10-315Council File #—� Green S6eet # 3102596 CITY RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul applied for and received a 2007 Urban Area Security Initiarives (UASI) grant of $1,692,000.00 from the State of Miunesota to purchase radio equipment, make Emergency Operation Center enhancements, and purchase hazardous materials equipment and provide training, and WHEREAS, the original contract was approved on Council Resolution 08-700, and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, tluough an amendment to the original grant contract, has extended the end date of the original grant in order to allow sufficient time for project completion, and NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to execute a grant coniract amendment for a timeline extension with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by the Saint Paul Depaztment of Bmergency Managemeni; a copy of said ageement is to be kept on Sle and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Yeas B y : �� Approved� i � l� � Adopted by Council: Date Absent Requested by Deparhnent o£ Adoption Certified by Counc' Secretary BY- ___ �/ �/ini ' �t Approv M yo� Date `'� (� �l� By: �'� '� (, � .5� _ �Ll //O,L�� I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � lU��/5 '� DepaRmenUOffice/Council: � Date initiated: j I EM _EmergencyManagement ;, �{5MAR2010 ; Green Sheet NO: 3102596 '' ContaM Person & Phorre: � Ridc Larltin 26fr5490 , Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): { p�, T,� RESOLUTfON W/$ , TRANSACTION � E-DOCUmentRequired: Y � Docu�M Corrtact: Jill laCasse �I ContaetPhone: 228E257 ■�/ � Assign Number For j Routing Order 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 A W Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Cl[p All Locations for Signatute) Approval of the attached Council Resolufion authorizing the Emergency Management Department to enter into a grant contract amendment for a timeline extension with the State of Minnesota for the 2007 [7rban Area Securiries Iniriatives (UASn grant. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planni�g Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Servlce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: t. Has this personlfirm ever Worked under a conVad for ihis departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteni city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet. lnfiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When,lNhere, Why): The City of Saiat Paul has previausly been awarded a 2fl07 i3rban Area Iaitiatives (IJASl) Grant for $1,b92,000.00 from The State of Minnesota. The State of Minnesota has granted additional time €or the City to complete the tasks and services covered by tlxe grant. AdvanWges If Approved: The City of Saiat Pau] will be able complete ffie procurement of radio equipment, Emergency Operation Center enhancements, and hazazdous materials equipment and h'ai.ning. Disadvantages HApproved: I�ione. Disadvantages If Not Approved: I.ost opportunity to have additional time to complete the purchases covered by the 2007 UASI gant. _.?"��� ...�� totatnmountof $1,692,000.00 Transaction: Funding Source: Gfant Financial ln#ormation: (Explain) CosHRevenue 8udgeted: Activity Number: 35210 MR� � � 2�10 �L!?:t?� March 15, 2010 4:09 PM Page 1 10-315 Grant Agreement Amendment Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Department of Public Safety ("State") Grant Program: Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division HSEM Homeland SecuriTy Grant Program 2007 444 Cedar Sh�eet, Suite 223 St Paul, Minnesota 55101-6233 Grant Agreement No.: 2008-HSGP-0061712000-12344 Grant Amendment No.: 1 Grantee: Grant Agreement Term: City of St Paul Effecfive Date: 9/1/2007 15 W Kellogg Boulevard Egpiration Date: "'^��" 6/30/2010 St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Grant Matching Requirement: Grantee Agreement Amount: Original Agreement Amount $0.00 Original Agreement Amount $1,692,000.00 Previous Amendment(s) Total $0.00 Previous Amendment(s) Total $0.00 Current Amendment Amount $0.00 Current Amendment Amount $0_00 Total Agreement Amount $0.00 Total Agreement Amount $1,692,000.00 In this Amendment deleted agreement terms wf11 be str�uck out and added agreement terms wfll be underlined. The Original Grant Agreement and all previous amendments are incorporated into this amendment by reference. 