179414 l . Original to City Clerk •. .. t. / ORDINA CE -` i�41 COUNCA-tw LE NO. 4.1Mie7-2- PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli _ _. ORDINAN E NO. / Cgc q P-A-Ptit 1) 41iiii-A' An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Falcon Heights to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Falcon Heights to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as at outlet for said public sewer system of said Village fo public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Village of Falcon Heights hereby is granted permission and authority, subject to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed, to construct and thereafter maintain and operate a suitable connection according to conventional engineering standards approved as to construction, location, and elevation by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul at or adjacent to the inters section of Hoyt and iler Avenues, and at the intersection of Hoyt and Hemline Avenues joining the public sewer system of said Village with the public sewer system of said City, in the nature of and to be main.. tained and operated as the outlets for said public sewer system of said Village and for the expeditious, convenient, and effective conveyance and disposal of sewage entering said public sewer system o said Village. Section 2. That said Village of Falcon Heights as part of its obligations hereunder, shall pay to said City of Saint Paul the sum of Six Dollars ($6.00) per year for each single family dwelling, two family dwelling, governmental building, church, or school ouse sewer connection existing at the time of the connection of said ublic sewer systems hereunder or thereafter made, to the said public s wer system, of said Village; for each other residential, commercial, o industrial property house sewer connection existing at the time of the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder or thereafter made to said public sewer system of said Village, the Village of Falcon Heights shall pay to the City of Saint Paul an annual charge to be determined by the Council of said City by resolution on the bases of relevant factors including among others in respect of commercial or industrial property house sewer connections, in each instance, the character and daily volume of indus« trial sewage waste involved and therefor, said Village shall be obligated to furnish upon request of said City, all such data, to be collected in each instance and at the sole expense of said Village; provided that such annual charge for each such connection shall be the substantial equivalent of the amount charged through taxation to properties of s ilar val ill located within the limits of said City, but in no event 1 ss than Six Dollars ($6.00) per year, and shall be subjedt to adjustor nt from time to time by the Council of said City. 1 • i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzirtelli —l.Il Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 miepo 8 i Original to City Clerk 17 )414 AP W ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. "� 2- PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. 1 0(g g—q i That said Village of Falcon Heights, as part of its o ligations hereunder, shall pay to the City of Saint Paul, in additio to the aforesaid annual charges, annual sewer rental charges repr senting in each instance twice the amount of the annual sewer rental arge for similar service applicable to property within said City, computed, assessed, and levied at the rates and upon the bases of the following schedule of annual sewer rental charges according to the Li e of the water service meter installed and operated or determined as required to be installed and operated for each separate property which hall be connected with said public sewer system of said Village, to wit: Water Service Meter Size Annual Sewer Rental Charge 5/8" $ 8.00 3/4" 10.00 1" 18.00 1 .1/4" 24.00 . 1 1/2" 36.00 2" 84.00 3" 180.00 1 4" I 432.00 6" .840.00 8" 1,440.00 10" 2,040.00 12" 2,808.00 That said scheduled rates of annual sewer rental charge shall be subject to adjustment frcfu time to time by the Council of said City, so that the same, in respect to each scheduled rate, shall represent twice the equivalent of the rate of annual sewer rental charge applicable to property equipped with water service meter of corresponding size and located within said City. • That in each case where property shall be connected with said 1 Village public sewer system and shall not be equipped with water service meter, the applicable annual sewer rental charge shal be computed on an equitable basis so that the same shall be camp cable to the annual sewer rental charge applicable to other propert* where comparable sewer service circumstances and conditions exist. That where property shall be connected with said Village public sewer system and shall be served by private water supply and ahall not be equipped with water service meter, the applicable annual sewer rental charge hereunder shall represent the equivalent of that herein. above scheduled and made applicable to property connected with said Village public sewer system and equipped with water service me er of the size of that which would be reasonably required to meter t e dis- charge from the appurtenant private water supply pump as dete ined, on bases of relevant factors of reasonable capacity of such re aired Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Favor Mortinson Peterson gainst Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: 1 Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 COMP 8 1 • Original to City Clerk . ORDINANCE 1701 COUNCIL FILE NO. 4-746-71- PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. t O A water service meter and reasonable capacity of such private water supply pump at pressure of 40 pounds per square inch, according to the following .governing and prescribed schedule therefor, to wit: Private Pump Capacity Required Water Applicable Schedules Gallons Per Minute Service Meter Annual Sewer Size Rental Charge 0.10 5/8" $ 8.00 11-30 3/4" 110.00 31-50 1" 18.00 51-75 1 1/4" 24.00 76-100 1 1/2" 86.00 101-160 2" 84.00 161-300 3" 180.00 301-500 4" 432.00 501-1000 6" 840.00 1001-1600 8" 1,440.00 1601-2300 10" 2,840.00 2301-3100 12" 2,808.00 That such schedule shall be deemed conclusively reflective of the employment of the aforesaid relevant factors and controlling 'for all purposes of its prescription hereunder. 