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0 1,,,: 78928
In the Matter of
opening, wideniag and extending Front Avenue by)condeuning and taking an easement
for highway purposes on and across the following described tracts and parcels of
land, all in the City of St. Paul:
Those parts of the South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section
27, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian, except Lexington
Parkway, included within a strip of land eighty (80) feet in width, the center line
of which isdese.ribed as follows:
• .ior dnas- .on .. _ -:,..),6,,7A, _,. , , 29
'-"Cdemisming at a point on the east line of the Ng 1/4 of Section 27, Township 2
Noifth,(liange 23 -Weatti y.iiiititat,\12548-:*"*.: -north totrIthestmrtissmat'easmei,or ilievest.S4
usgt iinowissomiase losciwiAiligtorthetseutti-:UmoYiefithse-Ittbreisald NE 1/4, a di;..
talfc?_29 .493041 -1'0713iv414:!!!ttfli14 it-, 19' 11)-FT, LIRI$:44r,,e# 04.41,t,greto
,;,!1„19y , , 40. ,:cfnpotknv .,, qtniple is-1 36'0 a stance o " 59. rt. to a point;
• thence i a saUtheeeterli direction on a straight line tangent to the aforesaid
curve,Tiaildtatente18945 SU- to-aloti*Ji thedincenlivourevnto the right, the radius
of which is 850 ft. and the central angle is 170 30', a distance of 259.61 ft. to a
point whi. . is 10 tot, south, of the south line of the NE .1/41Septlon127,, Township 29
(1.dditjr+ . . ::: West) ili6iiiitlleit and 'itritileiY*Iiii'Atieft.1(iineitlaili ' 151i ón
firea,'.. ',14.- ., lit*triPliceii:t.till t4Oriii iniie,:alliiiii6e 'Or'0).18' ft. tea hint
nif'4.h4'tiLsklarik:line' of tiie*Ciiiii;Athletic Stadium Property that is 40 ft. north of
the southeast corner of said propertzi.
iItkS OV45: r t I o(. ikt
sio on 27''. bo4-
i. ! at the 1pte711eAgop Pt 1011tt 1504 413. O (4 the •,.-091114,y cipecF,i,..,,,.• ghty
:;;* '41'0Wwde altrip'or1441 w'M Ile vott.line or Le14.. .v .104.4drit, - -_,i ..,_ . th
- . -. - ftft line `or - * ..: ''"• ratkiti : ti**120 *LW W. . • ' •;.ttes *Itterly;
on itikriagtr Zit ..:', 4.11 n*thi lte
t= iiie sty* #41-0 .i,-Si 11 _ lia,„ft.16,-_-*
. rot* --.. ...14 it ttoiothw• *1 givo ,iipbn 04 -- 44., iit, .tit-ogoiir Niid
*.b*Ii-' he the7 .* 9*,*•,Ifetqir# 0 '.... ..!foi*-'.. „":* ■'-441411
Offifiie . wmi, , d..tiloilt„th', (1.40;'thEth.. , til *4U, t14t oil‘ ":444"lititrth lire'', . :r-crlilitesaid
tiViAtNy ii3Or root;wide-strirot-'4inirto'llis**-4tbr.4444--- -_-.- - , . - .
-.,,,: of the *01,.t.a Li. .le ci:' i„-i-::: Yli; . 3k7ctic-,4
Nrr,11,-.41 -!-,..., -'-,*..:, soircL Zin4 of ,ic.t.,.,
a atiramoti ilea tangent -03 the aforesaid cuosinglr..afiegvitmeimopley4-ray-to a point
on AhokAmrterly Up* ot the_Civief4Atisletia litadiMis Property that to'40 ft.tnorth rt)fiL .
the southeast corner of said property.
Alsol,a tract of land in the SE 1/4 of the ME- i/4 of said Section 27, bound's:1We
Ftheloitowing described lines:
COwslimstng 40,4Am4ntersection of the south line of the previously described eighty/1V)
(80)4eotwide 4rdp of land with the west line of Lexington Parkway; thence south
Cototheawest,4444, 9:414exiagton Parkway a distance of 40 ft. to a point; thence westerly
Coviestraight,Awparallel to the aforesaid south line, a distance of 400 ft. to a
Ceadotrvidlenem ,Wa,northvesterly direction on a straight line to a. point on the said
soutikliane taat,is 600 ft. westerly of the west line of Lexington Parkway as measured
Manl"Mm4Mbinimpaid,south line; thence easterly on the said south line of the aforesaid
eighty (80) foot wide strip of land te,414,point of beginning,