1. ENCUMBRA.NCE VERIFICATION Indrv�du¢1 cert+fies thatfunds have been encumbered as reguired by Minn. Stat §§ I6A 15 and 16C O5. Sigted: Date: Grant Agreement No. 2008-HSGP-00617/2000-12344 3. STATE AGENCY B (with delegated authoriry) � Title: Date: 2. GRANTEE The Grantee cenJes ihat the appropnafe person(s} � have crecuted the grant agreement on behaljof the Cr tee as requned by applicable articl� bylmvs, resodutia , ordrnances. $y: G�c!/ i" � Titte: Direct of Emerqency Manaqement Date: By: 'ritle: City Attorney Date: By: Title: Mayor Date: DPS Grant Agreement Amendment (09/08) By: Title: Human Riqhts Date: DistribuUOn: DPS/FAS Grnntee State's Authorized Representative By: Title: Director of Financial Services Date: CounG! Fite # Pr�eMed By: Aefe/reU To: RES�ltlT10N iAIN7�AU1., MINNESOTA Green Sheet tF CommXtee: Date i � 7 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Sa"vrt Paut has teceived a g2nt of $�,692, W0.00 hom fhe Shafe of Minnesota for ffte 2007 Urt�n Area 2 Sewrify Inifiatives (UASI) g2rrt ro purchase �o eq�pment, make Emergency Ope2tion Center enha�ements, and 3 purchase hazardOUS tttaterials eq�.agmenf and pmvide trainittg, attd a 5 WHFREqS. {he fiaartcing and spending plans have rwt been esFdblished for the granf 2ceived, ard s 7 WHEREAS, the Mayot, pursuanE to Secfion 10.07. t of the CharYer of ihe Ciiy of Saint PaW, dces certity that there a2 avaifable 8 for appropriaBon fwds of $1.692,OOOAO }n excess of those estimated in ihe 2008 budge� arW 9 10 N 12 13 14 75 76 77 1E 99 20 27 22 23 2a 25 26 27 28 29 3(1 WHEREAS, the Mayor recortrcnends that fha[ foilowirg addition be made to the 20Q8 budget FiNAiBCENGRLAN: CurrentBu�get Charge 590 Fre Responsive Services 352i0-?AQ7 UASI GsaN 3199 - Oiher �ed Dir Grants - Siate 1,682,000.00 1.692.0�.00 SPENPING ALAN: 590 Rre Responsive Services 35210 - 2007 UASI Gra+rt 0911 - Fult-time Certfied 0161 - Salary Needs 0299 - Othei MiSC. Services 0380 - Communicaiion EQuipmertf 0356 - Safeiy 5uppties 0394 - Qffce EquipmeM 0439 - Fringe 8enefits �&18 - CaP��ed EquipmeM 63,387.00 7.5820Q 320.,3&5_00 58��ODQ_0(1 220,955_00 3�5,000.00 i .. �� �� �- i� .�. �� sossa�� �: !! Budget 1.692.000.00 1.&92.000.00 63,387.D0 7 582.00 324,385.00 587.A00.00 220,955.00 375,000.00 2C),&66.W 99,Q45.W 9.692,000.00 3i NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, ifiat ihe City Councit accepfs this grent, aufhor¢es the L1ty of SaiM PaW to e�ter irtro 32 and implement the aihached agreemerat, which inciudes an indemniflcaYron clause, and approves ihe changes to fhe 20D8 33 butlget. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Counal: Date Adoption Certified by Counci! Secretary: BY: Approved by o D te �! ���� 8y: � By: Rpprova{ Recortrrnended by il'erector oF Financial Services: $y � � II' t� Form Approved by Cfry Attomey: ... . _. . ..i r %� ;. � -� , Grant Agreement Page 1 of 2 � Minnesota Department of Pnblic Safety ("State") i Grant Program: I i Aomeland Secisity and Emer�ency Mana�ement Division � 2�07 Homeland Security Grant Proaram I i 444 Cedar Street Suite 223 � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-6233 Grant Aa eement No.: I I 2008-HSGP-00617 / 2000-12344 i �� Grantee: I Grant Agseement Term: � Crty of St Paui � Effective Date: 9/1/2007 15 W Kellogg Boulevard Expiration Date: 3!30/2010 St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Grantee's Authorized Representative: Grant Agreement Amount: Richard J. Lazldn, Emergency Management D'uector Original Agreement �1,692,00�.0� 367 Grove Street, Fifth Floor Matchmg Reqmrement � � St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone: (651) 266-5490 F�: (651) 266-5493 Email: rick.larlan ci.s aul.mn.us State's Authorized Representa6ve: Federal Fundmg: CFDA 97.067 Shenill Neudahl, Grants Specialist State Funduig: 444 Cedar S�eet Suite 223 5pecial Condihons: None St Paul, Minnesota 55101-6223 Phone: (651) 201-7421 