1 That in no such instance shall the determined and employed applicable annual sewer rental charge represent less than that hereinabove scheduled and made applicable to property which shall be connected with said Village public sewer system and equipped with a 5/8" size water service meter. • That said Village of Falcon Heights, as part of its obl .gations hereunder, shall, at its own cost and expense, after the con ection of said public sewer systems hereunder, collect and ecmpile all requisite data therefor and deliver its written certification, from time to time, unto said City of Saint Paul, as to the reasonable capacity of each such prifate water supply pump at pressure of 40 pounds per square inch. That the first such certification shall be made and delivered by said Village to said City within 60 days next after such connection of said public sewer systems and subsequent certifications for imilar purpose shall be made and delivered by said Village to said pity , as shall be required to the end that the latter shall be advised currently in the premises. That in respect of property which shall be connected with said Village public sewer system for the discharge and disposal of indus- trial sewage watte, additional to aforesaid applicable annual sewer rental charge, and additional to all other applicable charge hereunder, said City hereby reserves the right to impose such supplemen al sewage volume rate charge, for payment by said Village, as the Coun it of said City shall determine as reasonable and warranted and shall . escribe for payment by said Village to said City. Yeas Councilmen lays Passed by the Cou cil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: • City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 c®o 8 k3 Original to City Clerk ( `�• ORDINANCE , a COUNCIL PILE NO. r 072— PRESENTED BY lli ORDINANCE NO. li, 0422—Ci That said Village of Falcon Heights, as part of its obligations hereunder, not later than the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder, shall, at its own cost and expense, construct and complete a suitable sewage meter chamber and furnish and install therein and thereafter maintain a suitable sewage meter equipped with efficient remote registering and recording mechanism for the constant land accurate measuring, registering and recording of the volume of sewage as the same shall be discharged from said Village public sewer system into said City public sewer system hereunder, at the site to be provided therefor adjacent to the aforesaid Hoyt and Hamline intersection connection of said public sewer systems hereunder, by said City, in accor ance with the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared and fu ished by or in behalf of said City, and under the supervision and s ject to the approval of the Chief Engineer and Commissioner of Public Wdrks of said City. That the volume of sewage as the same shall be discharged from said Village public sewer system into said City public sewer system here- under shall be constantly and accurately measured, registered and recorded by an installed, maintained and operated sewer meter of the :;typo herein- above described or equivalent, at the aforesaid site; that Weekly readings of such registered and recorded sewage volume discharged shall be made by said City for the accurate determination of such sewage volume discharged for each quarterly billing period; that in each case, such quarterly sewage volume discharged, as so determined, shall be computed at the volumetric rate of 7.5 cents per 100 cubic feet and should such computation for any quarterly period represent an amount in excess of the aggregate amount otherwise provided to be billed hereunder, for such quarterly period, on account of aforesaid annual charges, aforesaid annual sewer rental charges, and aforesaid supplemental industrial waste charges, by sai4 City to said Village, then in such event, for such quarterly period in r spect whereof the same would represent the greater charge to be billed, the charge here- under to be made and billed by said City and paid by said Village shall be that to be computed on such volumetric rate bases, in lieu of other charges. i That said Village of Falcon Heights, in addition to al other charges and as part of its obligations hereunder, shall pay to the ity of Saint . Paul, on or before September 1, 1957, the sum of $88,000.00 as and for the .share of the cost hereby apportioned to and provided to be me by said Village for the construction by said City of a necessary st rm and surface water sewer system for the storm and surface water drainage of the area of said Village and that portion of the area of said City boun ed on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the East by Chelsea Avenue, on the S uth and East by Lake Ccmo and extending south of Larpenteur and Hoyt Age ues and said Village shall pay such further sum to said City as shall re resent its proportionate share of the costal installation by said City of any necessary regulating works at Lake Casio, in connection with such sto and surface water drainage for the regulation of the flow thereof and the maintenance of proper levels of said lake, computed and determined on ses of the several areas contributing the subject stone and surface wa er drainage by comparison with the aggregate of all areas drained. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou cil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinsan Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-66 aterio H •• I • Original to City Clerk • ORDINANCE 7 11 COUNCIL FILE NO. 116872 fA PRESENTED BY Frs'nk D_ Marzi tells ORDINANCE NO. tt ' That said Village of Falcon Heights, in addition to all Other charges and as part of its obligations hereunder, shall, at its own cost and expense, and by appropriate engineering methods, provide therefor and Continuously divert all storm and surface water from the area within its Village limits lying north of Larpenteur Avenueeasterly into the Ramsey County Pit ) which lies north of Larpenteur Avenue and east of Hamline Avenue That said Village of Falcon Heights, as part of its obligations here- under, shall, at its own cost and expense and by appropriate engineering methods, properly maintain the existing drainage pit east of Snelling Avenue (o o and approximatel feet north of Hoyt Avenue and thereat install, maintain, and operate a suitable pumping station therefor, and thereby p, into said r joint storm and surface water sewer a cumu a ng s arm and surface waters a each offpeak period. . 1 Section 3. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall not permit any connections to be made to its said public sewer system in respect to any property lying beyond the limits of said Village, and that no connection other than that hereinabove expressly permitted and authorizejd, shall be made between s aid Village public sewer system and said City public sewer system, without further express authorization therefor by they Council of the City of Saint Paul. That said Village of Falcon Heights public sewer system,1 as the same shall be connected with said City of Saint Paul public sewerisystem, here.. under, shall carry only sanitary sewage flow limited to dameatic and indus.. trial wastes from houses and other structures exclusive of roof, storm, or ground water drainage. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall, by its governing body, enact and otherwise enforce proper ordinances as may be suggested by the Council of the City of Saint Paul and conformable to law, for the regulation of the construction, use and maintenancd of public sewers and house sewer connections thereto within said Village limits, and, whenever any house sewer connection to said Village public sewer system is proposed for industrial is purposes or other purpose,, which will be calculated to cause a discharge of an unusual amount or character of sewage into said Village lic sewer system, no permit therefor shall be granted unless and until the granting of the same shall be approved by resolution of the Council of to City of Saint Paul. Section 4. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall be obliged to save said City of Saint Paul harmless from any damage, cost or expense, and fully indemnify said City of Saint Paul against any and all liability sustained by reason of the connecting or the maintenance of khe connections hereunder between said public sewer systems or by reason of any damage, cost, expense, or loss that may b e sustained by said Villager, its inhab- itants, or any other person or persons connected with the use of said Village public sewer system, or by reason of the diversion into said Village public sewer system of roof water or storm water drainage. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marziitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 006/0 8 • • Original to City Clerk - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 1/8-072— PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. \ g1 Section 5. That said City of Saint Paul shall have the right at all reasonable times and by the exercise of all reasonable procedures and facilities to inspect, explore, and survey all or any part of said Village public sewer system as the same shall exist at the tiMe of the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder, and as the same shall be thereafter extended or otherwise altered, together with a4 house drain and other connections thereto then existing or thereafter constructed for the purpose, among other things, of determining whether or not the s me conform to requirements established by competent public authority and applicable to comparable sewers and sewer connections within the corporate limits of said City, and that in each case where it is so found that any such Village sewers or sewer connections lack such onfoxmity, said Village shall take appropriate action to the end of eff cting the elimination of all sudh nonconformities and full compliance with all requirements established by competent public authority and applicable to comparable sewers and sewer connections within the corporate limits of said City. Section 6. That said Village of Falcon Heights as condition pre- cedent to its right to extend or enlarge its public sewer system as the same shall exist at the time of the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder, shall submit complete plans and specifications therefor to the Council of said City of Saint Paul and obtain the approval thereof and of such plans and specifications therefor by said City Council. That in each such instance the determination of said City Council shall be evidenced by its Resolution. . . Section 7. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall be obligated to save said City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, osts, expense, and liability on account of any failure of said Village pub is sewer system properly to serve for the purposes hereinbefore desi ated any property located within the limits of s aid Village, and/or reason of any injury occasioned by alleged inadequacy of said Village; sewer system or connection therewith; and said Village shall be obligated to fully indemnify said City against liability on account of any action, claim or demand for the recovery of damages, costs, or expense by an* party against said City in every such case. Sedtion 8. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall be obligated to compile and maintain, as part of its public records, at all times available to the City of Saint Paul, a complete, accurate and current system of records showing the location and size of its said public sewer system as the same shall exist at the time of the connection of said public_sewer systems hereunder-and as the same shall thereafter be ex.. tended or otherwise altered and showing the location, sizeland nature of each house sewer or other sewer service connection and water service meter or private water supply system connected therewith existing at the time of the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder and there. after constructed and maintained; and that said Village shall be obligated, among other things, to draft, compile and maintain as part' of its public records, at all times available to said City, a map showin the location, siz and nature of construction of its said public sewer s stem and all Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co cil DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli n Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 eloWee 8 I • Original to city Clerk - • ORDINANCE941 COUNCIL FIDE NO. PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANgE NO. 1 i house sewer and all other sewer service connections therewith, together with a complete and accurate listing of all such house sewerfor other sewer service connections and water service meters or private water supply system pertinent thereto, stating the location, sick nature of construction and character of the same, both accurately and completely reflective of such facts, at all times hereunder; and that said Village shall within 60 days after the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder furnish a certified counterpart of said map and a certified counterpart of said listingto said City's Commissioner of P lic Works. That said Village quarterly thereafter as of January 1, Apri 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year, and within fifteen (15) days aft r each respective date, shall compile and draft supplemental maps and listings showing the then current situation and containing comparable data per- taining to its said public sewer system and all house sewer and other sewer service connections and water service meters or private water supply system therewith, and the date of each theretofore unreported extension, addition, or alteration in respect to said public sewer system and such service connections therewith, and thereuponchliver the same to said Commissioner of Public Works. Section 9. That cceabined billings of said annual charges, annual sewer rental charges, and extra sewage disposal service charges, as the same shall be applicable, shall be made quarterly by said C ty through its Commissioner of Public Works, to said Village, based up n the aforesaid information required hereunder, to be furnished said Village to said City, pertaining to said Village public sewer system and such connections therewith, and such verification thereof or additional data germane thereto as said City shall elect to make and may obtain upon investigation. That such combined quarterly billings shall .be made for the preceding quarterly period in each case as of January lj April, July and October 1 of each year, as applicable hereto, and shall'beccme pay.. able and be paid by said Village of Falcon Heights to the Cammissioner of Finance of said City of Saint Paul, hereby charged with the collection of the same for and in behalf of said City of Saint Paul, respectively within thirty (30) days next after the billing date. That time of pal.- invent shall be deemed of the essence in respect of all billi lgs by said City to said Village hereunder; that every such billing shall become and be payable within thirty (30) days next after the billing date; that each such billing which shall not be paid by said Village within said thirty day period shall became and remain the subject of delinquency on the part of said Village until fully paid with interest attaching thereto as hereinafter provided; and that every billing which shalljbecalae and remain the subject of delinquency in reference to payment by said Village shall bear interest at the rate of 61 per annum to the extent and for the • period of subject delinquency and which interest shall bec a and be pay. able, in each such case, in addition to the principal of the subject billing by said Village to said City hereunder. