180858 ® !8 1858 Council File No ,y 0,11,11,21rMie.rY coifs �� spar k•O' TA---fir„,,,,,, ,. # ,,,,,, „,, , •_ ;,.. 11. iyfiltr 0-74,viiikisk4PPITgfou vAG• I1'0' T17307 SONTUWIA YA,Gssrrs' earns 114 ' tx.om nocTARpou LeLmol .0 DnIngu 9.4" I,'O' 3A}TA$. -APv Bnteu YAsurna' emapp ITgs' Jp'�L� 8-C' t'o Men �c3.P' 1.,?OS ,31 ',�-. : a 1 ' .cam 22 era. '%1 ' A* -Gtn-1411 VAS' MCP1-12 SVRTS_ VD* T'I . Area yA srs €a poi ewes' Ilan anOLg p.€' rtricrakpors Y&' 3Q I4. 't3AS -RpoLprrUra vAAsu#e' po4'R eTgsi' 4tom weo T 2$' YTP074 eV a" ' 'jl ' ' xTU C m' i'b *` oty r �.�� „ li: uc_3 '=L' :. 2 .�. .,ax- �.i r�1i ,ii--,71,—.4-11-,:i. Jia 44fM`i444t- $Mb.. 2velekt tinder Prelintxiay-Order , Intermediary-Order- , al--Order • • apgro •ed 49 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTF R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _,..___equal installments. DEC 2 61956 Adopted by the Council 19 1 V . ,e, cK"'-L , City Clerk. arc 2 6 1955 Approved 19 ,a - slo - 1 ' yo __ , a PUBLISHED . . Form B. B. 18 /0 b ... , . ..., ., .: -. ., ...,. . • CITY OF ST. PAUL J /454 gla gl OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • t T ; 'azu�zraz? VA;;urrs` Por I -, 2`I� r�t{_. .�.:-xS?�1 Oxbu�.q :+ • ^o 7s?c7ufi.�ezr SAS- v ].�rsGS ,xp,r �It� b�dur4' pccp om sa 'r- co L.0- ',S . GT Uzr zr;,r.a. yAG nc' 20:"".p}.7 z,'�TG' 1 i..00 (xrcrarou Lzrx.ptvlR. b Dnz-]ax 2r- L'O' -,1it9 mu rg..Gu F,/Afrwr (j 1 Eorr'TT ';C c;c3:1 g.L.r i.C4 o;.: +?c• 241'. •n. T 1)t S JG.izG%, ? C-, '' Prqli a'CTG'' T,Lcm yor j VAG• co cuLLoTj yI b L 0• .JAI,35 HAS r,7a' port, a_:gba p.om 0xbcx.q .p` .'o rexTn6ceu vAs• L'0' TS; 0 �f� zcr,ru� V.AGO,IG po4'FJ T'acgT 24' co vjpsx.c 2.r T,LJ?0 77?.117L-"j \ ;Tl� -) .. . ,urr� 2crr.�gr .�gc�' tz.cazu ,'GITirCPou ;/Ab• Po j)rzrrst P* T.101,,2 L G. Mb f 2A—G1 I,Lom auTAbz.aT ?k VAS. co cpeeLTGe VAG' abb.c.cxTms,6_ Wos4P TITJ6 et c3JG,.E6'aPq462 s'TT6?► fu -BTWCK TQ' BOXeT OgYe L•0* L,Qif03 $s..z.s4.F 2r1.6-60 s 24 2j 6 a ;Lour I,I.ou.' VAC• cpsu-ce ylei.fp .'O... 136 under-Preliminary-Order , approved 4ater nediary.-Orde• , approved _ Final-Order. — , aPprowed To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cast of construction. $ 9,338.01 Engineering $ 466.90 and Inspection fees $ Postal cards. $ 3.78 Publications $ 28.35 Court,costs for confirmation $ 9.45 o Assessable 9,846.49 Total - Nom.-Assessable 5Q.2 Total expenditures $102,,b96-75 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 9,846.49 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. I .1 _ . .d_.i._• __, '-7. .41 , Commissioner of Finan 2M 12-52 OW008