Fax: (651) 296-0459 Email: sherrill.neudahl state.mn.us Under Minn. Sfat. § 299A O1, Subd 2(41 the State is einpowered to enter into this grant agreement. Term: Effechve date is the date shown above or the date the State obtains all required signatw'es under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2, whichever is later. Once this grant agreexnent is fully executed, the Cnantee may claim reimbursement for expenditures inciured pursuant to the Payment clause of tlus grant agreement. Reimbursements will only be made for those expenditures made according to the terms of this grant aa eement. Expirarion date is the date shown above or until all obhgations have been sarisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The Grantee, who is not a state employee will: Perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as specified herein and in the Grantee's 2007 Homeland Sectsity Grant Program Application ("Applicarion") which is vncorporated by reference into this grant agreement and on file with the State at 444 Cedar Stzeet, Suite 223, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-6233. The Crrantee shall also comply with all requirements referenced in the 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidelines and Application which includes the Terms and Condihons, which aze incorporated by reference mto flus gant agreement. Budget Revisions: As stated in the Cnantee's Applicahon, the Crrantee will submit a written change request for any substiturion of budget items or any deviarion of more than 15% from the apptoved budget category amounts in the Crrantee's Application. Change requests for subsritut�on of budget items, or a deviarion of more than 15% from the approved budget category amount must be b ven in wnhng to the State's Authorized Reptesentative and at least 6Q days prior to the Expiration date of this grant agreement. Grantees whose requests have been approved will be notified in writing by the State's Authorized Representarive to the Grantee's Authonzed Representative. Requests must be approved prior to any expenditure by the Grantee. DPS Grani Agreementnon-state 02l08 Grant Agreement Page 2 of 2 }0-315 Matching Requirements: (If appiicable.) As stated in the Gtantee's Application, the Crrantee certifies that the matcning requirement will be met by the Grantee. Payment: As stated in the Cnantee`s Applicanon the State will promptly pay the Crrantee after the Crrantee presents an invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authonzed Representative accepts the invoiced services. Ar mvoice form will be provided by the State to the Csrantee and must be submitted hmely and accordin� to the following schedule: a. Grantee wiIl submit the invoice along with copies of the Grantee's rtemized mvoices for actual costs mctsred quarterly, but not more often than monthly and v✓rthm 30 days of the penod covered by the mvoice. b. E�enditures for each state nscal year (3uly ttuough 3une) of this grant agreement must be for sernces sarisfactorily performed within applicable state fiscal years. The final invoice of this grant agreement must be received by the State no later than 30 days after the Exparation date or temnnation of this grant agreement. c. Crrantee will subtrut financiai and narrarive performance reports at least quarterly, but not more often than monthly. The narrarive performance report shall consist of a compadson of actual accomplishments to the approved work plan in the Cnantee's Apphcarion. These reports must be submitted before reimbursement will be pa�d. Certificatinn Regarding Lobbying: C'rrdntees rece�vin� federal funds over $100,000.00 must complete and return the Certificafion Regarding Lobbying form provided by the State to the Grantee. 1. ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Indevidual certifies ihat funds hwe been encumbered ¢s requared byMmn- Stat §§ I6A.75 �and P6CO5. ' µ� `�, S�gned: �T. Date: � � : Grant AgreemettY No E008-HSGP-00617/2000-1234'4 3. STATE{AGE /' � y g� ��' Z �.ti� y � (r�th��'delegaYed authoLJlH��cT��i Title: `_�� �, Dafe. 2. GRANTEE The Graniee cen:fies that dhe appropriate person(s) have ezecuted thegrant agreement on behalfojthe Grantee as reguired by applma� iE2rnc! , aws, '� lutions. or ordenan By: ` - Title. Director o Eme qencV Manaqement Date: — BY_ %//, ��'.