10-323couo�s► Fs�e # lo —�i �-� Green Sheet # 3102496 CITY Preszntzd bv RESOLUTION SAINJ� PAUL, MINNESOTA . > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 R'HEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreat�on, through its Recreation for Adults 50+ progam, offers many events, classes or activities dunng the year; and WHEREAS, many of the participants are senior citizens and rerirees on a limited income and Paiks and Recreation wouid like to keep the cosu of participation fees low; and ���HEREAS. many businesses and individuals are willing to support Recreanon for Adults 50+ programs through contributions and donations; now, thexefore be it RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is authoiized to solicit and/or accept donarions of new and gently used goods durmg the calendar year 2010 from mdividuals and area businesses for use in the Recreation for Adults 50+ program. Items may include, but are not limited to: craft supplies, games, packaged food, items or gift cards for pcizes. All items are to be used soley for the Recreahon for Adults 50+ program, and be �t FURTHER RESOLVED, that quarterly reports of all sohcited donations, lisfed the name of the donor oxganizarion or individual and fhe items rece�ved will be submitted to the Crty Clerk, Mayoi and the City Council. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom / Carter � Hams ,/ Helgen � Lantry ,/ Stazk ✓ Thune ✓ � Requested by eparhnent Parksand Recr � i: By: Approved by Ciry ttorney � B9� `'�i/r�n�tc*.d� U C�/'•"�^ Appro ed ,�r r,Submiss' t Council I B V Adopted by Council: Date ���D7�o;7d�a � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � la�3a-� ' DepartmenVOffice/Council: ' Date Initiated: i PR-ParksandRecreation ��SMAR2010 �� Green S N 31 Contact Person 8 Phone: Department Sent To Person Initial/Date ; Mary LlVinqSton 0 Parks and Recreation ���+++ 266-6447 ' � � I �Parks and Recreation Department Director �� �(; / " Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Number i '- ��rv Attomec � � Cin�� Attornev ;� � � FOf 'I 3 Mavor's Otfice i� Mayar/Assistant , ' Routing 4 ouncil C7tv Council ' , Doa Type: RESOLUTION O�der �I 5 City Clerk CiN Clerk � �I 6 �arks aud Recreatian V Marv L� ���ESton 4 � I � � E-DOCUment Required: Y I� Document ContaCt: Mary Livingston � Contact Phone: 266-6447 ! Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation authorizing City officials to accept donations of new and gentty used goods from mdividuats and businesses to be used in the Recreation for Adults 50+ program. Recommendations. Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CB Commdtee Civil Service Commission I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I The cost of purchasing new equipment and supphes is contriburing to a higher cost of providing recreation services. Many of the � participants aze senior citizens and retirees on a limited income and Parks and Recreation would like to keep the costs of participat�on I low. Advantages If Approved: I Partic�pants will be able to take part in activities at a lowei cost, than if supplies and equipment were to be purchased at full price. Disadvantages If Approved: None Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2 Has this person/frm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current aty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Staff would have to purchase eqwpment and supplies a[ full price. Subsequently, those costs would get passed along to the senior citiens and other adults 50+ who participate in the program. Total Amount of Transactio�: Funding SourGe: CosURevertue Budgeted: Activity Number: n' � <�: F inancial Information: (Explain) ;�n� � � ���� ' � � & . � _ _ March 15, 2010 10:54 AM Page 1 '• y41 •;l7P Below are cozrect routings for the six most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (essimmes author'szed budget exists) 1. Outcide Agency 2. DepartmentDirector 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistent (for conhacts over $25,000) 5. H�anRights (for contracts over $50,000) 6. O�ce ofFinancia2- Services - Accouating ADMINtSTRATiVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityManagerorDepartmentAccountmmt 2., DepartmentDirector 3. Offce ofFinanciat Services D'uector 4. CityCierk 5. O�ce ofFinancial Services -Accounting C073NCII. RESOLUTiON (amend budgets/accept