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Cora rib, No. um, __ yly Original to City Clerk p t CITY OF S' „ '-Y`. ` NO. • ./ OFFICE OF THE „," ' - LICENSE COMMIT ! COUNCIL RESOLUTIO t "° Ado L PRESENTED BY / 1938.Adopted by the'CoUneii ttbeg!8, L8, 195© COMMISSIONER 1 APh1'o Dkeetxbeir 1S ip88 (December 12, fa33) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, `'•, be and the same are hereby granted. Max F. Derr 637 Iglehart Foods M.D.P.W. App. 13821 11ew Old Loc. " " 1 Vehicle " " " " " George R. Herbst 498 Lafond Bakery " 13922 " New " Quantrell Cadillac,Inc.163 W. Sixth T.M. Loc. " 13973 " " " St. Paul Public Library 90 W. Fourth V.M. Leo. " 13978 " " " Jack Thompson 1384 Grand Photographer " 14038 " did " W. J. Lee 215 Commerce Bldg. Ldy & D.C. Plant " 14041 a New " Ernest Zimmerman 382 Wabasha Tavern " 14062 " " " Crosley Service Divn. of Anco Distributing Corp. 1615-17 University V.M. Loc. " 14074 a a a Lyle J. Wikre 27 S. Wheeler V.M. Loc. " 14080 a a " Prattis Express Co. 614 Olive V.M. Loc. " 14083 a a " Prudential Ins. Co. 604-14 Bremer Arcade V.M. Loc. " 14084 " a " " 1017 Commerce Bldg. V.M. Loc. " 14085 " " " Simon & Co. , Inc. 1830 Como V.M. Loc. a 14088 a " N Socony Mobile Oil Co. , Inc. " 1520 Adrian T.M. Loc. " 14089 a a Walter M. Schreiber 1188 University V.M. Loc. " 14093 " " a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-SB Original to City Clerk '1.8 767 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL LE NO. LICENSE COMMITTNE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1956 COMMISSIONER DATE December 18. PAUE 2: John Moore 387 E. Sixth Y.M. Loc. App.14095 Now New Loc. Jewish Home for the Aged. Inc. 1542 Midway Pkwy. Y.M. Loc. " 14097 " " " Irma R. Lehman 2008 Grand Beauty Shop " 14122 " " " St. Paul Institute 51 W. University T.M. Loc. " 14144 " N " Snyder Drug Stores Inc. 1222 University Y.M. Los. " 14145 " " " Summit House School 1568 Summit Y.M. Loc. N 14146 " " " U. S. Post Office 1546 St. Clair Y.M. Los. " 14152 " " " N 453 N. Snelling T.M. Loc. " 14154 " " " Lawrence P. Morten 821-3 University Tavern " 14171 " Old " O " Dance Hal]. " " It 0 " Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. 389 B. Eighth Y.M. Loc. " 14174 " New " Francis M. Bagley 158 N. Western Mtr. Veh. Driver " 14191 " No. 188767-8y Bernard dgevertn A. Martinson- Cop./111111,r Robert F."Petersori- Resolved,That licenses angled or by tot tseil en:bin ett hereby granted, and the Cfry cult ii Instruct to issue such the required#q tAe,Cln of 1936. Adopted by Council December 18, Approved Dece`snber 18 (D4ebeg 20. 7900; DEc 181956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays y 1 8 1 DeCourcy Holland Approved ( 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor _ — Peterson Mayor Rosen gainst Mr.President, Dillon PUBLISHED 5M 6-56 2