�"" :., iitle: City Attorne_y Date: ��r/ � By: ^ Title: _ Mayor Date: �f���,� � Tit= Datc Dismbution DPSlFAS Granue State's Authon�ed Repruentative By: ���? c�— Title: Director of Financia SeTVices Date: ��(;j�0`� DPS Grant Agreement non-state 02/08 15 FtSCAL AGENT (This is the agency nameci in the grant agrsement tha`� will be responsible far t�he administrafion of.tha grant.) Legaf Nam�: City of Saint Pauf — Depasiment of Emecgency Managsmen+. Phone: 651-200-5491 Address: 307 6rave St�zet — Fifth Fioor I F�: 85i-26"o-5493 City1ZlP: Saint Paut, MN 561Q2 2. AUTHORiZED REPRESENTAT►VE (This is tfie person whose name shouid appear in the grant agreement and who will be responsib[e for ensuring that the terms and cottditions of fhe agreement are met. This person does nof have to have signature authority, but must be an employee of th= fiscal agenf cited in #1.) Name and Tifle: Richard J. (Rick) Larkin — Emergency Management birecFor Phone: fi51-266-5490 Address: 307 Grove Street — Fifth Floor I Fax: 6b1-266-6483 CitylZ(P. Saint Paul, MN 55902 3. PROGRANi MAIN CONTACT (This is the person that HSEM questiuns:} Name and Title: Rick Larki� — Emergency Managemenf Director Address: 3B7 Grove Street — Fifth Floor City21P: Saint Paul, MN 55102 E-mait: rick.Iarkin@ci.sipaul.mn.us can contact for any programmatic Phone:651-2ofi-5490 Fax: 651-266-5493 E-mail: rick.larkinQcistpau(.mn.us 4. FINANCIAL CONTACT (fhis is the person that HSEM can contact for any financial questions.) Name and TiNe: John Swanson — Execufive Services Director Phone: 651-228-6256 Address: 10D East Eleventh Street � Fax: 6b1-228-&255 E-mail: City21P: Saint Pau(, MN 55101 . john.swanson@ci.stpaul.mn.us 5. CONTRACT MAILWG CONTACT (tNhich individua! above should receive fhe agreement packat in the mail and be responsib(e for obtaining the correct signature(s) on the agreement and completing #he necessary forms?) Name: SAA — Rick Larkin, Emergency Management Director Note: If awar@ed, the Grant AgreemenE CONTr2AC'T SIGNATOF2Y must have the fegal authority to sign for this agency as required by appiicabie arficles, by{aws, resolutians, statute or delegation. ���. Division of Homeland Securi#y �� ����= and Emergency Management �����r °"""'� Proiect informa�ian Sheet 10-315 d N � N Y L � � �1.� � � � Q a�. a W m 4 G 7 Z c i C4 `o U N tl � ui m C N L7 O 0 O � � � O F� O 0 uY C d L c w 7 � N E N � a c ° d W Oi O�J L O V U � _ a c ?� ia � � o E o t- o a , U 4 � m `m a 6 � 0 0 =' a ..�.. U m o m a F c e o d � � n c _ 2 ` ' � 3 W � .� m LL 3 � a C N � L � V a N .' � � C > d � 0 m � v m � LL � N � ci � c � Q � U � N � U G O V c G E 0 v m N a i� c d � Q. 3 a m � O � O 0 43 v R 7 N � O O C T � � � m a � N � U � (4 � a m � m 'S F 0 � � � a N Li. 3 � n. c � � L O � 'is N 3 7 0 m m [�{ u .� . � � N � N � N '�b = � � 2 m � c d 2 � v � N n n N Y O O O � O U O �' O � � a a' m � m O N F Y N a � N a f6 � O U a N 3 m � � _ � m G! U N � % � p I O O ti � O = � � O 3 � d � F c � � � 0 W a. y U C � W � p o � s � U @ O- p. � d o � � R d E r F G o ° V a c 9 � � m a � o � � � N ° d -� - U q � � o � a U d ,p a' R � �' Z p r � o � m = d Q �, £ c � � — .� c c G V � y W � C1 � G U 10-315 N � n ,� W 0 K N � � J m O � 0 d U O c •a U C � E O U R a 0 m ro 0 � 0 0 � � � � Y w m G � N 9 N o � p O S � O U � � � E � � U m U � 7 � a a R � O � t- - L r O a w M ❑ Q m U 0 a � .� � 0 0 � N T. 3 Z ° O N W P � � � c �° � N c � j U C O � � Q c's W e 3 c Z � � � w m m ^ � E a U � % E = 0 U a '� 0 4 `m � 0 N m a F� m c c W � � m � c M va R � � :•: N F C f3 N 7 W � �7 m � R u � E � Q R a � W D 0 0 z � N c � O a �' � � n '� � � � � � � � T V C m � N W � m a � � � c 0 u 4 N � 7 7 U O W c D d � ici � m �,�, E F � m � > � c � � a � � � Z W C � � C m Q- £ V � � Q ._ 0 U 10-315 0 0 d � R 0 � d � C � N 7 � 0 0 O � m N W V 3 a R O F 0 U `v m 3 � � C > m V N � C � N T W = F .• � y � m = C = n. }' E ° m Q � � m C � V C' m 3 > � O til p CS � O U 0 0 d aa R 0 F c a U a � . C � O � C L j R y N � 0 0 O fA � N R L � � a � O F � N N � � N 3 � Q. � ( � Z T C O m 4+ � � Q. .