grants) 1_ DepaztmentDirector 2. O�ce ofFineociai ServicesDirector 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. City Coimcil ' 6. O�ce ofFinancial Services - Accoimtiag COUNCII. RESOLUTION (all others and Ordinsnces) 1�. Depazf�nentDirector � � 2. Citp Attomey 3. Ivfayor/As�tant 4. City Council ADIvIIlAIISTRATiVE ORDERS (alt others) L Departmeat Director 2. CityAttomey 3. O�ce ofFinencial SavicesDirector 4. Citp Cletk EXECUTIVE ORDIIt I. Depar�entDirector 2. City Attomey 3. MsyorlAsast�t 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES, Tndicate the # of pages on which sigiat�es are required and paperclip or flag each of t6ese pages. ACITONREQUESTED Degcn'be wLet tLe project/request seeks to accomp2ish m either ehronologicat order ar orda of impormnce, whichever is most appropriatefor tfie iss¢e. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item myonr ]ist with a vab. RECOMbIETII?ATiONS Complete if the issue in question Las bee� presented before azry body, pnblic or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS: This informakion will be nsed to dete�ine the city's liability for workers compensation claims, ta�ceg and proper civil service h'smg mtes. INITTAZ'iNGPROBLEtv� ISSUE, OPPOl2TUNITY Exp]siri the situation ot condifions that aeated a need fot your project or request ADVAI3TAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply sa annuat budget procedure reqnired by law/cbarter or whether there are specific ways in whicfi ffie Ci(y of Saint P�n1 and its citizens witI benefitfrom this projecf/action. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Wl�at negative effects or major chan8� ��S � P� Pi�s �B�t � ProJ�'�� Produce if it is passed (e.g., taffic delays; noise, tax i�ieases ��c,�^..`^f�)7 To whomR When7 F� fiow long? DISADVANfAGES IF NOT APPROVEII � What will be the negative consecZuences if ihe promised action is not approved? Inability W deliver service? Continne Ligh fraffic, �ise, eccidern rateT I.oss of revenueT FINANCFAL IIviPACf Aithongh you must talor the mformation you pmvide hete to tfie issue you ere addressing, m general yw must answer two questio�s: How much is it going to cosCf Who is going to pay4 Council File # l� �?� a.-�j Green Sheet # 3102496 CITY Presented b} RESOLUTION SAIf� PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, Saim Paul Parks and Recreahon, tluough its Recrearion for Adults �6+ program, offers many events, classes oz aaiv�t�es durina the year; and WHEREAS, many of the participants are senior citizens and retuees on a hmrted wcome and Parks and Recreat�on would like to keep the costs of participation fees low; and W HEREAS. many busmesses and mdiv�duals are wtlling to support Recreahon for Adults 50= programs through contr�butions and donanons; now, theiefore be it RESOLVED, tt�at Samt Paul Parks and Recreation is authorized to solicII and/or accept donations of new and gently used goods during the calendar yeaz 2010 from indaviduals and acea busmesses for use in the Recreation for Adults 50+ program. Items may mclude, but aze not lireuted to: craft supplies, games, packaged food, items or gift cazds for prizes. All items are to be used soley for the Recrearion for Adults SO+program, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that quarterly reports of all solicIIed donahons, listed the name of the donor organizahan or indrvidual and the items received will be submitted to the Cify Clerk, Mayor and the Cify Council Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom / CarTer � Harns ,/ Helgen � Lantry ;/ Stark ✓ Thune ✓ � Adopted by Council Dace '�/a�/�d�d Adopuon Ce�rt by Co ml Secretary BY' / f /' %/P�,/ �/lclC!�/J!�/ Date Requested by epartment Parks and Recr i i: B Appxoved by Ciry ttorney � .✓ / i i BY� . ih9iiwr,G':.d U �-,�--' — 7 Appro ed �r r ubmiss'� �t C�ouncil B �.����j1'�')�i`i //�—_� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � l�-3a-3 DepartmenUOffice/COUncil: ; Dafe Initiated: i PR _Parksand Recreation � �5 MAR2010 '. Green Sheet NO: 3102496 Contact Person & Phone: Mary Livinpston 266-6447 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc, Type: RESOLUTION E-DoCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Mary Livingston ConWct Phone: 266-6447 � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation authorizing City officials to accept donations of new and gently used goods from mdividuals and businesses to be used in the Recreation for Adults 50+program. Recommendations. Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Commit[ee Crvii Service Commission 'I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I The cost of purchasing new equipment and supplies is contributing to a higher cost of providing recreation services. Many of the j participants are senior citizens and retirees on a limited income and Parks and Recreation would like to keep the costs of participation � Iow. Advantages If Approved: Pazt�cipants will be able to take part in activities at a lower cost, than if supplies and equipment were to be purchased at full price. � Disativantages If Approved: i None i �� DisadvanWgeS lf Not Approved: i Staff would have to purchase equipment and supplies at full price. Subsequently, those costs would get passed along to the senior � citiens and other aduLts 50+ who participate in the program. I ueoanmen2 aen[ i o rerson �mciauuaie i � 0 Parksand Recreation � 1 parks and Recreation � Department Director ���('�� Assign �. � 'C'ry Att r i Cin� - Number For ' 3 Mayor•s Ofiice i I Dlavor/Assistant i ! i Routing ; 3 Council '; Cih Council � Order '� 5 iri Cterk I'i CiN Clerk ' I 6 arls and Recreation Mary Livin¢ston � I� l% Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmeot? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current aty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: .�? 4A�� Financial information: (Explain) :��a� � � C��� March 15, 2010 10:54 AM Page 1 ROUTING ORDER: Below are coaect routings for the six most fi�equent types of docvments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) I. Outside,Agency 2. DepmfinentDirector 3. Cily Attomey , 4. May�/Assisteat(forcontractsover$25,OOQ) 5: Hmn�Rights (for contracts over $50,000) 6. Office ofFinaacia[ Services - Accoffiting COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ameud budgets/accept gcan4s) 1. Depar�entDirector " 2. Office ofxmsncial Services Director 3. City Attomey 4. MayodAssistaut 5. City Co�ciL 6. affce ofFinancia! Services - Accoimting aDNm�IISTRf.rIVE oxnExs �sna$etxev;sion� courrcu. RESOLUZ1oN (eu ot�ers mmd ckamances> 1. aoavicpM�agerorDepartrnentacco,mtffit 1. DepartmeatDireetor 2. DepartmenEDitector 2. CitpAttomey 3. Office cffFinaocial ServicesDirector 3. IvfayorlAssi.st�t 4. City Clerk 4. City Council 5. Office ofFinancial Services - Acoocmtiag ADMQ�fISTRATtVE ORDIItS (atl othecs) 1. DepaztmentDirector 2: CityAttomey 3_ O�ceofFiuenciaiSavicesDirector 4. City Cledc , F.XE¢UTIVE ORDEK 1. DepazlmentD'uector , 2. ,GityAttamey. 3: Mayor/Assist�t 4. City Clerk TOTALNUMSII2�QFSIGIdA'TIIREPAGE3 � � � � � 7ndicste the # ofpages on w}ricfi signatrues are iecf�� � P$Pen orflag ea�h of fhese gages. ACTfONREQUESTED Descn'be what tLe projecthrquest sceks to accomplish m either chconoTogicat ordec or oalea of importance, w3nchever' is most approprisbe for the iscue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item myo� list with a verb. TtECOMMENDATIONS Compl�e ifthe issue in qiiestion Las beea presented before an9 �Y. Pnblic or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS: This information will be used to dete�mme the city's liab�lity foi workers compensation daims, taxes and proper civil secvice hiring mies. II�IITfA'IfIIGPROBT Et��'ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explairithe sid�ati� or con3itions�that crea�d a need foryour pro}ect or reqoest. ADVAAFT'AGES IFAPPROVID Indicate wLefher this is amply an annual budget proced�e reqmred by law/charter oc tvheth� there are specific'ways in which the City of Ssint Pau1 end its eitizens wi7( benehrfrom Fiiis projacf/scti� DISADVANTACrES IF APPROVED Whst negative effects �mejor chsn8� �' e��8 �' P� Pr� ��t � Prol� Ptoduce i€if.is passed (e.g:, treffi'c delays, noise, tax �eases or asscs��enfs)? To whom7 VVhen? For how long? DISADVANrACsES IFNOT APPROVED � What wi1I be the negative conseguences if the promised action is not appioved7 InabiIityto deliver sesvice? Continue ]righ tra�c, �ise, accident rate? I.oss of revenne7 — FINAI3CIAL IIvBACT ' Alfhoughyou must tsiIor tfie informafioa you provide fiere to'�e issue yon s[e acf�g, ia.generai'ybu must aoswer two q'uestions: How much is it going to cosl? Who is going to payl , �. �� � , � � �, . �, . � „ � �,, _��.�. ���� �,