179289 QOrieinsl to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEUNCIL N©. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7i)289 %UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ► _ A, DATF August 20, 1956 COMMISSIONE' ��p���j ' ♦ �� RESOLVED, That the Purchasi _ Ag '"t be and he is hereby authorised with the consent of the Comptroller to Purchase 'rem GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 12 Rotor Units, 20 - 120 V Coils, 200 Camas #4865571 P13, 100 Came #9462281 P1 at a cost of $224.00 without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of ply and no advantage could be gained thereby, mitt I'l,retatett.74 the Charge: Traffic Signals 7-C4 o 3 120 V Coils, 200 Ca >'!1d`k` 100 Calms 1 P1•: a .. r.. .06 without advertiteme. or competitive bids as this is the b. source of st*R -1 arm!and.na advantage could be gained ithe Charge-Traffic S ,.is ry-+OL Adopted by the 11 Angina 51; 1956. Approved August 21 1956. (August 1955) it O \ • C: ok411 • AUG 211 ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays ele 11315111012 Ammo 2114 IERZINUM DeSourc� Approved 195_ Holland � Marzitelli n Favor / A _ Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon SM 6-55 041,602