179496 CotAtten1PU41%.1761811— . . • •."1" inc Y kI,•• 7g, r.'ou'AbriorlOh *:;..rx um,2:4J-e. 70-49f-' COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpome ot emutantetiswi o. 10b1ictsemar on, under and across the southerly 16- ft. of lemmaileOr of ' AN11/4 'et .Sidtion%20,-TOwnship 29 North, Range 22 West, and the northerly 10 ft. of the south half of the NW 1/4 of said Section 20, said easement extending from Wheelock Parkway to the terminus of Hoyt Ave. 462 ft. west of the west line of Edgerton St. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the southerly 15 ft. of the northerly 25 ft. of the south half of the NW 1/4 of said Section 20, said .ANITINuAtr,A0oodinglfrOia1Wheelock Parkway fio,NwterminlistiofItoyt:Ave. .462 ft. weit'Of '6he west. li-Ce of BagertOnSt. -- The Cf:ui : )1` St inr iJ tru 7;,1•ci,± I' 'om Alsoopoemtng aed- takitng altt*iiperorretiWeikeetAtirrlelitrtietiedlitiiteses on the northerly 30 ft01,°f44.f ‘;914r 4p tev904-4, 11!#02* e#44,444Aroel.061E'parkway to the terminus of Hoyt Ave. 462 ft. weit'efibe west' Ilni ot ' erton 'St. 1111,3 "' Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of constructing, and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 20 ft. of Lot g7 and: two- Viic sovarlisvi;o4k a puc:i.J.c ;;. .nross tht half fetWorktr 4iiiiateet frOr'46nOtritAtiort-iurtioifiViiiligitir eirr tirts•426 4fictAtet •iroviiel.lif cgti-* ittbek'161=4%146i eitiadition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the westerly 20-Eft Reed Able. OteTtekr ft J.`01ftlitt- 1.4); 3AJ 114"-:106iitcikiniNittatia-anV ft. of th.. r, 5.51i4.1 * ent::204tililielirriettql tatediturpdoe ler-cctiyirotrtto*tiii• á an ining tWii ee, ii*der and across the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 27, Block 1, Morton's Addition, and on the northwesterly 20 ft. of Lot 26 and Lots 13 thru 4ticattetve.;vbsok.'1.Bi...litektoitrietAdembteistip:.sa:•;Iit fry., • r1.i.c,14cr. ft. cf t. . .. ft. -(.1 11'W Seji C .. t:Li kiliistelfthig41114 Vatitig tilletrity-eoliesietc,f4Or iiimeftrtieWeifittulielaiiitoakiSet446 26-p14.1i 15VtuttPdiCAPAWN,' 14141MilbOa t Addition, said temporary easement being 20 ft. in width, easterly and southeasterly of the permanent easement and adjacent to it. Pis fo- zf A1110 reciadollebaff andAtabithgver • 'eitesikerlitPfdi4 OaketikifettOWY itirtieeed)fonLTopt'27-; k,tifortOit.)OAddlitiett, iM he#-rittbiiagoeitrafttOte. Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad between Montana Ave. and Hoyt Ave., said temporary easement thimig taprovthitc Irt4titii4moterzygzeiriaratibtowittei,frer thëtiètit 1,4;+ . azdi tAilapQra.r 1:11 ,jw,s.j1db,;L-1 tLi3 20' t. oEtot 27 and the 'westerly 20 ft. of Lot 12, Block 4, Morton's Addition. AlbeuEikaddiningladutiking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of constructing aniANOONiblinglajeffilic sewer on, under and across the easterly 20 ft. of Lot 27, BlOOVITTIMNrtaeli4ddltion, and o* the nertlivesterly 20 ft. of Lot 26 and Lots 13 thru Bitidier,AMorton is Addition. Alifkleinedinineiititaking a temporary easement for construction purposes on Lots 26, 2511r141404mill loymock 1, Merton's Addition, said temporary easement being 20 ft. in width, easterly and southeasterly of thiEpermanent easement and adjacent to it. - - . A