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Con4ncil DeCourcy Holland Marzirtelli Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 06,0,8 Original to City Clerk - ORDINANCE A P414 COUNCIL Fl4E NO. 14 = PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. l a p A'1 Section 10. That this ordinance, every permission and authority hereby granted, and every agreement between s aid City and said Village germane thereto or resultant therefrom shall be subject to all pro- visions. of this ordinance and all applicable rules, regulations, and requirements prescribed and promulgated by the State Board o Health of the State of Minnesota, or by any other State or Federal overnmental agency having cognizance, and shall be deemed further subjec to all applicable ordinances and laws of municipal, state, and governmental X authorities, except for any inconsistent rule, regulation, or ordinance of said Village of Falcon Heights. That said City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the absolute right to repeal this ordinance and to revoke and terminate every contractual relationship hereby established or provided to be established between said City and said Village, and every permission and authority hereby granted by said City to said Village, because of any default, neglect, nonconformance or noncompliance) by said Village in respect to any pro- visions, term, condition, or requirement hereof deemed sufficient grounds for such action by the Council of said City. That any such repeal, revocation, or termination pursuant to such reserved power by said City of Saint Paul shall be in the form of an ordinance duly enacted by its said City Council and by the service of a certified copy of such ordinance upon said Village of Falcon Heights by or in behalf of said City of S&int Paul in the manner which shall be provided for such action under such repealing, revoking, or terminating ordinance. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall, by the adoption and employment of suitable methods, effect minimum acceptable standards as to the amount of infiltration of surface and ground waters in respect ': to its aforesaid public sewer system. That said Village of ralcon Heights shall adopt and employ effective measures to the end that no rain water leader from any house or other structure, no storm water or surface drainage inlet, no foundation drain or air conditioning water outlet shall be connected in any manner with or discharge water into its said public sewer system and that said Village of Falcon Heights shall at no time permit any house sewer or other type of sewer service connection from any point outside of its village limits to any part of its said public sewer system at any time while any permission or authority hereby granted or provided to be granted shallle operative. Section 11. That said Village of Falcon Heights shall ipass an ordinance formally accepting and agreeing to abide by all of the provisions, terms, and conditions of this ordinance in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, and shall file a duly certified copy of such ordinance with the City Clerk and the City Comptroller of said City of Saint Paul within sixty (60) days from and after the effective date of this ordinance, and if at the end of such sixty-day period said Vi&lace of Falcon Heights shall not have formally accepted and agreed to abide by the provisions, terms, and conditions of this ordinance in the orm and manner aforesaid, then all permission and authority hereby granted or provided to be granted by said City of Saint Paul to said Village of Fa con Heights to Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou ciI DeCourcy Holland . Marzirtelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 oappa 8 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 11 COUNCIL FILE NO. 14 z-- PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. 0 W ° 1 construct, connect, maintain, or operate said connection between said public sewer systems or for any purpose whatsoever shall absolutely terminate. Section 12. That in addition to all other reservations hereinabove in favor of said City of Saint Paul and without qualifying, limiting or impairing the same or any thereof, said City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right, exercisable not oftener than once in each calendar year, through its City Council to institute and conduct, either upon its own initiative or upon petition of said Village of Falcon Heights, such investigations as said City Council shall deem necessary and expedient in the premises, and thereupon determine the reasonableness of the aforesaid rates of charges or that of any of the same and revise, alter or change such rates of charges or any of the same, as whall be required so that the same shall conform to those which said City Council shall determine and prescribe as reasonable and applicable. That each such determination, revision, alteration or change affecting such rates of charges or any thereof shall be effected by resolution of said City Council adopted by affirmative vote of majority of its members at a regular public meeting and approval and publication thereof, in each case, according to the provisions of the City Charter of said City of Saint Paul applicable generally to the adoption, approval and publication of resolutions of said City Council. Section 13. That in the event of any default by said Village here- under, by reason whereof, according to pertinent provisions of Section 10 hereof, said City would have an absolute right to repeal this ordinance and terminate all contractual relationships, permissions and authorizations effected hereunder, despite any contrary provision of this Ordinance, said absolute right shall not become exercisable by said City until said City shall have given written notice of such default to said Village and the elapse of 60 days after the giving of said notice without said Village having made good such default. Section 14. That despite anything hereinabove to the contrary, i each case, where real property located in said Village has been connected immediately with an abutting or adjoining public sewer of said City of Saint Paul or with an extension of any such public sewer under the control of said City, for sewage drainage purposes, under authority theretofore granted therefor by any resolution of the Council or by any