�.�i � � d Q �^ y a E P d � � � � m Q a= c'+ u 0 0 d � m 0 r m C R � N 0 0 O tR m � � t V 3 a � O H c 0 u 'a m 3 � W C > 'm U {� d ({j T � � Z = G O � 7f . G � � T = .� = c _ � a Q V � N CU G > q w e c� = a ci 10-315 0 � 0 � � 0 F D U � M � � 7 d g G � � > m y N U �I I� 0 0 0 � � � R � � � � a m 0 F d R Z o y m � A •°' « E c E O C3 � a U 10-315 a � m � s E m � � z w a. C C i � � � � d � r H Y L � � W d � � n�i � � d � d a x w � m r .. O d � Z W m z y Y � � � m a � = N d d � i p L 10-315 d i m N� E 5i ' °: ? � c R R � � G7 C9 w m m � N � r. O � w Q1 i31 '� 7. tFJ ti N N C d a X liF � m .t+ O m E -0 10 �, z �a c �o m a � � � � d �e > n __ 10-315 � � d ttl g � Oi � d Z •+ ,e C C R R {) (� w d d r � Y i O �S Y m a} � � m a, d �i c m II. K 1tl L Q� r W O m � a � � Z w ++ R L � d a � � .d m �o > � � 10-315 N �. V d � � G m � � Z .I.t y� � C 1.�. L � n y d m � N Y L 0 � W d � � � m � � � .f.. m Q K � L d .f w � m � � z w w � � � d a c � � :3 m es = 0 10-315 TERMS AND CONDITTONS 2607 Homeland Seciuity Grant Progam, Application No. A-HSGP-23586-2008-7228 'I'hs Grenf�,(awazde� (wiuch refers to the apali,.anYs sYaws after it has b�n awarded grant fimds) shall compiy with ail appiicable iederai, state and local laws, ordinances, ruies and remilations mmd nrovisions sta�d herein in the performance of th° arant award. 1. SnrvivalofTerms The foltowing clausea sia�vive tne e�i:arion or cancellafion of the award: 9. Liability; 10. Audits; 11. Govenmment Data Pra„^tices; I3. Pubiicity and Endors�nent; 14. Goveming Law, Jurisdiction and Venue; and 16. Data Disciosise . 2. Fi¢aacial and Admmistreiave Provisions The Granteerawazdee will comnly with atl progrnm widelines specified in the 20Q7 Homeiand Security Grant Program GvideIins and Granteelavrudee's applicaYion wuich aze iacoroorazed "nerein by reference. Payments under this award wiIl be made from federai funr}s obta'vned by tae State t6rough CFDA #F97.067, supported under Departm�tt of i-Iomeland Secisity Appmpriatio�s Aet, 2007, P.L. I09-295. The Granteelawazdee is responsible for compIiance with all federal requirements imposed on these funds and accepts fu11 financial responsibiIity for any requirements miposed by the GranTeelawardees fai3ure to comply with federal requirements. &udget Revisions: The Grantee/awazdee wilI submit a written change request for any substitution of budget items or any deviaflon of more tban IS°/n from the approved budget category amounts. Change requests for subshiturion of budget items, or a deviation of more than 15% from the apprwed budget category amount must be given in writing Yo the SYate's Authorized Representative and at least 60 days prior to the Expiration date of Yhe grant agreement Grantee/awardees whose requests have been approved will be notifiea in wrifing by the State's Authorized Representative to the Grantee/awardee's Authorized Representative. Requests must be approved prior to azry expenditure by the ('irantee/awardee. Matching Requirements: The GrazReelawardee certifres that the matching requiremenf, if applicable, will be met by the Ciranteelawardee. 3. Payment Terms PaymenT: The State wiI1 promptly pay the Grantee/awazdee after the Granteelawardee presents an invoice for the services actually perfonned and the State's Authorized Representa#ive accepts the invoiced services. An invoice forcn will be provided hy tha Staze ta the Qcaniee and must 6e su6mitted fitnely and according to the following schedule: a. Grantee/awazdee will submit the invoice along with copies of the Grantee/awazdee's itemized invoices for actual costs incurred quarterly, but not more often than monthiy, and withiu 30 days of the period covered by the urvoice. b. Ea�penditures for each state fiscal year (7uly througlt hme) of the grant aareement must be for services satisfactorily performed within appiicah(e state fiscal yeazs. The final invoice of the gant agreemeat must be received by the State no later than 30 days after the Expiration date or temiination of the grartc agreement. c. Grantee/awazdee will submit financial and narrative performance reports at teast quarterly, buT not more often than mo�Ahly. The narrarive performance report shall consist of a comparison of actual accomplishtnenu to fne approved work p2an. These reporYs must be submitted before reimbucsement will be paid. Under Minn. Stat § I6B.9& subd. 1, the Grantee/awardee agees to minimize administrative costs. 