178926 outicalibt No. 118,046— Dale f nt matter o cori saW,4411 Street from Iowa AvotomP fob Aftra Avenue treat'et *venue from Aloes - " . Grotto Street Hoyt, Avenue from Dale Wept to Grott -4, ntt cal oat '14 (126 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing aeatqr in Dale Street"from Iowa Avenue to Arlington Avenue Iowa Avenue from Dale Street to Grotto Street Hoyt Avenue from Dale Street to Grotto Street Grotto Street from Hoyt Avenue as platted east of Grotto Street to Hoyt Avenue as platted west of Grotto Street Grotto Street from Iowa Avenue to Idaho Avenue Nebraska Avenue from Dale Street to Kent Street , Kent Street from Nebraska Avenue to Cottage _Avenue itlingtonfAkrenue from Dale Street to 104.feet west of Kent Street as 71- platted north of Arlington Avenue_ Arl.ingtoa livenue frOM Kent &tweet tb 205 feet east,,of!SehIetti Street Schletti ,Street frqm,Arlington,Ave,nue to Neraqice Avepue a:11 b to be 'known 6iVEIR SiSTEM • 4 r -7. • ' I ' ,'L c .1 eh. constructing sever in Dale Street from Ioek.Avenue to Arlington Avenue Iowa Avenue from Dale Street to Grotto Street Hoyt Avenue from Dale Street to Grotto Street Grotto Street from Hoyt Avenue as platted east of Grotto Street to Hoyt Avenue as platted west of Grotto Street Grotto Street from Iowa Avenue to Idaho Avenue Nebraska Avenue from Dale Street to Kent Street alksiatit Stripe*last NOritAIN-AviniA40, $4491041.4. Mau* Arlington Avenue from Dale Street to 104 feet vest of Kent Street as platted north of Arlington AvenWe Avenue ti6 1465 feet.*tit' Of ithietti Iltrect • idbletti Street frOmtAahl4e4004fAveal.te,t "OW*Arr*.i.ukti r OA Attek tie 10• knima 8-8 414-11111.04g4 Sink 41413111C , _ .2 . Adopted by the Council JUL 24 146 19_ At 2 4 19,151 Approved ; Clerk PUBLISHED 7. 11111, • • Mayor File 13337 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman .mAigattti---• Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON L."2 Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DILLON .310°8