wi11 be charged against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. Noncompliance with this order and repeat violations will result in the issuance of criminal citation Issued by: HaroZd Rabinson Badge Number: 354 Phone Number: 651-266-1914 Appeals: You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the Ciry Covncil by completing an appeal applica6on with the City Clerk before th�e appeal deadline noted above or seven (7) days a8er ihe date mailed, whichever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an appeal applicauon from the City Clerk's Office, Room 31 Q Ciry Hall, St Paul, MN 55102. TLe telephone number is (651) 266-8b88. You must submit a copy of this Velucle Violation Nofice with your appeal applicarion. *WARNING Code insgecrion and enforcement hips r,ost the taxpayers money. If mulriple trips withm a year to your properry aze required m insure compiiance with the taw, you may be chatged for the cost of inspections and enforcement hips to yow property. Such charges aze in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be levied against you and your property. - Va2 p2 60159 02J10 f�-��Io 1IIIIlI illlll il� III�1 i�lil Iil IIIII �i���u���uu����uu��u ��n�u���u��u�i���� 000�44061 Ot AV 0 324 T:0750 - 11< LA6ARILE WELFREDO 6ALERA 1678 ROSS AVE SAINT PAUL MN 551�6-423 MINNESOTA CAS CARD tURRENiLY, DVS IS UNABLE TO PROCESS Y011R RENEWAL IF Y011 USE AN INTERNET BILL PAY SERVICE. Please se this form to renew in person, by mail or at w.mndriveinfo�or9. Bill pay checks will he re urnetl to the financial institut'io❑ that issued kh m� Questions� Ca11 651-296-9528 � � n Z ��'� Fo� ayment Options V' ' Renewal Due by Last Day of: MAR 2 9 Plate Vear Maka Vehicle ID e�� Weigfit/Pass US DOT SBA 859 9❑ DODG 184FK44R2LX245816 1591D REGISTRATiON MiNIMUM Plate Filing TacN Wheelage Total TITLE TAX CONiRIBUTION FEE Fea Fee Sureharge Tax Due Wy22�F�97 35.0� 4-5� 1•75 41.25 New Expiration: MAR 2Q1� RENEWING BY MAIL? �-^�� Detach the coapoa be wt6 artd 3end it with your check or money order made payable to OVS Renewal. r� 4 illlliilllillflifiil�f Ilflifillil1111fllfll(Ilflillill(flNflilffllilf(lll�I{Ifliflll{II11Ni i�f�l„1�1�„�ifit,,,�fl�„I��L�i,l„11.�i,i�l 000043586 01 AV �.335 T:�148 - 13662-1-7 �';,Y:';F LAGARILE WELFREDO GALERA � 1678 ROSS AVE SAZNT PAUL MN 551�6-4235 Renewal Due by Last Day of: Plate Year Make SBA 959 90 DODG REGISTRATION TITLE T� W1220F497 35.4� MAR 2i]10 � Dr �di�+�' � J � ' � I v hidle` MiNNESOTA REGISTRATION CARD I CAB CARD CURRENTLY DVS IS IINABLE 70 PROCESS Yoi1R RENEWAL IF YQU USE dN INTERNET BZIL PAY SERVICE. Please use this form to renew in per5on, by mail ar at w�vu�mndriveinfo.org. Bill pay checks will he returned to the £inantial institution that issued them. Questions? Call 657,-Z96-9526 Please see back for importan! instructions and payment options. Vehicle ID Number WeighUPau US ��T '� 1B4FK44R2LX245816 15910 MIMMUM Plate Piling tech CONTflI6UTION FEE Fee Fae Swcfiarga 4•50 1�75 wheeWga Total Sax Due 41•25 New Expiration: MAR 2011 NOTICE: Only detach lower por[ion if you are renewing by mail. � � I anest by this transaction, tnat this veNCle is insured antl w�il conunue to be ir�snred while operoted upon the public streets a�tl highways as reqmred by law + Plate New Exp. Year Make Vahicie 1D Numbar Weigk[/Pass Class County SP US DOT SBA 859 MAR Z411 90 D0D6 1B4FK44R2LX245B16 1591❑ 09 62 0� ❑ Check if address, US D4T R ur counry where vehicle is kept has changed. Write new infortnation on 6ack. Aeg�nracio� iax 35 � �0 1F OWNER'S ADDAESS ON TOP OF FORM 1S DIFFERENT FROM ADDRESS HELAW, Contribution PLEASE COMPLETE A CHANGE OF ADORESS ONTHE BACK, piate Fea THIS PORTION OF YOUR RENEWAL NOTIGE MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR CHECK. Fi�i�g Fae 4� 50 Tech Surcharge 1 , '75 Iilillllllfllrifiiilfillillil1f11��fUl(11f�l�li(I((flllfll(INII(lfl��IIINi�il{�f�ll Whaela9eTax Toial Due L{ ]� • 2 5 DVS Renewal P. O. Box 64587 St. Paut, MN 55t6A-0587 ����)u���uu�����u��u���u�������ni��u���n�i�u���{u�� L LA6ARILE WELFREDO GALERA 1678 RQSS AVE SAINT PAUL CiN 551Q6-4235 �311 SBA&591B4FK44R2LX2458160962BOtJ J . March 2, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes � j�{U Page 9 I 1. Appeal of Welfredo G. Lagrile to a Vehicle Abatement Order for property at 1678 Ross Avenue. Welfredo and Cannella Lagarile, appellants, appeared. Mr. Essling stated a vehicle abatement order was issued on February 18, 2010 to remove a blue Chrysler mini van, which appeared inoperable and did not haue visible license plates, with a compliance date of March 1. According to the appeal that was filed, the license tabs were not due for renewal unril March 31 and the appellants were requesting additional time to be able to repair the vehicle. He said the department would be willing to grant addirional time. Mr. Lagarile stated that the transmission on the van was broken and he did not have the finances to repair the vehicle at this time. It did have cunent license tabs which they planned to renew in March and likely the inspector didn't see the license plates as the van was buried in snow. He said they had one car which was operable and was in the gazage; however, there wasn't any room to park the van in the garage too. They planned to repair the car in the spring when they had the money. Ms. Lagarile stated that they were also considering donating the vehicie instead of making the repairs. She asked if they could have additional time, maybe until spring, to be able to decide what they wanted to do with the van. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and granting an extension to May 1, 2010 to come in to compliance on the vehicle.