4. Titne The Granteelawazdee must aomply with ali tt�time requixements desciibed in the appiicatian and grazrt a In the petfomtance ofthe award, time is of the essence. 5. Consideration and Paymeut The State will pay for al1 services periormed by the Grautee/awardee under the grant agreement as a reimbursement acoording to the bseakdown of costs cornained in the 2007 Aomeland Security Gtant Program Guidelines and Granxeelawardee appFication that will be inclucled in the grant agreement noo-smte (I l/Q7) 10-315 Under Minn. Stat: § 16B.98 subd. 7, paymerns to the Grantee/awazdee may not be issued imtil the g�ant agreemem is fuIl� e�cecuted. 6. Conditions of Payment All services proviaed by the Crremee/awardee cmder the gran: a�eement must be performed to the StaL='s satisfa: tion, as determined at the sole discrerion of the State's Authorized Representative so named in the �t a�'eement and in accordance with all aoplicabie federzl., s�r2te, and local laws, ordinances, rules and reoulations. Tue Grantee/awaz'dee u�li not receive payment for work fotmd "oy the Stata to be unsafisfactory or p�rriormed in vioiafion of iedexal, state or local law. 7. Authorized Representafive The Stat�'s Authorized Representative or hislher successor, is so named in the �rant aa eement and has the responsihiiiry to monixor th° Gr�tEeiawai'dee's trrfoRnance and has the authoriry to accept tne services uravided imder the gmnt a„�reement oppordmity. If the services are sa#isfactory, the Staz°`s Authorized Represernafive wilY cerFify acceptance on each invoice subtnitted for paymeni The CrranrEe/awazdee's Authorized Reprasentative is so nemed 'm the grant agreemern. If tF�e-Crrmitee/awazdee's Authorized RepTesentative ckianges at azry time dzsing the grant agreement, tha Grantee/awardee.must unmediately notify the State. 8. Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Asreement Compiete T'he Crrantee/awazdee may neither assign nor transier aay rights or obligarions under fhe grant agreement without the orior consent oi the State and a fiilly executed Amendment, execuYed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the grant agreement, or their successors in ofrice. Any amendment to the grant agreement must 6e in cvriting and witf not be efrsctive until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original gsnt aereement, or fneir successors in office. If the State fails to enforce any provision of the grant agreement, that failure does not waive the provisian or its right to enforceit Tfie grant agreement cornains al1 negotiatio� and agreements between the State and the Grantee/awardee. No ofher nnderstanding regazding the grant agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind eifher party. 9. Liabiiity Csrantee/awardee must indemnify, save and hold ffie State, iu agerns, and employees harmless from any ciauns or causes of action, inciuding all attorneys' fees incurred by the State arising from the performance of the gant agreement by the Grantee/awardee or tfie Granteelawazdee's agenTS or employees. This clause will not be conshved to haz any legal remedies the Gr�tee/awardee may have for the State's failure to fulfill its obligafions under the grazst agreement and subsequent gant agreemerrts. Tfie'IiabiIity for C3rantee/awardees that are municipalities Ls governed by Minn. Stat. § 466 and any other appIicable law, ruie or regulafion. 10_ AudiYs Under Minn. Sta.