ordinance, of said City, for and during the operative period of such authority, the pro- visions, terms and conditions of the authorizing resolution for ordinance shall govern and apply in respect of charges, fees, rates and advance as- sessments, payable and to become payable on such account, td said City, in lieu of any otherwise applicable and comparable provisions, terms or conditions of this ordinance. That no additional sewer connection sha d hereafter be installed for the direct connection of any parcel of real p operty injsaid Village with any abutting or adjoining public sewer of said City of Saint Paul or with any extension of any such public sewer control ed by said City, for sewage drainage purposes, except upon bases comparable o the charges, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou cii DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli f Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 offepo 8 Original to City City C • l � 1'* ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. $ — PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli ORDINANCE NO. ) s ot fees, rates and advance assessments prescribed as applicable to such outside City connections by City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 8831, approved October 24, 1946, as amended, and by authority of a separate ordinance of the City of Saint Paul refledting the same. Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be ih force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Approved as to form - L. P. Sheahan, Special Assistant Corporation Counsel Yeas Cnc cmen Nays Passed by the Council, _firs, 14 1956 ouy Osa;cm....1.1 olland arzitelli n Favor Mortins Petersvr • gainst \ Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) `, • Approved: SEP 4 a Att I • City Clerk 1 Mayor 8 PI BLIS ri . .ti . a l August 17, 1956 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madame On November 1, 1955 the City Council referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and to the Technical Committee a request of the Village of Falcon Heights for permission to connect their proposed sewer system to the St. Paul system together with certain plans pertaining to the matter prepared by their con- suiting engineers. This matter has been studied by engineers of the Public Works Depertaent in collaboration with the consulting engineers for Falcon Heights, and a report outlining a practical method of procedure has been submitted to the Technical Committee by Mr. Shepard. The studies which have been made. indicate that St. Paul sewers inthat vicinity have sufficient capacity to care for the domestic and commercial Sanitary drain- age of Falcon Heights providing separate means are furnished to care for storm water disposal. To accomplish this it is proposed that Falcon Heights divert all surface drainage from the area north of Larpenteur into the county pit north of Larpenteur and east of Hamlin. Storm drainage south of Larpenteur would be disposed of through the proposed storm sewer emptying into Lake Como, the cost of this sewer to be divided between St. Paul and Falcon Heights on the basis of relative volumes of drainage. The estimated total cost of this sewer, amounting to $190,000, on this basis would be allocated with $889000 borne by Falcon Heights and $102,000 by the City of St. Paul. Should regulating_ works be -- •�. ,., •1 Lake Como this ad. anal cost wo;.d ,..C711._., c .,, ., .J•:• basis. s .< -tood that Falcon Hei•hts would main : n .I_ ./..v sent .. ,. 1.10C •i - . ,t of Sne, — V.! :_1• two blocks nor of Hoyt and install a . station to prow off ak i and -re• ,,f, - ,rT T r; 0 flow •m a. s area. The • inci.al ••int of V, .4 . ,. Al .} : . woul• • . at • t and Snelling with a met- s } t;tailed . F: con Het... '. . ..rties alo • ne . .n. . - • t v: : ,rinci.al would . se -• . . c y .4 the St. *au: s stem. I,_= •'-neral c. .. it', • '_f:• V - , ; :•: • :con $ , r .: .1;L1- ,t '�' 2 _}.` : . * _ and Roseville agreements. The Technical Committee recommends approval of the arrangement for service con- tained in Mr. Shepardes report as outlined above including the suggestion that, if permission is granted, financial arrangseeants be made for the Construction 4 .\ r: 1 j r \ :. , i /11,101, , . 4' ,- • 4 ^ Mayor & City Council -2r August 17, 1956 of the storm sewer at the same time as the financing of the sanitary sewer, in- asmuch as prior sewer work cox ittments of the Public Works Department would in- volve a delay in the project until 1958. Respectfully submitted, TECHNICAL COMMITTEE /'Leonard C. Sewers, Cha ,. ation & Ass s: , -nt Engineer Edwin F. Joj; :, Secretary Utilities E .er ( 5he� pard ''--- *Pe'--4 //C'ity gineer /I / Vii , !hn J. Faricy hief Accountant, Office of Comptroller !;7 Le nerd N. Thompp 14: 7.-c--cq Manager r Water impartment . C----AMA111-404* Ca: , i. Harbert Directo , Bureau •;4P- nicipel Research �i/ , / / Ali H. Schroeder ,tr2tect Marshall F. Barley Corporation Counsel EFJ:$w Comsr. ,_ moves that C. F. No. 179414 be amended in the following particulars: 1. By striking therefrom the word "and" where the same appears immediately after the word "Avenue" and immediately before the word "easterly" in the 2nd paragraph above Section 3. 2. By changing the figures "800" to "500" and by inserting the words "when necessary" after the words "pumping station" in the 1st paragraph above Section 3. i ;0 • Is 4> 0 2nd Laid over to / 3rd and app Adopt 4L _ Yeas Nays Yeas ays i cy DeCo y Holland ,/�olland arzitelli /Marzitelli 1 Mor ' son 7_ Mortinson /r oxen Rosen /14Ir. President Dillon lid&Iii4Ppoliktiat ,efigsfirr g-e,_.t. cam_,.6 U . Adopted by the Coun&il 195_ Yeas Nays DeCO Y HOLLAND .-4ARZITELLI MORT SON P/ ETERSON PRESIDENT (DILLON) / 4/14-11---Y