179403 Odeii.l to City Clerk! COUtleil me 14. 1 • t . 38020 BY re D. `'"` ORDIN J :; ;mot . , -; - - ipilip PRESENTED BY , A -4..41 C ORDINANCE.NO.Jog °Z An ordinance granting permission to J. W. AJ.lie to connect his home at 842 Charlton Avenue, West St. Paul, to the sewer system of the City of Saint Paul for the disposal of sanitary sewge, and regulating the conditions thereof. Thia is an emergency ordinance rendered necessar for the preservation of the public peace, healti and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY of SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission is hereby given to J. W. Allie to connect his home at 842 Charlton Avenue, We t St. Paul, with the existing sewer of the City of Saint Paul, upon the following conditions : 1. Said permittee or his successors in interest in respect to said real estate shall pay to /, the City of Saint Paul a lump sum adva ce assessment of $500.00, said amount bei g agreed upon due to the irregular shape of said property line, and said sum being in lieu of special assessments and taxes, Iand upon pay- ment of said sum, said permittee or hi successors in interest shall be given a permit to construct an extension to the saint Paul Sewer Sistem. 2. Permittee or his successors shall, within 90 days from the passage of this ordinanc , file a written acceptance thereof, specific ily agreeing to all the provisions, terms nd con- ---:.1. ditions herein, and upon compliance th rewith the Commissioner of Public Works is he eby authorized to issue a permit for said ewer r extension, subject expressly to the provisions of this ordinance and Ordinance No. 8831, as amended,? Sections 6 through 14. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be au emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. SEP 1 3 1956 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland 6 Marzirtelli In Favor ((.2 Mortinson ir Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) sEp 1 3 19 Appro =& " Attes 9 ,,t '( ' .... / i i / City Clerk ayor 1,, 6-56 4610.8 PUBLI 1 .; ' .•.-: , .,L , ,.-,- Li, . : L;.."..,,,'' ,,.. . • -• L.. •s...-.1..,,,,.. ... ..,„..k.',D01ll .kt.,,.t.0 Printer'.,. ',t,: • -4•- ''':i...ik.,,„;F.:, • - :1::..- ..- ' . ,,A,P...g.4,rj., _ ::-. • . .,...., . .,,...,. -.'•-; ,`.., -' . ;': 2. f ,-." , '. . .. -j?,1:,•':',4,,., .-',,..: - \ ' ::1--,'';` "' i? .•:-. 3 ., :. ,,,:. ....---4;, r:-.-H., , ,--.--i, .1. : ' r,, i , ‘ti r- i',--. I) Ei.',1'-- '.:::--"?.----:•.) ,.'-' ',. ' -,' . -;... =• ' L'_.---;r,--'.... 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