#. § 16B.98, subd. 8, the books, records, doaunents, and accounYing procedures and practices of the Grantee or odteer party that are relevarn to the gmit agreemerR or transaction aze subjact to examination hy the StsYe, andlor the State Autlitor or Legislative Auditor as appropriate, for a minimum oi six years from the grant agreement and date, receipt and approva! oi all fmal reports, or the required period of time to satisfy all state and pmgram retemion requiremems, wluchever is later. Federal audits shall be governed by requirements of federal regulations. If the Crrante�lawazdee (in fedecal OMB Circulaz lan known as "svbrecipient") receives federat assistance from the State of Miimesota, it will comply with the Sing3e Audit Act Amendmenu of 1996 as amended and Office of Management and Sudget Circutaz A-I33, "Audits of States, I.ocal Governments and Non-Profit Organizations" for audits of fiscat years beginning after June 30, 1996; and non-stau (1 Uo'� 10-315 Required audit renarts must he 51ed with the State Auditor's Office, Single Aurlit Division, and with federal and stafe agenci� groviding federal assistance, and the Department of Pubfic Safety within nine months of th� Grantee/awazdee's fisca3 year end. 1L Governmenf Data Practices The Crrmmtee/awazdee and the State must comnly with the Mianesora Government Data Practices Act, Minnesotz Statutes, Chapter 13, as it applies to aII data provided by the Stase tmder the gant a�reement, and as it appIies ta all daza creatd, coliected, received, stored, used, ma;ma;ned or disseminated trv fne Granser./awardee lmder thV gant agr�'ment. T`ne civii remedies of Minnesota Statectes, section 13.08 appiy to the release o€ the data referred to in flils clause by sitEL,r the Ganteeiaward.e or the Staze. If the Grantee/award..°e receives a requst to rel�se fhe data ref rred to in flus cfause, the Granteeiawardee musc imm�tisYely aotify the Stare,. The State will o ve the Grantee/awardee instructions conceming the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. IZ. Workers' Compensatian GranteeJawardee certines thaL it is in compliance with Micmesota Stauses, § I76.181, subdivision 2, gertaining to workers' compensation ins�sance coverage. The Grantee/awardee's employees and aeenYS will not be considered State employees• Any claims that may arise imder the Nfinnesota R%orkers' Compensation Act an behalf of these employees and any claims made by azry third party as a consequence of any act or omissioa on the part of these employees aze in no way the Sffite's obfigatian or responsibility. i3. PnbliciYy and Endorsement Any pubiicity regarding the subject matter of the g�t ageement must ideofify the State and the U.S. Department of Homeland Secvriry as the sponsoring agencies and must not be refeased without prior written approveI from the State's Autharized Represesrtative. The Granteeiawardee must not cYaim that the State endorses its products or services. iq, Goveruing Law, 3urisdicfion, and Venue Mumesota law, without regard to iu choice-of-law provisions, govems the grant agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings oui of the grant a or 'sts bieach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota 15. Termina6on Teimination by the State. T"ne Sta#e may cencet the grant agreement at any fime, with or wiThout cause, upon 30 days' written notice to the Grantee/awardee. Upon Yermination, fhe Grantee/awazdee wil] be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rsta basis, for services satisfactorily performed. TerminaHon for Insufficient Fwiding. The State may immediately terminate the gra[tt agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Nfinnesota Legislatute, or other fvnding source; or if funding cannot be cotrtinued at a ievel sufFicient to allow for the paymem of the services under the grant agreement Tezmination must be by wrltten or fax notice to the Gratetee/awazdee. The State is not obligafed to pay for any services ttiat are provided after no5ce and ef€ective date of teiminarion. However, the Grantee/awardee will be ernitied to payment, deteimined an a pro rata basis, for services safisfactorily performed to the extent that funds aze available. The State wil1 not be assessed any pena}ty if the grant aa eement is terrminated because of the decisian of the Minnesota Legislature, or other fimding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee/awardee nofice of the lack of fimding within a reasonable time of the State receiving that notice. Termination for Failiue to Comply. The State