179498 L61-
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440 bus
In the Matter of
condembiag and taking In ail :fir the purpose of es+hstrunting aped maintaining
public suer on, under and across a strip of land 4 ft. in width on Lot 49, nook 3,
ire,B Jspes Addition,: frc s the alley in the rear of said lot to Comp Avenue, .the
center line of said strip is `diescribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of the alley 16 ft. southeasterly of
the northwesterly corner of Lot 49; thence to a point on the northeasterly line of
Co mmo Avenue 16 ft. southeasterly of the southwesterly corner of Lot 49 in said Block 3,
Ware & Hospes Addition.
Also condeini n8 and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the following:
r ..
A 'drip' Of mod '8'f't. `f ii viii 'O 'the ihtthvisterlialaeflitfthe easeilient in Lot 49,
Block Block13,1*.re.114 4P 0014,4044404f- . . Y
Also a strip oi� 1anc� 8" fto" ndth on the southeasterly side of the easement in
Lot 49, Blsek:3,;:fie
7' f Condemning and taking"an a 1e rtt for the purpose of. constructing and a snsiniag a,
: Y $blic sewer on, under and across a strip, oaf I &4 4 tt►. in width on Lot 49, Block. 3,
Fillets` &"Hospe<<M6itttism, from the alley in the rear `of said lot to CONCA00001040101
center line of said strip is described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of the alley 16 ft. southeasterly of
the northwesterly corner of Lot 49; thence to a point on the northeasterly line of
Como Avenue 16 ft. southeasterly of the southwesterly corner of Lot 49 in said Block 3,
Ware & Hospes Addition.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the following:
A strip' of land $ tt. •'ti wibti on the no` • ___
r�vester iii$e oP`4.he��easemant in Lot 49,
Block & r ,
Alaoe a 'tltz off' lign+� 8' ft. .n iiiitth''oti' arsde o easatient in;;
Lot'49, io ` ';'_i irlr �`$db a ti6 tt; �, s ..,z •
Adopted by the Council t F' a 1ybb 19
SEP 5 1956
IP /(��?
Approved 19 ill,4 City Clerk
ill ""'�
PUBLISHED 74-.s'� Mayor
File 13437
Councilman DeCOURCY (�)
Councilman HOLLAND ,__
Councilman MORTINSON
Councilman PETERSON
Councilman ROSEN
Mr. President DILtON