may cancel the grant a�eeme� immediately if the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of the grant award, tt�at reasonable progress has not beeu made or that the pumose fot which the fimds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled. The State may take action to protect the interess of the Staze of Minn�ota, including the refusat to msburse additional fimds and reqtiiring the retum of all or part of the funds atreaciy disbursed. noo-smce (t tN7) 10-315 16. Bata I}isdosare tinder Minnesota Statutes, § 270C.65, and other applicable law, tne Grantee/awardee conserrts to disclosure of its social secisity n�be;, federal emptayer tax identificariom m�nber, andrb* Minnesora taY identifi�tion number, aiready provided to the State, to federal and s�Te tax agencies and state personnel involved in the oaymern of sta� obli2ations. These identhicxFion n�ibers may be used in the enforcemeIIt of federal anc� state taY lams wluch couid resuit in actioa requirin� the Grante�..lawardeV to file state ta�; rewms and pay deFinquent state tac liabilitiss, if any, or pay other state liaoiIities. 17. Eqnipment The G:antee/awazdee wi11: a Provide all necess�y ffainin� w its employees concemin� th� use o; equiomern purchased tluou�a this grant, and shall not permi* the equipment m be tampered with or ap:rated by individuals who aze not pro�riy trained. b. Assume fotal rvsponsibility for the proper l�d'ung, use, and maintenance of the equinment and bear all costs of maintenance, repair, and/or replacement related to equipment. Equipment purchased through this grant is ffie properry of the Crranteeiawardes. c. When gracricable, any equipment purchased with �zant fundiag shall be prominenf]y mazkad as foltows: "Puichased with funds provided by the U.S. Depaztrnent of Hometand Secisity." 18. Other Provisions be it undersEood: a. By a"ling of tlus application, the applicant has therefore obtained the necessary legal authority to apply for and receive the proposed gant; b. The fiting of tkus application has been authorized hy applicant's governing body, and the official who has agpiied his/he: electronic signatiure to this application has been duly authorized to file this applicarion for and on behalf of said appFicant, and otherwise to act as the representative of the appli: ant in connection with this application; c. The activities and services for which assistmmce is sought �mder this grant will be administered by or unde* ffie supervision and cantro3 of applicant; d. Grant funds sha11 not be vsed to supnlazrt funds normally budgefed by the applicaat/agency; e. Fiscal control and accounring procedures will be used to ensure proper disbursement of ali funds awazded; £ The appIicant's Authorized Representative is so n�ed on the applicafion cover sheet If the Authorized Representative ohanges at any fime during the grant avrard period, the appIicant/Grantee/awardee must immediately nofify the State; g. The Granteelawasdee agrees to comply with the following standards and requirements: 1, Federal Audit Requiremems, inciuded in this application; 2, Federal Assurances, inclutied in this appIicatioa; htiv/(www hsem state mn.uslunlaadedfile/Federal Assurances.udf 3, Cercifrcafion Regarding Lobbying, for Gsantee/awsrdees receiving $106,006.00, included in this application. httnJ/www hsem state mn.us/unloadedfile/Cerdfication Reeardina LobbvinQ.ndf Agreement to Acknowledge the Terms aud Coadifions sre Incorporated Into the Grant Aereement: � By checking fne box above, Uwe Richard J. La�kin [name of Appiicant Or�ni�ation Representative] as an authorized Representative for City of Sairit Paui fAnvlicam Or�,ani�ation's 13ame1 the Applicant, aclmowlsdge that I have read the Terms and Conditions in their entirety as statad within the Application materials and a�lrnowledge tUat the Terms and Condifions will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement if fimds are awarded to the Applicant under this Applicalioa As authori�d, if the App3icant is awarded funds under this Appiication, I will submit the required documentc and certification on behalf of the Applieant Organization noo-sm�ilt/o7> �